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Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 01, 2010, 04:27 PM:
I'm pretty much done with work other than a few days here and there if the company decides to start up again to finish what we have left..
Sooo I decide to get up bright and early and do a little scoutting while we still have a little snow.. I put on about 40 miles and took notes of fresh coyote tracks crossing the road or along fence lines and also made some notes on stand placement for night calling when the full moon comes around again..Finished up at noon and headed home and did a little work on the garage door openner for the wife..Also finished cleaning up and putting away stuff from work.. About 3:00 I decide I would take the vidio camera and head out to a deer yard and see if there are any big deer left over from the hunting season...
I set up on high ground and watched the deer as they came out of a very large grove of cottonwoods, most came out on the southside due to the N-W wind..After some time about 30 some deer where out in the field feeding with one nice eight pt. buck among them, but where to far from me to film. I decided I was going to head back to town when I spotted to spots on the northside of this big grove and I grabbed the glasses and took a look.. Oh my!!
Those two spots turned out to be two nice big coyotes just mouseing around and playing grab-ass. I looked quickly around the inside of the truck to see if I had any calls along since I already new the WT was still at home. Yippy!! I found three calls, two burnham bro.s closed reed calls with a high pitched voice and one a little lower pitched and my custom "Yote buster" call.
There is no hunting on this property where the deer yard is but I have permission to hunt the ajoining field owned by my cousin and the property line is 1/2 mile north of where I saw the coyotes and all open field with no cover and a small drainage that runs East and west through it. I hope I could call them out into the open from there since it was starting to get dark..
I drove around to the other side of the section and made my way in along some terraces for cover and got in about 1/4 mile and set up..
At the time I was thinking about one of Scotts posts about howling so I decide to start my stand with a few lone howls..
I gave two howls and a pair of coyotes walked out of the grove and stood there looking in my direction, but did not commit any farther so I gave then another lone howl and they both came about 100 yds closer and stopped again so I just waited..A few minutes went by and two more coyotes appeared from the same grove, one of which was a little smaller in size and had a rat-tail... I kept watching and waiting but they did'nt want to move very far from the grove so I decided lets try some cotton-tail distress and see what happens.... Wrong!!!!! Once they heard that they looked for a minute and went back into the grove.. I sat for a spell and just let things get quiet again and I gave them a couple more howls since they seemed interested in that..
Out from the grove they came single file and about 30 yds apart and moved about 200 yds out from the grove and all of a sudden they lost interest in what they heard or was responding to.. Well lets see, how about some good old pup in distress, everyone says thats the go to sound so I lite up the call with some pup distress.. Shit! Wrong tune again for them and back into the grove they go..
I tossed out a few more howls again and once again they came back out of the grove, but also stopped again a few hundred yards out from it..
I was down to one more tune I could play and hopefully this would lite a spark..
I took my yote buster and got on the end of the reed and gave them some really high pitched squeeks blowing as hard as I could and makeing it sound like something was really hurting..It sounded pretty good and even made a tear form in one eye..LOL
Once the sound reached them up popped their heads and a running in my direction they came.. Game on boys!!!
They were comeing in on my right which was a little into the wind but not down wind of me which was good.. They ran down into the drainage in front of me and I new when they popped up I was only going to get one shot and the rest would be out of view for anymore shots.. I waited and waited, seemed like forever, nothing showed, I kept looking to my down wind and also farther up wind of my stand..
I grabbed the yote buster and gave a few more high pitched squeeks and waited some more..
One finally pops up over the ridge and is about 150 yards out and working its way to my left which is down wind, I gave the coyote two barks with my voice and got it to stop broadside and bang!! Done deal.. I never saw the other three and most likely they scattered into the wind or ran back to the safety of the grove...
The coyote turned out to be a good size male and fur was so so but I will skin it anyway..some pic's to come a little latter and short vidio.. [Big Grin]
Posted by Nikonut (Member # 188) on December 01, 2010, 05:30 PM:
Well done TA,

Good rite up!LOL

I took my yote buster and got on the end of the reed and gave them some really high pitched squeeks blowing as hard as I could and makeing it sound like something was really hurting..It sounded pretty good and even made a tear form in one eye..LOL

If you were as old as some of us you'd be cleaning your britches, too!

