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Posted by Barndog (Member # 255) on March 07, 2005, 04:14 PM:
birds or kitty's?,2933,149659,00.html
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on March 07, 2005, 06:43 PM:
Not that I'd ever consider using it for that purpose....

But the JS Bobcat in heat tape calls feral cat's like you wouldn't believe!
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 07, 2005, 07:38 PM:
Yeah, me neither.
Posted by CougerBait (Member # 149) on March 08, 2005, 06:49 AM:
I can see both points of view in this. Just in my neighborhood alone we have had enough. The box traps went out last week alone. So far 9 cats have gone to the pound in 6 days. Birds don't come to the bird feeder any more. They tare up the yards. Constantly spraying every thing. The people that do let their cats jump on my rigs and damage my property, well I don't think that they would like it if I threw my 85 pound lad on there rigs, or put her over the fence to do her business in their yard. I think that this is a real issue. Just not in Wisconsin.

I really can't blame the cats though. I have see a number of people leave the neighborhood, and guess what the cats are left to fend for them selves. I think that they should be looking more at the people that own the cats. They must think that they are disposable pets. Get tired of it just get rid of it and get a new one.

I agree that the ferals need to go away. But I also think that the owners that just let their cat run and damage other people property should be held accountable. Just like dog owners are!

Sorry for carring on. This just hits a real sore spot.

[ March 08, 2005, 06:51 AM: Message edited by: CougerBait ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 08, 2005, 11:02 AM:
I can see both points, as well. In theory, the roaming cats are innocent wildlife, but they are propped up and supported by humans, an endless supply of adventurous little killers. The coyote is the best offset factor around these parts, they love housecats.

As far as popping a cat when on stand, I don't do it intentionally. I wouldn't bust a stand, or waste a bullet on a cat, on purpose.

But, do they need killing, in some places? You bet! I believe the estimates, and not only birds. Around here, they also kill a lot of lizards, which are a benificial species, as they prey on insects, ants, etc.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Barndog (Member # 255) on March 08, 2005, 01:50 PM:
Save the lizards, last summer thats all I had to keep me company, oh that and the AIR FORCE, I wonder how many times I've been blown up on their little screens. Last summer I was the tallest thing for 200 miles, I made a nice little target, they would fly in over my head just 100 feet above the desert floor sometimes, bringing with them dust, rocks, tumble weeds. I guess thats what you get when you work near area 51.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on March 08, 2005, 06:59 PM:

Ain't it great! I live on the low level training flight pattern for Fort Huachuca. I've a two year old German Shepard who hates anything that flies. Last summers main entertainment for a summers eve included a six pack of beer and watching the dog chase the tarantula hawks.

Just imagine our fun when a C130 comes over so low we can see his profile, but not the plane's belly. That dog'll chase him half way out to the highway, and it'll take him a half an hour to trot back.

We've a Raven right now that stops by almost every night with a breeze. He will hang in the air about 10 feet over the dog and just drive him nuts. He hung around for close to twenty minutes last Saturday. Whoever says animals don't possess a sense of humor, hasn't paid much attention.

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