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Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on January 21, 2005, 07:20 AM:
Here is some pictures of a black coyote I shot yesterday. I had just called a spot with no takers, walked to the truck, and was driving to the next spot when I caught him crossing the logging road about 250 yards down from us. I immediately realized it was a black coyote, grabbed my rifle and waited for him to cross an opening. He had already seen us and was cutting through the cut over and I figured I would have maybe one opportunity before he got to the big woods. Sure enough he stoped, popped his head up and shortly ther after was greeted by a 60 V-Max in the throat. No, I didn't call him in and didn't get any footage [Confused] but I did get another black coyote [Big Grin] .



Snageltoothed too [Big Grin] . He was missing a few teeth.
His bottom Canines were completely gone. Maybe Rich can tell us how old he was.  -

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Good Hunting

Posted by GUTPILE (Member # 448) on January 21, 2005, 07:54 AM:
That's pretty cool. I've never seen a black one before. Just real darkish brown/tan.
Rug ?
Posted by WolverineAtWork (Member # 23) on January 21, 2005, 07:54 AM:
And so soon after MLK day? Didn't you learn anything?  -

hehe.. jk. Nice job, we don't get freebies like that.

[ January 21, 2005, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: WolverineAtWork ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 21, 2005, 08:54 AM:
I would havepostsed earlier but after Matt's post I had to go do something else for a while.
No white patches? Solid black? I always wonder if they have a harder time of it than normal colored coyotes? Byron, if you skinned it would you examine the flanks and hindquarters for evidence of scarring?
He's missing the left three maxillary incisors and I believe the first carnassial. The mandibular canines are toast and the right third incisor is inclined anteriorly out of occlusion so there is very little wear on it. . Probably trauma rather than disease since the majority of the other teeth seem healthy. The teeth have drifted some resulting in abnormal wear due to malocclusion. Hard to tell the age but the overall wear would suggest that he is at least three years old. I just don't know Byron. Sorry.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 21, 2005, 09:34 AM:
Good job, Byron. In the first place, I'd be a little more generous in giving credit for calling the animal. Any coyote that pops up as I'm leaving a stand is assumed to have been called, to my way of thinking.

That color is exactly what I saw one time, I have described it as a black and brown mix brindle. I was that close to him as he crossed in front of us, dissapearing into heavy cover.

Thanks for sharing.

Good hunting. LB

[ January 21, 2005, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on January 21, 2005, 10:12 AM:
Thanks guys,


I took him to the taxidermist. I'm having a pedestal mount done of him howling (neck forward). These mounts are very cool and will look great on an end table. I would have had a full mount done but he did have some bad scares on one side and his tail was ruff. His ears, head and neck were in great shape but he did appear to have been in a few scrapes. I would have guesses his age at much older than 3,but what do I know [Wink] . He had no white patches. Solid Black, with a few grey and dark brown hairs mixed in.


Maybe I did call him in [Confused] [Big Grin] . Sure makes for a better story.

Last Saturday I called in another black coyote and got him on film. Trouble was he was with another normal colored coyote and the normal one got there first. We were waiting on a shot on the black one when the normal coyote got suspicious and was about to leave. He died on film [Big Grin] . This was about 35 miles south West of where I killed this one. I may try again for him this weekend.

I have been fortunate enough to see several black coyotes, but have never seen one out West. This must be more predominant in the Eastern sub-species. I really don't think it has a thing inthe world to do with crossbreeding with dogs though as they seem to be 100% coyote in all respects except for their color. Here in East Texas I have killed them in many different color phases, from almost white all the way to black. Here is a picture of one I called in about a mounth ago that was almost orange.


Forgot to mention. Both black coyotes that I've seen this year were with another, normal colored coyote.

Byron [Big Grin]
Posted by GUTPILE (Member # 448) on January 21, 2005, 02:40 PM:
My wife is a Dental Hygienist. I think she should read your synopsis because she might like to go coyote hunting with me to evaluate each set of teeth. Geeze, she might even take it up with me. I'm sure she'd give you an "A ".
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 21, 2005, 03:06 PM:
Byron, because of the uneven wear, my best guess is "at least" three. Heck it might be twice that or even more. If you really want to know, pull a lower canine and send to me and I'll tell you exactly.
As you know, scarring on the hindquarters is an indication of extreme and aggressive rejections by resident coyotes, as is a ragged tail. The alpha male of the Phoenix zoo pack has only half a tail. He lost the other half to a local coyote in a fight through the zoo fence.
Posted by Thomas (Member # 482) on January 21, 2005, 06:00 PM:
Bryron I got your videos coming to the call and I love them. i think caller should buy them

Arkansas Frog
Posted by Byron South (Member # 213) on January 21, 2005, 06:48 PM:

Both his lower canines were gone or I would gladly send you one. I was guess he was older because of the excessive were on the remaining top two canines as well as the other teeth. One thing for sure, he had had a tough life.


Thanks for the kind words. I think every body needs a copy of my videos [Big Grin]

Posted by GUTPILE (Member # 448) on January 21, 2005, 07:11 PM:
My new friend, my wife, says the canines are still long and not rounded off. She thought the coyote was no older than 3. She's not a pro, but, 27 years doing it. She says by just looking at our dog " Dozer " the minature Rottie, that's what she thinks. Just an opinion.
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on January 22, 2005, 07:29 AM:
Weather you called him are not. It sounds like there was fantastic shooting involved.


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