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Author Topic: Democrats are Perplexed?
Member # 2

Icon 6 posted November 04, 2004 08:05 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Gee, what went wrong with our message? Our guy is a war hero, fer crying out loud!

Democrats, look around. You have boxed yourself in. You used to own the South. Now, the South is solidly Republican.

Start with values. Partial birth abortions. Gay marriage....GUN CONTROL!

I can see it now. Next election, Obama and Hillary. Yeah, that just might work. Yeah!

(be happy, they don't have a clue)

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
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Icon 10 posted November 04, 2004 10:07 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Just saw a European headline: HOW CAN 59 MILLION PEOPLE BE SO DUMB?

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
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Blak coyote
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Icon 1 posted November 04, 2004 10:41 AM      Profile for Blak coyote   Email Blak coyote         Edit/Delete Post 
I saw that too.I also heard that other polls in other countries in europe said if they were allowed to vote in U.S. elections Bush would have lost by a landslide.Well,thats exactly why they are not allowed to vote here,they dont share our values and dont understand what freedom means in this country and what it took to get it.

Bad dog no biscuit

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Icon 1 posted November 04, 2004 11:33 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Oh yeah, we need to consider Global Tests; right?

Maybe give our closest allies a vote;, like the French? Let the UN disarm Americans?

Like they say, we're the six hundred pound gorilla, or the defender of freedom, depending on your politics. ie:liberal Democrat.

Kerry, bless his heart. The Dems couldn't have picked a weaker candidate...thank God! He's neutralized. Neutered, maybe?

Hillary's next, and she has a lot more balls.

Dubya is pretty lucky. He lost three debates, so how did he get elected? Conspiracy theories are being discussed. Maybe he's smarter than they think?

I heard a good one. Some pundit claimed that CBS and Dan Rather had not yet projected a winner! lol
What about that memo? Sheesh, people are so dumb. That's what the "Media Elite" thinks. Across the board, last night, they were asked who they thought would win the election. (CNN) Every one said, Kerry. They all believe their own BS. No wonder that the public does not trust the news they get from the mainstream media.

I don't mind admitting that I was extremely worried about this election. One thing they said, I believed. This WAS the most important election of our lifetimes. It could have easily gone the other way.

Be grateful! LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
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brad h
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Icon 1 posted November 04, 2004 12:01 PM      Profile for brad h   Email brad h         Edit/Delete Post 
We'll have to see what happens with Hillary. As far as Obama, I think you're right, he seems to be the rising left star. Maybe not in four years, but he's not going away.

The pussification of the dems is what scares me. Not the fact that that's what Kerry is, but the fact that it convinced so many people that that's what this country needs to be.

I believe that this was the best they could do. Regardless of who the party picks to represent the left next time, it won't be as close as this.

It still makes me sick to think that Kerry tried to sell himself off as a "sportsman" hauling around a dead bird in front of a camera. Bet he had the shotgun destroyed when they were done filming that set.

(edit) I hope this election becomes the death of Michael Moore. [Smile]


[ November 04, 2004, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: brad h ]

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Tim Behle
Administrator MacNeal Sector
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Icon 1 posted November 04, 2004 08:19 PM      Profile for Tim Behle   Author's Homepage   Email Tim Behle         Edit/Delete Post 
You mean there are only 59 million people in Europe?

Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take
an ass kickin'.

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Blak coyote
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Icon 1 posted November 04, 2004 09:46 PM      Profile for Blak coyote   Email Blak coyote         Edit/Delete Post 
It still makes me sick to think that Kerry tried to sell himself off as a "sportsman" hauling around a dead bird in front of a camera. Bet he had the shotgun destroyed when they were done filming that set.
Whats even more sickening is that there were hunters that actually bought that B.S.and actually think kerry is one of them.I know some personally,and there comments are,he would never take our guns away he hunts.To me there just deer in the headlights.

Bad dog no biscuit

Posts: 22 | From: N.E.WI. | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2004 10:06 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
he would never take our guns away he hunts.
The big lie, and so many people fall for it. Innocent folks think Kerry is a real person.

Get this. It's not about shooting ducks. It's not about hunting. It's about the right to keep and bear arms......collecting firearms, self defense, target range and hunting, if you so choose.

Look at some other countries where they swallowed that crap and now have to check their gun out of government custody whenever they are allowed to hunt. Probably with linitations, for all I know?

