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Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on July 19, 2006, 02:01 PM:
Tom, I read your commentary over on the site, in the political section. You articulated my thoughts to a "T", concerning the eventual use of a nuke with Iran. Like tohear your thoughts about whether the big one will be dropped by the USA, or the Israelis?
That situation is getting more tense by the day, just seems something is gonna blow....and sooner rather than later?
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on July 20, 2006, 08:48 AM:
Israel already has tactical nukes, and probably won't hesitate to use them. They have already threatened "Doomsday" if Tel Aviv is attacked. The U.S. is too PC to drop a nuke on Iran. Iran is probably receiving long range tac nukes from Russia as we speak. Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has already publically declared his wish that Israel should be “Wiped off the map”. Lebanon and Syria are the pawns in this game and Iran won't hesitate to sacrifice either to get a foot up on the world stage. Just how far the U.S. will go to support Israel, I'm not sure. This administration is gun-shy, for sure.

[ July 20, 2006, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on July 31, 2006, 07:50 AM:
Lebanon and Syria are the pawns in this game and Iran won't hesitate to sacrifice either to get a foot up on the world stage.
Please elaborote more! [Wink] Thanks.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on August 11, 2006, 01:49 PM:

Syria and lebanon,. and the situation going on there, is a distraction for the world so we take our eyes off the fact that Iran is working to acquire and use a nuclear weapon. That's what a lot of people think.

Now, the make things even more "dicey", Iran said that they'd offer their response to demands that they stopp their nuclear ambitions in late August. See my other post. Also, Mars will be as close as ever in that same week and the prohecies say that the moon will burn as red as blood. Are your spider senses all tingly yet?

God pray that it doesn't, but I feel in my gut that the situation in Iran will get far worse before it ever gets better. Could Iran have a nuke already? Could they be planning to use it on Isreal on August 22? Could they be pulling the Israeli military into the trap (central Lebanon) as we "speak", then once there, blow them all away, leaving Isreal vulnerable and exposed? The big question is how far are we willing to go to protect the American way of life? Are we willing to vaporize an entire nation to show the rest of the world that we will not be tread upon? It takes balls to work so hard to acquire a nuke to the irritation of a nation that has more than they know what to do with. Either that, or you have to be nuts. And one other thing, they're finding connections to surmise that Russia and China may be underwriting all being done by Iran - our enemies are gelling, dude. Sometimes, anymore, I think it best to just ignore the news and plant flowers or something.

[ August 11, 2006, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by Joe Manes (Member # 686) on August 20, 2006, 12:08 AM:

There is no doubt that Russia would supply Iran with obsolete military gear, they have been doing that for a while now.

But I just dont see Russia supplying Iran with a nuke.

Russia has far more to worry about from a nuclear Iran than Israel or the US; simple proximity dictates that.

The Russians may not be America's biggest ally, but they are not stupid, and they do seem to have a sense of self-interest.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 21, 2006, 01:54 PM:
Tack, the US is quite busy monitoring air and ground traffic into and out of Iraq. Actually, the loading and unloading of this freight. This resulted in a recent Iranian arms shipment being diverted back to Iran and unloaded before proceding to it's original destination. The question is, how did they know they were being tracked? [Confused]
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on August 21, 2006, 07:01 PM:
Um Gee, could it have been the US Media who tipped them off?
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on August 22, 2006, 10:49 AM:
I'm not a NY Times subscriber, so I probably missed that headline. Whoever is leaking this classified info to the media needs to be publically hanged.

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