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Author Topic: edit: electing chickenshit bastards
Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 2 posted October 31, 2006 02:55 PM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
Leonard and I had some discussion at the campout about this years election and the one in two years.

Im nervous to say the least. This appears to me to be the most critical elections in my lifetime. Im so afraid that liberals, if they get control, will do just exactly what they say they will do. Mainly to pull out of Iraq and raise taxes higher than they were before Bush cut them. Not to mention our 2nd Amendment rights.

If we pull out of Iraq now, right or wrong for being there, Im afraid that all hell is going to break out worldwide. That will be the number one terrorist country for training, planning and launching attacks and we will be attacked here again and again and again.

Our country seems to me to be at a critical point with the economy as well. Energy prices are headed the right way and small steps toward opening up domestic oil sources are starting to gain steam. Intrest rates are still relatively low. Housing took a little breather, but seems to still be strong. Bush doesnt get much credit for economy, but its very strong now and on a much more solid foundation that Clintons smoke and mirrors .com stocks economy. Im afraid that if liberals take over, not only will energy go out of control due to the tree huggers stopping any gains that have been made, but the raising of taxes will cause John and Mary Doe America to clam up and not spend a dime until they see how bad its going to affect them and the economy will take a serious hit, into recession. Maybe severely.

I know these are just a few things, but they do have me very worried. Does anyone else feel this way? I pray to god that everyone wakes up next Tuesday and sees what is about to happen and does the right thing. Its gonna be close.

Am I wrong?

[ November 08, 2006, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]


Posts: 2645 | From: Central Missouri | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted October 31, 2006 03:57 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
I felt that way about Bush/Gore. I felt that way about Bush/Kerry. I feel the same about this pending election, and the Presidential election in 2008 is JUST as critical. In other words, we just cannot allow the Democrats to dismantle everything, every policy and program; and beyond doubt, they intend to do just that. Like Pellosi said, "drain the swamp", which is code for scorched earth, and surrender. Hillary scares the hell out of me. Any Dem scares me, at this point!


EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

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Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 1 posted November 01, 2006 05:22 AM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
Well, at least we got John Kerry on our side....


Posts: 2645 | From: Central Missouri | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 1 posted November 01, 2006 05:24 AM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
I agree LB, I felt strongly both times too. But I think maybe it was for different reasons? Especially with Gore. Just didnt like him or what he stood for and was ready for Reps to take over.

Seems this time change could not only be bad, but devistating.

Maybe its just me.


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Icon 1 posted November 02, 2006 05:59 PM      Profile for Buffalobob   Email Buffalobob         Edit/Delete Post 
A few of point to remember.

Clinton and the Democrats left office with a balanced budget and a large surplus. W has squandered all of that by starting a war on a stupid search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Wouldn't need to worry about taxes being raised if we had a president with a single functioning brain cell.

Secondly, W and the Republicans have turned over the war in Afghanistan against Al Queda and the Taliban(anybody here remember 9-11 and Osama Bin Laden) to the U.N. This is because they have committed so many troops to the stupid search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Saddam Hussein did not attack us, Osama bin Laden from Afghanistan did. We attacked Iraq without provocation. And now Osama still runs free and the dead from 9-11 are unavenged.

Thirdly, how many 20 year old boy's legs, arms and lives are you willing to sacrifice to cover up W's stupid search for weapons of mass destruction. You might want to remember that W never had the courage to risk his legs from stepping on a booby trap in Vietnam but he was more than willing to let others get blown half to hell while he hid out. Every month that goes by more kids are getting killed or coming home permanently maimed.

Posts: 90 | From: Potomac River | Registered: Mar 2006  |  IP: Logged
Tim Behle
Administrator MacNeal Sector
Member # 209

Icon 1 posted November 02, 2006 06:35 PM      Profile for Tim Behle   Author's Homepage   Email Tim Behle         Edit/Delete Post 

It truly scares me that f#cking retards like you are allowed to vote.

