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Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 13, 2009, 10:41 PM:
Are you trying to help or hurt yourself with your output power vs. supply voltage chart? How are you assuming people are going to get 15volts from a 10-AA battery pack for any real duration of time? Typical NiMh nominal voltage is 1.2volts, so right around 12 volts will be the nominal power output. Most hunters are going to use the NiMh's, they're cheap, easy to find, and work decent.

If the "Power Requirement" of your Mighty Atom (MA-15)is 15volts, the thing is already going to be underpowered.

Your chart on your website shows the FoxPro being superior in the nominal voltage range that most hunters will see in real world use. Why would you show your voltage going up to 18 volts for an "Apples to Apples" comparison of your MA15 model to the FoxPro Fury?


There are other questions still unanswered Martz. What is your definition of "CD Quality"?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 04:57 AM:
We KNOW the information presented above is TRUE because, in an EXCLUSIVE, we have obtained photos not only of the secret location of the Tundra Wookie E Caller Testing Service facility, but also of the Tundra Wookie himself hard at work in his lab!


Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on October 14, 2009, 07:19 AM:
LOL that's funny right thar!!! I'm no fan of Bill's customer service methods, but I'm confussed here as to what I should be more concerned with. Bill's alleged inaccuracies (none of which really concern me), TWookies having obviously been ripped off by Bill (otherwise why would he be so obsessed with this), TWookie ordering a new caller from Bill (which makes me wonder why, if he's so unhappy with WT calls, would he buy another one?) or just how lonely does it get in Alaska that this would be your sole mission in life?

Looking at all the various and sundry things going on in my life and the world around me, I can't even hazard a guess as to how far down my "give-a-shit" list you would have to look before you found my concerns about the shortcomings of my e-callers. Reading these diatribes on every board on the web that will let him rant is like people watching at WalMart: a colossal waste of time, but damned if it doesn't make you feel a whole bunch better about yourself. Admittedly, I have no dog in this fight, but could you just give it a rest? It's hunting season... go out and kill something already!
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 07:51 AM:
If you're going to show my snow-cave, at least show the new double-wide model I built last winter. The other guy must be your twin, because I probably weigh as much as that things left leg. What kind of strange and demented things do you look at on your computer you freak? Maybe the fumes from spinning your orifice plugs are getting to you. Did you have anything intelligent to add to this post, or do you just want to add to everything I have to say? I could get you a fan-club shirt or something like that if you're that needy. If you have so much free time, why don't you walk down the street to visit your lying neighbor Martz and see if you two can formulate an intelligent response to my legitimate questions. If not, maybe you should just shut up and go back to spinning plugs.

This is all technical information that concerned customers should look at before buying a caller. I enjoy using and testing out all of the callers around and helping people with theirs. I get lots of questions about callers and many people simply will not call Martz to talk about his callers because of what they read on the internet. I can't blame them, he's a liar. Like I've said before, I have nothing against WT products. I do have something against the owner of WT who has threatened me and has bullied customers and others for years. This is the only place where he feels man enough to sling his mud, so this is where it'll happen. Martz is a documented liar and I'm going to make certain that any potential customers know who and what they're dealing with before they order something. If these posts offend you or bore you, just don't read them. It's just like television, change the channel if you don't like what you're watching (reading).

I asked a legitimate question, do you have an adult-like response? I just don't see many people buying multiple $86 Li-Ion packs and a $30 charger. There will be some, but most hunters are going to run NiMH packs. Why do you assume 15 volts?

Martz....The silent (but lying) one.

[ October 14, 2009, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 08:47 AM:
Did you have anything intelligent to add to this post
Did you?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 08:56 AM:
Oh, and by the way Peter....

You asked what kind of perverted things I look at on the internet all day....

While that might prove entertaining for some, even more entertaining would be to know why you asked me what happened to that Butt Plug you thought I was going to send you?

Why would you want one of my....what did you call them? Oh yeah...

orifice plugs
I know it's cold up there, and there aren't a lot of people, but surely you can find a friend to play with???? And "Lefty" and "Righty" don't count.

Maybe a Polar Bear? Lonely Eskimo?


God forgive me for what I said about Polar Bears and Eskimos and take care of Rich Cronk's Pygmies

[ October 14, 2009, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by Dan Carey (Member # 987) on October 14, 2009, 09:02 AM:
THO, that's funny as hell.

Sad he is so "whatever"
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 09:19 AM:
OK, please disregard my last post Peter - I figured it out.

You said...

The other guy must be your twin, because I probably weigh as much as that things left leg.
And there he is in your shop in his Tighty Whities...which made me think that was you....I understand now....

I'll get that butt plug up to you over night mail.

I'm beginning to get the picture, and it's not a visual I want to keep around [Eek!]

[ October 14, 2009, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 14, 2009, 09:33 AM:
I think this should stay on topic and not get into a mud slinging fest on what one thinks of each other.

Hunted one could you add to the topic? Do you care about the topic? What caller do you use?

I always get leery when questions are posed and instead of clear/concise answers it turns into personnel attacks, that usually means they don't have an answer or don't know the answer?

[ October 14, 2009, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 09:48 AM:
I started the post with a legitimate, academic question. Did you miss the chart I posted? Then, I asked about the voltage and batteries. Did you miss that too? If so, let me know and I can Fax or email it to you.

If you took a moment to think, you'd learn what orifice means. Is there something in the well water by your house and the liars house that makes structuring logic disappear? Here's the primary definition of Orifice for you:

Do you see that the first thing it says is MOUTH? I'm assuming you thought I was talking about something twisted, like you like to talk about as shown here:;f=2;t=000320

Don't worry about my friends and associates, some of whom live in your very backyard. Now tell me again why you're involved in this conversation, concerning your lying neighbor who calls what you build "Party Favors"?