Nikonut [Razz]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on December 01, 2010, 06:26 PM:
Good story Tim. If you had your WT would you have howled them? Were you trying to mimic the same WT type sounds you would have used with the mouthcall howls? Interesting how they reacted to the distress sounds.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 01, 2010, 08:10 PM:
Good story Tim. If you had your WT would you have howled them? Were you trying to mimic the same WT type sounds you would have used with the mouthcall howls? Interesting how they reacted to the distress sounds.
I would of used some vole mouse first then moved to coyote vocals. No i was'nt trying to mimic any sounds from WT.
Like I've said in other posts and what others have said on another form about our coyotes, they are really messed up with all the different types of day to day pressures..
Most stands I make here I don't get to see the coyote till its already in rifle range and I may have used a 1/2 doz. sounds and not knowing exactly which sound brought them in, but I had my hunches of what is bringing them in and will continue to use those sounds. So far from my last years results I have found that most but not all of the coyotes want nothing to do with any type of rabbit vocals except maybe one..
The coyote here are very shy or timid when the sun is up and on edge the whole time comeing in to a call. I found out last winter that calling at nite is a better choice, I'm still limited to certain sounds they will respond to but when they come its just like calling anywhere else they charge right in...
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 01, 2010, 08:42 PM:
Good story, Tim. Thanks for sharing.

I think your description of the coyote behavior and reaction to your sounds is perfectly understandable and the reason why I blame Foxpro for queering most of the coyotes in the country.

Every swinging dick with a pickup is blasting that CS24 all over the countryside, but the worst thing about it is that they can't close the deal and by December, all those coyotes have heard every tune the damn thing can play. If you are going to call coyotes, do the rest of us a favor and kill the critters! Otherwise, yeah, they hear it and yes they are interested, but basically, you are just wasting your time.

Well, it ain't that dreary for most of our members, since we all know what we are doing, for the most part. But, it does make it tough for Joe PMS Coyote Hunter. But, they only have themselves to blame.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 01, 2010, 09:09 PM:
Here is the pic of the coyote, still working on the vidio. Yep it looks like any other coyote on the outside, its whats inside I find interesting..LOL[/IMG]]  -

[ December 01, 2010, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on December 01, 2010, 09:59 PM:
Nice looking coyote. It's definitely what's inside them that counts....their feelings!

I'm curious if your hot rabbit is the same one that I have pretty good luck with?
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on December 02, 2010, 03:52 AM:
Good Job Tim! I have the same reaction with a rabbit distress in PA. NY and VA I can use it with success but here in PA I have to limit it's use then add in a fight scene with it or other sounds to mix it up.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on December 02, 2010, 04:14 AM:
Good work Tim!!! [Wink] I called one up to about 10 yards yesterday but I held my fire because I thought it was Nikonut at first.
Posted by Possumal (Member # 823) on December 02, 2010, 06:17 AM:
Rich, are you suggesting that Nikonnut looks like a coyote or that he shows up all of a sudden to some of your calling at ten yards? If the latter is the case, he sure is a sneaky rascal, ain't he? [Wink]
Posted by JohnLK (Member # 1978) on December 02, 2010, 06:21 AM:
its whats inside I find interesting..LOL
I looked inside of one coyote last year and found pieces and parts of 1 black squirrel,1 fox squirrel,chucks of apples and what looked like a porkchop bone.But that is probably not what you are looking for. [Smile]
Posted by Cayotaytalker (Member # 1954) on December 02, 2010, 08:08 AM:
Thanks for the post. Hey Tim it took me awhile but I did catch up to a guy name of nvwalt.We spent 3 days up around Hiko Nevada.
Richard Dollar,Lasvegas Nevada.
Posted by ursus21 (Member # 3556) on December 02, 2010, 08:33 AM:
Good story and interesting observations. Always educational when one can watch the coyotes react.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 02, 2010, 08:44 AM:
Thanks for the post. Hey Tim it took me awhile but I did catch up to a guy name of nvwalt.We spent 3 days up around Hiko Nevada.
Richard Dollar,Lasvegas Nevada.

