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Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 13, 2018, 08:29 AM:
Doesn't anybody have some hunting stuff to share?

I'm aware, and regret this has turned into a political blog, so
BE MY GUEST! (w/pics)

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on January 13, 2018, 09:24 AM:
C'mon DAA we know ya got pics !
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 13, 2018, 10:19 AM:
OMG! Dave posts his piles or row upon row of dead critters and everyone is in awe. I think It's been four years since I've had a ten coyote day.

Somebody, one or two hero shots would be fine.

Good hunting. El Bee

Paul, how many cats so far?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 13, 2018, 10:21 AM:
The young feller who bought my truck has been posting photos of huge body counts. I mean in email.

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by earthwalker (Member # 4177) on January 14, 2018, 04:36 AM:
Watched a Wildlife Service plane fly out a valley a couple weeks back. Only heard them shoot 3 times. It was boom then boom. Only one time we heard boom boom the old double tap. Every coyote we've caught in this valley has had buckshot, or whatever they use now a days in the top of their butts mostly old wounds.
Never been in a area where the coyotes have been so educated by cat trappers. We have fought hard for every coyote we've caught up here this season. Everyone either are drive by coyote shooters or callers. No serious coyote trappers. Our time up here is slowly coming to a end. Other half traps for some guys along the Snake river out of Parma and they pay and its almost time to get down open the other house back up and become civilized again.
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on January 14, 2018, 05:28 AM:
Haven't been out for coyotes lately. Been waiting on some fresh snow to go try and call a lion. Starting to wonder if it's ever going to snow this year though.

Only scraped out three, last time out.


Usually done in Feb. anyway. Might or might not try and call another coyote this year. Depends on whether that snow comes or not, if does, I'll be trying to call something else.

Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on January 14, 2018, 07:39 AM:
Nice picture yours are always professional quality !

[ January 14, 2018, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Paul Melching ]
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on January 14, 2018, 08:00 AM:
For what ever reason, since photobucket decided to crap on all of us I haven't taken a picture to share on the net. Got a few select friends that share pics. with through texts, about as far as I go with sharing any more.

Awesome pic. Dave.
We are also begging for snow. I suppose we're going to get all caught up with one big blizzard in about March or April.

[ January 14, 2018, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: TRnCO ]
Posted by 243aaron (Member # 4786) on January 14, 2018, 08:42 AM:
My season has been going well. 86 so far. I'll try and find a few pictures to post after a while.
Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on January 14, 2018, 10:20 AM:
Leonard to answer your question about cats I have not trapped this year at all. When I got sick I had to sell my equipment Luckily a guy from Montana bought it all came and picked it up. Was gonna get more traps and all from the proceeds of my litter of Airedales instead I bought shop equip. to build Knives to sell the tourists in Williams. once I have a steady income from that I will buy traps and start again.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 14, 2018, 11:10 AM:
ok, Paul. You know how it is, wanting to know but afraid to ask? Point is, I wondered about income and how things are going up there in Ash Fork.

Not that I've been doing much this year myself. I haven't even fired a shot but still renewed my membership with the West End Gun Club. Might not have been too smart if I actually pull up stakes and head for the promised land.

I'm also wondering about my health care? This is something that I wouldn't give a moments notice not that many years ago. But, since Kaiser isn't in Arizona, I don't know? I do know my brother-in-law has been driving across state lines for quite a while since he moved from Fountain Valley to Sedona. Might be an option?

But hey! I did get a ten dollar raise on my social security! I don't know what I will do with that excess cash?

I can remember without much trouble how I would call my partner Pat and just say: Hey, I need to get out and kill something. And, he would understand the urge and within days, we would be on the road. This, after a lapse of not more than last month, if that. We used to hit it pretty hard.

The way it is now, I really do need to get out and kill something! Sombody, hep me pleeze!

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on January 14, 2018, 01:24 PM:
I understand about your partner ,Clint and I would just look at each other laugh and say lets go kill some shit! working the knife angle gives me something steady as fur prices jump wildly I also make jewelry out of Elk antler The frogs and lugerheads along with the buss loads of Ornamentals will eat that shit up ! supplementing my SS.
no gun clubs up here but I have a hundred yard range in the front yard could easily make it four.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 14, 2018, 03:27 PM:
Going full stop hippy on us, eh? Crafts. I used to make earrings out of furry coyote bung holes. Big seller with those Libs, the type that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Them boar coon hooks weren't far behind with the ladies.

