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Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on July 26, 2004, 07:56 PM:
At 11;30 AM yesterday morning, after less than 15 minutes of calling (with a call I made and a WB Custom), a lion came walking in.

Lion season opens next Sunday...

I called a lion. [Smile]

And as Forest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that"

Krusty  -
Posted by Yellerdog (Member # 356) on July 26, 2004, 07:59 PM:
Let me be the first to say "Congratulations and good job calling"! [Big Grin] Good things happen to those who don't give up!

[ July 26, 2004, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Yellerdog ]
Posted by varmint101 (Member # 41) on July 26, 2004, 08:41 PM:
Dude, that's pretty sweet!! Didja soil yourself? hehe

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 26, 2004, 09:18 PM:
Good for you, Krusty. That's like getting struck by lightning. I guess coyotes should be routime, for you, after that?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by RanUtah (Member # 18) on July 27, 2004, 02:58 PM:
Didja soil yourself?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 28, 2004, 09:07 PM:
And as Forest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that"

I think we deserve a little more detail, Krusty. Don't keep us in suspense. When do we get a full report? [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by keekee (Member # 367) on July 28, 2004, 10:53 PM:
Congrads Krusty! I know you have been hard after them for sometime! It will all come togeather!

Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on August 01, 2004, 07:30 PM:
Well since Krusty is going to hold out on giving the details, I guess we will have to start our own rumor. I heard he shot it with a tranquilizer gun and kept it sedated in his garage till this morning when it was legal to finish him off. Any truth to that Krusty? [Wink]
Posted by Redrider (Member # 79) on August 03, 2004, 10:22 PM:
Howdy All!

Haven't posted here for a while, so here goes. And I promise to tell you all the truth....

We were camping/hunting near Ellensburg, but waaaay up high, 6800ft. (And yes, the spot will remain secret) We watched the Northern Lights before bed, it was a very special camp sight. I have never saw the Aurora Borealis before.

Krusty had woken up early in the morning and decided to go out and make a quick stand while I was still getting my shit together. I love to plink my Marlin .22 so while he was out I was shooting at our camp.

Krusty comes back an hour or so later and he is none too happy with me. Apparently he had called in some mountain goats and wanted to see how far down the cliff he could get them to come, how close he could get em, that's what callers do: see how close you can get em in. Then they heard my Marlin and fled.

So he comes back and says, "Goddam it, you messed up my stand." But honestly I figured he would be far enough away that a little 22 noise wouldn't bother any critters near Krusty. Live and learn.

So we go to check out this gnarly cliff that the goats came down and decide that we are gonna hike up there and check out where they live. And let me tell you, "top 'o the world" comes close to describing it. It was truly an awsome spot in this world of ours.

We were up so high that our normaly jungle like timber was now nice and thinned down to where you could acually see more than 20yds at a time. So we head in for a stand or two.

That's when the totally unexpected happens. Krusty is behind me about 20-30yds spuealing away on a WB and I catch brown movement out of the corner of my eye, and think, "Crap! It's another stupid Doe." But the only thing is, it ain't no stupid doe! It's got a white muzzle and long tail. HOLY SHIT THAT AINT NO DOE! And my heart fell out.

Let me tell you a million thoughts at once went through my head. Like "Dang its a week early." "That cat is hunting my Bro!" "What if he gets behind Krusty and Krusty doesn't know he is there" "What if this is the only chance I will ever ever get at a cougar" Alot of good callers in good country never ever get a big cat.

So I had to make a tough decision. So I made the best one FOR ME that I could in very SHORT TIME that I had. I was standing up, cause my butt got sore sitting on the log. When it stopped in an opening 60yds away I squeezed the trigger. To say that I was steady when I shot would be very untrue, I was extremely excited and shaking. I don't make a habit of poaching but dang this is a big cat we are talking about.

Ol' Tom jumped a good 12ft. into the air and was like a bucking bronco at the state fair. His back end trying to pass the front end with that "Holy Shit" look on his face, it was hillarious. He went outta there full bore and banging into everything in sight on the way out. We searched and searched and searched and.................. well you get the idea. No sign of a hit at all. We found where the bullet hit the base of a tree and with me at the spot where I shot and Krusty where the cat was we determined that I missed low. The last thing I saw out of the scope under recoil is a tree branch flying. Whether it was in front of the cat causing a deflection of the bullet or if I just plain had Cat Fever I couldn't say for sure. But I am sure I missed.

Krusty never saw the cat. So he had no part in my decision to try and shoot my first cat. Just throwing that out so nobody blames my bro for my decision.

I have been totally up front and honest, so now its your turn to do the same.

What would you have done? Am I a big A-Hole? If you think so tell me, I am trying to make sense of it all and would like to hear some opinions on whether or not I did the right thing. But if you would've done the same thing under the same circumstances then be as honest as I have and say so.

Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 04, 2004, 07:46 AM:
What caliber were you shooting?
What makes you certain it was a male?
What distance was it from you when you fired?

[ August 04, 2004, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 04, 2004, 09:24 AM:
Anyone else willing to cop to a misdemeanor on a public forum? How about a felony? No one?
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 04, 2004, 10:57 AM:

Rumors can be an ugly and viscous thing, luckily this one is not.
There is no truth at all in the one you started...
No tranquilzers or gun, no garage, and no lion. LOL [Razz]


Well told story.

To answer your question... what would I have done, I have already discussed that with you.

I would have had a very hard time deciding what to do, just like you did.
But like you, I probably would have been very concerned for the caller... who was totally being back doored, and could have been in real danger.

