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Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 11, 2003, 09:34 AM:
Those of you who are using my howler or the Power Howler write down this number, 1-800-876-6866. This is the manufacturer of Evolution One latex gloves. I howl with my howler every day with Tyler and our dogs and with the coyotes across the canal and on every stand on every weekend. I use up 4 or 5 bands every week. Today I replaced the first band I made from the Evolution One glove after 6 weeks of hard use.I damaged it with my protective cap otherwise it would still be going strong. It has a full range of pitch with no jumps or flat spots. This is a huge improvement. Call the number and the nice man will tell you the location of your nearest dealer.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 11, 2003, 09:37 AM:
What size, and what fingers do you favor? LB
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 11, 2003, 09:59 AM:
you can get them here too E.L.K. Inc

but these are the power howler bands already pre-cut,not the gloves.

[ May 11, 2003, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]
Posted by catskin (Member # 51) on May 11, 2003, 11:45 AM:
Thanks Rich - do you have a part number too?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 11, 2003, 06:40 PM:
Sorry. I don't have a part #, I just order the Evolution One in Large size and use parts of the ring, middle and index fingers. Light years ahead of the factory band.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 11, 2003, 07:27 PM:
Are you having better luck slicing the bands, or are you guilotining them on a plastic cutting board? Single edge razor blade? I've thought of tapping the back side with a small mallot.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on May 11, 2003, 07:43 PM:
What 've found to work well is to lay the glove on a sheet of cardboard, cover it and hold it down securely with a steel ruler, then roll a scalpal blade along the edge of the ruler. The blades I'm using are a #24 with a slight curve to them and with just a little pressure, the blade will make a nice straight cut. Any time I've tried scissors, I get a rough edge or it's not straight with the sides.

Rich, I called them after one of our last phone conversations and the nice guy sent me the wrong ones. The ones I got are blue and have a stippled texture on the finger tips. The wife's using them for working her flower beds. [Smile]
Posted by catskin (Member # 51) on May 11, 2003, 07:52 PM:
Are these the right ones?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 12, 2003, 06:45 AM:
Catskin, I use the gloves in the first link. Leonard, I use the same technique as Lance, I place the glove on cardboard, a straight edge over it and draw a #25 scalpel alongside it. Jim Adriance tells me he uses his wifes fabric cutter. It's a rotary cutter like a pizza cutter and it cuts cleanly and pressure seals the edges just like the factory bands. Walmart has them for 10 bucks.
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on May 12, 2003, 09:16 AM:
I just tried this last Friday. I had my Dentist give me a wide assortment of gloves. Gut two bands from the middle finger of a medium thick glove.

Placed both bands on the howler. One on top of the other. Got the absolute best sound yet.

After each hunt. Pour a little Scope mouth wash on the bands. This will keep them pliable, And bacteria free.

Plus Scope contains 18% alcohol. Wont take long to hit some real neat notes.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on May 12, 2003, 10:22 AM:
"Single edge razor blade? I've thought of tapping the back side with a small mallot."

Yep that will do it Leonard, but take your fingers out of the glove first. [Smile]
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 12, 2003, 11:21 AM:
Rich Higgins,how much for one of your howlers,I e-mailed you once I thought,but it must have gotten lost in cyberspace ?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 12, 2003, 11:27 AM:
Sorry Seldom, my E-mail has been down for some time now. I'm finishing the last of my howlers and will not be selling anymore. I recommend the E.L.K. Power Howler, I use their mouthpiece for mine.
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 12, 2003, 12:13 PM:
ok,got one from slydog made with the same materials,just wondered if yours was any different,a man can't have too many calls [Big Grin]
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 12, 2003, 12:17 PM:
Are you having a "Going Out Of Business" or "Lost Our Lease" Sale??? Guess I'll be selling my rubber glove stock now.
Posted by pup (Member # 90) on May 12, 2003, 02:31 PM:
It is a sad day, especially if you don't have one. Yes, I keep mine under lock and key.

Higgins Howlers, don't speak without one..

later pup
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 12, 2003, 03:27 PM:
Higgins,Schmiggins, as long as there's a power howler in the end of it,it makes no real difference!
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on May 12, 2003, 04:00 PM:
Thanks Rich for the tip on using the Evolution gloves and where to get them.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on May 12, 2003, 04:01 PM:
BLASPHEMY!!! You haven't see a Higgins Howler, have you? Got mine. Bahahahahahahahahah!
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 12, 2003, 04:10 PM:
You have obviously not seen a slydog howler either,not only does it howl,it can be used to signal emergency airplanes, it has a built in ammo pouch,it doubles as a dowsing rod, with the flick of a button it turns into a mini AR15,caliber of your choice...I could go on,but you're already outclassed....
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 12, 2003, 04:13 PM:
SE, The ELK howler will be fine....but it sure ain't a Higgins Howler! You haven't seen anything like it.