Whatever it takes,
El Bee
Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on January 15, 2018, 03:43 AM:
I still do a handyman service as well but it does not keep steady. I made Elk antler Necklaces for my grand daughters for Christmas they went nuts so that started the wheels turning.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 15, 2018, 06:39 AM:
Elk antler necklaces would be a big hit with the boys in Hollyweird and San Francisco, sounds very masculine, you know?

I wonder. Does anybody know where I can get a halfway decent gondola ride, in a lagoon, complete with Operetic arias, this side of Venice? Anybody? I just have this urge.

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on January 15, 2018, 01:09 PM:
I can paddle my canoe standing up & give you a tour of Roper Lake while Paul follows on shore singing Ava Maria.
Posted by NVWalt (Member # 375) on January 16, 2018, 12:33 AM:
Leonard,you want a gondola ride?
Go to Lost Wages They have them there.LOL
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 16, 2018, 06:35 AM:
Paul knows what I'm talking about. They have them in Scottsdale, too.

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on January 17, 2018, 03:33 AM:
That was a memorable evening !
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 17, 2018, 12:36 PM:
I just took the cognitive reasoning test that the media is discounting, the one that Trump scored 30 out of 30. I would pass but The thing that might trip me up is that I don't always have the answer for the date? I would pass, since 26 and above is normal.

Anyway, these reporters are friggin' nuts! Completely prejudiced and I'd like to see every one of them get a perfect score. They are desperate.

What's wrong with the Media today? Don't they realize they are supposed to be impartial? I could understand a few forgetting their duty now and then, but these assholes think their duty is to champion Liberal causes. They have forgotten the first rule of a reporter, which FOX NEWS uses as a LOGO. "Fair and Balanced". The rest of the mainstream media doesn't even get it? What a weird, idea? Fair and Balanced? Why should we do that? We should present the news in a way that promotes our progressive attitude. See how fucked up they are? It's their duty to attack Trump! Never mind playing it straight, push the Liberal point of view. How did they get so friggin' twisted?

Good hunting. El Bee


[ January 17, 2018, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on January 17, 2018, 01:04 PM:
Anybody remember back in the days of Cronkite, Chet & David and other newscasters that were trusted ??
Nobody even knew what party they belonged to !!!
Now.........reporters & news outlets want 'to make a difference'.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 17, 2018, 01:58 PM:

Even before you whippersnappers were in diapers, Edward R Morrow. And, smoking unfiltered cigarettes yet!

We've lost integrity. Our news moderators are manchilds. Brian Williams, the Walter Mitty of this generation. Dan (what's the frequency, Kenneth?) Rather. He really got the goods on Bush!

I'm telling ya, they have lost their way!

Good hunting. El Bee
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on January 17, 2018, 03:17 PM:
There's no money in journalism anymore. Not too sure there ever was but it used to be a thing anyway. Now it's not.

Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 17, 2018, 03:42 PM:
Going back to hunting, I want to give a nod to Ronnie Robison. You guys remember the varmithunter, dontcha?

TA and I have been in on the ground floor helping with the Lucky Duck calls. The reason I mention this is that it's the time of the year when I am often reminded of Ronnie's contribution to calling for those who are smart enough to heed his advice. As you might not recall, I did an article many years ago with Ronnie about the so-called "estrus chirp". A lot of guys jumped on a relatively small bandwagon trying to offer a hand call that would produce a go-to sound that, ultimately, a lot more people scoffed at as being just another way for someone to sell calls and get their five minutes of fame. Some even called it bullshit.

Well, let me share a couple three stands with you that prove the value of this sound - a sound found on the Lucky Duck e-caller under "Coyote breeding-estrus".

The first was a complaint last season of coyotes interacting with greyhounds on a local dog farm. Abilene is the headquarters for greyhound racing in the US and we have thousands of pups and breeding stock around here. The breeders are always worried about diseases getting into their dogs so they like the coyotes kept back when possible.

