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Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on May 04, 2011, 08:15 AM:
Not sure where to post this as it's not a predator. I guess I can justify it as predator food. [Wink] I suppose Leonard can move this post anywhere he wants or delete it altogether. That's why he gets paid the big bucks around here.

This buck is based off a photograph my younger brother sent me of a buck that spent last winter in his back yard. The buck has no idea how lucky he was that he spent it in his back yard, instead of mine. Had it been my yard, I would have invited him to stay in my living room...on the wall. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on May 04, 2011, 09:03 AM:
As always Troy, great stuff.

Did you go to an art school? I'm always impressed by people who have the natural ability to be artistic.
Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on May 04, 2011, 09:23 AM:
Lonny, I did not go to an "art school", but I do have a degree in Fine Arts and Illustration from a regular university. However, I will say I did not learn a whole lot about doing photo-realistic work while in college. The schools emphasis was absract and modern type art. Never quite fit in there, but lasted long enough to graduate. Picked up a Master's Degree later, but not in art.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 04, 2011, 09:57 AM:
My old partner's mother was an exceptional artist. She did amazing still life and I have several of her works on my walls. (less than 10)

Anyway, she worked from a photograph, if she was doing landscape or portrait.

So, that's my question. What do you use for a model/object, or is it all in your mind? I imagine these etchings are very different in that you can't sketch or lay out the work as a lot of artists do. One mistake and you would ruin it.

My brother-in-law shows his watercolors at the Laguna show every year. He specializes in boats and harbor scenes. Talk about a medium that allows very little error.

Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on May 04, 2011, 10:14 AM:
Leonard, I work from photographs and some actual real life models. Plus some from imagination based on experience. A lot depends on what my goal for the end product will be. I too used to dabble in watercolor but haven't painted seriously for around 10 years. If I can dig up an old watercolor or two I'll post them. I probably should have stuck with it more as I don't think I was terrible at it. Your are right that there is very little margin for error with scratch board or watercolors.
Posted by tlbradford (Member # 1232) on May 04, 2011, 10:48 AM:
I too am impressed by artist. Especially those that create beautiful art. I'm not a big fan of shit splattered on a canvas and folks interpeting things that only exist in their own mind. I'm simple. Art should be enjoyed for its beauty, not make you think.

Do you do birds? Here is a quail that was hanging out in my backyard yesterday.


Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on May 04, 2011, 10:53 AM:
tlbradford, those are some fantastic quail photographs. Please excuse my ignorance but do you do much wildlife photography? Do have anywhere on the net it can be viewed? In answer to your question, I haven't done a ton of bird art, but have done some. Here is a print I currently have on the market.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 04, 2011, 11:01 AM:
I could be wrong, been wrong before? That looks like a California Valley Quail, to me? What's he doing up there?

Good hunting LB
Posted by Lone Howl (Member # 29) on May 04, 2011, 11:07 AM:
Beautiful artwork, and photo!
Im very jealous,
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on May 04, 2011, 11:17 AM:
Leonard, yes that is a California quail. From what I know they were introduced to this part of the country and have done very well, especially in and around people. Dad talks about shooting CA Quail with BB guns as a kid so they have been around these parts at least 60 plus years.

I'm pretty sure the only quail native to this part of the country is the Mountain Quail and they are dang rare anymore. Big birds for a quail though, almost the size of a chukar
Posted by tlbradford (Member # 1232) on May 04, 2011, 11:55 AM:
elbee - yes Cali quail. They do pretty well in Eastern Washington. Ea WA could be as good or better than the midwest states if our Wildlife Dept would do something to promote it. Quail are my absolute favorite bird to hunt.

Ursus - I actually just got into more serious photography a few years ago. Unfortunately I don't have the right lens to really produce quality wildlife photography unless I'm in bow range. Not to mention 3 kids under the age of 5 and a start-up business that has severly hampered my free time. So mostly I shoot a lot of stuff for friends, like these:




One day I will be able to dedicate more time to wildlife, but for now I'll practice on my friends. I have a nature album on facebook, but I haven't put much in there as of yet. I don't know if this link will work, but here it is. 49906.2007928.1445028275#!/media/set/?set=a.1041703649906.2007928.1445028275

Here are a couple of Washington State guys that got me into photography. There stuff is pretty amazing.

Where can we see prints that you have on the market? My father in law is a big pheasant guy, so I want to send him that direction.

[ May 04, 2011, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: tlbradford ]
Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on May 04, 2011, 12:44 PM:
tlbradford, unfortunately I don't have a decent website right now. I'm working on fixing that.

Hey, I really liked the photos you posted. I do little local sports photography myself for the middle and high school football team. Granted I have boys playing so I'm a little motivated, but it's fun anyway. Here are a few pic's I've taken.

This is my second oldest boy #12. Just love the "feel" of this photograph.

My third oldest boy when he was in junior high. He bascially just sent this little quarter back flying into the ground. My boy is #32.

Just one more. This is not one of my kids. I took this photo right after this player's final high school game his senior year. He's hugging his dad, his mom is to the left and his younger brother to the right. I thought it was a pretty powerful moment and was glad I caught it on film.
Posted by tlbradford (Member # 1232) on May 04, 2011, 01:29 PM:
Great photos. That last one is truly special. I hope they apprecated it.

Would you email me the info on that pheasant print?
Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on May 04, 2011, 01:40 PM:
Email on its way. [Smile]
Posted by the bearhunter (Member # 3552) on May 04, 2011, 05:06 PM:
very cool. i can't draw my hand!!!!. Troy, have you ever tried color crayons?? my cousin does some great stuff with them. he did one of i think geronimo with some mountains /cliffs in the background blended togeter that is stunning.
Posted by the bearhunter (Member # 3552) on May 04, 2011, 05:12 PM:
edited to add:. i'm not trying to hyjack your thread or pimp my cousins work. just thought you might be interested in some new ideas. you do have a great talent!! [Wink]
Posted by tlbradford (Member # 1232) on May 04, 2011, 05:45 PM:
Email received, thank you.

Bearhunter that is some great work. I love the "header" in the top right corner.
Posted by kodiak61 (Member # 3255) on May 04, 2011, 10:01 PM:
That last photo is just amazing.

The last game you play after all those years of blood, sweat and tears is an emotional time.

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