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Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 03, 2005, 07:17 AM:
Anybody still after coyotes?

I've been recouping from ft surgery as of late. But I'll be back after'em here shortly.

Just recently bought an excellent little call from TTebbe. Also ordered one from Cdog911. Looking forward to trying them both out.
Posted by Melvin (Member # 634) on May 03, 2005, 10:01 AM:
Waiting for the pups to get out and start moving around with there parents here in Pa...I'll start around the first of june.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 03, 2005, 10:21 AM:
I know this is a touchy subject. But I'm not into judging folks(especially hunters/trapper's, ect).

The coyotes in my area, are pretty thick. Hard to find @ times, but plenty of them regardless. I'm looking forward in a couple of wks. To head over to a farmer's place. They killed some of his sheep awhile back. I've whacked one of them, so far. Don't know if she was a sheep-killer or not. But was in the wrong place, @ the wrong time.
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 03, 2005, 10:41 AM:
Still after them between turkey hunts here in Indiana. I've been seeing a lot of dogs lately, they're getting predictable in their hunting patterns. As soon as I get my gobbler killed I'll go back to them full time.

I've got more land to cover than one man can hunt and trap in a four month period... I use the summer months for land management hunts on places I can't get too in the winter.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 03, 2005, 10:52 AM:

Good luck!...shoot one for me.
Posted by CBGC (Member # 643) on May 03, 2005, 05:28 PM:
Im still messing with them here in PA. Here is a pict and link to a big male I filmed last saturday.

Sorry about the quality just had the camcorder.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on May 03, 2005, 06:23 PM:
Good video and nice looking coyote. Thanks.
Posted by Lungbuster (Member # 630) on May 03, 2005, 07:47 PM:
CBGC, nice footage.
What part of Pa?
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on May 04, 2005, 12:50 AM:
I tend to leave them alone this time of year out of respect. Toward mid to late summer I scout 'your' areas and hunt with camera and bow. Fall and winter I harvest 'my' areas with gun and traps.
Posted by CBGC (Member # 643) on May 04, 2005, 01:36 AM:
That coyote was filmed in North Central PA, I got about 5 min worth of film. I don’t shoot them this time of year so he is still out there. There is a black one (almost solid black) in that general area I am trying get some picts of, if I do I will post.

[ May 04, 2005, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: CBGC ]
Posted by Melvin (Member # 634) on May 04, 2005, 08:37 AM:
Called my gobbler in and killed it this morning.Almost forgot i was turkey hunting with all the coyote sign in the area.Hope the coyote sign is telling me there is a den near by...Can't wait much longer,my trigger finger got a twitch in it
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 04, 2005, 09:05 AM:
CBGC, COOL! video...

Melvin, I hear ya. Withdrawls= Not good! LOL!
Posted by Lungbuster (Member # 630) on May 04, 2005, 04:41 PM:
Are you the maker of those calls? I went to the website they are some pretty calls.
Posted by CBGC (Member # 643) on May 05, 2005, 03:58 PM:
Yes I make those calls and thanks for the compliment. Working on some new calls that should be out in August that sound pretty good (extra raspy). Starting to experiment with some injection molding for my tone-boards in the howlers and we are progressing but it takes time, can’t eat an elephant in one bite.
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 10, 2005, 04:40 AM:
Killed one Saturday, try to get some pictures later.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 10, 2005, 05:58 AM:

Don't forget the story...As I don't really, have a life, LOL!
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 10, 2005, 10:17 AM:
Okay 2dogs, I know the feeling... there is a certain time of year that I can't get enough reading because I'm not able to get out there and do it myself. Recently I got a promotion that takes some time away from my hunting so I've started reading the websites more frequently... hadn't really been on much since December or so. Here is a story I posted on our Indiana site a couple weeks ago... this will keep you entertained until I get the newest trophy up. LOL

Sorry you won't recognize the names used... they're Indiana guys but it would take a while to rewrite it to make sense and I don't have time.


Saturday was a very cold April day, 36° with heavy cloud cover and high winds. Sawmiller and I were wanting to get some calling in around his pasture so we took the opportunity to call without fighting the heat and bugs.