Why in hell would any sportsman think that because John Kerry puts on an orange vest and splatters a goose, that the guy is solidly behind the Second Ammendment to the Constitution?

He's a liar. He's the most liberal member of the Senate. He only voted on two bills all year, and at least one was anti-gun. (I think?) Whatever. We have his number.

The answer is: YES! He would take your guns away, and he doesn't hunt; but he is definitely an accomplished liar.

Whew! I'm okay now....

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
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Posts: 31499 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Blak coyote
Knows what it's all about
Member # 415

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2004 11:11 PM      Profile for Blak coyote   Email Blak coyote         Edit/Delete Post 
I hear ya LB,it gets me going too when these guys dont see the light.Had a little discussion with some at work about the AWB,some thought it was reasonable,I almost popped a cork.I asked them what there speedometer goes up to on there car.One said 110,I said if the speed limit is 55 why do you need a car that goes a 110.He just smiled and shook his head like I;m a certifiable gun nut.They just dont get it.Atleast over half this country understands it or atleast part of it,they voted for Bush.But the half that didnt scares the crap out of me,because ignorance breeds more ignorance,and liberals thrive on ignorance.

Bad dog no biscuit

Posts: 22 | From: N.E.WI. | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
Steve Craig
Lacks Opposable Thumbs/what's up with that?
Member # 12

Icon 1 posted November 05, 2004 05:14 AM      Profile for Steve Craig           Edit/Delete Post 
Now it's, Bush stole the election by getting all those Christians out to vote! Man, they just do not get it, do they? It is the same problem that we are having with the younger generation in this country. They just cant take responsibility for their actions. They want to blame their loss on everything and everyone,.......but THEMSELVES!

It will probably be Hildabeast and whoever against McCain or Rudy in 08. I believe McCain could beat her though.

Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction. - Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 442 | From: Cottonwood,Az, USA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Blak coyote
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Member # 415

Icon 1 posted November 05, 2004 05:54 AM      Profile for Blak coyote   Email Blak coyote         Edit/Delete Post 
Bush didnt steal nothing like the libs say,they gave it away.There was such a big push for the younger voters by groups like move on and such,that they were depending on there ignorance and inexperience over politics,only thing is it backfired.They didnt take into account alot of there friends were in Iraq and afgahnistan,who were telling them a different story than the press.We had alot of young people here that voted for Bush.One Marine I know that just got back,had 3 friends with him at the townhall when I went and voted,they were voting for Bush.And suspect the same held true all over America.My nephew who just got back after his second tour over there,said he cannot believe how distorted the media is on whats going on over there.

Bad dog no biscuit

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Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 05, 2004 08:19 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
You know, Teddy Kennedy has been raving for a year and a half that Bush lied about those weapons of Mass Destruction. Howard Dean said that Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened. They both got away with it.

Kerry claimed that he actually voted FOR the war, before he voted against it. Had he attended a single Intelligence Committee meeting in the past year, he would have seen the same information that Bush did.

The fact is; nobody believed that there weren't WMD in Iraq. Saddam believed it. He played games with the inspectors for eleven years. Yet, Kerry is claiming that they would have found out the truth, given just a little more time.

I believe, if the truth were known, that he did have those weapons, and they are now in Iran, where most of his airforce had been since the first gulf war. Suddenly, Iran has a nuclear program. Well, maybe the French will invade, next time. More likely, they will send technicions to help screw the bombs together.

Actually, there is one country that is probably getting ready to bomb the piss out of the facilities. Guess who?

The Democrats need a few Communist type "purges" before they are a legitimate political party once again.

For now....they just don't get it, do they?

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
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Icon 9 posted November 05, 2004 08:31 AM      Profile for dafooge   Email dafooge         Edit/Delete Post 
all i can say is,i followed the polictal smoke and mirrors that the kerry camp tryed to pull on the american public and thank god, that he gave me the abilitie to use my head,,for something other than just to hold my hat,,the country will be better off with g.w.b in the white house,," god bless america" and never forget 9/11.. [Big Grin]
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Bryan J
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Icon 1 posted November 05, 2004 11:04 PM      Profile for Bryan J   Email Bryan J         Edit/Delete Post 
If war heroes were destined to become President Bob Dole would just be finishing up his second term.