Good hunting. LB

PS Rich, I'm ready when you are.
Posted by Richard Grantham (Member # 107) on May 12, 2003, 04:18 PM:
Blasphemy indeed, darn Seldom Ever, just when we was going to cut you some slack you had to say something like that that about Higgins Howler!!! :>), They are true work of art and I am going to be the proud owner of one as Rich just finished mine. I've had ugly guns that shot well, BUT I just love a pretty one for the sake of looking at it! Of course just like the Higgins Howler- if they shoot good that all the better.
Keep posting, you know I'm picking on you, at least your not a Yankee are you?
Richard Grantham web page
Posted by Richard Grantham (Member # 107) on May 12, 2003, 04:21 PM:
Just had to add on, ever time I see a latex glove, I have an overpowering urge to bend over.
Richard Grantham
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 12, 2003, 04:54 PM:
"American by birth,Southern by the Grace of God"

It can't be any better looking than my slydog cowhorn howler,which has the same howler in the end of it as the Higgins howler.Mine is beautiful,wish I had a pic to post.

Don't bend over Rich,nobody wants to see that,and at your age you probably couldn't get back up!!

[ May 12, 2003, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 12, 2003, 05:40 PM:
See, that's just it, SE. Functionally, the Slydog Howler has to be much like the Higgins Howler. But, I don't know that it comes with the original artwork, inlayed in chromium cobalt? First one I've seen.....has to be an advantage, right?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 12, 2003, 05:43 PM:
Yeah,sounds too pretty to take out,but it might entice the coyote with the discerning eye for art,you never know [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 12, 2003, 05:59 PM:
Jay, I'm with RG on this . When you get rid of your stash of latex gloves maybe your posture will improve.
Posted by UTcaller (Member # 8) on May 12, 2003, 07:06 PM:
I have to agree with the rest of you guys.The Higgins Howler stands alone as "Top Howler".On the outside it is a work of art,the sounds you produce are great and have been a coyotes worse nightmare around here.Most realistic sounding howler out there.The first time I took mine out was last fall and in two days of calling with it I called up 13 coyotes.And it has been a consistant producer ever since.GOOD HUNTING CO

[ May 12, 2003, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: UTcaller ]
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 12, 2003, 08:18 PM:
I fit a new rubber glove on mine before heading out and when I blew it all I got was a big ol balloon with udder thingies poking out. After blowing, it just made a backwards blrpppppp sound. Off in the distance I could hear coyotes doing a group laugh.
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 13, 2003, 12:52 AM:
I mean no offense to Rich,I'm sure his howlers are really nice looking,and I know they work well because I've got one quite similiar.I'd get a Higgins howler if he was still makin'em and I could afford it!

Jay,that's the funniest damn thing I've read in a long time,thanks for the chuckle.I'm dyin' ovah heah! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by jerry (Member # 195) on May 13, 2003, 07:51 PM:
Hey Rich , are you really gonna quit building howlers? we talked a while back and you said you would send me one? just wondering , Jerry .
Posted by Purple220 (Member # 173) on May 14, 2003, 06:10 AM:
All this talk of howlers, shoot I need a Higgins.
Any way of making just one more Rich. I have a Red Desert but don't like it.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 14, 2003, 06:53 AM:
Jerry, I have seven howlers I have committed to, one of them is yours. Purple, I normally charge $250 for a howler, I've been making them for Huntmasters members for $150. If I devoted the time it takes to make one of these howlers to my business I would make more money. I've learned probably as much as I can about this howler and along with the fact that deadline pressures have taken the fun out of it, I decided not to do it anymore. There are a number of photos posted on Huntmasters and Predatormasters over the past year, do a search on Higgins Howlers and you will see how they have evolved in that time and why they take some time to make. Buy a Power Howler for 20 bucks and a box of Evolution One gloves and you will be set.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 14, 2003, 06:58 AM:
One more tip, courtesy of Robb Krause. Place a small rubber band, such as used for braces, on the band at the tip of the mouthpiece and it will seal enough to prevent air getting underneath and making those annoying raspy pitch jumps. It really works.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on May 14, 2003, 11:57 AM:

I can understand how the fun of a hobby can get sucked right out by the pressures of making it a business, and how that hobby business can then cut into your real business...
I am truley sorry to here that you've had enough, you set the standard to shoot for in function and form.


