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Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on June 23, 2006, 12:48 PM:
From CNN:

"Pyongyang is now suspected of preparing a longer-range missile, the Taepodong-2, for launch. Analysts suspect that missile could be capable of reaching the western United States."

Might not be a bad time to be an easterner.....

The article was about a succesful US Navy missle intercept test. Interception has been successful in 9 out of 10 tests.

The Ca. and AK. $11B land based system has been successful in 5 out of 10 tests.

Go Navy!
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 23, 2006, 02:11 PM:
Okay, speculate. Let's say they (North Korea) launch a nuclear warhead at Missouri. Would the 'publicans argue for retaliation, and the Dems claim that it didn't hit anything important, so it would be best to hold bilateral talks, to avoid a dangerous escalation?

Good hunting. LB

edit: oh forgot. would they also claim we probably deserved it?

[ June 23, 2006, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on June 23, 2006, 02:35 PM:
One thing I dont understand. This idiot is neighbors of China and Russia. Even though they are somewhat allies, I dont see how they are allowing this to happen. I see they claim to be concerned. Well, they should be. They got a lunatic with a nuke next door. I think one of them should blow it off the launch pad.

Or, maybe we should do it, telling the big dogs first so they have no surprise? Gotta be stopped either way. Who the hell knows, that damned thing may have a warhead on it now!!
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on June 23, 2006, 02:56 PM:
I'm not sure. By virtue of two very large metropolitan areas Mo. has a tremendous number of Democrats. Fortunately most of them are not the radical liberal type, they are more along the lines of the "guvment cheese" type.

I'm sure the liberals will say we "axed" for it.

Speaking of "axed" check out the Justice Dep photo on CNN of the 7 domestic radicals arrested yesterday.

I think profiling should be law. If you even look at all like a chicken hawk shooter you should be subjected to very close scrutiny.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 23, 2006, 04:41 PM:
Okay, I can't think of either one of those "large metropolitan areas" but I'll take your word for it? How about changing the question to some backwater place like......oh, what we got? Kansas? Hunting's no good there, as it is. [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on June 23, 2006, 04:58 PM:
...........Yeah, but the Demoncrats,are sure to scream "women,children and the poor, hit the hardest" [Smile]
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on June 23, 2006, 06:44 PM:
Andy, I think the idea of blasting it on the pad is first class. Why take the chance.

Leonard, St. Louis as the 18th largest metropolitan service area (MSA) in this country and Kansas City as the 26th. Those two places are an ugly sore on this planet and not at all representative of the rest of the state.
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on June 23, 2006, 06:46 PM:
AZ, that will shortly be followed by the New Orleans "Where's Bush?" chant....
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on June 23, 2006, 06:53 PM:
Leonard, I think Kansas has pheasants in some places. The taste of wild pheasant is to die for....No nuc's, please....

Kinda reminds me of getting off a plane in Vancouver years ago and seeing all of the "Nuclear Weapons Free Zone" signs that were posted along the road between the airport and the city. The question that ran through my mind was "how do they deal with the fall-out."

Andy has it right. Smack em on the pad!
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on June 23, 2006, 10:20 PM:

That article missed the boat. Instead of talking about our ability to shoot a missile out of the sky, it should have talked about our new Starwars style Technology. A laser that screws up the directional bearings of a missile, and returns it to the general area of it's origin.

I bet both Russia and China would take a little more interest in what Korea is doing then!
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 23, 2006, 10:54 PM:
Okay, let them bomb New Orleans, ought to make a dandy lake?

John Kerry, polishing his image:

"When I was in Viet Nam; they called me " Potato Salad ".

[ June 23, 2006, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on June 24, 2006, 09:09 AM:
A preemptive strike against North Korea's nuclear program? Not likely.
I was stationed at Barksdale AFB in the mid sixties when our joint chiefs were discussing preempting China's program. We wussed then as we will now with both North Korea and Iran.
Bad ass Israel is a whole 'nuther animal. They removed Iraq's threat 20 years ago and they are looking hard at Iran now.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 24, 2006, 09:14 AM:
I think you're right Rich. Don't think we have the nad to do something serious about N. Korea although I think we should.

I was living on Barksdale at about the same time.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on June 24, 2006, 09:26 AM:

What a damned great idea.

To hell with shooting unfriendly nukes out of the sky! Develop a jamming system that causes the bird to turn around and retrace its path back to the launch site.

Might make anyone think twice about throwing something our way.

Tim for President!
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 24, 2006, 09:58 AM:
Wonder if you could just hit one or two of the guidance control surfaces, causing it to loop like those toy balsa wood airplanes, or a boat rudder jambed to one side?

Knowing the North Koreans, they probably didn't install one of those "destruct" buttons, for use when something goes wrong? Think about it.

Now, that's funny, I don't care who you are! oh, and please God, be with those starving pigmy's in Africa.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 24, 2006, 04:02 PM:
I just got an email with this sg line at the bottom:

"I hate war. But I want the biggest, best equipped, most motivated and strongest military possible, because there are those who don't."

Now, my first thought was, ya know; like dictatorships, Red China, etc.

Then it came to me, he means the Democrats!

Good hunting. LB

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