I'd like to thank you, for covering my back.


Red was carrying a mdl 700 BDL 30-06, one he recently inherited from our Gramps, and I just used at Bear Camp.
It has an odd german reticle (I think it's called) in the 4x scope, and to Red's credit, it has always bothered him, and he does not shoot it well.
We had hoped to find some rockchucks, and spend a day getting used to it (after I investigated the mt goat sighting).

As for gender, all cougars are Ol' Tom Longtail... it's just a thing ya know, we're simple folk. [Wink]
I actually asked him later, if he had to pin a gender on it, and he said he'd guess it was female... he didn't remember seeing the high brow and nose that male cats have.
And the tracks left in the soft soil looked exactly like the ones BearmanRick and I saw in the snow last winter, which he told me were probably an 80 pound female cougar, so I'd guess the same.

"There is no excuse, for shooting offhand"...
I read that once, and it really sticks with me, appearantly Red isn't as stricken by it....
The cat was 55 of Red's paced steps away (50 yds) through a narrow alley in the old growth timber.


I drove around on the Forest Service roads, without a drivers license. [Wink]

Actually as long as Red and I stuck with the story that I was possibly in danger, his firing at it was totally justified.
Without hounds some of the predators have gotten a lot less afraid of humans, and as California and British Colombia are seeing, that outcome can be very bad.

I totally support my little brothers decision, made in the woods that day.
And his honesty, in the hopes of a worthwhile discussion of what he did.
How many times around the campfire, not in "the public", have the "old timers" recommended to the young guys to "shoot and scoot" (or some variance of that)?
I am lucky I have him for a friend, if ya asks me.

"A good friend will bail you out of jail...
A true friend is sitting there with you, saying "Damn! That was fun!""

I know Red will be right there with me, in whatever decisions I make, I think he knows he can count on me.


As far as lion behavior, what I found most interesting, and the part I also find the scariest, is the lion came in on the wind at a 45° angle and would have arrived at my location (downwind of Red) without it's scent cone ever reaching me, and without a "security run" downwind of it's own... meaning to me, it didn't care who was there causing the prey to make a distress noise, and was willing to take away the meal.
I find it somewhat aggresive, but maybe that's just because I was making the "lunch sound".

I also found the lion's proximity to humans puzzling and scarey too.
It wasn't much more than half a mile off the gravel road, which goes to a lake and sees a fair bit of traffic. And there is a well traveled motorcycle/mt bike trail that parallels it another half mile or so past that... so the cat was travelling in a thin strip of old growth and cliff bands with a lot of "human presence" and lots of deer elk and some goats for large prey base...
Only a matter of time 'til a mt biker gets snatched here.

Krusty  -

[ August 04, 2004, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: Krustyklimber ]
Posted by RanUtah (Member # 18) on August 04, 2004, 12:18 PM:
Krusty, I'd be real careful about posting about this in any public forum. While you may feel "justified" that your brother took a shot at it, your WDFW may not. Someone out there that may be hungry for that $100 to $500 reward money that they offer on their website. [Eek!] After it's all said and done, you may not get into trouble but just having to put up with all the legal red tape isn't worth the hassle. [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 04, 2004, 01:24 PM:
Yeah, I have to second all the free advice both of you are getting. It takes either Balls or stupidity, even if the charges would be hard to make stick without a witness. Like, maybe you are pulling our leg, and didn't actually see, or shoot at a lion. Also, kIlling a lion out of season is a lot different than scaring a lion with the intent to do bodily harm.

I don't know if your message board confession would be enough to convict, or allow a Game Warden sufficent cause to write a citation?

But, game code violations are not to be taken lightly.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 04, 2004, 02:00 PM:
I've never shot a lion, but a few bobcats, and gazillion feral cats. A near miss will spook them into a jump, but then they light the afterburners and skeedaddle. But you said, "Ol' Tom jumped a good 12ft. into the air...... was like a bucking bronco ..... His back end trying to pass the front end..... He went outta there.... banging into everything in sight." That much cart wheeling around sounds like a gut shot cat. Males are consummate nomads, females territorial, especially with cubs. A post-nursing female would still have a slightly distended stomach. I'm guessing you put a round thru that belly flap.

(edit) Oh, and would I have taken the shot? I have passed up 3 very similar opportunities in my lifetime.

[ August 04, 2004, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by brad h (Member # 57) on August 04, 2004, 02:27 PM:
Never had the opportunity so I don't honestly know what I'd do.

I know one thing, if it ever does happen, I won't be keeping the ****** tail.

Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 04, 2004, 03:23 PM:

I too, would be careful about posting it, that's why I didn't have much to say about what happened at first, and as Red says, I didn't see anything.
Everything I had to say about what happened out there, in some non descript location in the middle of the forest someplace, is hearsay.

And I never discharged my firearm at anything other than a Mt Dew can, all weekend.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


I will take the free advice, it's not bad advice from my point of view.
I take the game laws very seriously too, and passed on the chance to shoot a large bobcat in the road last winter, because it wouldn't have been legal.
Mostly, because I don't really want to kill a lion, and if Red had been the caller I'd have wanted to let him have a chance at seeing it, I think I'd have waived at the chance to shoot this lion.
But I'd have done what I could, or had to, to make sure it didn't get to him either, and dealt with whatever red tape found it's way to me... and I would not have said much more, than I did in my original post, about it.