We met around 4 o'clock at his place and walked in to the first stand. The leaves are out in full force down here but the area we were hunting had an extremely high canopy. Saw sat on the side of a hill where he could see 150 yards or so of open hardwoods... I snuck on up to the ridge next to a logging road and setup the Johnny Stewart 612. Sawmiller was carrying his 22-250 for the long range work and I was armed with the Dogcatcher for some brush busting action.

This particular setup has worked over and over again, spring or fall so confidence was high. I used the coyote pup in distress tape and anchored the speaker about 6' off the ground so the sound would carry well. I started out on medium volume for about two minuts with no response, I cranked it up to full blast and another two minutes later the party started.

I saw a large coyote enter the woods coming from a pasture in the distance, he was running full speed. He came through the open hardwoods as if he was going to split the difference between Sawmiller and I as he passed through. At approximately 80 yards he caught wind or sight of something down the hill from me (Where Saw was positioned) and locked up the brakes. He pivoted around and ran uphill until he was at eyelevel with me.. at 75-80 yards. I'm sitting there with a 12 gauge so I just watch him in the red dot scope.

He was through some treetops from my angle so even if I'd had a rifle I would've been helpless, I wasn't sure of Saw's scenario but I wasn't hearing him shoot. The dog stood there maybe 10-15 seconds before he ripped off a warning bark/howl conglomeration. He screamed out a couple strange vocalizations... very deep and agressive. I was watching him through the scope so that didn't do much for my heart rate. Saw was apparently down the hill convinced we had called in a domestic dog and was concerned about the positioning of my gun! The last thing he told me before we split up fo the stand was "Don't shoot any domesticate dogs on this one" but that was the least of my worries as this coyote stood there in my scope.

After about 30-40 seconds of vocalizations the coyote charged down the logging road that was just uphill from me. He was looking over the hill as he ran, looking down in Saw's direction. I know the Dogcatcher is still shooting about 18" low with OOB so I was telling myself "aim high-aim high" but you know what happened the first time I got an opening on the running coyote. The red dot was square on his forhead, total miss. I pumped the gun quickly and knew immediately why I had missed... I aimed high and popped another one off. This time he rolled. He gathered his feet really quickly so I pumped and dropped another one at him as he scurried away.

I immediately went into tactical form and followed the wounded animal through the thicket at the top of the hill. I had a couple more 3" OOB on deck if he was willing to take them... but I never saw him again. We looked the area over really well but found no more sign of the dog. We had one big skid mark on the logging road where he had hit the dirt and rolled, a couple blood droplets were found there but nothing anywhere else. This was one large male, would've been a good one to get out of the woods.

Saw and I continued on to do a couple more stands Saturday night then met back up and called Sunday morning. No luck after that first stand. I've only seen a coyote come blazing in to the pup-in-distress sounds like that one other time and it was wounded as well! [Mad] I had been expecting the coyote to slip in and hang out a while but I won't complain since I finally got to warm up the barrel on a live target. I'll get some pictures ASAP of the setup, it was a beautiful scene... wish I could've closed the deal. [Roll Eyes]

Here are some pictures of the setup.

The coyote entered the woods directly in front of us, in the center of this picture there is a small logging road that enters the woods from the pasture and he was using it to get to us. You can see the sunlight shining through from the pasture in the background.

I anchored the speaker about 6' up in the small maple tree you see in the forground, that helps the sound carry through the undergrowth a little better and gets the source of the sound away from me as a shooter.

This is my downhillview from the setup, Sawmiller is hunched over there in the center of the picture. I took these photos during our replay session... I backtracked the coyote and we went over why/how things went wrong. I assume Saw is against the same tree here as he was during the actual setup.

This is the uphill view from the setup, notice the undergrowth covers the roadway so it was hard to pick out the coyote between bounds.

EDIT: Here's what I refer to as the "DogCatcher" Got this one off Jeff Mock, really like it thus far for working on coyotes in thick cover. Moving over to #4 Buck next time out... not dying fast enough with the OOB for my liking.


[ May 10, 2005, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Jrbhunter ]
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 10, 2005, 01:47 PM:

Great story & pics!, made my day. To bad about the 1/2 killed dog. Thats some pretty heavy timber, ya got there. As you said #4Buck should be better with all of those trees, so close together.