I started working at sunrise near the kennel facility (about 25 acres in size) and was working my way out in ever widening rings hitting small patches of cover when I set up overlooking a wooded creek drainage. I got settled with my AR in the sticks, hit the go button on a little diddy we call "Twisted Sister" and all hell broke loose. I'm thinking maybe five seconds later, I had three coyotes charging from about 60 yards away for the caller. I was trying to woof them to a stop and they weren't buying it. I lined up on the front coyote, shot and it went down at about 30 yards. Swung to number two, a large male, shot and he cartwheeled down. Number three was already at my 10 o'clock doing the fly by (I shoot left handed) causing me to relocate my sticks and shoot, whereby I blew the top out of a dirt terrace just as the coyote went behind it. Looking back out front, that big male was up and dragging his ass for cover so I shot a fourth time and dropped him for good. Those chirps really fired them up.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. Farmer Sam tries for a week to catch me or my gunner to ask us to come out post haste for a pair of coyotes that have been giving nightly performances under the window where he and the missus sleep, or try to. He was literally tired of being woke up every night. I knew that they were likely bedding down in a little pocket of cattails and switch grass at the top end of a stock pond below his house, so I trekked in early one morning and set up on the face of the dam looking north with the caller forty yards to my right. Gun was positioned, sticks are firmly set, offered up a long, lone howl.

Immediately, a coyote answers me back from that copse of grass, followed by another. Mouthy bastards. I howled a couple more times to set the hook then switched to Twisted Sister.

Immediately, they shut up. Moments later, here they come, shoulder to shoulder, straight across the ice at me. I've got about ten seconds to formulate a plan that doesn't involve walking on or falling through the ice. I'm thinking that I can shoot one when they get close to this edge, and the other is gonna have a helluva time turning or taking any evasive action on that greased glass. I start to "woof", and again, completely ineffective. They are focused with laser intensity on the source of those grunts and chirps. At thirty yards, I finally line up on the female and shoot. She takes the round right in the close shoulder and cartwheels head over hindquarters to a stop at the edge of the ice, five yards from where I'm sitting. I look up to see that the male has done quite well in getting onto the high bank and running away from me to my right, quartering slightly across in front. I put the wires right in front of him and put one in the back of his head just beneath and behind his left ear. I looked down and the female is there just glaring at me, so I pulled my little Heritage .22 revolver out, braced against my sticks and shot her between the eyes.

I'm telling my gunner K about all this and how he really needs to see them come to estrus chirps, so we pick a spot to call from an angle we've never called before. We're looking across open wheat field for maybe three hundred yards before there's a wooded fence line with a pasture behind it. I offer up the standard trio of howls, wait a couple minutes, howl again and go into the porn.
Boom-chicka-wow-wow. Grunts, whines, chirps, squeals, more chirpy squeaks.

About three minutes in, here they come, from the far corner. Another pair. Big male on the left. I whisper to K to take the close (front) one and I'll get the other, then the coyote cross paths. Both K and I are "woofing" and yelling, trying to get them to stop and - once again - they just won't. Every coyote that come to these chirps is gonna run right thru that damned caller. They're so damned ginned up that you just have to start shooting. We fired for effect at two coyotes running full out within forty yards of us. All hell broke loose for a little while, but we killed them both.

Every time I see a coyote - or more accurately, a pair of coyotes - coming to those chirps, I think of Ronnie and how people who thought they knew better questioned what he was the first to describe.

The female from the pair over the ice is just to the right of the yoke on my sticks. The male is about halfway across that yellow grass right above her.

Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on January 18, 2018, 03:30 AM:
Great story ! Thanks for taking us along !
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 18, 2018, 09:04 AM:
Lance, you speak of Ronnie in the past tense? Does that mean he has departed?

I'm actually not real keen on the estrus chirps, but it did shake, "He who shall not be named" out of the weeds. Let me relay an opinion he offered, "Ain't buying it". It's a free country, after all.

So, estrus chirps is the thing that works when nothing else will, is that it? Way better than 101C? I think that's what Vic still uses down in Coyote Paradise on those 85% stands?

Thanks for contributing, Lance. Come to think of it, I thought you quit? Where'd I get that from?

Good hunting. El Bee

[ January 18, 2018, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]

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