This is topic I got a digital camera, check this out! in forum Predator forum at The New Huntmastersbbs!.

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Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 03, 2004, 07:08 PM:
I'm going to eat some of Leonards band width with these but you guys may enjoy them.  -  -  -  -  -

[ October 03, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Cal Taylor ]
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on October 03, 2004, 07:22 PM:
And enjoy them I did! Damn Cal, that second pic should be on a magazine cover. Very nice action photos, if those pics don't get your heart pumping you must be dead. Did you just take those recently?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 03, 2004, 07:27 PM:
That bobtail looks like he's enjoying the action. Hey, don't worry about bandwidth, Cal. I have a flat rate deal. [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 03, 2004, 07:28 PM:
Lonny, I took those this afternoon. I was out taking some hunting blinds down and a coyote had to howl. I couldn't resist. I just took my camera and had a dog along with me. I took pics for about 15 minutes of this coyote and finally couldn't stand it. I got up and went back to the truck for a rifle. I don't know how Higgins does it. (not shooting). I came back to the scene of the crime with artillery instead of a camera and let my dog finally win the battle.
I took 44 pictures while this was going on. I just picked some quick ones.

[ October 03, 2004, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Cal Taylor ]
Posted by Yellerdog (Member # 356) on October 03, 2004, 07:38 PM:
Those are some great pictures Cal. I'd like to see more if you get a chance.
Sure looks like your dogs having a good time. [Smile]

Lee Smith
Posted by Dave (Member # 402) on October 03, 2004, 07:42 PM:
Sometimes the best times are the one's leased planned! Nice pic's.

Dave [Big Grin]
Posted by Lone Howl (Member # 29) on October 03, 2004, 07:43 PM:
Nice Cal! Yep, that second one is classic.
Posted by keekee (Member # 367) on October 03, 2004, 07:59 PM:
Very nice Cal! I enjoyed them very much!

Posted by brad h (Member # 57) on October 03, 2004, 08:05 PM:

#2 and #4 will make great "soon to be removed by the wife" screen savers.

I don't know how Rich does it either. I've called a few in at work with no gun and it drove me nuts. I still try though.

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on October 03, 2004, 08:58 PM:
WOW!!! Those photos are my idea of a monster trophy. WONDERFUL!
Posted by CougerBait (Member # 149) on October 04, 2004, 06:16 AM:
That looks like a good time. I wish I knew how to get my lab to do that.
Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on October 04, 2004, 06:33 AM:

Nice pictures! How about some information on which camera, Optical and digital zoom, etc.

Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 04, 2004, 06:42 AM:
Greenside, I know nothing about cameras and this is a Wal-Mart sale rack special. It is a Fujifilm Finepix S3000. 3.2 megapixels with a 6X optical zoom. The zoom isn't much so take my word for it, this stuff was close.
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on October 04, 2004, 07:42 AM:
Awesome pics Cal.

Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on October 04, 2004, 07:49 AM:
Cool pictures Cal, Thanks.
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 04, 2004, 08:04 AM:
Byron, I may have a pup for you, out of the same litter as the dog I called Bullseye, if your interested. This pup is blue colored and may be what you want. The guy that originally got him isn't using him much and he is too much dog to keep contained.
Posted by nd coyote killer (Member # 40) on October 04, 2004, 08:18 AM:
Unbelievable truly unbelievable i can't wait until i have a house and am settled down so i can get my dog,
Cal do the dogs have most of the training instinctively or do they all take a lot of training. Have you ever lost a dog i've seen some real close encounters with Merv Griswolds dogs, how much does a pup run?
Posted by RanUtah (Member # 18) on October 04, 2004, 03:25 PM:
New dog Cal?? Great pics BTW.
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 04, 2004, 05:21 PM:
Ran, Thats the Cur that I got from Missouri. I've had him almost two years now.
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on October 04, 2004, 05:37 PM:
Those are incredible photos.
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on October 04, 2004, 08:18 PM:
great job.... makes for a great trophy hunt...
Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on October 05, 2004, 02:33 PM:
Thanks Cal,

I may alredy have a dog coming froma local guy. He promised me a pup from his next litter. They are good brush dogs on cattle, but puts them on hogs some to. They look a whole lot like your dogs. Don't know if they will make a coyote dog or not but we might just find out.