Bill Martz said:
"I also find it amusing that you would lower yourself to kiss the bottom of a government "biologist" just you you could pay your own way to some distant location just to demonstrate your ability with a $10 party favor. You don't actually believe that you can emulate a real coyote vocalization with a 50 cent plastic reed, do you? If you think you can Rich, knowing that animal vocalizations are at least 30 times more complex then the human voice, let me hear you blow the human word "the" out of your mouth call.";f=1;t=000610#000012

I'm still wondering when Martz is going to put out a Coyote recording saying the word "The".

Funny that you show my shop being a snow-cave, yet it has carpet and drywall in the other picture with your brother/twin. You get a C- for contradicting photo data. You must still be bitter because you lost the illegal FRS remote radio argument. Come on Marine, do you want to make a bet on the FRS radio legality issues? Get out of your attic/shop and wake up your lying neighbor Martz so you two can formulate a plan to discredit me and my question.

Dan Carey,
Nice to see you, can you help answer the question?

Are all of the Martz Muffins going to just keep slapping each other on the back and posting nonsense information and twisted photos? This really goes a long ways in helping answer the question.

Lets keep this on subject and keep the twisted, perverted things out of it (THO). I'll keep my eyes peeled for the call, thanks.
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 10:08 AM:
No, I dont care about the topic.

I do think it's funny as hell watching Peter have a stroke over something this silly, but other than that, I don't have a thing to add.

I do own both a FoxPro and and old WT caller in case you're interested. I would buy a new one but the kid is in his last year of college at Southern New Hampshire University and then he's heading to North Eastern for grad school and he comes first.

I promise to leave Peter alone from now on. It's hard though, the boy is so easy, it's a good thing he wasn't born a girl.

Have it boys - whooping up time is nigh,

[ October 14, 2009, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 14, 2009, 10:23 AM:
Some would think it silly for a call manufacture to list the name of a person on his site and try to hold "A" person responsible for his lost market share because "A" person gave the competitor the information on sound equipment?

Do any of us think that Mr Marvin is the sole reason FP has 24 bit recordings??? Do any of you think the people at FoxPro couldn't have figured it out themselves?

Then said call manufacture list the 14 things needed to reproduce high quailty sounds on his site for all to read? What is the point then?

I mean I searched google for high quaility recording equipment and found out plenty to do so, if I was so inclined to record animal sounds.

[ October 14, 2009, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 10:27 AM:
No worries, you can attack all you want, I have thick enough skin to take whatever anybody dishes out. I didn't realize I was having a stroke over asking this question. You must've interpreted it incorrect, because I have many more questions like this. It's a perfectly legitimate question though and I really didn't go into a personal attack on Martz over it, if you noticed? I kept it pretty much straight forward, looking for an answer. Be certain though, that I'm not going to give Martz any room for his lying and deceitful tactics. Do you think I should cut the liar any slack?

Edit: Is this term "Whooping" some New Hampshire term? The definition for it says:
a. A loud cry of exultation or excitement.
b. A shout uttered by a hunter or warrior.

I guess if excitement or a shout by hunters is what my question provokes, then have at it..Whoop it up boys!!!

Still waiting for a response to the questions. I'll cross post this in many different forums though so your customers or potential customers can ask as well, because many will want to know about the batteries and power. You still haven't answered Coyote Wackers question about the power of your caller either? You're failing in customer relations, which isn't surprising. Why don't you start fresh and just change the way you do business? Be a friendly, courteous salesman and take half of that garbage down from your website. Remove anything that can easily be discredited or isn't 100% true. You'd sell an exponentially larger number of callers if you did, I guarantee it.

Coyote Wacker,
You made a very good point about "A" person (Me) being the reason FoxPro went to 24bit recording and the equipment. There was and is better recording equipment around than what FoxPro and WT is using. I guess Martz just figured he had the secret solution to 24bit digital animal recording equipment and didn't want anybody to know. The funny thing though is the majority of WT's library was recorded years ago with analog equipment.

[ October 14, 2009, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 10:49 AM:
Well now I take it back - I see Peter was posting while I was agreeing to give the little pip squeak a break.

So here we go -

First - you dont have the right to call me Marine. You dont have the right to even carry my Jock Strap. From what you've said, and what you've posted, you would have to put on about 100 pounds and grow a set of balls to even be able to associate with someone who was a Marine. I served 20 plus years with some honorable men and women defending your right to speak your mind and it really pisses me off to see you abuse the privilege. Bill was right, you are a moron.

As for your friends and associates in my back yard - Was that some kind of internet threat? You're kidding me right? Again, Bill was right. You're a moron. Who you gonna send? That pencil necked geek Browning? Hell he about shit his pants in the woods one morning when we walked by a moose for gods sake. Get real.

As for the FRS issue, you want me to get the thread Peter? You got your ass handed to you,and you know it. You got caught in a complete lie, and then you tried to change the subject and went off on some tangent about the calls being duplicated and renamed and all kinds of BS. You posted pages and pages of pure spin and BS and never once addressed the issue once you had it stuffed down your scrawny little girl neck. But the bottom line is, was and will always be, you flat out LIED. You call Bill a liar? And you say that I'm defending him? Hell, I dont even know the man. We have never met. We could have walked past each other a hundred times here in town and not have even known it.

The whole FRS issue was a complete fabrication meant to scare people out of buying a great caller. To tell people that they would be arrested and fined by the FCC for using it? That they might cause someones death if they used it and it interrupted an emergency broadcast? Is it really that necessary to stoop that low to sell an E caller?

Now Peter, that's not my opinion either. It came right out of the mouth of the head of the FCC testing lab in Maryland. Yes Peter, you KNOW I called them about it. He even told me to file a complaint with the FTC over it.