Just a note for clarification, everything that heard about the goose hunt came from the radio.

John Kerry wore an ORANGE VEST goose hunting and hunters bought it? I don’t know the rules other places but the only times I see hunters wearing orange around here is during the rifle deer and elk season and a few wear it while hunting upland game. I have never seen a goose hunter wear orange while hunting geese. Who on earth was in charge of wardrobe that day? LOL

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Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 06, 2004 07:38 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Bryan, very astute observation! You are absolutely right. Went over my head, that's for sure.

What a phoney!

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
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Bryan J
Cap and Trade Weenie
Member # 106

Icon 1 posted November 06, 2004 11:25 PM      Profile for Bryan J   Email Bryan J         Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks Leonard, I agree with you that the Democrats on the national level don’t get it. I doubt that they ever will. However, we have some local Democrats at the county level and some degree the state level that do, but are ignored by the party because they get it and distance themselves from the platform. We had a Democrat that was endorsed by the NRA loose his seat in the State House of Representatives because of the (D) at the end of his name on the ballot. I’m sure that he didn’t get much if any money from the party to help with his campaign because of his positions. Straight ticket voters are what beat him. Without much money to run on the people who don’t pay attention, and vote against a platform can put good people out of office. I guess these guys that get it don’t think that they can win on one of the other tickets, hell I would vote for them if I thought they would do a better job than the person with the R behind their name.
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Western Rifleman
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Icon 1 posted November 07, 2004 09:29 PM      Profile for Western Rifleman   Email Western Rifleman         Edit/Delete Post 
Well, Leonard and you guys have hit the nail on the head I'd say. And, YES a wooden stake may be needed for the satenist Billery bitch, a true Marxist.

But in addition:

1. -- Rudy Guilianni is NOT out friend...hes' good on a lot of stuff, but he is typical New York ANTI-GUN!! NEVER forget that!

2. ... And I'd like you ALL to INTERNALIZE this (unless you know this Already) -- and then TEACH this to ALL whom you come into contact with (and This is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT:


ANSWER: For all of you that answered: "YES", be advised that you are All WRONG!!


The Second Amendment GUARENTEES us the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; it simply puts on paper (parchment) what had ALREADY been granted to us by God.

What Government "gives" us can be taken away. The Second Amendment was not "given" to us.

The first 10 "amendments" to our Constitution are really not amendments, but rather, they are Articles and cannot be repealed. (A simple history read will clarify this).

Most (and many) people have no concept of this.

We are living an historical time right NOW ... and we are a Very YOUNG country. Ya know, it really wans't That long ago.

For those of us around 50 some years of age, only 4 of our lifetimes ago, we were fighting the American Revolution! THINK ABOUT THAT! THAT sure gives a man pause to think!

The last man to die who fought at Lexington on April 19, 1775 was Jonathon Harrington ... he lived to his 90's. Harrington died only 53 years before my father was born!


Our Founding Fathers (NOT the "founding mothers" by the way) are doing about 500 RPM is their graves ... I am NOT about to let them down. We Owe them Heavy.

Keep ur powder dry and have Lots of powder.

Cas in Wyoming

Posts: 26 | From: Wyoming | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged
Steve Craig
Lacks Opposable Thumbs/what's up with that?
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Icon 1 posted November 08, 2004 04:57 AM      Profile for Steve Craig           Edit/Delete Post 
Very good point!

I defy anyone to show me, from the Constitution, where there is a separation of church and state! It aint in there.

Next history lesson.....where and how did the term "separaton of church and state" come from?

Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction. - Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 442 | From: Cottonwood,Az, USA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 08, 2004 08:54 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Okay, Steve. Ya got me, where'd it come from? Some paragraph in the Federalist Papers, or what?


We are living an historical time right NOW ... and we are a Very YOUNG country. Ya know, it really wans't That long ago.

I have read that America has the longest continuious government on the planet, and the oldest democracy. Of course, it is not a true "democracy" but a Representative Republic. I also have heard that our Constitution is a model for a large number of foreign countries' constitutions. Apparently, it's well done and well regarded?

And, when viewed from the perspective of a lifetime, it wasn't that long ago. Of course, I always thought I was born 150 years too late, but on the other hand, might not have survived my teens back then, due to an appendectomy; so that was a lucky break.