Balls or stupidity... YUP!!! Red's got plenty of both! [Big Grin]


I think Red used a little too much "artistic license" as he got deeper into his story, and that you see more in your mind's eye than I saw in the tracks on the ground.
The cat did jump, but the overhanging branches would have prevented it from going more than about 8 feet up (without going out of Red's sight), and the tracks where it appeared to run away were running over small trees and brush it was all in a more or less straight outbound line, no spinning or stopping, no flattened grass from rolling.
I was wearing khaki shorts and rubbed through all the shallow grass, and the three small pines behind Red's shot, I didn't find a single trace of blood anywhere there, or for 70 or 80 feet down the cat's outbound path.

We actually took quite a bit of time and tried to figure the whole scene out.
I found a spot in the dirt where something had freshly cut in, at the right side of the base of a tree, and found where the bullet bounced off an inch or so under the ground.
Red took the bolt out of his rifle, and I played the cougar, crawling along it's tracks. When I got to the spot the cat obviously lept into the air from, we could see the spot on the tree was low, and right of eachother as we took turns looking, and being the cougar... he probably shot under it's chin, not it's belly.
Slightly low and right of the shoulder, the cat was travelling from the left to the right, it jumped away from the tree about 4 feet, turned 90° to it's left directly away from Red, and ran down off the edge of the ridge, where thicker timber and the steep hillside prompted me to go back, (I was chicken) I wasn't crawling in, under the spruce trees, down a steep bank, after an aggressive, scared cougar that might have cornered itself on top of a cliff, and be coming back up.

I think it heard the shot and the impact to the tree at the same time, jumped up and away from the one closest to it, and caught Red's body recoiling from the shot, and exited stage left, post haste, fully intact without losing a single drop of blood.

Krusty  -
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 04, 2004, 03:41 PM:
Krusty, it's a shame you didn't at least get to see him.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 04, 2004, 06:47 PM:
and the tracks where it appeared to run away were running over small trees and brush it was all in a more or less straight outbound line, no spinning or stopping, no flattened grass from rolling.

Just so you know, Krusty.

A well hit animal will straight line it. Whereas, normally, they will weave around brush and boulders, a gut shot cat will scrape up against these things, and tend to run over them.

Also, an injured, or scared cat will gain elevation, almost 100% of the time. It's not in their nature to go down hill, under these circumstances. So, if you see a cat headed downhill, he will probably die, or is hit in such a way that he can't escape.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Redrider (Member # 79) on August 04, 2004, 10:36 PM:
I have thought alot about what I did, and I aint real proud of it. But I'm not loosing any sleep over it either. If you don't like me because of it I really dont care, I'm not that sensitive. But I will think about your viewpoint with an open mind. I did what I did under the spur of the moment and now have had time to reflect on the whole thing. That is why I wanted other folks opinion on it, to make sense of what happened. As I said, live and learn. I will do things differently next time, if it ever happens again at all. I got caught up in the moment and made my decision, I can live with that I guess. I do respect all the critters out there and dont plan on taking any out of season. But dang geeez, it was only 5 days early. I know, I know, early is early... But after watching some beastie walk by, I would probably look in the mirror and think "that's cool, you did the right thing."

And as far as the WDFW Internet Hunting Forum Police banging on my door, I won't hold my breath.

I was using a Rem 700 BDL 30-06 w/Leo M8-4X. Handloads using 150g. Win. PowerPoints. It was 50yds. I think even if it was gut shot it woulda as Krusty said "sprayed the tree." It was just running scared, not hurt. That's what it looked like to me.

By the way, the first thing Krusty said was "A COUGAR???? What are we gonna do with that????" His moral compass never wavered a single bit. That's why he navigates most of the time in our lives.

Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on August 05, 2004, 05:54 AM:
You guys sound like Liberals. Seriously. All this "time to reflect" and "others opinions" and "moral compass" crap. I've been wondering just why in the heck anyone would make a post like this. But, I think you just told me, honestly why you made the post. And it's not just because you're a simple minded moron, as it first appeared. It's because you were actually looking for some of the things you just talked about. I'll never understand liberal thinking if I live to be a thousand years old. Instead of looking for validation and solace in the opinions of others, you should have just shut the heck up.

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 05, 2004, 07:19 AM:
DAA expressed my thoughts exactly. CDOG just addressed the subject of heavy fines to discourage this conduct on another thread. Read your game regulations to learn your states position on poaching. The majority define "TAKE" as the attempt to kill or just the pursuit of a game animal unless otherwise regulated. They do not differentiate between shooting at or shooting into a game animal. Just put a fishing line in the water in front of a game warden five days before season begins, regardless whether you catch a fish or not.
Posted by Bofire (Member # 221) on August 05, 2004, 08:16 AM:
I have hunted with both these guys, I have never seen them do anything illegal. Red is certainly not a dummy or a fool, he made a decision on the spur of the moment and was honest about it. Personally I would not have told the story or written it here, but maybe I am paranoid. The laws are the laws and enforcement is what it is but my reasons for not shooting at that time are differrent.
When I was young and hunting was a sport with points for who got the "most, first, and biggest" I hunted with an aggressive fevor, was bummed if I did not score. I may have done something then, that seemed right if not quite legal. Here is the problem.
As I remember hunts, kills, I get some of my greatest pleasure from reliving it, showing off the trophy, with a poached animal, all you can remember is the poaching, it is not warm and good feeling, it is not a good memory. It is something to hide and try to forget, but ya just cant.
Lighten up on Red, how many of us have made a bad decision on the spur of the moment.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 05, 2004, 08:26 AM:
Lighten up on Red, how many of us have made a bad decision on the spur of the moment.