When you coming down to Texas.

Byron [Big Grin]
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 05, 2004, 03:14 PM:
The trip I didn't make last year, I hope to make this year. But I haven't set a date of any kind yet.
Posted by Alaskan Yoter (Member # 169) on October 05, 2004, 03:23 PM:
Very nice pics Cal!! I too am looking forward to seeing the others. [Eek!]

Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on October 05, 2004, 08:23 PM:
Terrific photos Cal. Hope to see more. Actually you should submit them to one of the magazines. They are that good and would help pay for your camera.

Does the coyote in the 4th photo have an Ace bandage on his right leg?

Hey Higgins. How old is that coyote with his mouth open?
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 05, 2004, 08:40 PM:
That pretty much what that looks like Jay. I never noticed it till you said that. But from the looks of the last picture, I don't think an Ace bandage was enough. I do have some plans for these and some more pictures though Jay. You'll see soon.
Posted by justmissed (Member # 424) on October 22, 2004, 08:46 PM:
Great pics,looked like much fun.
Dave see ur from S.D. East or west?This is my first post.Be yakkin at ya. [Smile]
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on October 23, 2004, 03:40 AM:
Welcome to Huntmasters Justmissed!

Posted by Dave (Member # 402) on October 23, 2004, 08:15 PM:

I'm from east river. Near Brookings. Where are you at?

Posted by justmissed (Member # 424) on October 24, 2004, 06:10 AM:
Hello all,
Well we be neighbors Dave,I live in Huron.
Ya been out yet,I havent.But found this BB,been lookin at the posts and Im gettin a serious inkling to go put some lead down range. [Smile]
By the way,great BB.Was readin bout those contests out west,sounds like that was a riot.And what a wealth of knowledge is contained here.Lottsa years of shootin n callin banked here.
Im a newb at this coyote callin,but enthusiastic,n fair shooter.So Im in absorb mode while scannin the posts.
So u a goose hunter Dave.Thats kinda the mode im in right now.And of course shootin a few wiley roosters.But gonna start callin yotes soon. [Smile]
Im sure we ll be meetin sometime,maybe allready have,LOL.
Posted by dafooge (Member # 432) on November 03, 2004, 06:03 PM:
CAL,,YOUR THE MAN,,,UNREAL PICS,, and you try to tell ppl about how fired up they come in and they dont belive you ,,well heres proof,,hes fire up! lol,,,what did you shoot him with? besides the dig cam,,lol,,,thanks dafooge [Eek!] [Eek!] [Big Grin]
Posted by Kelly Jackson (Member # 977) on August 11, 2010, 07:19 AM:
came across this old thread.
Posted by Nikonut (Member # 188) on August 11, 2010, 09:22 AM:
Great pics and a real lesson in history as well!

Look at some of the names that were posting. WOW! It's sad to think about what the internet boards turned into...

Glad I got to read this one.

Posted by DanS (Member # 316) on August 11, 2010, 09:36 AM:
I didn't notice the dates until I started noticing the posters names. I thought it was great how Cal was able to let his dog work that coyote for something like 15 minutes, then leave and come back with a rifle, and then put the coyote down.

I would have loved to have watched that. Too cool.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 11, 2010, 12:42 PM:
Yeah, some of those guys ain't around any more, in Jail for something or other?

Good hunting. LB [Wink]
Posted by Possumal (Member # 823) on August 11, 2010, 01:43 PM:
Great photos, Cal. I look forward to your next bunch.

Is Buster still active? He tickled me half to death in your video.
Posted by 3 Toes (Member # 1327) on August 11, 2010, 02:06 PM:
Al, You really just didn't say that I hope.

There is a guy on PM who uses a worthless mutt he calls a coyote dog. That dogs name is Buster and he wouldn't make a pimple on the ass of a real dog. I sure hope you don't have us confused. I will be absolutely mortified and insulted if you do.