I would gladly throw a pile of MY calls in the fire to keep Mr. H. warm... or let someone beat me to death with a Higgins Howler (just on the off chance it'd beat some sense into me  - )... you have no idea how nice these things are, or how much you and I have missed out by not having one.
(part of me wants to say "you owe him an apology" but I am not gonna make that call for you!). [Wink]

For a dude worried about his "spirit guide" and stuff you sure aren't building up much good coyote karma dissin' dudes like you do... LOL

"Slow down Turbo!?!"  -

That is a little piece of advice I was given once... I think I found the guy to pass it onto.
(search the archives, you'll find I have a bit of experience pouring it on strong... wait maybe most of the really stupid stuff got lost with the old huntmasters... but believe me, it got me nowhere even faster).

This is not personal SE, just a piece of advice for you, from a friend... which makes me think of another piece of advice I was given (actually the only worthwhile thing CoyoteBuster ever said to me... I will paraphrase it to remove his hostility)...

"You need to read more, post less, and actually go hunting some, before you start tellin' these guys how it is"

Too bad for young CB  - he couldn't practice what he preached, and lucky for me "I got it".

Best of luck with your uncultured country coyotes!!! [Smile]

Jeff  -
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 14, 2003, 12:15 PM:
Krusty,I've spent a lot more time in the woods in the last 28 years than you can even begin to dream of [Big Grin] .I've stated several times I don't know anything about calling predators,but that doesn't include hunting in general.I haven't dissed anybody here,but that's the problem with text, it can come out looking that way [Big Grin] .You could hunt for the rest of your natural life, and you "might" catch up with the amount of time I've spent pursuing game of various sorts, but I doubt it.

I don't need to slow down my posting at all,as far as I'm concerned,I should be posting more and asking more [Big Grin] .Leonard said this board was 1 part humorous sarcasm,so I'm just adding to the pile that's already here [Big Grin] .If you want to be a wallflower,that's your buisness,speaking of which, you'd be better off minding your own anyway [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Wink] . My style is different from yours,so what ??

I stated already that I meant no offense to Rich Higgins, I'm just having a good time like everyone else. Nor do I mean any offense to you, but If I need you to educate me about how to learn anything,I'll ask you.If you've got a problem of some sort with me that we should work out,e-mail me,you have my address,and it's public anyway. Otherwise,good huntin to ya!

[ May 14, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on May 14, 2003, 02:53 PM:
 - Dude???

I said none of this was personal... true I may be able to hunt a long time before I know as much as you about hunting, and may never get to that point!?!

So freakin' what???


And if you started trying now you'd never ever amount to the climber I am... what the heck does that have to do with online interaction, or coyote hunting in general?

I never said I could teach you a thing...
But for your information with close to 40 years hiking, climbing, foraging and surviving, in the woods I know a whole lot more than you think I do!!!

I am not a wallflower by any stretch of the imagination, more like the old bull... quiet and content, 'til I see red! Then you get the horns!

I am gonna let this go... hopefully you can let this go too.

As I told you by e-mail, I have extended myself to you most courteously, but I am now at the end of my rope...
I am not about to waste any more of my time answering to you by e-mail.

I hope this does not deteriorate.

Now I now what an ass I looked like when I first got here...
My apologies to Wiley E, Slydog, DAA and others I offended back then.

I doubt if you asked me to teach you anything today I'd bother to help... but there is always tomorrow. [Wink]
I am sorry we have gotten off track, best of luck to you.

Jeff  -

*Edited to remove insults by Krusty

[ May 14, 2003, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: Krustyklimber ]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on May 14, 2003, 03:07 PM:
Now, now, boys. I don't see anything positive or constructive from allowing this dialogue to proceed along the course it's taken. This thread was well along in providing a lot of very good information about how to make a very effective call even better. Even Rich himself will readily admit that the mouthpiece from the ELK Power Howler is the heart of his howler, but the design and aesthetics of this custom call give it its soul. I encourage you to finish your discussion outside this thread, preferably in private until you can shake hands, both come to realize that you ultimately share the same love for huntin g, bu that ou approach this issue from your own vastly different life experience. Now, in the words of my loving daddy, shake hands and apologize before I put a boot up both yer asses. [Smile]
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 14, 2003, 03:14 PM:
I don't care who anybody is,if you feel like you need to kiss there butt in order to post a question here,or in order to state your own opinion,then go for it,I'm not stoppin you [Big Grin] .I don't care who Q is or what his accomplishments are,that doesn't make him any better than me,and I sure as hell don't have to kiss his butt on account of it,or in order to express my opinion here or anywhere else..If you feel like giving his derriere' a public slobber,go for it buddy!