Bofire, the bad decisions continue everytime he posts on a public forum and justifies or excuses his actions and thereby publisizes them further.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 05, 2004, 08:48 AM:
Maybe it's not their fault? Last night, on the No Spin Zone, he said Seattle was: "San Francisco Lite". So, it's the air they breathe.

Just kidding.

I can understand wanting to share their adventure, but it has not, and will not gain these guys an approval rating.

The sympathy I have, such as it is, and as may be apparent(?) is that the California law protecting these animals is stupid. I don't have any more sympathy for a lion than I have for a sewer rat. Respecting law is a good thing. Writing good law is a challenge. How many people ignored a bad law, driving 55 miles per hour, when it was the law of the land?

As it is with mustangs, eagles, burros and introduced wolves, there will be people that don't agree with certain laws, and kill every one they can get away with. I don't endorse that attitude, but I understand it. Lions have gone from varmint to a protected species in a relatively short time, without much in the way of justification; unless you consider the emotions generated by the bunny hugger campaigns. Hunting seasons are not designed for success, by sympathetic managers. We are the saps.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on August 05, 2004, 10:46 AM:
I sit in total amazement at the way Mr. Klimber works this board.

It is like a grand master caller calling in a entire pack of alpha males. First the curiosity call. "" A Lion came walking in". " That's all I have to say about that".

Now all the noses are in the air, And heads are turning. A few start to approach the stand. Now the pack has slowed down. Out comes the Red caller. Now hackles are starting to raise.

A few more notes from the Red caller, And wham. Now we have teeth baring, And a hell of a lot of barking going on.

He even managed to stir up DAA. Whom I consider the real Cool Hand Luke.

He manages to do it every time he makes a stand on this board. Mr. Klimber if you used these skills in the woods. It would take four Seal teams to keep the animals off of you.

"That is all I have to say about that"

Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on August 05, 2004, 10:57 AM:
Wise words Varmint Hunter..................

Thats all I have to say about that.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 05, 2004, 11:22 AM:
Ronnie, an astutely analogous observation. [Wink]
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 05, 2004, 11:30 AM:
Never mind...

Krusty  -

[ August 05, 2004, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: Krustyklimber ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 05, 2004, 11:40 AM:
You guys are right, I understand the reactions.

You know, both Red and Krusty are green as hell, and liberals, to boot. It "seasons" us, to bear witness to what they have to say, on some subjects. Don't forget, there are a lot of people out there that think like they do, more than think like most of us do.

The type that bothers me more than these two, is such as elpaso dude. I can laugh off Krusty, who doesn't know a whole lot, but then we have those that seem to know a lot about predators, yet are more content to just stir things up, for his personal amusement.

I feel that I'm tolerant of many points of view, depending on the motivation, and if it's genuine. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly where to draw the line.

Do you gentlemen feel that we should limit membership to qualified individuals that can be expected to post comments of value? I admit, I don't know which way to go, but I appreciate respect, and try to provide it, in kind.

I don't want to discourage participation from our valued and knowledgeable "staff", as I consider all of you, to be!

Off line is fine with me, if you would care to share your feelings. If you can spare the time, I'd really like to hear from y'all. If I'm doing something wrong, or can improve the service in some areas, anything at all, please be candid, I can take it. [Smile]

Good hunting. LB

edited for clarity

[ August 05, 2004, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by John/Alaska (Member # 25) on August 05, 2004, 12:30 PM:
Interesting thread!
Posted by Doug (Member # 31) on August 05, 2004, 12:53 PM:
"I sit in total amazement"

LMAO Varmit Hunter! You are the guy who just blurted out what everyone else was thinking. [Wink]
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on August 05, 2004, 01:00 PM:
Yup. Ronnie nailed this one dead center.

Leonard, since you asked, I suggest you change nothing.

Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 05, 2004, 02:07 PM:
I'm with Dave. If someone's just going thru their learning curve and gets a wheel off the track, we're here to help. If they're just trolling, it won't take long to recognize that. I don't think anyone here is too shy to deal with trolls.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 05, 2004, 03:12 PM:

I guess my skills are being used well in the woods too, in the last month I have called a bobcat, a bear, three mt goats, a mt lion, and a coyote.

Not too bad if ya asked me.

I never intended to "work the board" with my post, it was good news, and I thought I'd share it.
I figured those who I consider friends on this board knew to find me in the PM chatroom, and we could discuss it there.

If I post a long one Byron bitches me out for being "longwinded, and moronic"... and if I post a short one Ronnie accuses me of "working the board"... sheesh some guys just can't win! LOL [Razz]

Where's Q, and his "witty insults" for me?
I can usually count on him, to kick me when I am down. LOL


There is no way Red and I can both be liberals, if you knew us you'd know that we have wildly opposing views on politics, gun control, and some other issues.

We are definitely two seperate individuals.

I can assure you I never meant to stir anything up, just for the sake of stirring it up, you should know from my e-mails on this subject, that I had no intention of posting... until my brother spoke up, and put us in a defendable position (even if Red picks the fight, I am still gonna fight it to the end with him, win or lose).

I knew the "whole story" was controversial, and that's why I invited you to discuss it in a more private setting.

...I don't know a whole lot?!? Dang, hit a guy with a sucker punch... LMAO
Whatever, you don't know a whole lot about climbing, and I bet neither one of us knows squat about ancient Chinese dialects, or astral physics... knowledge is all relative.
I know a brilliant genetic scientist that can't find her car in a parking lot... so being overly smart in only one area can be a detriment in others.

And it's kinda like the old joke about the hooker and the underly endowed customer... the only one I need to satisfy with my small mind, is ME!