As I always shot out in the open. I'd load the chamber with #4 Buffered Buck, then the next shells that followed were generally #3-Buck or #00-Buck for more knockdown @ the farther yardages on the wounded runners.

I understand about the (argument) of less pellets & the opening of the pattern, the farther out. But when you hit one(solid) in a vital area with #3 or the larger Buck. It knocks the stuffing out of them.

Thanks! for the story & pics. Very cool.

[ May 10, 2005, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: 2dogs ]
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 11, 2005, 04:57 AM:
Here's the dog from the other day... story later.

Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 11, 2005, 08:54 AM:
Ya tag him with your 22-250? Looking forward to your story.
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 11, 2005, 09:55 AM:
Not much of a story on this scruffy mutt but here goes.

I picked up a new farm to hunt and trap from a coworker late last winter because varmints were having their run of the place. I trapped out several coon and possum, even a couple fox. His grain bins and cattle troughs were targeted every night by the resident scavengers so it made for some pretty easy trapping. Because I’m new to this territory I’ve tried to spend some extra time scouting the area before and after work (It’s close to the office). About two weeks ago I was heading down to the farm and spotted a coyote mousing in the back pasture. Three or four days later I spotted him again… this time feeding on some sort of carcass in the same area. Last Saturday I was off work but went up to this property near the office to look for some mushrooms. I took along all my coyote hunting gear because I had some friends coming in for an evening hunt. After about an hour without mushrooms I jumped in the truck and headed to another woodlot to try my luck… that’s when I saw this dog out again in his usual place. I continued over to the woodlot this time carrying my rifle and Dan Thompson howler. I setup in a clearing and called a few tunes of pup-in-distress but he didn’t show. I got up and continued searching for mushrooms, no luck there either. After another 10-15 minutes of mushroom hunting I headed back out to the truck and I could still see the dog in the back of the pasture. I jumped in the truck and headed out, assuming he’d run when I started the truck. He was milling around, amongst the cattle and paid no attention to me driving past. I got out of the field behind a fencerow of cedars and got out of the truck. Grabbed my rifle and howler, walked to the edge of the field and called again. Nothing showed, I snuck out so I could see if he was in the back of the pasture but he wasn’t… then I noticed him in a fencerow to my left. Looking right at me, 60 yards or so, 55 grain pill in the throat.

Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 11, 2005, 01:54 PM:
Good story & pic, Thanks!. Boy I'd been tempted to stalk then belly-crawl up on him. Its cool when all of a sudden, ya turn slowly & there they are, looking your way.

I have another wk, before I'm healed enough to get into the field...Can't wait.
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 13, 2005, 04:44 AM:
Here ya go 2dogs. My nephew whacked another one yesterday. He took this one with a 3-1/2" #4 at 40 yards. Small male... covered with ticks.


One stipulation on showing pics of this coyote... I have to show the pics with my niece in there. She was awful proud of her brother... took a little convincing to pose with the mean looking coyote.

After a little more harassment she even TOUCHED IT! Predator hunter in the making right there...

Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 13, 2005, 05:18 AM:

Cool! I see ya got your nephew addicted, & are working on your neice...LOL!. Great! after looking at all of your pics & reading the stories. Ya, got me knawing on my gimpy stub,
wanting to get out into the field.

That yote, looks to be full of farm-cat, LOL!

[ May 13, 2005, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: 2dogs ]
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 22, 2005, 12:32 PM:
Took this one yesterday evening, no heart stomp required...

22-250 55 Grain Winchester Whitebox
85 Yards: Double Lunged
25 Pound Male




Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on May 23, 2005, 08:27 AM:

Another coyote called into the open?

Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 23, 2005, 09:54 AM:
Yes, this one came out into a field to look for the fawn in distress sounds. He came through a fencerow and appeard instantly, standing in a muddy disked field at 100 yards.
Posted by brad h (Member # 57) on May 23, 2005, 10:00 AM:

I see you got your hands on Larry's ebony fawn call.

That is one beautifull piece of work. I'm looking forward to getting a few myself.

Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 23, 2005, 10:53 AM:
Brad, it is a great little call. It didn't take me long to get the sounds I was after, real easy to blow. I have a couple of his calls already and a couple more sets on the way, definately the best calls in my cabinet.

I had a "No Rush" order in with him a couple weeks ago but once fawns started hitting the ground I really needed something fast, I called him up last week and he started turning a blank that minute. The next day he shipped this one out, two days later it hammered it's first coyote! I think he's taking a breather now since he knows I'm passified. Now he can spend some time with the wife/kids instead of tuning calls into a cellphone at all hours of the night for an impatient Hoosier. [Big Grin]
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on May 23, 2005, 11:17 AM:
4 1/2 months to go here till they hear my call.Guess I'll satisfy my urges reading ya'alls stories of shooting hairless summertime coyotes.
But, like Leonard, Ive got a a dozen projects to keep me busy, fencing, stucco house,lay some carpet as well as perpetual mowing and watering of my place. Can't wait for october to get here.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on May 23, 2005, 04:41 PM:

Haven't you noticed? You don't have to mow anything that you don't water.

Just turn off the hose and cut your workload in half. [Big Grin]
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 23, 2005, 07:36 PM:
Took two more this evening, fawns should start dropping really hard next week... may run out of coyotes before then. [Big Grin]



EDIT: Oops, forgot to mention, these were NOT called into the open in case the mythbusters are keeping track.

[ May 23, 2005, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Jrbhunter ]
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 24, 2005, 05:00 AM:

What call are ya using? Both males?
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 24, 2005, 06:21 AM:
I'm using a call that's pretty new on the market. The maker of these calls, known as Ridgeviewer online, is a good friend of mine. I often find that specific calls work best during certain seasons around here and right now is definitely a time for an open reed call that produces a good puppy whine and a fawn bleet. Ridge carved this one out for me in a hurry after I spotted our first fawn and I’ve been whacking coyotes with it ever since. In about six weeks I’ll ask Ridge to make me a open reed that is geared more towards vocalizations in the juvenile pitches, I think that will really work well as the pups start to mature.

Last weekend I stumbled into something that I think will make a remarkable coyote killing sound… I have plans to try it out later this week to verify but I think I may really be onto something. If so, Ridge and I will be testing tone boards over the phone again in the near future. [Wink]

On the coyotes, the biggest (Right) is a female... the first female I've taken since February. She's probably the mate to a male I took in the area last week.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 24, 2005, 06:56 AM:

Thanks...I was sitting here guessing, perhaps, maybe you used those two. But wanted to know for sure. My foot is doing quite well. Looking forward to next Saturday to get out with 1dog.

I enjoy, watching him miss! LOL! Hoping to help out, that Dairy farmer some. He said the coyotes are thick [Cool] .
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 24, 2005, 07:06 AM:
JRB, was the female lactating? Of the two sounds you were using which did she approach? Did she come in fast or slow?
Posted by Jrbhunter (Member # 459) on May 24, 2005, 07:19 AM:
The female was a spot and stalk... actually a spot and shoot. I was walking from the first stand to the second and saw her standing on the edge of a sinkhole. I had killed a male nearby last week so I assume she was tending to pups, didn't find any pups or a den in the area after I killed her though. She had no idea I was there, I probably could've called her in but adrenaline took over and I shot her where she stood.

The male came in fast to a fawn bleet, he just appeared out of nowhere like they often do. I was between calling series so he didn't know exactly where I was... if I had been in the middle of a series when he appeard he may have busted me because my setup wasn't all that great.

Edit: And she was lactating.

[ May 24, 2005, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: Jrbhunter ]
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 28, 2005, 03:33 AM:
Gonna finally get out today with 1dog & my "feral-cat" decoy. Taken my cheap-a$$ camera, maybe get a pic or two. If not, maybe just a hot barrel...whatever.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 29, 2005, 12:26 PM:
Well, we come up emty on 3-sets. But gained 3,000 acres to hunt on....COOL! [Smile]
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on June 17, 2005, 07:35 PM:
Coming up on my last wk of vacation. Gonna get out after the coyotes a couple of times. Before the crops get high.

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