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Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on November 11, 2009, 07:01 PM:
Well, I said that my average wouldn't hold. Never does. [Frown]

Took my nephew out Sunday and we called four and only got one and a half. He whacked one with my 12 gauge and in the midst of all his spinning and biting, he managed to find healing salvation, four good feet and a whole 'nother gear before my regular gunner, Kevin, could put another round in him 300 yards later. I was busy shooting at a second coyote that had accompanied the first, and who wisely chose to run right into the sun to effect his timely egress. My parting shot was 325 yards and hit low.

Rule of thumb with a shotgun: If he ain't dead three seconds afetr the shot, kill him again!


Wasn't until the next to last stand of the day in gale force winds that we came up empty handed and, while walking back to the truck, encountered this forty pound behemoth circling his mangy ass to the downwind side nearly 600 yards from where the caller was. He saw Kevin about the same time Kevin saw him and stopped to see what all that goofy barking was about just long enough to die. He's the biggest male we've taken around here in several years at just about 40.5 pounds.

Here's my nephew Ryan and me at the weigh-in...


Went out Monday morning and couldn't find crap. Had one coyote try to back door me. He wouldn't stop for no amount of woofin', so I shot him in the ass at about 90-yards. After about five seconds, he was up on 2.5 legs and trying valiantly to get to the treeline beyond where he was bleeding, so I did something I've been meaning to try as opposed to blowing them up with a whole 'nother round. I jumped up, reloaded (just in case), grasped my .22 pistol in one hand and the rifle in the other and did just what my daddy told me not to - ran with a loaded gun. Two of 'em. Slow trot, too fat to actually RUN. But, what makes this method effective in keeping coyotes from running off is that I ran right at him screaming like I was friggin' nuts. Rather than keep trying to run, he just cowered down and gave me that WTF?!?!?! look, so I shot him in the noggin. Turns out the first round unzipped his ass end just along the line on his hindlegs that I would have made the first cuts for skinning. How handy was that?!?

Today was a humbling experience.

Didn't even see a coyote until 1:30 on the 7th stand. It was warming up and I guessed that any self respecting coyote would be on the hillside sunning in the south wind. So, into the "big pastures" I went.

About fifteen minutes in and moments before standing up, I see a white dot about 600 yards out in some sand plums. The dot disappears and quickly becomes a charging coyote. I wait for him to go out of sight in the bottoms and raise my rifle. He charges up the hillside and at about 50 yards, safely covered by the crosswires, I "woof" him to a stop with the only part of him that's visible being his head. Entry wound in the right side of the head just above the TMJ, no exit, but his left eye was notably bulged. LOL I quietly said, "Good job, looked like you knew what you were doing right thar!" to myself and headed to the next stand. Two stands later, overlooking a long ravine with a pond at the south end where I'd seen a pair a week ago, I catch one at about 500 yards to the NE. He comes down the fenceline and goes out of sight behind a tree as he turns SW toward the caller and me. I'm thinking second verse, just like the first.

Right...... Mmmmm.

At about forty yards, I again "woof" him to a stop, settle the wires just beneath his neck on the shoulder and, for God knows whatever reason, I PULL ON THE FRIGGIN' TRIGGER! Bad enough that as the gun goes off the crosshairs are set to kill the ground four feet in front of him. I knew it was happening as it happened and there was no way to stop. It just happened. Then, as I tried to chamber another round, I slipped the grip on the bolt hand, the bullet it's advancing slides forward into the breech and I jacked the bolt back thinking I didn't catch one. The bolt catches the next round and shoves the tip of the bullet into the ass of the one already chambered. I have to tip the gun over and shake that round out, shut the bolt and by now, the coyote is 400 yards away.


Just when you think you've got it down and start feeling good about yourself, some coyote needs to come along and just crap all over your sunny parade. In tribute to Q, I stood up, threw my shooting sticks after the coyote followed by a couple F-bombs. [Smile]

Here's head-shot Harry, at least. He's number 16 killed of the 24 I've called so far this season.

Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on November 12, 2009, 06:36 AM:
If you only had a machinegun....
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on November 12, 2009, 09:35 AM:
Oh, that's a good one!
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on November 12, 2009, 12:59 PM:
As soon as Shaw gets back from Texas, I'll ask him if he will loan one of his to me. [Wink]

[ November 12, 2009, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on November 13, 2009, 11:31 AM:
Great story Lance! Fun reading. Great tribute to 'Q'! I saw that boy get frustrated by coyotes a time or two too - I didn't even bother making him aware I was in the same truck with him until the red in his face disapearred, ear steam slowed, and the throbbing temples shrunk back down to about normal!

Perhaps a more fitting tribute would of been to check the yardage real quick, laid down, and killed that 400 yard coyote! [Wink]
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on November 13, 2009, 11:33 AM:
p.s. again I say, great writing Lance!!!
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on November 15, 2009, 08:53 AM:
Lance, it can always get worse!!! Thought I heard some shooting and swearing from the south!!
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on November 15, 2009, 02:00 PM:
Trust me; It can always be worse. My record is 9 misses on one coyote. It just wasn't pretty.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on November 15, 2009, 02:10 PM:
Yeah, but I bet you'll remember that coyote from your rocking chair someday better than most of the bang-flops. They hurt, but they have a purpose in the big scheme of things by making this shit fun.

[ November 15, 2009, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on November 15, 2009, 05:05 PM:
Ain't that the truth; we work so hard at being successful and then long remember the ones in our own personal hall of shame.

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