So stop bringing that issue up. It was 4 or 5 years ago and we both know what was posted on the FoxPro web site and on Predator Masters was pure and utter bullshit. Or as you are want to say - a LIE.

Now, maybe you have some callers that are not FCC certified. But that has NOTHING to do with a person using one and being subject to arrest and fines by the FCC. The consumer is protected you moron. It was just a cheap scare tactic to keep people from buying a competitors product.

I'll close by letting you in on a little known secret -

There's a reason Mike Dillon has never killed a coyote in PA. He's not using a WT e caller.

Now, go back to your igloo and leave the big boys alone you little twerp.

And have a nice day too

[Big Grin]
Posted by Alaskan Yoter (Member # 169) on October 14, 2009, 10:55 AM:
just how lonely does it get in Alaska
Uhhhhhhh.........................not that lonely Lance. [Eek!] At least not not down my way. [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 14, 2009, 11:09 AM:
As far as I can tell, TW has legit questions, although some of the questions seem trivial, to my mind. THO, on the other hand, I can't quite figure your motive? TW has not addressed you except when poked and his comments are usually directed at some real or imagined relationship between you and Martz, such as being neighbors. He hasn't posted sophomoric photos, (as you have) that have nothing to do with you or Martz or TW, or the subject at hand.

I'm just an impartial observer, (I guarantee) but if the dialogue is between Martz and TW, why are you sticking your nose into it? I hasten to add, you have the right, confered on you by virtue of your membership to stick your nose into it, but I can't quite figure out why you are concerned and why you seem to object to his questions?

I conclude that there is something personal, or some history that we don't know about. I guess I could care less, your reasons, but why not let him get out on his limb and saw it off, and like he said, just quit reading his posts if he pisses you off.

You may find it interesting that my mail indicates that these threads are very entertaining, for some of us.

Now, don't quit what you are doing, my intent is not to shut you down. I'm just curious about your reasons for picking a fight with the guy when he has not rattled your cage?

So, if you can find a minute to satisfy my curiosity, I should be ever so grateful, but other than that; please continue whatever it is that you are doing. I have no problem with it, really.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 12:26 PM:
Thanks for serving our country, that was a commendible thing to do, Marine. The rest of your diatribe is another example of your perverse and skewed nature.

Don't worry, no threats about people in your "backyard". I just happen to know people in your neck of the woods and all over the US, showing you that I actually do have friends, one of which I thought was you. They're, including you are welcome to visit the igloo and Ewok tent anytime.

No need to get the FRS thread Al, here it is if you want to re-read through it. I think the FCC stuff starts on page 12.

I got nothing handed to me if you actually read that post, NOTHING, and I didn't get caught in any lie. I stated Facts and my testing results. Show me where I lied Al, and I'll gladly address that publicly. Also notice how that thread ended on what seemed a decent note. You're obviously holding a grudge over it (and it's showing). Remember, I'm not FoxPro, so take that argument up with them if you're bitter. I won't say FoxPro lied, because there is a legitimate, legal issue with what WT's old FRS remotes did. I too spoke with the FCC lab, so you're not telling me anything I don't know. I didn't file a complaint though and to this date I don't believe anybody has. Martz was however using illegal (uncertified) FRS boards in his remotes while at the same time trying to discredit the competitors products. That's just downright stupid, no matter how you look at it.

Not that lonely here in Fairbanks either, plenty of fun, clean, ethical things to do. [Smile]
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 12:33 PM:
Well Mr. L

It goes back about 4 or 5 years - back to the old FRS remote issue. I was in the market for an E caller. I wanted to buy the WT caller.

I was told, by Peter, and pointed in the direction of the Fox Pro web site by Glenn Guess to read the horror stories about the WT caller.

There was even a thread on it on Predator Masters.

In short, I was lead to believe that if I bought the WT e caller, and used it, I would be subject to arrest and fines by the FCC.

I was also lead to believe that if I used the WT caller, the FRS remote could interfere with someone placing a distress signal and could be responsible for that signal not getting through, causing distress or worse to the person sending it.

I questioned this, and took it upon myself to seek out more information prior to spending, at that time, over 800 bucks on a caller that could get me thrown in jail.

So after several days on the FCC web site, not finding what I needed, I ended up going through New Hampshire Senator John Sununu's office to get a phone number to the FCC where I could actually speak to someone who might be able to tell me if what I had been told was right or wrong.

By telling the Senators office that the company that was being accused was a NH based company, they were very quick to get me a phone number for the head of the testing facility in Maryland.

I called. Got the Secretary. Dropped the Senators name. She told me when to call back and when I did, I spoke with the head of the facility.

He told me, that the remote was FCC certified, and I could buy it with no worries. He told me that the remote was one of the few, at that time, that had been certified "in house" at their facility instead of outsourced to another lab. The technician who did the certification was even now working at the Maryland facility.

He went on to tell me that even if the remote did not have a sticker on it, I would not be liable as long as I bought it believing it was a reputable product. He told me that the issue would be between the FCC and the company, not the consumer. He told me, after looking at the FoxPro web site that I should file a complaint with the Fair Trade Commission if I felt inclined to do so. He had no jurisdiction in the matter.

Well, I relayed that information to Peter and others and was called a liar, a Martz groopie and everything else you can imagine. Yet even after being presented with the results of my efforts, the misinformation about the WT remote persisted.

A year or so ago, it came up on FnF, and who shows up, but Peter. It started as some simple playful ball busting between me and Rich Cronk. But as soon as one mention of it was made, Peter showed up. At the time, he was a member there with very few post. But again, as soon as that issue of the remote came up, he showed up. It even went so far as to my receiving emails from FoxPro users telling me that I was a disgrace to the Marine Corps.