Hunting experience was brought into the equation by you,when you "advised" me to sit back and listen.

Damn right you're a better rock climber than me,I'm not fool enough to try it and take it up as a sport.

If you'll check around on this site,you'll see where I tried doing a search a week or more ago for a Higgins howler.When I couldn't get the info or a pic,I posted a question about it. I never got a real answer to my question.I'm sure they are a work of art,but I'll bet they don't sound any better than a slydog howler.If they do sound better, so friggin what ?What if my gun is more expensive than yours and shoots better,so big deal ? But mine was hand made by blah-blah-blah-blah,so am I supposed to fall down on my knees and worship the gunmaker now ? I think not. I have an appreciation for art,maybe it's not as high as yours,but so what ? What the hell is it to you,are you Rich's granny,looking out for him,or what ? I posted sincerely I meant no offense,next time mind your own buisness.Don't call me your friend and then post as you have.

I just don't need your advice,and I told you so in as respectful a manner as I could.This is nothing but a carryover from our prior e-mails, which you've already mentioned. Check back to your first reply to me regarding my inquiry about your calls, your reply indicated you had a stockpile of them.You also told me you were out of a job,and then you started complaining in chat and on the board about how slow your PC was.So I figured,wrongly apparently,that we could help each other out. I don't have the bighead about anything,what I do have is an extra PC sitting around,which I got for building a new one for somebody.If you feel like I owe you money,I'll send you a check for it right now,certified mail.You can keep the damn call, I sure as hell don't want it.Maybe you can exercise those butt kissing lips on it.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on May 14, 2003, 03:21 PM:
Point well taken, Cdog.

But you seem to have missed the last sentence of my last post...

I am sorry we have gotten off track, best of luck to you.

As you can now see I have already made my apologies to Seldom Ever...

My apologies to Wiley E, Slydog, DAA and others I offended back then.

...and others as well.

Did your ol' Dad have a policy for if you'd already made your apologies?

Jeff  -
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 14, 2003, 03:57 PM:
The check is in the mail,look for it at a mailbox near you.I didn't include shipping, as I don't want it.Nuff said.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on May 14, 2003, 06:03 PM:
I'd suggest that both of you go back to the original post on this thread and read it from start to now from the vantage point of other members like myself.

Hopefully, at some point, common sense will prevail and you'll ask yourself where things went south. Then, once you've done that, ask yourself what the rest of us are to think. Here we have one of the most cerebral and thought provoking predator calling boards on the web - open door and all. Now, two well-intending grown men walk through that door and are welcomed. Once in, they find themselves in the company of some of the best in the industry. People whose names are recognized across the country - names which others gladly drop in conversations as being their personal friends. And in many cases, that's okay because they are.

Now, these two guys both show up admitting that they have no practical experience calling coyotes, nor has either of them ever actually called a coyote. Neither of them has had the distinct privelege of being totally humilated by the loathsome and lowly coyote and naively assume that hunting coyotes can't be any more challenging than hunting deer or other game. And neither of them realizes that every veteran caller on this and any other board made that very same mistake, until such time when that stupid old prairie wolf handed him his ass and sent him home humiliated and flustered.

Fast forward to right now. These same two guys are now having a public pissing match in the company of the very people that may freely share their knowledge and the benefit of years, if not centuries, of personal field experience. They've become insulting to highly regarded members while standing amongst a circle of their closest friends and allies. It seems that they've chosen to engage in a battle to prove who is the highest authority on a subject neither knows anything at all about.

Krusty- you've made a good faith effort in your time here to enthusiatically absorb any and all information availiable to learn how to call coyotes.

Seldom - I respect your years of experience in the field as a hunter and sportsmen, but I've seen lots - and by lots, I mean most of 'em - of diehard hunters with decades of experience try to make the leap to calling coyotes, only to find out that it's much more technically demanding than just about any other kind of hunting available. I'm not referring to the guy that stumblebumps onto a coyote his first time out, but fails to produce after that. I'm talking about calling coyotes consistently when other guys are blanking it.

I've been involved in these types of altercations on this board and others. In retrospect, nothing was gained in any of them, and my relationships with the people with whom I was fighting have, in some cases, been irreparably damaged. But at least I have the experience and background in calling to call my stubborn, bullheaded opinion somewhat valid.

Apparantly, the two of you were trying to manage this affair in private, fighting in the street. Somehow, at some time, you chose to wrestle your way back into the clubhouse and now have inadvertantly drawn the names of others into your little spat.