Not long ago, eh? Recently, my grandson's girlfriend was watching a Rod Stewart commercial on the TV with us, and admitted she had no knowledge of his previous "style". I'm sure that, to her, the Revolutionary War and the Viet Nam War were equally part of the ancient past, before her birth and beyond her consciousness.

It's human nature. I can relate to the Second World War, but the First World War is a little hazy.

Before I forget. I know that George W. Bush has flaws. But, compared to John Kerry, the choice was so easy. Nobody's perfect, I understand. However, the candidates that the Democrats keep propping up in front of us, they are so distant from my core values and beliefs. Yes, Bush is spending money like a drunken sailor, but I can handle that, compared to what the Dems would do with our money. Three guesses.

I could never consider Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Jesse, Obama, Edwards and the rest of the usual suspects. There must be someone in the party that is not a radical? Wake me when you find him.

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31499 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Western Rifleman
Knows what it's all about
Member # 393

Icon 1 posted November 09, 2004 10:54 PM      Profile for Western Rifleman   Email Western Rifleman         Edit/Delete Post 
Steve . . .

You are ABSOLUTELY Correct!

There IS NO "Seperation of Church and State".



That was simply a theory/idea that Thomas Jefferson at one time opined . . .he thought about it and opined it, however it was never established.

The Jeffersonian Bible is also quite interesting ... and its mainly focused on solely the works of Christ ... highly recommended for any scholar's library. I'm sure you can get it from


Posts: 26 | From: Wyoming | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged
Western Rifleman
Knows what it's all about
Member # 393

Icon 1 posted November 09, 2004 11:17 PM      Profile for Western Rifleman   Email Western Rifleman         Edit/Delete Post 
Howdy Leonard . . .

Well, as to "Democracy", thats another "tidbit" that the liberal left (and its not the "Democratic Party", but rather its the "Democrat Party") likes to use along with "seperation of church and state" to bullshit and brainwash the uneducated and weak-minded with.

No such thing here in our country.

We are NOT a "Democracy".

Never Have been either.

We are a Constitutional Republic (as stated in the Pledge of Alligence).

Our Republic uses some democratic Principles in its operation; eg./ Voting; but we are Surely a Republic, as designed by the Founding Fathers.

As the question was put to Franklin: "What have we wrought"??
Answer: "A Republic -- IF we can keep it!!"

A Republic is governed by Laws -- which we Have.
Our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.

A democracy is simply "MOB RULE" -- PERIOD.

Best analogy:

A DEMOCRACY is 5 wolves and a lamb voting on lunch .... or, 5 street thugs choosing which young girl on the street to savage and rape.

Our Constitutional REPUBLIC is a well armed lamb (or young woman) Denying the enforcement of the vote!


Keep ur powder dry, and have lots of powder.

Cas in Wyoming.

Posts: 26 | From: Wyoming | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged
Steve Craig
Lacks Opposable Thumbs/what's up with that?
Member # 12

Icon 1 posted November 10, 2004 05:18 AM      Profile for Steve Craig           Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks Cas.

Also, in 1962, one of the Supreme Court Judges( I forget which one, but it may have been Warren himself) used what Jefferson was thinking about and declared it part of the Constitution! So, today we now have it as the so-called law of the land. Even what Jefferson wrote was taken OUT OF CONTEXT! His thinking was just the OPPOSITE! He was just reminding all to be aware that no ONE religion be allowed to control the Govt.( such as what the Catholic Church had done in Europe for centuries) NOT that they be separated!

If you want to have fun with a liberal, ask the question I just asked. It drives them nuts(which they are anyway). I have found that very,very few people really know what our Constitution REALLY says. We shouldnt be surprized at this though, because it is not taught in our public school systems anymore. Most private, Christian, and Charter schools do though.

Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction. - Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 442 | From: Cottonwood,Az, USA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Western Rifleman
Knows what it's all about
Member # 393

Icon 1 posted November 10, 2004 08:56 PM      Profile for Western Rifleman   Email Western Rifleman         Edit/Delete Post 
Roger THAT, Steve . . .

the closest thing that the Constitution says is the text of the First Amendment . . . That: Congress Shall create No Law establishing a "state religion", and That is the totality of what it says.

. . . HARDLY a "seperation of church and State"!!!


Posts: 26 | From: Wyoming | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged

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