It was right after this that FoxPro finally took that information off their web site. They had left it there for over two years AFTER WT changed their remotes.

So roll forward to just a few weeks ago, when Andy asked about WT sounds here on Huntmasters. Who shows up? Peter - Tundra Wookie.

His credibility is certainly in question with me over this issue. And it should be with everyone. His "legitimate" questions may not be so legitimate nor sincere. It is certainly funny that when ever WT comes up on a forum that he hardly ever participates in, he shows up with his white hat and Bill Martz club.

In short, I think Peter has an agenda, a malicious one.

He pretends to have more than a layman's grasp of the technology, and uses it to mislead people, when in fact, he has never demonstrated anything more than a "backyard" mechanic's understanding of the working of an E caller. He is adept at reading articles on Wikipedia, and other on line publications, and uses those references to bolster his theories. He has tested e callers and written reviews on them, which in effect are nothing more than you or I could have done on our own given the machines and the time.

He has never demonstrated, nor shown, any technical expertise beyond that of a tinkerer. He has never produced any certificate of education in electronics.

Yet he comes to any forum that discusses WT, and wades in purporting to be an expert on E Callers, and proceeds to lash out at WT and anyone who uses one or thinks they might want to.

While I agree and defend his right to to go around and say what he wants, within the bounds of legal limits of course, when he does so, he must realize that he will be challenged and shown for what he really is. Simply someone with a hard on for Bill Martz.

To this day, as is evident in both this post, and two others on this forum, he continues to bring up the FRS issue which has been proven false, and because that remote is no longer used, even germane to the discussion.

So yes, it is personal, for the remarks made about my service, and it is opinion based on experience, however slight, at seeing what a WT can do in the field compared to other callers.

In closing, weather the caller puts out 11 watts or 12 watts makes no difference to the average coyote hunter when he is staring at an animal 50 yards away, and to lead people to believe that Bill Martz is a liar so they should not use a very fine product, does need to be defended. Unlike Mike Dillon, I do not believe the customer is always right. I believe, sometimes the customer is naive and needs to be pointed or lead in the right direction. Perhaps Mr. Martz lacks some tact or people skills, but it would simply not be in his best interest to sell a caller to a hunter that he knows is not going to work for him, no matter how insistent that hunter might be. Enthusiasm and hype from reading message boards full of newbie post sometimes needs to be tempered with a few hard knocks by people who have "been there done that". Which is why I think you see so many guys with two or three years of coyote hunting finally showing up over here. It takes a while to learn that what you have learned in the past, might not be so good.

It's time for Peter to just accept that the WT is a very good machine. His personal attacks on the owner of the company do nothing for the image of hunters. His queries and claims have nothing to do with weather the caller works or not in the field, and therefor, must be construed as simply bias based on personal dealings with Mr. Martz. They serve no useful purpose to the average hunter looking for a machine that will call coyotes consistently.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond, and I apologize for being so verbose - but you asked....
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 01:03 PM:
You can read what I was typing as you posted.

You're right on one thing, I have an agenda to point out the deceiving information and lies put out by Martz. Not that that makes the callers junk, because they're obviously not. I won't tell a person to not buy a WT, but I'll tell them which caller I prefer and why. I can give an honest evaluation of the callers without bringing my grudge with Martz into it. You'll see soon enough when I get a Mighty Atom how it goes. I will however show up when Martz is discussed because he's slandered me on his website and tried to personally threaten me on the phone. No hard feelings, just defending myself, understand? And this will go on with more things as long as my name is on his website. So get over it and learn to just not read what I type if it irritates you.

Read AGAIN, what I've written many times before, that it's not the caller, it's the owner. Get it through your head that I'm not against the WT callers, just the claims and history of lies. I have "accepted it", that's not what this is about THO. If you want to do some helpful e-caller testing to actually help people out, feel free to do it, I'd love to hear about it.

Bring some facts to the table and proof where I Lie, Lash Out at WT owners, Badmouth the WT callers, and I'll gladly deal with it. Especially show me where I told you that YOU lied. Until then, please stay in the Mouth Call section unless you can add something useful to my posts. Thanks.

Still no word from you on your chart and voltage? It's not that tough of a question to answer is it?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 03:21 PM:
Try this one Einstein...

How is supplying 12 volts to a power supply that can handle 15 any different than supplying 9.6 volts to a power supply that can handle 12?

Both 12 volts and 9.6 volts are 80% of max.

If both are only powered to 80% of max, would that not make them both, in your words - already underpowered?

And while it is possible with a bit of money and putting up with a bunch of weight and bulk to get that 9.6 volt underpowered amp up to 12 volts, does it make sense to push something to it's limits every time? Or will a component last longer if it is allowed some room to "breath" shall we say?

WT clearly posted the voltage requirements on their web page, and you take them to task for it.

FoxPro buried it in their instruction manual and they get a pass.

This argument appears weak, and nothing more than an attempt to discredit the WT caller while ignoring a similar if not exactly the same set of circumstances for the FoxPro.

Would you like to clarify any of this?

I forgot to ask if I passed the quiz??