Do you really believe that we went to Iraq to look for WMD? Get your head out of your ass for a few minutes.

Where would you rather a terrorist be killed? Crashing into a business center where each terrorist death causes 200-300 innocent victims to also die, or maybe on the other side of the world? Those brave men and women who are in Iraq protecting your ignorant ass weren't forced to go. There is no longer a draft, they volunteered to go.

Those Brave men and women volunteered to put their lives on the line, so that chickenshit bastards like you could maintain your privilege to sit on your ass and bitch.

Let me explain it to you since you are too stupid to think for yourself and rely on a liberal media for all of your thoughts.

There are no WMD's There never were. Most of us knew that going in. Finding any would have only been an unexpected bonus. What W did was to provide a focal point for Muslim Extremists to come to fight. Instead of them coming to American soil and killing a few hundred innocent civilians, we are killing them in Baghdad by the hundreds. Kind of like pouring chlorine into the gene pool, those inclined to kill Americans due to twisted religious beliefs are now able to go and give it a try close to home.

You whining assed liberals would never have allowed us to go to war to fight a twisted religious sect. Therefore the WMD story was given to the ignorant press.

As for Clinton and his economic strategy, go take a look at your old calendars. The bottom fell out of his falsely ballooned economy about a year before he left office. Bush had an uphill climb on the economy long before he even put in his bid to run. He has not only stopped our down hill crash, but managed to turn the economy around, with a firm solid base to grow on.

My new fear is the same as most people with a brain. That the ignorant socialists with a gimme mentality are now going to vote for a liberal Democrat, because they don't like paying their fair share, and want to sit back and let the Government give to them.

I'd invite your ignorant ass to feel free to leave the country and find a government more to your socialist liking. Unfortunately, we both know that there is no other place on earth that gives more to ignorant retards, than the good old USA!

Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take
an ass kickin'.

Posts: 3160 | From: Five Miles East of Vic, AZ | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 1 posted November 02, 2006 06:46 PM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
Amen Tim.

I have no idea why GW doesnt get credit for a good economy? Its as good as ever. A hell of alot better shape than Slick left it in. He rode coat tails. BBOb, tell me one thing, one fuckin thing that Clinton did to make the economy what it was. You cant, because he didnt. It was a propped up smoke and mirrors .com economy. I know personally of several folks that made money and had faith, too much faith, and came out broke, flat broke. I know of people retiring, or thought they were, at that time that lost it all and had to go back to work from Slicks wonderful economy.

This one is solid. Ill quit, Tim done raked your ass pretty good about the rest.


Posts: 2645 | From: Central Missouri | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 02, 2006 07:05 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Well, one thing you can't take away from Bob is he went and fought in 'Nam. Exactly how that warped his mental processes, we will never know. That's a joke, Bob. But really, I am getting damned tired of the liberal attitude: every Republican President is stupid. Real damned tired of the disrespect. Especially when their boy, the skirt chaser, and Kerry didn't aquit themselves academically , any better than did George W. Reagan won the damned cold war. What has any Democrat President done to match that neat trick, eh? All Al Gore did was invent the friggin' Internet and show the world what a sore loser he is, which is typical liberal response when the stupid American voters elect all these Republicans.

Listen Bob. Just thank God that we didn't have Gore or Kerry in office when 9-11 happened. We would still be working on a U friggin' N resolution condemning that heinous act. That's how those spineless Democrats retaliate.

Okay, the Iraq qar hasn't gone according to expectations, but the solution is not to cut and run, and damn you if you suggest that won't happen if they get half a chance!

I'm for Bush, at least he has some balls.

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

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Icon 1 posted November 03, 2006 06:07 AM      Profile for Freddie           Edit/Delete Post 
While we are looking for things to worry about, go to this website and look for the story "Democrats = Amnesty". It also mentions that Nancy Pelosi will reenact the Clinton gun ban. This story will remain in the headlines for about a day, then it will move down the page as time goes by.

