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Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 07, 2004, 01:10 PM:
heard a pack of coyotes making whines and yelps and distress cries? I hadn't until this morning.
I got out in the desert before light. Parked the Bronco off the two track in a small wash and walked 125 yards up into some elevated rocks. Set-up the camera ,fiddled with the controls for a minute, scanned the entire area for anything that looks like a critter as I always do before calling. Helps to spot them when they do pop up. Made mental notes of three objects that could catch my eye later, and howled. The object I noticed on a bare patch 75 yards to my left moved so I panned the camera on it and hit zoom and found myself looking at a coyote that was bedded down. I had parked the truck 75 yards from it, walked within 50 yards of it and set up 75 yards from it without it spooking. After I howled it stood up and streeeeetched and then sat down and watched me. I howled a couple of times and then went into distress. A group of coyotes a hundred yards or so from this one opened up with a group yip-howl and another group a half mile to my right and another about the same distance behind me. When the packs began howling this one stood up and looked in their direction and it looked like he wanted to answer , it even raised it's head and laid the ears back at one point, but it never did howl. After a minute or so of listening it trotted off in the direction of the nearest group. I did some more howling and calling for a while, brought some in from the right and dinked with them for a while. After all had been quiet for a while a coyote began whining from the area of the nearest group. The whines became low intensity yelps and ki-yis. No panic in the sounds and a few seconds between them. I thought maybe a coyote had been trapped. Then all the coyotes that had been yip-howling from that area which was only 100 plus yards from me began whining and ki-yi-ing also at least four of them. Classic canine distress as a group vocalization? I never heard of such a thing. I walked down there to see what I could see [Smile] . Nothing. They moved out ahead of me under cover. No traps, no injured coyotes. Just silence. Anyone ever hear this?
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 07, 2004, 01:58 PM:
Rich Higgins,
If that first coyote was dumb enough to walk boldly in to a group of strangers, I could understand hearing some yelps of pain out of HIM. The second group mixing coyote distress in with their other yips and yowls is a strange one. I have never had the pleasure of hearing that particular seranade. Interesting.
Posted by WhiteMtnCur (Member # 5) on August 07, 2004, 04:21 PM:
The one time I've heard the sound you describe (or at least pretty close) was when I was sitting on a ridge listening for coyotes one night in November a couple years ago. I had several traps out on a family group on the north side of the ridge, and was listening if I could hear howls on the south side to set up more equipment. After I was up there for a while I heard loud "ki-yi's" from the north side of the ridge. It quickly turned into several coyotes yipping, frantically howling, etc. It mellowed into yelps and barks and then seemed quiet. Next day I had three coyotes in those traps.
Posted by keekee (Member # 367) on August 08, 2004, 07:56 PM:
Cant say that I have ever heard that either.Very diffrent. Whats your take on what happend Rich H?

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 08, 2004, 08:07 PM:
Kee, I don't have any idea what so ever. I get a headache thinking about it. lol
I've never heard anything like it and I've never read or heard anything about it. A mystery to me.
Posted by Brad Norman (Member # 234) on August 09, 2004, 02:24 PM:
Rich Higgins,
I had the exact same thing happen to me. It was late February I believe. I could not figure out what was going on for the life of me. I spoke to Cal about it and he said he had never heard what I was describing before. What I heard almost sounded like a couple of coyotes getting whipped up on be several others. I wish I would have had a recorder.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 09, 2004, 02:45 PM:
Rich, I've heard that sound. My coyotes would make that whiney-yipping sound when I went out to them when I got home from work. When all six of them were doing it at the same time, it was pretty noisy. It's a greeting to a dominate dog. I'm not sure if that's exactly what you heard, but that's the only thing I'm familiar with that sounds similar. The neighbor would yell at me, "What'er ya doin, beatin them dogs?" But they were just glad to see me, that's all.

[ August 09, 2004, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 09, 2004, 03:23 PM:
EP, I deleted your post and suspended your posting privileges. Sorry. LB
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on August 09, 2004, 05:03 PM:
My only response, Is this is part of what makes hunting these critters so fantastic.

Would have loved to been there with you Rich.

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 09, 2004, 07:29 PM:
Tom, is the sound you're talking about different from the normal greeting song or oo-waa-oo as Austin and Lehner coined it? Because this was different than the greeting vocalizations I've heard. Of course there could be several variations of it that I haven't heard. Kinda like the threat bark-howls or challenge howls. I've heard lazy, half-ass barks followed by something or another that sounded like it was a real effort to produce, to an hysterical squall that sounded like a calf being tortured.

Ronnie, I got the audio on my camera. It needs a boost but I can hear it.

[ August 09, 2004, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: Rich Higgins ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 09, 2004, 09:56 PM:
Yeah, must be nice? The exciting part, for me will be when I get my new hearing aids, in about ten days. The jazzy ones that go completely inside the ear; like what my buddy Slick Willy Clinton uses.

Then maybe, I will know what you guys are talking about? I've probably been there plenty times, just couldn't figure out what was being said by Mr. coyote, because I'm damn near deaf!

I've ignored the problem for so long, and the tech said my wife must be a very patient person. (which she is) Now that I took the first (long overdue) step, I can't wait!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by keekee (Member # 367) on August 10, 2004, 12:01 AM:

Can you convert that audio? And post a link? I would like to hear it.

Cant say that I have ever hear them do that. I have heard them fight several times. They sure can make some noise. Me and my hunting partner were set up last year in a new area. And had some get in a big fight just out of sight from us, must have been right on overlaping areas. It was awsome sound. Only one coyote responded after the hole deal went down and it was a big male. But it sounded like there were 4-5 or more in that pine thicket. I would of loved to had some audio of that, and would of realy loved to be able to see it!


[ August 10, 2004, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: keekee ]
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 10, 2004, 04:47 AM:
Rich, it was closer to hysterical squalling than anything else you mentioned. They would get all arched up and folded in half. When I got in the yard with them they'ed go nuts. Nipping at my legs, rolling on their backs and peeing all over themselves. When I'd single one out for attention (usually Honey, the Alpha), the others would nip at and fawn over her too. This greeting only lasted a minute or so, but it was loud.

In the later years, when I started breaking the pack up, it became more controlled or maybe mature. That's when I started hearing the ooo-wah-wah sound. Especially when there was just one coyote greeting me.

[ August 10, 2004, 04:54 AM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 10, 2004, 07:14 AM:
Tom, after reading your posts and listening to the audio again I think you're probably on it and it was a greeting that was just new to me. I was thrown off by the facts that they had already assembled and had already yip-howled and the sounds were obviously (to me) distress. The coyote that left and joined them was in no way an alpha, so I don't believe they were greeting it. I do believe that it could have greeted the alphas and that is what initiated the vocalizations. However the sounds were produced by adults as well as yoy and they emanated from a guesstimated 50 yard circle rather from the same place. Your guess is the only thing that makes sense.
Posted by RanUtah (Member # 18) on August 10, 2004, 04:41 PM:
What?? Did Leonard say something? [Big Grin]

I'vee heard puppies but never adult coyotes like. I suppose anythings possible.
Posted by Bofire (Member # 221) on August 11, 2004, 06:20 PM:
I don't know if it is the same sound but I was camping in Oregon a few yeas ago and during the night I heard a group of Coyotes.
It was an incredible cacaphony of yips barks half howls, very loud and very cose to us. My boys were about 10 and 7 at the time. We were all fasinated by the sound. We thought they were running something but I don't know.
It sounded like there were 10 or 12 but prolly 3-5.???

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