I have absolutely no authority to see you gone from this board, but I would strongly encourage you to find common ground or put it behind you very quickly and move on before you have no choice but to be duking it out away from here. I'm sure Leonard's patience have their limits. I've been there once or twice myself. Apologies have been made. If the other party chooses to ignore those apologies, so be it. That, in itself, speaks volumes. This USED the be a quiet neighborhood!!!
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 14, 2003, 06:28 PM:
Does anyone else find it odd that all this posturing started with a latex glove?

NO! You bend over first!

Huh Uh! You bend over! My glove's not cut yet.

Well... I'm more sperienced.

Yeah? Well I'm mo impotant. So THERE!

Geeze Higgins. You knew this would happen.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 14, 2003, 06:54 PM:
Thanks for stepping in, Lance. I have been following this discussion, hoping that it would mellow, of it's own accord.

I see indications that it's finished. I'm sure nobody logs on to quarrel, we all have much better ways of spending our time. And, it's even a little painful for the rest of us to watch.

I don't think the solution is to bring up point after point in rebuttal. The best thing is to forget it all happened. That's what I intend to do.

I'm not going in to clean up the unkind remarks because I really hate to edit other people's words as a matter of principle. I do value the input from all of you. Thanks for making the New Huntmasters the success it has been; (such as it is), to this point.

Good hunting. LB [Smile]
Posted by jerry (Member # 195) on May 14, 2003, 08:52 PM:
Rich, thank you for the answer to my question , ill be looking forward to hearing from you , no hurry , fur season is a long way off . Thank you much, by the way the .17 is finally shooting !!!!!!1.5 gr over max and shes a tack driver LOL. Thanks again , jerry .

[ May 14, 2003, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: jerry ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 14, 2003, 08:57 PM:
Geeze Jay, I didn't have a clue. Heck with it. Come over Sat morning, we'll call over the dens north of here, get some good video. Bring your Cronk Howler, maybe bring in some ducks and a couple of fire engines.
Posted by jerry (Member # 195) on May 14, 2003, 08:58 PM:
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on May 14, 2003, 10:25 PM:

I understand your point of looking at the original post that started this thread... Rich was nice enough to hook us up with the "better way" to set up a Higgins howler.
It shoulda been left to "thank you, I am ordering some for my E.L.K. mouthpieced howler... Oh hey, I got some of those gloves they sound great"... nothing more.

I said before your point was well taken, now Leonard's was too... I have cleaned up my posts, as much as I can (taken out all the personal stuff I may not have needed to bother posting) and I apologize again, to all, for my earlier rant. I didn't at anytime today intend to insult anyone personally or otherwise.

I will continue to work to be a productive part of this community, in good faith, and I will try to curb my enthusiasm...

Jeff  -
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on May 15, 2003, 03:56 AM:
Rich H. I am starting to worry about Jay. I think he is on the verge of a thing with rubber gloves.

Please let us know if he shows up in Latex camo.

Cdog, Blessed are the peacemakers.

Krusty, You and SE seem like good folks. Why not keep it that way. Yall need to come to Texas and whack some of these mange calf eaters. The only thing we have to climb around here is over passes.

Now let's get this long hot summer over with. So we can start another season.

[ May 15, 2003, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: varmit hunter ]
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on May 15, 2003, 04:47 AM:
Jay Nistetter,
Did you ever think of trying an owl hooter like those made for turkey hunters?
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 15, 2003, 05:58 AM:
Cdog et all,

So Krusty tells a half truth about me on a discussion board,and I'm not supposed to get mad ? He expresses his disgust and anger at me, and then says he's sorry,so I'm supposed to forget all the other BS he's thrown out and accept the apology ? Not likely.I was having fun posting back and forth with all you guys,and never once did I ever say anyone was wrong in what they might have posted about yote hunting. I disagreed with Q about the use of a ghillie suit,so what ? I think they're beneficial,he doesn't,so big deal ? What gets me is that Q doesn't seem to have a problem with it,but Krusty does ? If Q has a problem with me publicly disagreeing with him on some minor thing like that,then maybe he shouldn't hang out at discussion boards,or maybe he should e-mail me with his problem,since my e-mail addy is visible ? Anybody's expertise at any particular thing is great,I applaud them,but I'm not gonna kiss there butt or refrain from expressing my own views because of there expertise,nor will I take it lightly when some rock climbing yahoo tries to tell me,nicely or otherwise,to shut up.I never once said I was any good at yote hunting,I've always said I haven't been calling the first time yet.