[ November 03, 2006, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: Freddie ]

Posts: 29 | From: Ohio | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
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Member # 825

Icon 1 posted November 03, 2006 06:11 PM      Profile for Buffalobob   Email Buffalobob         Edit/Delete Post 

I see some people get real upset about elections.


I don't know if it makes you feel better to call me names. But if it does, that is OK. It certainly is not the first time anyone did. Here is a picture of my rear bumper sticker. You might want to go get some meds before you look at it.


Posts: 90 | From: Potomac River | Registered: Mar 2006  |  IP: Logged
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Icon 1 posted November 03, 2006 06:13 PM      Profile for Buffalobob   Email Buffalobob         Edit/Delete Post 
Tomorrow I will post the front bumper sticker.
Posts: 90 | From: Potomac River | Registered: Mar 2006  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 03, 2006 06:53 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Wow, a real provocative bumper sticker, ya got there! Can't wait until you reveal the front.

I have never seen a bumper sticker I wanted on my vehicle. Like a tattoo, they really ugly up an arm or a bumper; and (really) who really gives a shit?

No doubt, Bob. You are a rare bird. A liberal that is also a hunter and shooter, but can't figure out who your enemies are?

Can't cure stupid, eh? LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31459 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 1 posted November 03, 2006 07:09 PM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
Whaddaya expect LB, look at the license plate. Nuff said.


Posts: 2645 | From: Central Missouri | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
Tim Behle
Administrator MacNeal Sector
Member # 209

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 03:35 AM      Profile for Tim Behle   Author's Homepage   Email Tim Behle         Edit/Delete Post 
I kind of agree with your sticker. On 9-11 Bush did run for the rabbit hole, and then he started killing all of the terrorists hiding inside of it.

Something that Clinton kept promising to do, but never made the effort.

I can hardly wait to see the front sticker, if you are anything like the democrats around here, it says "Jon Kerry '04"

Don't you lazy people know that you can take a sticker back off after the election is over?

Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take
an ass kickin'.

Posts: 3160 | From: Five Miles East of Vic, AZ | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 03:43 AM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
I see those Kerry/Edwards stickers everywhere. I think the dipshits thought they may go at it again,but Kerry took care of that shit this week. [Big Grin]

Usually when someone makes a mistake in their speach, what they are really thinking comes out.

Does it really surprise anyone that B Bob being from DC with a license plate that says Taxation without Representation would be a demorat? Bob, send Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi, Kerry and Kennedy pics of your antelope hunt and see how they like it....


Posts: 2645 | From: Central Missouri | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
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Member # 825

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 05:40 AM      Profile for Buffalobob   Email Buffalobob         Edit/Delete Post 
Here is the front.

There was a roadhunter out in Idaho while I was elk hunting who took some offense to the back bumper and didn't bother the check the front one. His urge to urinate left him very suddenly and he decided to get back on his ATV and continue his roadhunting.


Posts: 90 | From: Potomac River | Registered: Mar 2006  |  IP: Logged
HONORARY OKIE .... and Tim's at fault!
Member # 768

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 06:45 AM      Profile for JD           Edit/Delete Post 
Too much whiskey, Tim? [Big Grin] I`ve done real well just staying out of political discusions for nearly a year now........what a hoot to sit & watch others partake in the madness.

I vote Republican, thought I`d mention that before Tim pops a vein or 2 after reading this........

Tim, you don`t really believe any of that pure bullshit you just posted about this master plan to give the terrorists a place to come & scrap with us.......seriously, sometimes I think I`m the only one who votes conservative who isn`t willing to roll over & piss on myself, every one of these SOBs are lieing pricks, they don`t have YOUR best interest in mind at all, Libs, Cons, there ALL self serving criminals, I choose the Conservative side for MANY reasons but that doesn`t mean I`m a ******* idiot & can`t tell when the prick I voted for is pissing on my leg & telling me it`s raining.