My dogs and I will not forgive you for this one.
Posted by Paul Melching (Member # 885) on August 11, 2010, 02:42 PM:
buster? Gee! Cal we never got to see your Schnauzers
are they really as good as everyone claims?
I hear their hell on wheels in New Mexico [Eek!]

[ August 11, 2010, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Paul Melching ]
Posted by Possumal (Member # 823) on August 11, 2010, 03:38 PM:
Cal, the only thing I had mixed up was my memory. I was talking about your dog, Casper. Problem is I watched the video almost two years ago, but was playing with my grandson's chocolate lab, Buster, this past Sunday on my birthday.

71 birthdays is taking its toll on me. (LOL)
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 11, 2010, 04:06 PM:
Ah yes. The AGE defense. Good luck, it never worked for me.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by jwelk (Member # 2051) on August 11, 2010, 07:18 PM:
Those are some great pics.
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on August 12, 2010, 05:46 PM:
Well, if a man's got pull up old threads, this one is about as good as it gets, in the pic. department..turning out to be pretty funny too.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on August 13, 2010, 04:36 AM:
I remembered that thread after a while. At first, I thought BS was back. [Roll Eyes]

Good pics Cal. Is Casper still goin strong? Or did you trade him off for Buster? [Big Grin] Just kiddin, dont make them bite me when I come up. LOL
Posted by Aznative (Member # 506) on August 13, 2010, 10:04 AM:
Kelly, thanks for reviving that old thread. Those are some great pictures. I haven't seen Jay Nisetter post in ages. Some of those other posters I've never seen. Heard of a few of them, but never met them.
Posted by 3 Toes (Member # 1327) on August 13, 2010, 08:13 PM:
Sorry guys, but Casper headed for greener pastures a year or so ago. Got about half blind and quit hunting, so had to put him down. Thats the bad thing about dogs, they never last long enough. I have my cur I call Gage (thats in these pictures) and he is maybe 9 or so this year and one I call Streak that is 10 or 11 and both are still going strong as long as I don't hunt them every day, but I know that the day is coming. I have a 2 year old female that is hell on wheels and she goes every day and maybe is going to be as good of dog as I have ever had, and since she is coming so good I bought a half brother to her that is just a puppy that I will start next year. It's tough to keep dogs coming up. The washout rate is pretty high along with the hazards of being a hunting dog, longevity is rare.

[ August 13, 2010, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: 3 Toes ]
Posted by Possumal (Member # 823) on August 14, 2010, 04:53 AM:
Cal, I hate to hear that about Casper. I watched your video again yesterday, and he was really something to watch. He didn't look like he would be that quick but he sure was. Those damned coyotes just couldn't bite him from behind.

Having to make the decision to put a good hunting dog down has to be about as hard to do as I can imagine.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on August 14, 2010, 05:20 AM:
I hate to hear that Cal. Thats the roughest thing about being a dog man. You lose your best friend and huntin partner every decade or so. Tagger just turned 10, eyes are both turning grey, not hearing as good. Its a matter of time. Going to be a sad day.

But, I got Kate, she is 5 and two pups comin on.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 14, 2010, 08:31 AM:
I don't know what I'll do with Rocky, when the time comes? <sob> That little feller means the world to me, and I ain't even seen him. He didn't eat the muffin I left out yesterday. Hope he's all right? ElBee
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on August 14, 2010, 08:32 AM:
Dog question; (bear with me, I don't know squat about hunting dogs) [Confused]

Do you guys find that male or female dogs tend to be more aggressive toward coyotes, or doesn't it {gender} matter????
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on August 14, 2010, 11:46 AM:
Great pics Cal! It's hard to explain to people how much value we put on them. They make my life easier time and time again and only want a pat on the head for doin it. Wish my wife was like that.

Cal you see Merv very often?

LB, if your feelin a little lonely I could ship you out a few more just like Rocky!!
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on August 14, 2010, 02:26 PM:
I dont have near the experience that some of the others have. But by far, males seem to be more agressive. I like hunting females much better on coyotes.