Hunting the hunters of the hunters... I wish coyotes came in on me, like you guys do...
Wait I wasn't ready.... I hadn't even chambered a round, or sat down yet.

Krusty  -
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 05, 2004, 04:19 PM:
On target or not, Ronnie's analogy was still pretty funny. [Big Grin]
Posted by Bofire (Member # 221) on August 05, 2004, 05:03 PM:
Leonard how would you ever decide who to have on the board and not?
When I first heard the story I was a bit shocked but took it as an opportunity to "teach" or at least offer, thats why I talked about the pride thing, and living with your self.
I talked about it off this board too.
Those guys did call a lion, a deed, a mistake or bad judgement after that? I think so.
My two bits and that is the end for me, I Know nothing about manipulating boards or any of that.

ps. Red I gotta love ya forever, its a caller thing, since I called yer first yote I gotta!!!

[ August 05, 2004, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Bofire ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 05, 2004, 05:35 PM:
Leonard how would you ever decide who to have on the board and not?

Exactly. Which is why having the inexperienced participate flushes some of the expert out of the weeds.

And, of course, Krusty has/had to take it wrong when I said that he doesn't know much. Out of context dude! You are correct, I don't know you, but I know enough to decide, in my own mind that you are not an experienced hunter. That's what I meant, and you know it. Deal with it. I'm finding out that some folks think I favor you! Not the case. You step on toes, they are going to break your leg, so be careful.

And, that's all I got to say about that. [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on August 05, 2004, 06:56 PM:
Uhhh...maybe should have stuck with the tranquilizer rumor? [Wink]
Posted by Redrider (Member # 79) on August 05, 2004, 07:05 PM:
I wasn't looking for validation or approval for anything. I wasn't looking for sympathy or to make friends, have enough allready, thanks. If you don't like the decision I made or don't like me for it, then TOUGH SHIT. Jeeeeeeez, I said it was a mistake and I wouldn't do it next time. What do ya want, blood?

IF you remember why forums exist in the first place it is to discuss things. How is it that "Mr. Klimber" is the one "working the board" when I am the one who told the story, not him. I think my brother KrustyKlimber gets a bad rap most of the time from assholes.

How exactly does a liberal think? Never been called one of those before. Don't really know what one is, why would a moron know anything about politics anyways? Maybe one of you smart, experienced old timers could tell me.

In fact maybe you could personally explain it Leonard. You seem to know quite a bit about how me and my brother think. At least I'm not a Californian. You have some room to talk about S.F. lite.

Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on August 05, 2004, 08:20 PM:
Leonard, I think as you can see, you seem to have a "self policeing" board. It seems that when something controversial or a troll pops up the membership seems to be able to handle it (with a little help from you occasionally).
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 05, 2004, 08:28 PM:
Yeah, I could explain it to you, Red. But, I won't. Believe me, I'm not getting "on" you guys, don't pick a fight with me. As it happens, I'm rather sensitive about living in the Land of the Fruits and the Nuts. You can blame Bill O'Reilly for the slur, (I just repeated it) but actually, both my sister and my brother live up there. He's right, er; he's probably not far off, in his assessment, okay? I was mildly defending you.....and you're welcome.

Look, you invited the comments. Did you get a lot of "that's okay, we don't blame you, one bit" or did the membership respond as I would have guessed; (?) except nobody actually called you a dumb shit.

So, you have no room to be cross with me or anyone else. You asked for opinion. You got opinion. What, you can't take it? Some say you are highjacking the board. Fat chance. What's going to happen the next time you see an elk a week before the season opens? Will you pot it? Will you whine? Will you seek approval, dispensations? Work the board, perhaps?

It takes a lot to get me riled, you have not reached that point. But, to gain respect of the membership, you guys should be a little more contrite.

AND, that's all I have to say about that.

Good hunting. LB

edit: Red, it is not nice to call other members assholes. You started this crap, and you should be man enough to cowboy up without calling names.

[ August 05, 2004, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Redrider (Member # 79) on August 05, 2004, 09:04 PM:
Your right Leonard, I did start the crap. I got what I had coming to me and I can take it like a big boy. And also you should never post right after work when your hot, cranky and tired. I snapped at a couple of folks and that was probably uncalled for under the circumstances. Point well taken. Lessons learned. Two lessons accually, the first is I should have handled it differently from the start, and the second is I shouldn't have blabbed about a stupid mistake in public.

I might not be the smartest and my bro might not be the great white hunter but you'd be lucky to have us as friends, we are good guys at heart and stick buy or friends to the end.

I just didn't understand the whole Liberal thing.

p.s. And that might not be all I have to say about that.

[ August 05, 2004, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Redrider ]
Posted by keekee (Member # 367) on August 05, 2004, 09:21 PM:
Im glad I stayed out of this! [Eek!]

Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 05, 2004, 09:42 PM:
You guys...

Since when did a gun have a two man trigger that can be pulled from 50 yds away?

I feel really bad about this whole thing... about as "contrite" as I can get.

Never did I respond to being called things, like moron, herpes, liberal, degenerate, etc, with name calling.
I ignored most of those insults, and those who made them, just like you asked.

What would you call a person who calls your house at 1:00 in the morning, to exchange dirty words?
What would you call a person who anonymously sent e-mail threatening to "kick your ass" if you showed up at a site function?
Or how about someone who writes you and tells you they wish you never call in anything?

I'd say A-hole is not too far off.
These are the kind of people I get a bad rap from.
Maybe Red should have said "like assholes" and you'd have let it slide...