It`s funny sometimes to sit & watch these debates & how people fall in behind their party lines with undieing loyalty. I could give a flying bag of shit about party lines & all this bullshit, it`s really as simple as looking at the issues & seeing how they affect me & voting for the lieing bastard that best fits my ideals & hope he ACTUALLY does what he says he will.

I`m concerned that we will loose control of the senate & the house this time around........I`ll worry about it on tuesday I guess.....

Andy, shame on you, starting a political discusion, did you fall off the wagon buddy? loose your place in the 12 step plan?, or like me you just couldn`t stand watching everyone else have all the fun. [Big Grin]


What do Obama & TA17Rem have in common........both are clueless asshats!!!

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Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 06:49 AM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
Its called withdrawals, Jason, withdrawals. [Big Grin]

Good Gawd Bob, your more ****** up than I thought!! Sportsman, gun owner and military liberal? Damn, do you ever get the urge to kick your own ass? [Roll Eyes]

By your post above, btw, Im guessing you fancy yourself as some sort of badass that people quiver at your sight? Or am I misreading it?

[ November 04, 2006, 06:52 AM: Message edited by: Andy L ]


Posts: 2645 | From: Central Missouri | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
Andy L
Member # 642

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 07:12 AM      Profile for Andy L           Edit/Delete Post 
One thing Jason, I gotta respectfully disagree with you. I do think the front of the war with binLadens boys has shifted to Iraq. Still in Afghanistan too, but mostly in Iraq. There are cells of his from all over showing up there. And that suits me just fine. We havent had an attack here since, though several have been stopped short from some of the policies now in place. If anything, we need more troops to stop those bastards cold. Then we will be nice and close to kick Irans ass while we are there.

I would much rather fight the fockers over there than to fight them in our own streets and be attacked over and over again.

I think your wrong there. Was it planned that way? No. But it happened that way and it beats the shit out of the alternative.

As far as party lines go, I agree, to some degree. Problem is, if you dont follow party lines, were gonna **** around and let the pussy party have it all. We dont have to like it, but we need to stick together, for now.

And, btw Bob, binLaden is a figure head. He doesnt mean shit anymore. Other than a symbolic beheading by a marine making us feel better, he has effectively been stopped from calling many shots or financing anything. Mission accomplished. To some degree at least. Not to mention one of the most evil dictators of all time is done for in Saddam.


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resides "back east"
Member # 228

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 07:27 AM      Profile for JoeF   Email JoeF         Edit/Delete Post 
bob, thanks for your service, but your politics sure stink.

Help me understand your rear bumper sticker. GW ran for a rabbit hole? Is this a reference to him following protocol and heading for a secure place from which to run this country during the events of 9/11? As a military man I'd think you'd understand that would be the coarse he must follow. His other option was to what, jump in to the burning rubble of the WTC?

The part that bothers me about the Iraq war is all of the limp ***** who were jumping up and down shouting "let's go!" a few years ago that are now whining "woe is me!" and "let's run" today. Anybody with 1/2 a brain should have known that the war in Iraq would unfold exactly as it has. We will be at war in that part of the world (good choice of location, BTW) for the foreseeable future. Our best option? Pull out and turn it in to a sea of glass. Too harsh? Our only other options are to stay the coarse; long and hard though it may be, or to pull out and shift the scene of battle to Main Street USA. Those people and their interpretation of that religion do not want you and I alive. The world needs to admit it and act accordingly - refer to the sea of glass comment above. The sea of glass is avoidable only if the world has the fortitude to stand up and make that commitment known. Probably only about 2 little ponds of glass would get the message across. Extreme? Yep, that or withdraw and admit defeat, or fight it out (over there) until the end. That end I can’t predict, I’m concerned that the world will not have the fortitude to admit where we are at and just kind of roll over and die.
Do I advocate forcing our will on the world? Nope, only our will to survive and our will to pay the horrible costs associated with survival in a world where a religion advocates your eradication.
Reading too much in to the situation? Don't think so, just a couple of years ago we had muslim extremists driving planes in to buildings here. Oh yeah, I forgot, that was a US government (read Bush) conspiracy, right? Bob, please tell me you aren't one of those! Tim, I'm tempted to pose the same question to you, please tell me it wasn't part of the plan!
I do not subscribe to Tim's theory of WMD being just a ploy to get us there.