How is Walt doing? Have'nt heard from him in a long time. Did he give you one of his special calls???
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 02, 2010, 08:49 AM:
Here is part one of the vidio, not the best but you can still see the coyotes and how they are behaveing..
watch closely and you will see one coyote jump around like its on a pogo-stick.LOL
For some reason the coyote that appeared from the left of screen made the others a little spooky at first. [URL=[IMG] ially2of1212010_173908.jpg[/IMG]][/URL]

Part two of vid.
[URL=[IMG] ially3of1212010_173908.jpg[/IMG]]Had a interesting day[/URL]

[ December 02, 2010, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by Cayotaytalker (Member # 1954) on December 02, 2010, 09:22 AM:
Walt's a hell of a good guy and he's geting along ok.And yes I did come home with one of his calls.I gave Walt one of my calls I got to him on that deal.We spent most of those 3 days rolled up in the cab of our trucks like coons but we did get out and make afew stands.It was cold perhaps not like it gets in your world but cold just the same.But of course it was worth it.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 02, 2010, 11:58 AM:
NV Walt used to post here but he got pissed off about something a few years ago and quit. Don't remember what it was about? I guess I have been up around Hiko several hundred times, or so?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Cayotaytalker (Member # 1954) on December 02, 2010, 02:29 PM:
LB,is there any place in Nevada you have not made it to?I have never been north of Hiko Nevada as far as doing any calling.I have been to Carson City Nevada but that was just a trip to see my little girl,ok well shes 30 now. But I like it up around That pert of Nevada just fine.
Posted by Krustyklimber (Member # 72) on December 02, 2010, 04:49 PM:

Walt is top quality people! I've hunted with him a couple times myself.

He got pissed over the "retard" deal... [Roll Eyes]

Krusty  -
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 02, 2010, 04:50 PM:
LB,is there any place in Nevada you have not made it to?
Actually, there is not. I have left tire tracks in every corner of the state and virtually all points in between.

Good hunting. LB

PS why the construction work on Encore? I thought you were a school teacher?

edit: the retard deal! Man, how in the hell did I get hung with that one? If I ever make it to Nebraska, Quinton owes me a beer!

[ December 02, 2010, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Cayotaytalker (Member # 1954) on December 02, 2010, 05:31 PM:
Mr. Bosinski,please school teacher my ass! Yes I,am (was) a laborer. Oh ok you want the truth well ok I'm a full time actor and a part time laborer.I know all the hard hats will get that one.It must be all my awsome spelling that made you think I was some sort of a educator when infact I,am more like a de-educater LOL
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on December 02, 2010, 08:34 PM:
Interesting comment about Fox Pro callers queering up all the coyotes... Ran into Kent "seeinspots" Constable at the Wally World nearby not too long ago and, of course, the wife had to come find me as we were deep in conversation about calling. His area is stinking with FP owners and he said that once he got out with his e-caller last season, he couldn't get so much as a nibble. He switched over to one of his tried and true wind-driven calls and within a couple weeks, had put down 30-some coyotes.

Couple weeks ago, I had a coyote pinned down, upwind of me about 180 yards and with a 30 mph wind blowing from it to me. I was using all the lower pitched sounds on my U-One figuring the lower sounds would penetrate the wind better. Watching him through the scope on my rifle where he lay behind a protective veil of grass and sunflowers, he flat out ignored me for most of a half-hour. For some reason, I switched to cottontail duet which is a relatively uncommon but authentic cottontail sound mp3 consisting of two sounds superimposed over one another. I really had my doubts that the higher pitched squeals would penetrate the hurricane force winds. But, within a matter of seconds, that coyote rose to its feet and twisted its head to a 45-degree cant first clockwise, the counter clockwise, then back to clockwise trying to get a better angle on the sound and within thirty seconds, came right into us.