[ October 14, 2009, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 03:49 PM:
My point is, if you want to compare "Apples to Apples", which is what that whole thing is supposed to be about, the higher than 15 volt portion shouldn't even be a part of it. 80% of whatever the Power Requiment is can be calculated, but what's the point, it's right there on the chart (look at the 12 volt mark)? People are typically going to be using 12volt (10 AA battery packs). Some will use the high dollar Li-Ion packs, but not the majority. If you look at the charts, at that voltage range (12-13 volts), the FoxPro is putting out more Power (Watts). If the callers amplifier is nearing it's upper power threshold, then the circuit design needs to be looked at since it can ultimately damage the thing. Ramping up voltage isn't that amazing of a feat either and isn't cutting edge technology if that's what's going on in the MA-15. The simple question is, based on those charts and the power packs hunters will be using, why would somebody choose a WT over a FoxPro from that chart? The data shows the FoxPro putting out more Watts in the range of power hunters will be using. Do you really need to know how much voltage the FoxPro units will handle? If they put a chart like that on their website with a claim of Power Requiments of 15 volts, but say that you use 10 AA batteries, I'd question it, you bet. I'll tell you exactly what FoxPro units will handle in terms of voltage requirments if you'd like? Why does their lack of data offend you, yet fuzzy data is fine? You still think slandering an individual on a manufacturer website is legit too don't you?

You failed the Quiz. You haven't brought any facts showing I lied to you or anybody else. Good use on the math though and crunching those numbers.
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 04:08 PM:
I believe you said

Are you trying to help or hurt yourself with your output power vs. supply voltage chart? How are you assuming people are going to get 15volts from a 10-AA battery pack for any real duration of time? Typical NiMh nominal voltage is 1.2volts, so right around 12 volts will be the nominal power output
and then you quipped

If the "Power Requirement" of your Mighty Atom (MA-15)is 15volts, the thing is already going to be underpowered.
I simply stated, that what you said, should be equally applied to both Fox Pro and WT. The 80% of peak is exactly the same for each caller.

Therefore, your statement

the thing is already going to be underpowered.
based on that 80% number is disingenuous at best, and misleading at worst.

You attempted to lead people to believe that the Mighty Atom was "already underpowered" when in fact, it is powered exactly the same as as any FoxPro straight from the factory.

I'm just responding to what you wrote Peter. Perhaps you would like to go back and edit your original post to help bolster your point.


[ October 14, 2009, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 04:29 PM:
The WT says "Power Requirement" 15 Volts. No minimum value, just 15 volts. Therefore, if it is "Required" to have 15volts, and only has 10 x 1.2volt AA batteries = 12 volts, it's underpowered. This thread isn't about FoxPro, is it? Did you see me ask FoxPro anything in this thread? But since you seem so bent about it, the FoxPro's I've used will run on 12 volts up to and above 15 volts that I've tried.

I don't need to edit anything Al, I'm content with what I wrote and if any "bolstering" is needed I can always start another thread.

You still haven't brough any Facts to the table here that show me being the liar, and WT call basher you make me out to be. You can play this game as long as you want to THO, but why are you in this thread again? Did you ship out my call today overnight like you said you would, or were you lying?

Edit: I'm still waiting for you to show me where I was handed my rear end in that FnF post too? If you could point out that part of that thread, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

[ October 14, 2009, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on October 14, 2009, 04:48 PM:
"America's favorite hot dog!!!"

That's what it said on the package of weenies I was grilling for the kids just moments ago. I wonder if they actually polled people to back up that claim? Better yet, whose gonna buy the package, read that, and climb all up in their asses for making such a boastful claim, even after they ate the hot dogs, enjoyed them and would probably admit that they'll buy the same brand again in the future?

On a travel hunt several years ago, we were hunting with a guy who invented and owns the rights to a very popular and successful brand of personal hygiene products. He was trying to get Higgins to bottle pee and sell the mist after watching how it worked. When Rich told him he had no idea who would buy such a thing, this guys says, "Look at me! Two bucks of stuff in a fifty cent bottle and $12 worth of bullshit on the label, and here I am!"

It's product promotion, plain and simple. I'm with Al in feeling that aside from Tundra Wookie and maybe Gary Clevanger, most guys are perfectly happy if the thing will just call coyotes, regardless of who made it. I personally wonder if 16-bit versus 24-bit versus this and that means nearly as much to us as some think it does to the coyotes. Any claims that it does seems like a lot of boastful product promotion to me, but I may be wrong. Doesn't mean I'm going to take the time to attack the manufacturer's character, his advertising methods, or sue him because I just don't like the way he dresses.

The bigger question is whether or not Bill actually knew that what he has claimed is false, assuming for just one moment that it is, or were his facts true, as far as he knew, when the statements were made? If his belief is that they were true at the time, it'll be damned hard to back up any claims that he's a LIAR, as you say. On the other hand, all he has to do is prove that your remarks have caused him to incur a loss and he has buttloads of evidence with which he can prove libel at the push of a "print" button.

As far as what is on his website, I haven't seen it, but if it's there, then it's libelous, not slanderous, and in a court of law, you would have to demonstrate that you incurred a loss. If remarks he made were, to his knowledge, true, and he has evidence that can prove his position, you're toast. IMO, you've probably done more to prove who you are and what you're about by running all over the web attacking the guy then anything he might have posted. I know that I, for one, know you only by how you have conducted yourself here and elsewhere within the calling community and it appears, for all intents and purposes, that you have an agenda. If Bill is smart, he'll just stand down, control his temper, and let you feed yourself rope.

Now, I'll change the channel.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 05:03 PM:
Martz knew he was selling callers that played 16bit 32kHz sound files and touting them as "CD Quality". I have his published brochures and old websites touting them as such. All of the data I've written is based directly from WT's own "facts", including the MP3 player thread and other threads discussing past products. I have the actual products and literature to prove my case if need be. I'm not making this stuff up, I just ask the questions and show the data. Of course, I do think Martz is a Liar, he's proven that to me both online and on the phone. He has been asked specifically several times to say what his prior KAS2030MS model bitrate and frequency was, because it was touted as 24bit/48kHz and was proven to be a 16bit/32kHz unit. I think the term for that is False Advertising, correct?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on October 14, 2009, 05:09 PM:
Once again, one can only respond to what you wrote. You said....