Tagger would rather just cut me out of the equasion sometimes. He gets so fired up on a coyote that he would just as soon kill it himself and ends up runnin them off.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on August 14, 2010, 03:31 PM:
Leonard, put me in there with Randy for wanting to help you out. Dispersal in coon-dom is nigh and there will be a LOT of those little bastards homeless and looking in the next few weeks. I could stick one in a priority flat rate box and have it to you inside 3 days. I guarentee you that the little bugger will be glad to see you when you flip those flaps open. Probably give ya a big hug around your head. [Wink]

Putting a good dog down is a damned hard thing to do. I hunted my English male from 5 weeks to almost 14 years old in some way or another. He was my kid before I had a wife or kids. He was a one-handler dog that placed little trust in anyone but me, and had a trust in me that I don't offer but very few people in my life. One night, he fell through the ice on a river and I stripped down to my skivvies to go haul him back to shore. He damned near died that night, but an hour later, was back to work. When he screwed up, he knew it and came to me for his ass chewing. Once I gave him the red ass, he went back to work and ran clean all night long. Likewise, when he did well, he came to my side expecting nothing more than a pat on the head and a compliment or two. That's all it took and he was, again, back to work. That dog gave his guts for me and I creid like a baby the day I put him down.

You just gotta love a good dog. I pity the man who doesn't know what that means.
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on August 14, 2010, 04:05 PM:

IMO, had a female decoy dog in the late 90's and it took a little longer for her to get to a point that the males tend get to a little quicker.

Males seem to have other things that distract them and can become more independant minded.

Ran coondogs in the 80's and males would tend to hunt earlier as a rule but once a female got it she would hunt harder. It seemed the females as a rule would follow rather than lead but would hunt harder to figure stuff out better than the males at times.

Good bloodlines made a huge difference in the quality of the dogs no matter what the sex and seemed to virtually elliminate the difference in dog behavior from pup to pup. If you got the right lines going the pups tend to not vary a great deal.

Decoy dogs being trained by old dogs on the job are a huge advantage unless you have some behavior in an old dog you don't wish in the younger one.

Personal preference in a dog is different to each owner. We all have different wants and needs.
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on August 14, 2010, 05:21 PM:
Thanx for the replys. I can see where a male dog would do the "I be male......I be macho" routine. Much like people. I can also see a female dog getting the maternal instincts up and handing someone or something it's guts. Again, much like people.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one to do poorly when it came time to put a dog down. Muttly was a damn good family dog. This is the longest that I've ever been without a dog. I guess that when the time is right, one will find me. For some reason that I fail to comprehend, I seem to be a freaking cat magnet lately.
Posted by 3 Toes (Member # 1327) on August 15, 2010, 04:22 AM:
RR, I do see Merv around occasionally. I don't know him real well, but we visit quite a bit when I run into him. Nice guy.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on August 15, 2010, 08:50 AM:
Well, WHERE do you see him, "around"? At Walmart, or out in the boonies? lol

I've only owned two dogs and got emotional when with both. Dang, me, my son and my grandson buried Red way out of town, asleep in her bed, heck of a nice spot, surrounded by trees and the dirt was high because of the bed and she wasn't a small thing. It's houses now, I couldn't find it if I wanted.

Vic lost Bootsie in a particularly foul manor that still pisses me off. She looked and acted a lot like Red, I wanted to take her home with me.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on August 15, 2010, 10:19 AM:
Tell him Hi from me when you see him Cal.

He was nice enough to GIVE me two Curs when I started this job. I had lost mine right before I got this job and was without. I called him to see if he had any, he happened to be coming my way to a funeral and brought them along. I will always owe him. Like you said really nice guy.

How come it's always good dogs that die quicker than they should or from something strange. Worthless ones live no matter what??
Posted by 3 Toes (Member # 1327) on August 15, 2010, 12:44 PM:
Generally here the no good ones die of a traumatic gun shot wound.

Actually LB, I have run into Merv at Wal-Mart before! And at the occasional gunshow and at the big new years bash. ETC. ETC.
Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on August 16, 2010, 11:11 AM:
Those are some of the coolest photos I've seen in a while!

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