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Posted by tiller (Member # 571) on February 15, 2005, 04:48 PM:
Just curious as to how many hunters persue coyotes 100 miles or more away from home. Do you camp? Motel? I realize it's tough to scout from a distance and gas aint cheap so how do you pick an area? How far would you drive to hunt in prime coyote country? I feel fortunate to have a friend that lives in excellent coyote country and am willing to drive the 300 miles one way, it's sure funny how he just shows up at my place during the elk rut.
Posted by nd coyote killer (Member # 40) on February 15, 2005, 04:59 PM:
I do a ten nine hour one way trip every year for an annual hunt and drove 16 hours to Rawlins for Nationals. No distance is too great to shoot coyotes and have that much fun it should probably be outlawed. [Big Grin] I usually drive around four hours for a weekend hunt.
Posted by Predator Down (Member # 453) on February 15, 2005, 05:16 PM:
I have logged over 80 hours of driving this season and that is only on the trips that are 100 or miles one way. If i put down the times i have here just around the area i live than there is notelling how many hours i have spent driving to just kill coyotes.
Posted by UTcaller (Member # 8) on February 15, 2005, 05:53 PM:
Oh,the miles I have put on trucks over the last 18 years of calling.Anymore, That is mostly how I hunt coyotes.Driving 300+ miles is the norm anymore. I try to get to areas that have high concetrations of coyotes,rather than hunting alot of hard hit areas where the calling tends to be alot tougher.FWIW GOOD HUNTING C.O
Posted by Doggitter (Member # 489) on February 15, 2005, 06:12 PM:
My prefered areas are the far side of 200 miles away. It's bothersome that I have to drive that far but I don't really think about because of the plus side. The eastern side of our state is pretty well covered in coyote country so finding a decent spot is a lot easier than picking a decent spot. Its a very welcome change from getting out of treehuggerville. I always feel very refreshed after spending time on the east side.
Posted by GUTPILE (Member # 448) on February 15, 2005, 06:45 PM:
I drive all over hell lookin'. Motels, yes. Gotta get 'em no matter what !
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on February 15, 2005, 07:01 PM:
I'm more of a homebody. I may drive a hundred miles one way to hunt, but I almost always come back home each night. Sunday was an average day for me, and I put over 200 miles on the truck.
Posted by onecoyote (Member # 129) on February 15, 2005, 07:24 PM:
How many miles would I go to go predator hunting? [Roll Eyes] Do I stay in a motel? [Confused] I don't think you'd believe what I'd have to say, so you need to ask someone that's done the same thing....Leonard?
Posted by keekee (Member # 465) on February 15, 2005, 08:26 PM:
I drive alot, every weekend somewere lord only knows how many miles I put on a truck a year! I been known to take off on friday night and drive 8 hrs hunt two days drive home and go to work!

Just a couple weeks ago I drove 6 hrs hunted two days and drove home. I will make a two hr drive to hunt one day and drive home, I do this all the time.

I will fly, Drive, Ride, whatever! I went out to Az this year for 8 days to predator hunt. I hope to make two trips next year out there. And anywere else I can get in during the season!

Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on February 16, 2005, 02:36 AM:
I spend a lot of time on the road so I can hunt predators with variuos friends around the state/country. On an average weekend I will drive 500 miles but on a four-day weekend I often exceed 1000. I do a few long hauls each year, Wyoming, Texas and Tennessee which rack up some serious miles. Because I am usually hunting with friends I sleep on their couch and return the favor when they visit my place... if no couch is available I have a $35,000 hotel that I drive everywhere I go. I learned the comfort of that truck last summer when I used it to get me through race weekends out of town... sure beats $70 a night!
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on February 16, 2005, 05:53 AM:
When I fly to another state, I stay in motels or my hosts home. When I drive long distances, I stay in motels if they are available or in the back of my Bronco, double size airbed fits perfectly. Drove 16 hours each way with Leonard a couple of months ago and I still haven't recovered. Last night I stepped out onto my back porch from my bedroom and called several up to my wall. Mo' better.
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on February 16, 2005, 06:42 AM:
I drive as far as I have to. Sometimes that's pretty far. I might call less than 100 miles from home a couple times early in the year, but that's about it. Otherwise, I'm always further than that. Mostly day trips for me, too, I'm afraid. Not unusual to put more than 500 miles on the truck on a day trip. When I get to spend a night, I sleep out. I do use a tent when it gets really cold or if the weather is bad though. Had one trip last year, we drove in late Fri. night and tossed out our sleeping bags on cots under the stars. Didn't know exactly where we were, so we just picked a spot off the side of the two track, not expecting any traffic. It was cold, down under 10 degrees. But we were too tired to mess with the tent and the ground was too frozen anyway. When we woke up, we had some pretty thick ice on top of our sleeping bags. There must have been some kind of bird hunt or something going on in the area as there were quite a few rigs rolling past as we climbed out, got dressed and stowed our gear. The looks on the faces of some of those guys driving by were hillarious.

