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Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on September 28, 2006, 08:44 AM:
He was about 300 yards standing in the edge of the woods. My how he's grown. At that distance with the negged eye, he does indeed outdo my biggest thus far.

Now before you naysayers put your paws in your mouthes, I know my boys back here. Tall standing, thick body and a voice on him that speaks years and size.

I know he is one of my students because when I tried to call him down with a rabbit distress series, he took off east into the woods at a slow trot, stopped and just woofed at me. Five times, which surprised me because he usually only woofs once or twice, but nothing threatening, no yips or howls, just simple woofs.

I told him Game On the other night when I heard him... I think he was just making his first move. My turn... [Wink]
Posted by smithers (Member # 646) on September 28, 2006, 05:21 PM:
how long have you been teaching this particular pupil? sounds like a year or two maybe more? they tend to catch on way too fast around here as well.
thick woods, thick swamps, thick everything. too many chances to get winded when you can only see 75 yards at a stretch. the wind is so unpredictable this time of year as well. if you don't get 'em on the first or second go- round they usually woof, woof, woof all the way home. luckily for me there are quite a few Agricultural and CRP fields nearby where you can see for more than the usual 75 yards. when the corn comes down it's time to play. i suppose the thick cover can be a blessing. those that have it hate it and those who don't, want it. i try to work with it and come what may.

[ September 28, 2006, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: smithers ]
Posted by Doug (Member # 31) on September 28, 2006, 08:49 PM:
Tell me Sheri....When is it that the student becomes the teacher? [Big Grin]

Sounds like you might need a cur pup to coax that big boy into range. C'mon out and pick yourself out a pup. I have 4 cur pups in the kennel and that's about 3 too many for wannabe like me. Bring some icecream...there's fresh apple pie in the kitchen. [Wink]

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 29, 2006, 06:50 AM:
Sheri, color phase? What is your educated guess at his weight? I like Doug's question. Darth Vader to Obi Wan Kanobi
"The circle is now complete, The student has become the master." [Smile]
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on September 29, 2006, 07:20 AM:
Smithers: Woof Woof Woof all the way home?? [Big Grin] Yup... somedays it just don't pay, does it... lol

Doug: I'll tell ya what... I'll bring G along, he can stay there and eat the apple pie... I'll sneak out the back door with a pumpkin pie and a pup... you can then take sole ownership of G and raise him up... [Big Grin] He might be atleast paper trained!

I have a feeling that this boys been one of the ones that was waiting in the bushes one too many times... although, I didn't tell ya... he did come back down from the woods about 15 minutes after I called and looked around a little bit in the pasture for about 15 secs or so and then he was gone.

Both my sister in law and I saw him. We were discussing the differances between my 60 and this one. Where mine was thick in the chest cavity, this one was thicker all the way through. Maybe a couple more inches to his height. His coloration was our typical for back here... the multi, but I noticed his body either had more white multied in or grey... it was hard to tell with the sunlight glare. If we had to guess and it's hard to guess until we get them on the scale... we would both guess at least 70 on up. All around, he's just got a few more things on him than my 60lb.

So after I originally posted, he did come back out but only for a few seconds and then he was gone. I should have hit him with a turkey diaphragm... that would have worked better than a rabbit distress right now considering, he was following the turkey's path yesterday morning.

Rich: Master nothing honey... The game has just begone [Wink] lol... sounds good anyway [Big Grin]
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on September 29, 2006, 11:42 AM:
ok boys... listen up... THIS is how you hunt coyotes. [Wink]

Garden tub filled to the brim with steaming hot water... coconut candle burning off to my right... foaming sent of lavendar waft through the steam... blind pulled up so that I can look up into the pasture to where that coyote was yesterday.

Enter: New player... same coloring with less of a silver... smaller... female coyote.

She was following the same path pretty much that the big boy went yesterday. So I quickly get out of the tub, blow the candle out and grab the clothes that I had laid out. Not camo... but oh well. I'm hoping that she will follow the same path all the way. I grab a call, gun, hat and sweat jacket and head for the barn.

Hop on the four wheeler and quietly drive out back to the corn field. I shut the four wheeler off and make my way down the rows of corn. If she stays true to fashion she will come out up top where we have dead machinery.

Yup... that's what she did, but instead of staying level, she decides to head away from me over the knoll towards the back swamp. I think, well maybe if I bark at her in a non threatening nature, it will at least get her to stop. So I immitated that big boy yesterday in the best way that I could in a non threatening way with four deep barks. BTW... I'm hiding in the corn field eating blowing corn stalks. So I bark and she doesn't stop... nope, she just turns right around and starts trotting towards me changing complete direction that she was headed. I wait until she's about 50 yards out and squeak with my lips once. She stops, I shoot and that's where she laid until I went to pick her up!

Pics are being developed now... I'll post one tomorrow. I'm off to work now.

Yup... That's Coyote Hunting [Cool]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 29, 2006, 12:22 PM:
Fantastic Sheri. Very well played. [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 29, 2006, 02:00 PM:
Sheri, be careful out there. About halfway between Allentown and Harrisburg, someone shot a 40 lb. rabid coyote.
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on September 30, 2006, 12:47 PM:
I'm not sure if I still remember how to do this... so here's a try. I just uploaded them to photobucket/ album-crowfly
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 30, 2006, 01:42 PM:
Well, one pic showed up. Looks like 35-40 lbs to me. Did you weigh it?
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on September 30, 2006, 02:50 PM:
lol... duh... I guess I forgot that part [Big Grin] She was just a whisker shy of being 36... had quite a nice winter coat working on her already. I looked at her teeth... one tooth towards the back was chipped slightly... other than that, moderately worn, nicely rounded.

She's in my freezer on the cob now, had a few flea's.

As far as the rabies thing that you posted, one nice thing about living with a farmer is that we keep close in work with the vet, so she lets us know of any rabies that are in the area. All animals are up to date with their shots. Me... well me, I don't think I'm frothin at the mouth just yet [Wink]

I uploaded a pic of part of the farm too over on photobucket. I'll try and post that tomorrow and describe kind of her path and where I was.

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