The fact is, I wrote and asked Krusty if he would build one call for me,and if so,how much did he charge ? Jeff indicated in his first e-mail reply to me that he had plenty of calls,then he said he had one with my name on it,waiting on me. I never said," I'll take one , put my name on it ",he assumed all that.Then later he complained about his PC being slow,so I offered to send him some RAM,in exchange for the call which he had taken the liberty of putting my name on. A bit later he e-mails me that he wants to send me a set of shooting sticks.So I came up with the idea of sending him a 450mhz PII PC for one of each type of call he makes,and 2 sets of shooting sticks.I figure it's an even trade,and he gets a better PC to help him in his new call making buisness. He writes back really peeved about me "trying to take his entire inventory". So I wrote back and apologized,told him I didn't know it was his entire inventory,and I would send him the new PC for one double reed call,and one set of shooting sticks.I figure what the heck,the guy's out of a job,trying to start a new buisness, wants to become a PM moderator [and apparently aspires to do the same at huntmasters] so he can get free advertising there. So, I think I can really do an apparently nice guy a favor,by sending him a newer,faster,more reliable,more powerful PC,right???? Next thing I know,he's attacking me at huntmasters because he wants his money for the call. Why didn't he just e-mail me and say so to start with ? Never once did he say,I'd rather get paid than trade!

So now he's got his money,it's on the way,my wife is mailing it this morning. My wife wants me to get off of these discussion boards,because I have a bad heart. She's afraid I'll get really po'ed one day and have a big attack.Last year I had a very mild stroke, nothing damaged. I know that it's the internet and people make up all kinds of stuff,but I'm telling the truth as God is my witness. Fact is, I don't really care whether anybody believes me or not.I am home today because this damn heart is giving me some problems,which started earlier in the week,and had nothing to do with Krusty. I gotta go see the cardio doc at 4:30 today.I will not let any of this slow me down,I'll continue to hunt and express my own humble opinion. Leonard,I am truly sorry this happened, but if you and Lance take a real close look,you'll see that I was minding my own buisness,I didn't tell Krusty to do anything,until after he started in on me. I know you don't like this crap cluttering up your board, but I can hardly just keep sitting here and watch people post asking Krusty and me to kiss and make up:^),without hearing my side of it.Especially in light of the fact that Krusty has only told part of the truth,and not all of it.This whole experience has left me mystified as to what the purpose of the board is?
So now I'll shut my keyboard on the subject.I do however,have one question ? Is this a discussion board for everybody to post,have fun,and learn at,or is it a place solely for those who are experts at coyote/varmint hunting to come and expound upon there chosen hobby ?

I'f I'm supposed to do nothing to add anything to the discussions here,and am only supposed to read,and then read only what the experts type,If I'm to stay,you'll have to provide me with a list of experts.If that's the case, then I'd be better off reading some books and staying away.
Tell me where my place is here,and I'll abide by it.But if you intend for me not to participate and express my own views,as Krusty indicated,then there is no need in me being here at all.
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 15, 2003, 07:06 AM:
VH Can't say I get excited about Latex, but wave some camo silkies in front of me and I just melt. Bwahahahaha.

Cronk. It never even dawned on me to use a hooter for calling coyotes. I can't seem to get any decent sounds when I blow on a hooter 'cause I usually can't quit smiling. Have you been tuning those Creosote howlers again my friend?

Strangest call I have ever used to questionable success was a Kazoo.

[ May 15, 2003, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 15, 2003, 07:41 AM:
Now that's a topic for discussion. What have you called in while blowing on a hooter? Rich Cronk, your Freudian is slipping. Remember the stories about J. Edgar Hoover? Please post a picture of one of your owls in a wonder bra.
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 15, 2003, 07:46 AM:
Higgins, NEVER tell an old guy that anything is slipping. Poor Rich will be looking around for his Freudian all day now. LOL
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 15, 2003, 08:03 AM:
Okay, everybody's happy......right?
(even "Jay Latex"")

In reply to a question, there is absolutely no hierachy on this Board. All members are free to determine for themselves, just who knows what they are talking about, and who doesn't.

On another subject. I doubt that Quinton would raise an eyebrow at disagreement over ghilly suits. I don't have much use for them either, but could care less, who uses them, or thinks they are great, for anything but military type applications.

Owl hooters? Why didn't I think of that?
(think about it)

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on May 15, 2003, 08:33 AM:
To Jay Nistetter and Rich Higgins,
Please read that hooter post again. I don't think I said anything about BLOWING on a hooter. A hooter is a SUCTION call, and you guys may be surprised at how much excitement you will enjoy once you try one.

Seldom Ever,
Please forgive us old farts for playing around a little will you? [Smile]
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 15, 2003, 09:00 AM:
never was mad at anyone for playing around,far as I know [Big Grin] ?

