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Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 13, 2005, 06:00 AM:
I want to respond to your email of a couple of days ago Lance and am not sure my return emails are getting delivered. I looked for a phone # on your web site and must not be able to find it if it's there. Makes me think you have some creditors looking for you. [Wink]

Email me your number so I can call on my dime. Sorry for having to use your board this way Leonard but Lance seems rather elusive. [Big Grin]
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on September 13, 2005, 06:40 AM:
I also sent you an e-mail that hasn't been answered? Either it didn't go through that way or your reply hasn't came yet. Thanks
Posted by Sue and Mark Nami (Member # 685) on September 13, 2005, 06:52 AM:
I've sent emails to Gerald too. I thought he was ingoring me so I just gave up.
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 13, 2005, 09:03 AM:
This frustrates they heck out of me. I have been battling a problem with emails getting lost in cyberspace for some time now...going and coming. It has gotten so bad that I have become paranoid by considering all kinds of scenarios...even the possibility that BM has hacked into my server and is selectively eliminating emails. [Razz]

I have not ignored anyone and want to respond to all. Mark and Sue, I think I may have gotten yours but my reply may not have gotten back to you. In an effort to see if it may be partially my spam killer I have been asking for subject line and checking for them specifically. That would not explain why my outgoing emails are getting lost.

I can't seem to get them from people out west most often, particularly my brother in LA but get all that Leonard sends me....I think. [Frown]

Cal, I have not recieved any from you either. Maybe you could resend and then post on this thread your subject line and I will get your address from your profile to see if my spam killer is the culprit. I do not know what else to do. Everytime I call SBC I talk to Saihied in India and get absolutely nowhere. [Mad]

[ September 13, 2005, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: Gerald Stewart ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 13, 2005, 10:06 AM:
Don't you just hate that?

"So, Mr Stewart, may I call you Gerald? You say that you have not been receiving your email? Is that correct?"

I have heard quite a few people complain about email, when switching to dsl/broadband.

But, you should remove your spam controls to see if that helps. That's my guess.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 13, 2005, 12:34 PM:
You don't say that Leonard with a good East ****** accent. [Razz]

I tried turning off the spam software and it came back on the next morning by itself. If I turn it off for good I will get hundreds of offers from people to sell me something, to do strange things to my body, make parts of my body grow larger, make me rich in the stock market and a whole bunch of other obnoxious things I do not want or need. [Mad]

I have stuck with the old address through three company buyouts. When I finally settled with SBC Yahoo as an internet provider I did not initially use the address that came with the deal. My son Jeremy had me set up with the address to try and solve this problem. The old address had everything going through the older server and then it had to be forwarded to the sbcglobal server.

It is my impression that the problem still persists with the newest server. I do not know what to do next other than try and get a hold of someone at SBC stateside and then they will probably say "everthing checks out fine on our end".

The problem seems to be random and intermittent. Could it just be the amount of traffic on the DSL lines? I would use Roadrunner but they do not provide service to my industrial block here in Waco. Are there any other SBC Yahoo users watching this conversation that are experiencing the same problem?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 13, 2005, 12:59 PM:
Computer problems can be such a pain in the a$$.

I have recently had dsl problems caused by a poor quality transmission line that turned out to be a loose connection in the protector on the side of the house. The plastic had split and there was no tension on the wire/screw. Also had all kinds of problems with my home netgear network. Get this; it is now working, but the ethernet cable is not plugged in. Voodoo.

Damned computers!

And yet, I marvel at a few friends that either don't have a computer or don't have Internet service, and most importantly, email! My old platoon leader still uses a typewriter and I reply with Word and snail mail. Talk about the Stone Age!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 13, 2005, 01:10 PM:
Typewriter...what is that? [Confused] [Confused] [Confused]
Posted by crapshoot (Member # 225) on September 13, 2005, 01:34 PM:
I assume your looking for the other Lance since I dont have a website. And yes, Creditors are always looking for me . [Wink]
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 13, 2005, 01:49 PM:
Lance H. is a wanted man. Anybody have a phone # I can reach him at. Send it to me at maybe I will get it maybe I won't. [Mad]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on September 13, 2005, 02:29 PM:


I replied to both your e-mails and they both had receipt confirmations as part of the deal. It's weird that you didn't at least get those back. Hmm.

In any event, I won't be in the house until about 7 tonight. Our house is for sale and every night for the past 7, we've been ousted by realtors showing the place. I could understand the inconvenience if this was a palace, but it's not even close. LOL All these folks probably know I'm sort of a "pampass know it all" and figure this shed will be worth big bucks someday. You think?

Anyway, Gerald, call me around 7 and I'll make sure my teenage son isn't on the phone to his chick.
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on September 13, 2005, 02:37 PM:
All I wanted was an address to send a video to Gerald. Thanks.
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 13, 2005, 04:40 PM:
Thanks Lance, I am 15 minutes from calling you. I had to return to the office to make a couple of other calls to Arizona on legal matters.

Cal, send a bill with that please to 5100 Fort Waco, Texas 76710

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