On the economy from elder Bush to Clinton to GW, even your buddies in the liberal media admitted (2 years after the election) that Clinton was handed a rising economy by the elder Bush, the signs first being noticeable 6 mos before the election. By the time BC was out of office my 401k was roughly 1/3 of what it was when he took office. It is now multiplied a couple of times over what Billy left me with. Not so much as a kiss from the promiscuous bastard, BTW.

One great mystery to me is how a working man can wholeheartedly support the democratic party. Can you explain that concept? I work for my money and think that everyone who is able should. And my standard of being "able" is not stringent, there are jobs for just about anyone's abilities.

I'm not a blind Bush loyalist, but he is so much better than our other options. I have a book I would be glad to loan where the author followed Kerry on the speaking stage at Boston College where they both shared their war experiences. The author related how Kerry lost his "Kennedy" accent backstage and came up to him and commented on how much more trying the author's experiences had been. The author said he seemed like a likable guy, though I believe the indication was there that that may depend on which face you were viewing.

As far as our future economy, I feel that we are in deep crap. Not because of politics but because of the ignorance, irresponsibility, and stupidity of the American public. The average house today is roughly 4 times the size as in 1948(why?), interest only loans, huge personal debt. Any bump in the road will spell economic disaster for this country and NO politician can prevent it. We, the people, done screwed up. Foreclosures up 47% over one year ago, 1.7M foreclosures in the last 12 mos. was reported on the radio the other day - if that is real we are in deep stuff. If that is real we, the people, did it.
I'm not in that position; though I admit that it costs me at times, having to pass up things like air fare to campouts and stuff - but so what. I could pay my debts off Monday and stop by the grocery store on the way home without a care. I’m not rich, I just live (and borrow) within my means.
That is one of the biggest reasons I do not want a liberal in office. I worked for my money and am not real keen on giving any of it away to those who don't. Completely selfish for me and mine.

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Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 08:52 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Interesting stuff.

One thing that moves me to comment is what JD said. I (personally) do not believe the Republicans look out for anybody but themselves, just like the Democrats. However, their political philosophy more correctly meshes with mine, as explained by Joe, above. There isn't room for me in the Democratic platform, I have to shut up and bankroll all their social engineering that has made a segment of the population dependant on government for 40 years.

It's a lesser of two evils, and of course, the gun issue. You know, slaughtering the unborn, etc. (with Federal funds, of course) Bearing in mind that both parties have to play ball, but who is going to sell out me and my values faster?

Like Joe, I'm worried that the electorate is too stupid to realize the issues involved and will vote for change. There is no doubt that half of the people in this country have been brainwashed. That happens every night on network news and most every newspaper.

The change that the Democrats have in mind is bad for the country and the whole world. Them, (those?) murderous bastards need to be stopped. I don't see anybody, other than George W. Bush that understands this simple fact.

That's the way I vote...and for good measure, perhaps we pick up a Supreme Court seat or two?

Have we heard anything from the Democrats? Honest solutions to the problems domestic and International? No. All they want is control of the country, just trust them to figure something out. The first item is surrender, followed by tax hikes and phony environmental issues....the right to "choose", etc. That's all they know.

I'm worried, with good reason. As far as I'm concerned, there is way too much at stake to ever elect another Democratic Congress. I think it will be close, but we will prevail. Their constituency doesn't vote....thank God.