Are you trying to help or hurt yourself with your output power vs. supply voltage chart? How are you assuming people are going to get 15volts from a 10-AA battery pack for any real duration of time? Typical NiMh nominal voltage is 1.2volts, so right around 12 volts will be the nominal power output.
You are the only one that is assuming that anyone is going to get 15 volts from 10 1.2 volt AA batteries, and your statement above, coupled with your follow up

If the "Power Requirement" of your Mighty Atom (MA-15)is 15volts, the thing is already going to be underpowered.
attempts to lead those less knowledgeable into believing that there is something wrong with the MA 15.

No amount of sputtering, mumbling, or spinning this is going to change what you wrote.

In the end, you have mislead good people either through intent or lack of knowledge. Either way, you might want to just consider saying the following.....


and just let it go at that. It's time to move on now. Pull up your big boy pants and go try again.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 14, 2009, 06:43 PM:
Wow, are you seriously that stupid THO? You're not going to get 15volts from the 10AA NiMH packs, and only a quick 15volts from Alkalines. The 14.4 Lithiums are pricey, but would do it for a time. Anyways, I am addressing the NiMH's, since those will more than likely be the choice battery as I've mentioned. Are you still with me, or did I lose you THO?

Here, I'll spell it out for in as simple as possible.

Direct wording from WT's website:

Power Requirements: 15volts dc
The MA-15 requires 10 AA Alkaline,10 NiMH, or a 14.4volt Lithium battery pack.

Ok, I'll try not to lose you on this one.
The "typical" hunter/caller is going to want to use rechargeable batteries. Did I lose you yet? Those batteries will more than likely be NiMH's as stated before.
Here's the crux of the entire thing that you seem to keep tripping over. It says it requires how many VOLTS?
Answer: 15 Volts
People will use 10 batteries, size AA, at 1.2 volts each. I'll do the math for you THO. That equals
12 Volts.

12 is less than 15..Right? Ok, so where's the confusion Einstein? I'm not assuming anything, I'm basing the information on WT's data. I know they're not going to get 15volts from the NiMH's plain and simple. Did I mislead you on that one THO, or do you want me to draw it for you?
Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on October 15, 2009, 01:07 PM:

Why do you assume the average user will use the NiMh? Personally if I was in the market for a Wt, I'd go with the "I don't want to worry about it approach" and purchase a MA21 along with 2 18V Li-ion rechargeable packs. When I buy a work truck, I always make sure I got enough horses to pull the load.
Posted by CCP (Member # 913) on October 15, 2009, 01:27 PM:
I am addressing the NiMH's, since those will more than likely be the choice battery as I've mentioned.
The "typical" hunter/caller is going to want to use rechargeable batteries.
batteries will more than likely be NiMH's
Then ends with

I'm not assuming anything
That's funnier than hell.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 15, 2009, 01:41 PM:
I think a few people will shell out the cash for the Li-Ion packs and charger, but guys who hunt competitions and multi day hunts can't charge those from a standard 12 volt cigarette outlet. I've used the Li-Ion packs for a few years now and they're great in the cold, but still a pain for charging on the run. I usually end up taking a few Li-Ion packs and 2 NiMH packs and switch when the Li-Ions die. Guys aren't going to just walk into Wally world and pick up an 18 volt Li-Ion pack that's going to have the plug that fits a caller. That, price, and availability are why I think most people will go with NiMH's. It sounds as if you can get a battery connector for Li-Ions on the WT's, so you could run either source if you wanted. Li-Ions are nice for anybody hunting near 110voltage or a generator. For away from civilization hunting, I have to run 12volt rechargeables that I can charge from the snowmachine, solar charger, or ATV.

That there is funny, didn't even realize I was likely assuming that the potential for the chance to use the batteries existed. Are you with me?
Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on October 16, 2009, 07:35 AM:
but guys who hunt competitions and multi day hunts can't charge those from a standard 12 volt cigarette outlet.
Are you sure charging from a 12v outlet is not a option? Any approximation on the number of 10 -15 minute stands at 3/4 volume a guy could get out of one of those 15 or 18 volt packs before he had to worry about changing packs?
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 08:30 AM:

"Any approximation on the number of 10 -15 minute stands at 3/4 volume a guy could get out of one of those 15 or 18 volt packs before he had to worry about changing packs?"

Answer: You would get approx. 36 stands or more with fully charged batteries.

To the boys: I was away for a few days but now Iam back. I'll be correcting the bogus statements made by Wumpom Marvin while I was away.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on October 16, 2009, 08:41 AM:
With one of these power inverters, it seems to me that you could plug your smart charger into cigarette lighter socket of your truck. Recharge those batteries on the fly.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 08:50 AM:
Wumpom Marvin:

Take a look at the coyrighted power chart you illegally copied and displayed one more time to see what relevance it has to the issues at hand.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 09:00 AM:
Thank you Rich, that's one less post I will have to type.

Wumpom Marvin: You're stupidity is starting to show. Maybe you ought to stay out of the sweat lodge for a while. I think it's frying your brain. I will explain the power chart relevance and the cd audio standard you completely misinterpeted shortly.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 16, 2009, 09:35 AM:
Yes, guys could use an inverter. Thanks for reminding me of that, not an option on the snowmachine trying to mount that, and the Li-Ion charger and cords.

Looking forward to your brilliance that you'll bestow on us mere mortals. What's the name of YOUR Engineering company too, while you're at it? Can't wait to get my hands on that Mighty Atom and test it out, when are you shipping them?
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 10:04 AM:
Wumpon Marvin:

"Thanks for reminding me of that, not an option on the snowmachine trying to mount that"

Lets see, a typical 12v to 115ac inverter of the wattage you would need to recharge batteries is approx. 5" X 4" X 1". If you can't figure out how to install that small sized inverter on your snowmobile how about I give you an idea. Stick it in your big mouth or any other bag or compartment on your snowmobile. Of course that solution would be problematic for a person with limited or no brains. Or,if you worked for a living you could buy 2 sets of batteries which would give you at least 72 stands of calling. Your day is coming sooner then expected Wumpom.