Never heard of a owl hooter you sucked on to make it work ? Only hooters I ever sucked on always belonged to one of my wives,snicker-snicker [Razz] [Razz] .What kind of call are you talking about,or are you just pulling my wooden leg [Big Grin] ?
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 15, 2003, 09:11 AM:
Thanks Rich. I get it now. I'm so embarrassed. I've been doing it backerds all this time. You seem to know what you're talking about so bare with me here. Every hooter I ever ran across had a tendency to freeze up quicker than a JC reed. How do I keep that from happening anyway?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 15, 2003, 09:26 AM:
Two words: perky
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 15, 2003, 09:46 AM:
Leonard, I like your two words, but Jay is right, they all share that tendency to freeze up, "colder than a witch's hooter"(abridged version).
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 15, 2003, 10:09 AM:
So Higgins... Are you going to start making a Higgins Hooter Howler now? Can't wait to read your articles on hooter tuning and group hooter howling. No doubt there's a lot to learn but I'll wager that much more is known about coyote vocalization.

I really feel fortunate to have discovered a Board that has experts in this field as well as a guy who makes Duck Howlers.

Were we successful in redirecting this thread yet?
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on May 15, 2003, 10:50 AM:
Seldom ever,
The owl hooter is a really unusual invention that sounds exactly like an owl. I wouldn't joke around with you about something like THAT, I mean with it being the main voice for a certain call that I know about and all. I field tested it once and I even have a photo of a very pretty owl that I called with it. Just ask Rich Higgins or Jay Nistetter, they saw the photo.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on May 15, 2003, 10:53 AM:
Can that Higgins hooter be seen at www.higgins ????? I can't seem to find the website for em.
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 15, 2003, 11:12 AM:
You guys are crackin' me up,my poor ol' heart can't stand much more laughin',I'm laughin' so hard right now it's all I can do to type this [Big Grin] [Smile] .

Ya'll are some sick individuals,...I think that's why I like hanging out here [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Jay,if you could bottle that wise-crackin sense of humor,you could sell that stuff for top dollar at homes for the mentally depressed,I kid you not!

Rich,you're right up there with him too,you guys are killin' me.Post a pic of that howler Rich,I've got to see it!!?? Has anybody choked to death on one o' them things yet ?

My second wife had hooters so big,when you sucked on'em they'd wink atcha,but that's another story.... [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 15, 2003, 11:30 AM:
Lance H. and I are collaberating on a new howler utilizing his taxidermy skills and my howler experience that is inspired by Jay's motto "Blow a Rhino". We will stretch a coyote rectum over a Cronk Howler and freeze dry it. 100% organic and anatomically correct. We will name the howler "Blow It Outcher A**" and plan to donate #s 1 and 2 to Rich and Jay. We're betting they can't howl on the thing without becoming emotionally involved.
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 15, 2003, 11:33 AM:
Dang,I think I just ripped my own sphincter laughin so hard [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 15, 2003, 11:48 AM:
Thanks Rich. It'll help take my mind off that latex thing you started.

I take it you two fellas have 'sperience in stretching coyote parts? My concern is that it takes 2 of you. Team sports just ain't what it used to be.

Lance, How'd you get dragged down to the land of the bottom-dwellers? BTW...Are going to shoot the coyotes first or is that why it takes both of you?

That's odd... Where's Danny?

[ May 15, 2003, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 15, 2003, 12:24 PM:
Were we successful in redirecting this thread yet?

Well, yeah. But, where were you, when we could have used a little help with the 17 caliber saga? Cluck, cluck, cluck. LB
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on May 15, 2003, 12:44 PM:
Leonard, To be honest, I have never had issues with the .17. They make a wonderful pidgeon thumpers. I tried one once on a coyote and the bullet bounced back and smacked me so I guess there is some merit when people call them "fur friendly".
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on May 15, 2003, 12:49 PM:
Hmmm SE it's another day... I have made my apologies and yet you continue to hurl insults at me as I walk away...

I am not a fool... a yahoo... or a liar!!!
I didn't call you any derogatory names, please afford me that same courtesy.

Quote, from my e-mail box:
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 06:12:39
Hey Jeff,
It's me,Dick,Seldom Ever, PC Mechanic,whatever,hehehe.
I got the O-rings,muchas gracias.Any chance I could talk you into making me one of those handmade wooden double reed calls, I'm willing to pay ?
Are they hard to learn to use ?