As popular as e-callers are today, I foresee the day soon when the handcall users will rise and shine once again. Coyotes are showing e-caller burnout earlier and earlier each year. I never leave the truck without a minimum of three and a howler around my neck.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 02, 2010, 09:57 PM:
As popular as e-callers are today, I foresee the day soon when the handcall users will rise and shine once again. Coyotes are showing e-caller burnout earlier and earlier each year.
I don't think that will ever happen..
First off in my area at home there are very few callers, word usually gets around if some hunter has taken up calling. There is one guy east of me 15-20 miles and anothr south of me about the same number of miles away.. They each have a area they call and it dose'nt over lapp with mine. I'm out most every day as well as my friends so if there was a new caller on the block I would know about it..
Out west at my favorite hunting spot I have a good number of callers come in and work the same area and there are a few F-P users as well and I can still go into some of the areas they have called and still have good success.
I think some coyotes canbe burned out on some sounds but in alot of cases they still are willing to show themselves but not close enough for a easey shot. Either you have to learn to shoot a little farther or go call somewhere else..

Now for the coyotes here at home I've noticed there are some sounds that really get a coyote excited but not enough to get them to leave there little sanctuary. As I've found some are willing to leave with a little coaxing where others will not, but they will atleast show themselves.. The hardest part is going out and calling to each of them to find out what there level of security is and once this is known then a stand canbe set up so the caller can get the upper hand on them..
Just today I was out again and had another coyote come in to my calling but the coyote did'nt want to leave the little bit of cover along a creek and just ran back and fouth along the edge of it but in full view. I will give it a little time and then come back and set up a little closer so I can get a shot off or wait for a full moon and come in under the moon lite..

Edit to add:
I switched to cottontail duet which is a relatively uncommon but authentic cottontail sound mp3 consisting of two sounds superimposed over one another
Its called du-plex calling Lance.

Two different rabbits,jack and a cotton-tail,cotton-tail and a coyote, cotton-tail and fox, coyote and deer, coyote and lamb,pack of coyotes and deer, and so on. I have about a doz of these sounds which work pretty good on my Big country.. You have the coyote vocals there to convince another coyote one is there trying to kill its prey..

[ December 02, 2010, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by Cayotaytalker (Member # 1954) on December 03, 2010, 11:53 AM:
I have alot of fun blending or mixing two sounds together. I will take two cassette tapes,say two jacks or jack and cottontail. I have two tape decks set up as deck one and as deck two. I run the sound from the two tape decks into a preamp. The preamp gives me a shit load of options but my main goal here is to warm up the sound.From the preamp into a mixer and yet more options.I can pan the sound straight up left or right.I then run out of the mixer into the line in on the back of the tower on my desktop,and record in to my software.
While it is my personal goal to record and master the best distress sounds that I can. It is more than reassuring to know that prey distress sounds need not to be perfect. Trust me thats good to know because I will never be a Tom Dowd when it comes to recording and mastering sound. Now I do not understand why but this seams to help a shit load or seams to make for a very clean sound. and saves me from having to cut out alot of noise by hand plus saves me time. This is just a hobby for me so take these ideas with agrain of salt. But the end result is the prey sounds flows more like a song.Plus the sound wave looks and reads like a sound wave should.
Do coyotes burn out on sounds? Are do we tend to burn a sound out by over use? Are do e-callers or hand calls have a sound signature? Thats why I wrap the horn on my e-caller. Perhaps I,m just full of shit on this sound signature thing.
edit-to fix the word wrap.
edit for photos.
 -  -
This is a photo of my recording gear.And a photo of my e-caller with the wrap on the horn.The wrap is not incase it bumps on a rock. It's in hope of my sounds come across as more real. Are coyotes don't tag and bag me because the ringing of the horn. Thats all I mean by sound signature.
LB,I think you are right perhaps I,am a bit of a wanna be school teacher huh!

[ December 05, 2010, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Cayotaytalker ]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on December 03, 2010, 07:18 PM:
"Its called du-plex calling Lance"

To-may-to, to-mah-to. I call it superimposing sounds over one another. Same thing.