By the way, you didn't mention the illegal use of our copyrighted material. I guess you people think you're immune to the laws the rest of us have to abide by.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 10:15 AM:
Evil Lurker,
Thanks for the information, good stuff. Digitizing from analog to digital though is a different beast than simply encoding an already digital file, correct? If say, WT's or FoxPro's files are already stored in a digital file, the encoding does not diminish that digital file, simply changes its file type, right?
Wumpom Marvin

Looks like Wumpom Marvin gets his advice from another wannabe on PM. From the looks of Marvin's answer, it seems that he doesn't have a clue about anything other than how to steal the taxpayers money.

Wumpom Marvin, if you get down on your knees and say please I might explain to you the definition of the word encoded. By the way, if a sound already has been encoded it has lost some of it's original fidelity. And you encode it again, it will lose more fidelity. Period.

One more thing Wumpom. You stated that there was better recording equip. available other then the equip. we use. Please give us some examples liar.

Our sounds have never been encoded. Period.

[ October 16, 2009, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 16, 2009, 10:29 AM:
Is it just me, but this round appears to go to Martz?

Another thing. I didn't realize how smart I was, several years ago, to recharge my batteries with a power inverter, when hunting?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by timbertoes (Member # 604) on October 16, 2009, 12:16 PM:
In the RC Airplane hobby & related, you can find chargers that run from 12vdc, and will charge packs higher than 12v.
One might have to fashion an adaptor for your pack.
run $35 to $100.
just fyi.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 12:16 PM:
Wumpom Marvin:

"Are you trying to help or hurt yourself with your output power vs. supply voltage chart? How
are you assuming people are going to get 15volts from a 10-AA battery pack for any real duration of time?

Every battery chemistry will lose voltage the longer a load is applied to it. The point is that
with fully charged batteries you will reap the potential of the system. Also if you read my
previous post, I stated that the user can expect to have enough battery life to complete 36 stands. For you, that means you would only have to charge your batteries once every 2 years, looser.

"Typical NiMh nominal voltage is 1.2volts, so right around 12 volts will be the nominal power
output. Most hunters are going to use the NiMh's, they're cheap, easy to find, and work decent. If the "Power Requirement" of your Mighty Atom (MA-15)is 15volts, the thing is already going to be underpowered."

Fully charged NIMH batteries will register 1.4 volts. Alkakline batteries register 1.6 volts per
cell when new. Lithium batteries only drop to a voltage of 3 volts per cell. If you use 6 of them, the system will produce maximum wattage till they need to be recharged. Marvin, if you
don't have enough money to buy decent batteries apply for some more grants. The government gives them away free to mentally handicapped people.

"Your chart on your website shows the FoxPro being superior in the nominal voltage range that most hunters will see in real world use. Why would you show your voltage going up to 18 volts for an "Apples to Apples" comparison of your MA15 model to the FoxPro Fury?"

1-Reality: FoxPro Fury, FX3 or Fx5 uses 8 nimh batteries = 6 watts or 8 alkaline batteries = 9
watts with the lowest frequency produced (approx. 1200Hz) utilizing their primary speaker.

2-The FoxPro amplifier produces a maximum of 12 watts with distortion. Their amplifier was designed to produce 9 watts per channel.

3-Why don't you review the volume comparison video on our web site again. At 200 yards the FoxPro fury is almost inaudible. Not to mention the audio quality it produces. And you're stating that our system is under powered. The issue here is not FoxPro, it's you Wumpom Marvin, the snitch and liar. Some would "say why do you care about idiots". I care because they are the one's that cause all the problems that the normal people have to deal with on a dailey basis. I don't like having to deal with problems created by stupid people so my remedy is to expose them.

4-The WT amplifier produces 14 Watts at 15 volts and 18 watts at 18 volts. Our amplifier was designed to produce double the wattage output of FoxPro's. That's twice as powerful as the FoxPro's amplifier.

In the future I will upload your complete biography with pictures to our web site. It will be located on the Snitch, Liars and Wannabe page. Looks like you will have to find a new rock to live under. Don't worry though, you will have company so you won't be all alone. There are a few more that will be added to the web site. One of them being Gary Clevenger. I'll have a little more to say about the thief and liar Gary Clevenger when I explain the term CD audio standard in my next post.

Marvin, I did give you the option to opt out of the discussion in an earlier post. I'll try one
more time. Get yourself some whiskey and take a hike some where.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 16, 2009, 12:33 PM:
Mr Martz I believe the encoding was a question from a user on PM, he was the one to state he had encoded WT sounds and why did they sound different.

Mr Martz then why did you test the Fury? Lower wattage- lower power, up against yours that is much higher in both categories? Wouldn;t you want to compare units close to the same power-wattage?

I mean it is of little use to show comparisons of different powered units/speaker size correct? Would you be willing to test the cs-24 15 watt system against the atom and show both volume and music on that one? It may just increase your sales further if you could show a big advantage to your atom?

The other question I had as long as your back, why use a barred owl versus a coyote howl or rabbit in distress sound for volume? I mean both callers primary usage is for coyotes,cats and fox so why the barred owl sound for volume comparison?

Then what is the charging cycle life span of li ion versus NimHi??? I have also read that running them in higher temps shortens life due to heat? How long does a AA NiMhi stay at 1.4 volts versus the nominal 1.2 volts? An alkaline isn't even a factor due to there rapid loss of power when used in higher demand applications correct?