Sun, 27 Apr 2003 15:37:18
Hi Jeff,
I am off all next week turkey hunting and coyote hunting,most of my time will be spent in the woods.As soon as I can,I'll send you a money order for a screaming cottontail double reed call,ok ? Probably around Friday,or even next Monday,according to what time I get out of the woods each day.
Thanks much,

Gee dude, that kinda looks like you asked me to make you one, and you were gladly sending the money!
Please don't let this obviously personal issue negatively impact the sales of my products, especially when you have never seen them or heard them used.
I don't come into your place of work, or your community, and try to impact your ability to put groceries on the table... again please afford me these same things?

The mention of the Q thing, or the Rich Higgins thing, was only to bring light to the fact you go telling guys like them "how it is"... and I am not the only one who finds that somewhat offensive.
Niether of these gentlmen needs me to defend them, these were merely examples of how what you say can sometimes be interpreted as insulting (much like the sexual references you are now making, could be).

If having proper respect for those who are
A. my elders
B. are the elite of this sport
makes me a butt kisser, I am glad to be one (you catch a lot more flies with honey than you do with vinegar).

I never said you weren't welcome or ALLOWED to say whatever stupid stuff you feel like, I merely advised you you were being a little overzealous... adrenaline is a powerful drug... (I have to wonder if you look as crazy yelling at your computer as I do at mine?  - )
And I originally tried in a humorous way, like ribbin' a buddy around a campfire.
You didn't take it that way... I have no control over that.

I still think we are, or can be, friends... I get in spats with my buds  - , and we make up and move on... I hope we all can do that...

Looks like we just had a classic case of "the enthusiastic force up against the overzealous object" (or as Cdog put it "two dumbasses, tryin' to out dubass eachother...  - thanks Cdog  - ).

To answer your question... yes, the status quoe around here pretty much is unless you have something helpful to add, (as a newbie) you and I are best off keeping our mouths shut, and observing... lest guys like Cdog tell us we don't know squat, haven't killed anything, and are somewhat less worthy because of it.
Can't tell you how many times I have had my chops busted here. [Eek!]

I am sorry you won't accept my apologies... it's all I got.  -

Jeff  -
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on May 15, 2003, 01:00 PM:
Jay N wrote----"Thanks Rich. I get it now. I'm so embarrassed. I've been doing it backerds all this time. You seem to know what you're talking about so bare with me here. Every hooter I ever ran across had a tendency to freeze up quicker than a JC reed. How do I keep that from happening anyway?"

Well Jay,
You could try shaving and maybe a little bit of cologne. Hmmmmmmm, nope you would still be too ugly anyway. Sorry I can't help ya right now.
Your friend,
Rich C.
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 15, 2003, 01:52 PM:
Enough has been said here,I won't contribute anymore.We each see two different sides,so be it.Your check is in the mail,I've said nothing about the functionality of your calls,let's call a truce,you leave me alone,I leave you alone,period.
Let's give everyone a rest.

Rich,Rich H.,Jay,thanks for the chuckles today,they were sorely needed.

Doc says I gotta go for another heart catheterization on Monday,but on the bright side,he won't let me work the weekend either [Big Grin] [Big Grin] .
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on May 15, 2003, 07:46 PM:
Jay, I once tried to grab a coyote by the rectum as he ran by, thus the origin of the phrase "rectum?!?! hell, damn neart killt him!!!"

Anyway, Higgins and I got to talking about this new coyote rectum howler call. We kinda decided on the "Blow it out your a**" as a name, or for the sake of brevity...BIOYA. But then I had me an epiphone! As I cleverly pointed out to Rich, coyotes are canines. Dogs are canines. In the spirit of deductive reasoning, it stand to reason that coyotes like to smell each other's rectums. Right? Well, the beauty of the "BIOYA" is that it doesn't need a reed 'cause you don't blow it. Just hold it up in front of your weak eye and keep your gun up with the scope in front of your good eye, even though you won't need the scope. (You've probably figured out where this is going.) When a coyote comes along, it'll see that pretty, polished coyotee rectum and walk right up to you to get a snootful. That's when you shoot him.

Now, as I read through the many valuable responses that were posted throughout the day, Cronk gave me yet another epiphone. Since just about everyone here likes their calls to make noise, I'm gonna go ahead and put voices in every one of the BIOYA's, but some of them will have the voice reversed. This is because there'll be two models: The E-model (E for "expiratory", or blowing out) and the I-model (I for inspiratory, or as Cronk says, sucking in). From the outside, both models will be identical in every way. To tell for sure which model you have, give it to your hunting buddy and tell him to suck on it. If, after doing so, he coughs, gasps, and say, "This thing tastes like s&#t!", it's an I-model. [Smile]
Posted by Seldom Ever (Member # 185) on May 15, 2003, 08:05 PM:
You guys have obviously spent a lot of time waiting on yotes and thinking this stuff up....cough,hack...gag

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