My intention was never to hijack the board, or to be a troll... if I had planned it, I would have made a way bigger stink than this... but I am so over making a stink anymore.

God, I hope this is all over now.

Krusty  -
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on August 05, 2004, 10:33 PM:

I can't recall who it was who made the Herpes comment, but you gotta admit, it was funny as hell! [Big Grin]

I personally think your brother's biggest mistake was repeating his story. Some things are best left in the woods.

As for getting your ass kicked at a site function, there are a few of us here talking about getting together this fall. If you show up, I will personally guarantee that no one kicks your ass. In fact I'll be sure you get the best of Tequila ( Vic's stuff ) and the best of food ( Bruce's Atomic Buffalo turds ) and all you can handle of both.

Rich can you imagine the video you'd get with Krusty, Leonard, Danny and Vic all around the campfire with a couple of bottles and a big plate of Atomic buffalo turds?
Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on August 06, 2004, 05:12 AM:
Krusty, I have plenty of morons for friends. I'm with Tim, I'll buy you a drink as well. You will have to admit though, you have a way of getting under peoples skin.

Never did I respond to being called things, like moron, herpes, liberal, degenerate, etc, with name calling.
I ignored most of those insults, and those who made them, just like you asked.

Why do liberals get so defensive when they are called a liberal?

[ August 06, 2004, 05:13 AM: Message edited by: Byron South ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 06, 2004, 05:32 AM:
"Rich can you imagine the video you'd get with Krusty, Leonard, Danny and Vic all around the campfire with a couple of bottles and a big plate of Atomic buffalo turds?"
Tim, that would be great. We would all get drunk on Vic's tequila and then kick Bruce's Atomic Turds out of Krusty.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 06, 2004, 09:28 AM:
Rich, you don't mean it, so why say it? You bad!

Byron's comment is the most provocative: Just why is it, that Liberals object to being labeled, "liberal"?

Really, it's not their fault. <snicker> The educational system we all bought and paid for, brainwashed them. The Media continues the effort every day of their lives. See how it can be rationalized, as to blame? Sadly, they themselves, can't recognize the condition.

So, as a sickness, it's beyond blame, and causes the afflicted to admire false idols, like Slick Willy, Hillary, and John Kerry. See, that's the litmus test. Ask a lib who they are voting for. No brainer.

Polarized country, polarized constituency, no hope, but to keep the addled brains out of power.

And, that's all I have to say about that.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 06, 2004, 10:02 AM:
Tim, when is that little Atomic Turd, campfire, tequila suckin', ass-kickin' shindig scheduled? I just might be able to drag myself out into the line-of-fire for that one. [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 06, 2004, 10:23 AM:
Yeah, I'll bring the box of Sauvignon Blanc, and the stemed glasses for Krusty. [Smile]

Just a joke, Krusty. Don't wet your pants. [Smile]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 06, 2004, 10:34 AM:

It's up in the air, as to an exact date. We are involved in consultations/discusions, whether to make it a genuine Huntmasters public event, or by invitation, only. Stay tuned. LB
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 06, 2004, 12:41 PM:

Q made the "like the herpes" joke, and I also thought it was funny, and complimented him on it... probably the best burn he ever came up with.
I took it with a smile and a laugh and moved on.

We have a saying in climbing, that would cover my brother's "sharing" his story, "what goes on the road, stays on the road", meaning you don't tell what might have happened on a road trip, while you're far from home... unless you're on the road, far from home.

What's up??? [Eek!] Did you guys drop your 300 dead coyote minimum, to "antie" up for this gathering???
Man, think of the riff-raff that could allow in, better not set that kind of precident just for me. [Razz]

"I have plenty of morons for friends"......


Let me just say, in a neighborly way... you left the barn door wiiiiiide open on that one. And I'll skip any, and all, jokes, and let the guys and gals make up one of their own. [Big Grin] LMAO

I am sorry to admit, but I do get under people's skin, I don't do it on purpose, and I can "take the ball and run with it".
It's usually a misunderstanding about what someone meant to say.

Leonard's statement about me not knowing anything, and my making a sarcastic joke about it that got missed, is a perfect example.

I got offended when I was called a liberal, because the word was used as if being one is offensive, or more to the point that I lack intelligence because (that person thought) I am a liberal.

It's sorta like "redneck"...
It's okay for you to say "you are one", but it would be considered an insult, if pulled up in a VW Bus with flowers painted on it, and called you one.

Ya know it's funny... (ironic kind again) but on the way way more liberal climbing site, the few of us who have admitted to owning guns, hunting, or cutting down trees are considered as lowly as you guys consider me for being "a liberal".
There I am a murderer, a raper of the environment.... (ewwww ick) a CONSERVATIVE!

Mr Higgins,

Your scenario is a little more like I picture it too. [Wink]
If not physically, I'd at least be expecting to be "kicked around" humorously (there or not).

I love a good joke, even if I am it!

I got it Leonard, I think... I don't drink anymore, so it was mostly lost on me.
Sounds like some foo foo wine though...

I actaully agree about being "annexed" by Californians, and Red does way more than he knows he does... you could cut our state in half, and call the part with a coastline New Northern California, and you'd have a perfect name for it.

I guess this isn't over yet....

Krusty  -
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 06, 2004, 01:31 PM:
hmmm? Should have thought of that. Liberals think that calling someone a redneck, is an insult. Who knew?

Yeah, I think you got it, K. Libs are prone to limp wristing plastic stemmed "glasses" of cheap wine, from a refrigerator "box"; and thinking they look way sophisticated.....and intelligent!