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31459 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
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Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 09:18 AM      Profile for Buffalobob   Email Buffalobob         Edit/Delete Post 

As far as whether I am or am not some sort of badass it doesn't really matter. The perception seems to be that if you vote Democratic that you are some sort of unpatriotic coward. For example, here is Tim's post.

Those Brave men and women volunteered to put their lives on the line, so that chickenshit bastards like you could maintain your privilege to sit on your ass and bitch.

Argueing politics on the internet (or really anywhere else) is kind of like peeing in the dark. Way too often, one winds up with a wet foot.

Being retired, I got a busy schedule so I'm going to leave the discussion of what is best for the nation to all you good conservatives.

I would merely add that it is good to care. A lot of people don't.

Posts: 90 | From: Potomac River | Registered: Mar 2006  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 10:11 AM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Hey Bob. I'm not sure if I should feel inferior because I served in the whimpy Signal Corps, but I'll go ahead and wonder why you feel the need to advertize on your vehicle?

No disrespect, at all. But, it smacks, (a little) of John Kerry...."when I was in Viet Nam", etc. No doubt in my mind that he's a fake.

I know (trust) that you are not, but you sure are running with a strange crowd. From friggin' Mars. LB

I'm not ready for another President Clinton!

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31459 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
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Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 01:01 PM      Profile for Buffalobob   Email Buffalobob         Edit/Delete Post 

As you will remember, military service during the Vietnam war was not a very popular thing. I think most of us who served whether drafted or volunteer, are very proud of the efforts we made to try to win.

During Desert Storm, I began following some of the things that the Special Forces were doing and was very proud of how they had performed. The same thing occurred in Afghanistan and for the first time the snipers were getting positive press (thats what I did in RVN - run a recon sniper platoon- not SF). I had hoped and still do, that when Osama is gotten that it will be a Special Forces Sniper that does it. I am very proud of the job the SF are/were doing in Afghanistan and if I was young enough or had all of my body parts functional I would certainly go again. I can't imagine anything better than hikeing around the mountains of Afghanistan with a heavy long barreld gun looking for Osama. More exciting than hunting elk and a lot better than just dying of old age in a nursing home.

As far as what I did and where I was, there are internet forums where some of my men are present and a forum where one of my SF commanding officers is present. I would assume if you do a google search you can find some of your old units and the people you once knew. I think most of the infantry divisions have vet associations and annual reunions for us old geezers. That is where I got the bumper sticker, a SF reunion in Gettysburg, Pa a few years ago. I also bought two coffe mugs, a hat, and for my youngest brother who was also SF, a shirt.

A little funny story.

A few years ago I ran accross a T- shirt that said "sniper, run if you want to die tired". Before I ever got to wear it the DC Sniper thing occurred where the two guys were shooting women and children and so my wife and kids would never let me wear the shirt outside of the house. I also have a "sniper" bumper sticker but similiarly was not allowed to put it on my truck. I am not sniper qualified but am very proud to have been associated with them. That is how I got into longrange hunting, having seen what they could do with a rifle.

Well, I have managed to rotate my truck tires today between discussions on this forum and now it is time to rake leaves. I just don't know where to find all the time needed for all of my chores.

Posts: 90 | From: Potomac River | Registered: Mar 2006  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted November 04, 2006 07:42 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
As it happens, Bob. I have attended two reunions of my old unit, Tahoe three years ago and 'Vegas last year and next summer, it will be in Europe, where all the fun happened.

Or, more correctly, where it all started, since I was deployed for both the Berlin wall crisis,
and the Cuban missle crisis. Seems they can't get away without sig. support?

You want some war stories; I got em, but they say I still can't talk about it? Trust me, it was a time of ultimate brinkmanship. You know, bomb shelters, etc.

Anyway, we served. No big deal, as far as I'm concerned. I would never bring it up unless prompted, in some way or another.

But, how in the world
did we wind up with TWO liberal servicemen, you and John Kerry? What are the odds?

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31459 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged

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