Posted by UTcaller (Member # 8) on February 16, 2005, 07:39 AM:
We usually do like DAA,we have a Wall tent that we usually take.If it's real cold we take the stove if it is somewhat mild we don't.We drive to the general area we plan to call in, setup the tent, unload the ATV's and off we go.But like most of you guys I have spent many a cold night curled up in the cab of the truck.Starting it every couple hours to warm up the cab so it's not to uncomfortable.Have done the Motel a few times,if definitely makes it a comfortable trip.Only problem is that alot of times it's out of the way from where we want to be calling.GOOD HUNTING C.O
Posted by keekee (Member # 465) on February 16, 2005, 08:09 AM:
I gess I didnt answer half the

I stay with friends alot or sleep in the truck, tent, cabin, motel what ever is there. I been lucky and had some great friends put me up while im hunting, its hard to beat good friends! And has saved me some money and made trips happen that would not have if they didnt put me up! I been know to sleep in the truck for a few hrs on the side of the road.

Driving sleepy is tough, but I gess I got use to it. Some times I will pull over and get an Hr or two so I can make it home. No a good thing to do I gess but sometime thats how it goes!

Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on February 16, 2005, 08:45 AM:
I typically drive 2-4 hundred on a weekend. I usually head home when it gets dark because day two takes me a different direction. If I stay overnight in a general area, camping is the last resort.

Here's something I usually calculate while on a coyote hunting adventure... I look at the odometer and divide the number of coyotes into it to get:


Anybody else do that?
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on February 16, 2005, 12:11 PM:
Travel......about 2500 miles one way by air.

Types of area I like to hunt. (see below)



The hopeful end result (see below)


As for accomodations, I tend to lean towards the more rustic facilities when I travel. [Big Grin] (see below)

Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on February 16, 2005, 03:06 PM:!!!!

I kind of figured you would recognize the area. Actually I wondered if it was you that left that cigar on the ground by that coyote. [Big Grin] j/k

I will say one thing though. You have some pretty good size coyotes up that way. I am a pretty big guy (6'4" x 240) so the picture doesn't do that coyote justice. But that is a fair sized coyote for CA standards.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on February 17, 2005, 08:51 AM:
Duncan, what part of, "don't bother to reply" did you not understand?

We will miss you. LB
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on February 17, 2005, 09:31 AM:
Nice pictures, great location selections.

I will drive 100 - 500 miles in a weekend... air matress and sleeping bag; Bivy tent / tarp in case it looks like rain.... motel very seldom...
Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on February 20, 2005, 11:27 AM:
1743.6 miles per cat


Picture of a cat I called in for my brother-in-law last Friday at 11.45AM

Posted by Z (Member # 303) on February 20, 2005, 05:35 PM:
I will normally put 400-600 miles on for a one-day or two-day hunt. I will sleep in the back of my Tahoe. You get a lot of rest when it gets dark around 5:30 PM. My wife and kids can't believe I go out to some isolated place where I can't get phone cell reception and sleep in the back of the Tahoe when it gets down to 20 degrees. I love it. It is quiet and peaceful and usually very few people crazy enough to do the same thing. That is the way life is when you hunt predators in Utah.

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