If only they weren't so dangerous, thinking they are able to decide what's best, for the rest of us.

[Roll Eyes]

edit: as below, read on.

Good hunting. LB

[ August 06, 2004, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on August 06, 2004, 01:32 PM:
Krusty; guess Im in the same boat as you now buddy. I just glossed over the daily musings on the black board, and find that Im now a " slack-jawed,grab-assin' wannbe".....Im crushed:)
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 06, 2004, 01:39 PM:
I just had to take a quick look. !Are you the one that , no other than Quinton Wagoner is addressing? note*(the quote refered to appeared to be from a post by "flatlander" and directed at the thread originator)

Yeah, "troll alert!" (another poster, over there said that)

The self imposed morals of the people on this board are what keeps me here!

* the previous quote was taken from the same thread, which caused me to observed the following:

....which would be okay, if some of them, such as the King Hell Dictator, himself, (and only him)practiced what he preaches.

edited for clarity [Smile]

[ August 08, 2004, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on August 06, 2004, 01:50 PM:

At least he didn't call you a liberal [Big Grin] .
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on August 06, 2004, 03:08 PM:
Leonard said "....which would be okay, if some of them such as the King Hell Dictator, himself, practiced what he preaches."
That is exactly right. I was banned from that board for caling him on that, and a few other little petty disagreements. I wonder how the hunting was in Nevada this summer. [Smile]
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on August 06, 2004, 04:01 PM:
Naw; Q wasn't addressing me personally, just those of my "ilk" I supose:) Hey, I used to be just as biased, only my sore spot was pup shootin' in the summer. Ive grown, and lost my moral compass:), could care less when a guy hunts, or if he pulls the hide or not.
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on August 06, 2004, 04:31 PM:

I suggest if you want to stay in this HOUSE, you better read "Where it all Began" and don't pee in the pool... The King Hell Dictator of this board takes a very dim view of both shooting summer coyotes and not saving fur! Your decision, either change your ways, or don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out!

OOPS, my mistake, I thought I was typing this reply over at CG. [Wink]

This post was made 100% in jest [Smile]
Posted by Bofire (Member # 221) on August 06, 2004, 06:24 PM:
I am impressed! Every time I post, the post ends or no one answers anyway. One post from these guys youd think Marylin Monroe walked in the room.
Maybe Krusty and Red should run fer President and Vice, I know I'd like them better then the choices we have.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on August 06, 2004, 07:47 PM:
I just got around to reading this thread from start to, well, here, and I want to personally thank Krusty and Red for taking everyone's attention off the fact that I am apparently the presumed resident authority on teabagging. And BTW, I'm not. Just knew what it meant when I heard it, and no Rich, it ain't got nuttin' to do with shootin' turkeys. [Smile]

As far as rednecks, yup, I'm one. And as long as the "civilized" world wants to make fun of us ack basswards types in Kansas, then so be it. As long as it keeps y'all from moving here, call me what you want.

And Vic, you could be a "misbred hare-lipped idiot". Hold it... you got a longer title than I do. What's up with that??? Long live the King hell Dick-tator. Without him, we'd only have Krusty to blame!!!
Posted by brad h (Member # 57) on August 06, 2004, 08:21 PM:
Us rednecks are everywhere, Lance. Every time I bring up calling or call making my wife is right there to generously point out what I am.

If I ever miracuiously forget, I'm sure I can count on her to remind me. [Big Grin]

I also know what a teabagger is.

Posted by Q-Wagoner (Member # 33) on August 06, 2004, 11:43 PM:
No Troll here Leonard. Bob is no troll either, nor Norm, nor Cal nor anyone else that occasionally posts on the Black Board. And again no I wasn’t addressing Vic. Actually I wasn’t really addressing anybody. I just need to air out a few thoughts every once and a while. Someone would have to live in a cave not to know my stance on summer time coyote hunting. If they want up to speed just run a search on PM. LOL . Hell I even had these convections before I found out that Vic and John were the coyote Gods!! My politics don’t sway with the currant winds and I practice what I preach. Out of respect I have not been confrontational here.

I have more friends on this board (regardless of coyote politics) than any other because my stance on the issue is respected or at least was. Out of respect for you and others Leonard that I considered friends I avoid the issue.

Now I am a troll and I am one of the “some of them” that doesn’t practice what I preach. Well what ever.

See ya.

Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on August 07, 2004, 06:11 AM:

What are your opinions on summer time lions shot out of season [Mad] . To quote Ron White "I have the right to remain silent, I just don't have the ability" (serious character flaw, I suppose) I believe most people here have been around enough to know their are different views on the subject of summer time coyotes, and most are mature enough to realize that others have different views, and are big enough to except it. It's called mutual respect. And thats why I like Leonards board. I'm realatively new to these boards (about 18 months now), but it took me about two days to realize that me and John Henry would clash. Not because he had different views, but because he is close minded and arrogant. Arrogant, close minded people show little respect/tolerance for opposing views. To me thats a sure sign of a narrow minded person. Some things are black and white (like game laws), but most are not.

"A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still".

Good Hunting

Byron [Big Grin]
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on August 07, 2004, 07:19 AM:
Well said Byron. I like the Ron White quote. That guy is funny as heck. [Big Grin]

Regarding the above comment..."you could cut our state in half, and call the part with a coastline New Northern California, and you'd have a perfect name for it." That is a very accurate statement. Truly disappointing. Getting harder every day to keep the pistol out of my mouth. LOL!
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on August 07, 2004, 11:24 AM:

"It ain't easy being cheesy" eh? LOL

I did wonder why Q wasn't in this thread "baggin on me"... now I know.
He was too busy baggin on someone else. (joke)


I had a feeling my statement, about dividing the state in half, would hit you where you live... both literally and figuratively.
I feel so sorry for you, to hate living in such a wonderful place, the way you do...