Trust me, Tim, when everyone and their dog is using the standard FP jackrabbit sound, responses drop off and it ain't because all the coyotes are dead. Use that sound enough and kill and miss a load of coyotes using it, or have everyone running their callers constantly for twenty minutes and that security level you mentioned will drop significantly when presented with that situation. I've begun using my e-caller in the stop and start mode just because I know everyone else is using theirs constantly.

As far as knowing if anyone else in an area is calling coyotes, not always. A few years back when I first helped run the KS Predator Challenge, I must admit that I was a bit shocked to run into guys I had no idea were calling a lot in many of the same areas I've hunted for years. My current partner, Kevin, and I have been stepping on one another's toes for at least ten years and neither of us was aware that the other was working those spots. Together, with our combined exzperience in some of these places, we've had a pretty good impact.

Bear in mind that wherw we hunt, things are different than the areas you hunt because, in the past two weeks - with pheasant, archery deer, firearms deer, turkey, duck and goose seasons all open, not to mention trapping, just about anyplace that holds game is seeing people in there at least once a day if not more. All those intrusions really screw with the coyotes. Good thing I have deer piling up in the garage to gimme something to do until they settle down. Firearms deer season in Kansas + rut still going on and bucks still pursuing does = good year for the taxidermist. [Smile]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 03, 2010, 07:56 PM:
I knew, a long time ago, that predator hunting popularity HURTS THE SPORT. I have never been real keen on a "the more, the merrier" strategy. Concept, whatever you want to call the surge in popularity.

Give me back the good old days when nobody knew what we were doing, or if they were aware, didn't understand it anyway. Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.

So, while we ponder exactly why the world needs yet another predator hunting website, I am okay with what we have here, a simple little Board catering to the higher intellect discussing what's better, 223 0r 22-250?

Whatever; says
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 03, 2010, 08:24 PM:
Bear in mind that wherw we hunt, things are different than the areas you hunt because, in the past two weeks - with pheasant, archery deer, firearms deer, turkey, duck and goose seasons all open, not to mention trapping, just about anyplace that holds game is seeing people in there at least once a day if not more. All those intrusions really screw with the coyotes.
Youre state is'nt the only state that has all this hunting going on. We just finished up slug season and muzzle loader, goose, and pheasant is still going on. Yep it all really screws with there heads but they learn to adapt to it, some coyote learn how to side step the deer and pheasant hunters in the crp grass and some learn they need to move to higher ground with less cover but yet out of site. One of the reasons a coyote is'nt where you think they are. Sure at nite they move back into the hunting ground and eat there fill then its back to high ground for the day..
Don't know if you have much snow there if any but we have some.. The great thing about snow is it can tell you where coyotes have been and where they are going and also tell you if anyone is in the area hunting or calling them. You can't go anywhere without leaveing a set of tracks and you don't need any CSI training to figure that out..LOL

The day after I shot the coyote mentioned above I was back out in a section that is 1 1/2 x 2 miles square with a creek running through it and a few small wood lots, this section gets hit hard dureing deer season for two weeks. I still went in there and managed to call up a coyote just could'nt get it close enough for a good shot. I know now what this coyotes security level is and will go back and set up accordingly..
Everyone has excuses for why they don't respond and I have only two, they are'nt there or they did'nt hear me... Now lets get to calling.. [Big Grin]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 03, 2010, 08:36 PM:
Almost forgot.. I was out calling today and I had one stand I made down along a creek with some crp next to it and heavey plum brush, cover was pretty tight so I wiped the dust off of my Ithica coyote slayer and took it along for just incase a coyote came in on the ice.. I was about 10 minutes into the stand and nothing showed so I tried some "adult pheasant distress" on the WT and these two brave cocks stepped out into the open about 35 yds out.. As you see I will be haveing some smoked pheasant for Christ-mas..LOL[/IMG]]  -
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 03, 2010, 08:44 PM:
You didn't ground sluice them, did ya?

Note: You sure are a handsome devil!

[ December 03, 2010, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on December 03, 2010, 09:04 PM:
I gave them a sporting chance, at least till I got my gun up from my lapp..
Handsome No! Devil Yes!! [Big Grin]

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