I don't know why any of you guys would ever bother to even read what's posted at CG... let alone post (espesially you guys that they talk smack about, it would be impossible for me to have no way to respond [Mad] ).

I guess it's a character flaw of my own... but I like to play the game, not sit on the sidelines watching others play.

*That's why I didn't see, and have not read, any of what happened with the Elpaso guy...
When he wanted black and white figures PROVING whatever... I saw history repeating itself, and walked away. J couldn't watch him walk straight into the lake of fire.
There is NO BLACK or WHITE in hunting... it's all grey, at least I know that much now Leonard! [Wink]

Krusty  -
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on August 07, 2004, 12:47 PM:
Leonard, I believe Q misinterpreted your post. Would you straighten him out before he walks? None of us want that.
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on August 07, 2004, 03:21 PM:
LOL! Appreciate the concern Krusty but I love where I live. It's the mindset of a lot of the people where you live that I hate. They are truly ruining this fine state. I think the ones I don't care for consist mostly of the dreaded liberals we all know and love. The large population of misguided folk over your way that negatively affect the lives of the rest of the people just trying to live and mind their own business is what pisses me off. Their constant efforts at stripping rights and trying to force their views down the throats of others is slightly irritating, that's all. Save your sorrow my friend. [Smile]

Good hunting?
Posted by Bofire (Member # 221) on August 07, 2004, 09:10 PM:
Curt, If you think it hurts you to live with the folks that have come here from Californicated you oughta try to live here(wet side). I am too far into my retirement to move now, but if I could?
There are a lot of old timer types still here but we are out voted.
PS. I still think yur a great guy regardless of putting us "wetties" in the same box with the Liberals. LOL
Maybe cause I grew up in Moseslake????

Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on August 07, 2004, 10:37 PM:
Don't worry Carl, I know you "wetties" aren't all liberals. And we are getting more and more of them over here too. No place is sacred now. No matter where they live, if they vote in the traditional liberal manner, they are worth less than the hair in a coyote turd in my book. LOL! [Smile]

Take care, Curt
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on August 08, 2004, 08:46 AM:
I just read the post at the Blackboard. Q buddy, I think what Leonard was referring to with the "troll alert" comment was that post before yours (the "slack jawed, grab assin, wannabe" one [Smile] ) where Chris issued the "Troll Alert". I don't think he was calling you a troll, just making a little joke about usual hackles getting raised over there regarding "out of season" coyote hunting, when the "Dictator" himself probably deserves the title of "slack jawed, grab assin, wannabe" better than anyone on the web. That's all. [Big Grin]

Anyhow, don't be going anywhere Q. You know we still love ya. [Wink]

Good hunting
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 08, 2004, 10:30 AM:
Yeah, what Curt said.

Quinton, nobody dised you, that was somebody else that was yanking the chain.

I have no agenda, for or against summertime hunting, and (for sure) wouldn't condemn anyone for shooting coyotes, or condemn someone else for having a problem with others shooting summertime coyotes.

Slow down Q, read carefully. Whatever you took wrong, was just in reply to Vic's comment to Krusty, about being jumped on, on the darkside. I thought it was humorous, nothing to get excited about.

Actually, we could view that CG thread, and conclude that Vic is the troll. He uses a screen name unfamiliar to anybody. And, he knows he will be jumped, because it's not time, yet, according to the "count down clock". He was stiring the pot, looks to me?

But, it's nothing to get excited anout, I think he was just poking his buddy. Boys will be boys.

Good hunting. LB [Smile] can't forget the smillie.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 08, 2004, 11:01 AM:
Q, appreciate your restraint, or respect.

What I want to say here, publically, is that you can venture any opinion without fear of reprisals. Nobody has to agree with me, or die. I thought you knew?

It is hard enough to find those with which we agree, in general terms. We are hunters and predator hunters. We don't have to agree to the last detail on anything. You hunt fur, I don't. Fine with me.

But, if you, and others, think that the black board is dedicated to fur hunting, and created by a fur hunter, that might not be completely accurate.

and that's all I have to say about that. [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Bryan J (Member # 106) on August 08, 2004, 12:54 PM:
Red in answer to your question what I would have done is simple. I have never been faced with a situation that you describe but when in lion habitat you have to expect that one could respond. Basically what I would have done if I was uncomfortable with the lion being there is ACT AND LOOK HUMAN NOW! If I didn’t get the desired response I would make the loudest noise I could with what I had but it wouldn’t be pointed directly at the critter. After that I don’t know…..I have always figured that step one would do the trick most of the time.

The FIRST mistake that you made is that you were not mentally prepared for the situation. By that I mean that you didn’t expect to call in a lion and you had no plan of action that was ethical and legal if you did. It is much easier to make a decision under pressure if you have already decided on a course of action before you get in that situation.

As for your second question, let’s just say that I disagree with your actions as described.
Posted by Tommy Johnson (Member # 294) on August 08, 2004, 03:56 PM:
Listening to the story here, I heard that wanting to kill a once in a lifetime trophy (80 lber [Roll Eyes] ) coupled with "I don't make a habit of poaching but dang this is a big cat we are talking about. ", is the true motive here.
The self defense ploy is the alibi and a poor one at that.

But I think you got the point by now.

Good one on the liberal joke Byron, good one!!! [Big Grin]


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