Also didn't you use a 10AA for your model 2030 callers? I also believe you used to sell your callers with Li ion batteries why did you go away from them?

Thanks for the input.

[ October 16, 2009, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 02:06 PM:

"If you mean a fair shake as in the WT must win in all catagorys even though it can't, then I
guess yep the WT will never get a "fair shake" and it will all be bias testing LOL. Except for
that done by Bill himself and testing a 8AA unit with a smaller surface area speaker, against a
unit that uses 15+ volts and a speaker 3 times the size as being un bias? LOL."

Yeah LOL moron. If you want to pay $600 for the Fury go ahead. My customers pay $489 for the MA15 which blows the FoxPro Fury away in every category. By the way lurker, whats your real name and what is the ADC prefix mean on your signature?
I am assumming is stands for "I work for $200 bucks a month". Am I right. I know you're lurking on this board but don't have the balls to post while I am here. Over at PM, you're quite confident when you have no rebuttal.

coyote whacker:

"Mr Martz I believe the encoding was a question from a user on PM, he was the one to state he had encoded WT sounds and why did they sound different."

None of our sounds were ever encoded. The sound file protection I think you are talking about has nothing to do with file encoding. Encoding changes bit depth, sampling rate and or format.

"Mr Martz then why did you test the Fury? Lower wattage- lower power, up against yours that is much higher in both categories? Wouldn;t you want to compare units close to the same"

My customers pay $489 for the MA15 which blows the $600 FoxPro Fury away in every category.

"Would you be willing to test the cs-24 15 watt system against the atom and show both volume and music on that one? It may just increase your sales further if you could show a big advantage to your atom?"

1-The CS-24 uses a 10 watt speaker, not 15 watts.

2-We certainly have more experience with the TOA speaker line then FoxPro has.

3-There is no comparison between our current speaker and the CS-24 speaker. Our current speaker system blows it away. Why do you think we designed a new system?

4-Our sales success doesn't depend on hunting forums sales. Why do you think Gerald Stewart went out of business?

5-Why isn't the CS-24 part of FoxPro's production line? Why is it a custom model only? That should answer your question.

The other question I had as long as your back, why use a barred owl versus a coyote howl or
rabbit in distress sound for volume? I mean both callers primary usage is for coyotes,cats
and fox so why the barred owl sound for volume comparison?

Because there are those among you that would steal the sound no matter what the quality level.
If you look at the frequency response chart on our website you should be able to determine what differences in volume and sound quality would be at qany bandwidth.

"Then what is the charging cycle life span of li ion versus NimHi??? I have also read that running them in higher temps shortens life due to heat? How long does a AA NiMhi stay at 1.4 volts versus the nominal 1.2 volts? An alkaline isn't even a factor due to there rapid loss of power when used in higher demand applications correct?"

The above info is freely available on the net. I don't have time to do your research for you.

"Also didn't you use a 10AA for your model 2030 callers? I also believe you used to sell your
callers with Li ion batteries why did you go away from them?"

All the 2030 models used 10 batteries. We let battery choice up to the customers.

[ October 16, 2009, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 16, 2009, 02:42 PM:
Bill . I have a cs-24 in a 15 watt speaker as well as 10 watt unit and yes they will do a 30 as well.

You never really did answer the question why not compair the CS-24 against the atom? I mean fair testing is using 2 units with different power levels???? Seems odd to me???

Why is it custom??? I have no idea but anyone who wants one can order one. I like that it is a custom unit.

Does the money I make mean anything in this conversation????

The battery issue I will then take it, I'm correct on.

So you are saying you never shipped your units with Lithium batterys in the past?

Mr Martz wrote: Because there are those among you that would steal the sound no matter what the quality level.
If you look at the frequency response chart on our website you should be able to determine what differences in volume and sound quality would be at qany bandwidth.

Again useless when compairing apples to bananas. Smaller speaker/ less power versus larger speaker more power. Not real impressing test IMO. Some may see it as you do?????

see ya Bill
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 03:08 PM:
coyote whacker:

"Does the money I make mean anything in this conversation????"

That statement didn't apply to you. If you look at my previous post you would see that it was meant for ADCcoyote. See what I mean about reading but not seeing?

"Again useless when compairing apples to bananas. Smaller speaker/ less power versus larger speaker more power. Not real impressing test IMO. Some may see it as you do?????

This is exactly why professionals don't respond to internet hunting forums. The info you need to make a solid decision is right in front of you but you can't see it. As I said many times in the past. There are 4 or 5 internet hunting forums. On each forum there are approx. 20 people who do most if not all of the postings. So lets add it up. Maybe up to a hundred posters who also cross post in other forums total. There are approx. 350 million people in North America. Do you get it yet?

Next up: CD audio format. This will be my last post on these subjects. If you don't get it, you probably never will and don't deserve to.

[ October 16, 2009, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 16, 2009, 06:32 PM:

I take my hat off for you. Putting your son first and sending him off to college at your expense tells me what kind of man you are. Congratulations
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 17, 2009, 07:33 AM:
Bill professionals at what???

There are many great coyotemen that pass on their knowledge, many because of no interest or lack of knowledge don't know alot about the finer points of e callers. I include myself in that catagory, what I do know is coyotes and what makes them tick, so having that knowledge IMO is far more imprortant than the brand of caller anyone chooses. You can have the "best" caller in the world but you can't kill what ain't there, that see's you,smells you, or plain isn't interested at that time, in that place.

If people choose brand A over B then that is their buying right, doesn't make them less effective/ less of a caller because knowing your critters and your area and how they use the terrain is key.

Remember the e caller market as a whole has along ways to go to catch the mouth calls that have been used for many years. Far be it different times and more pressure as calling picks up in popularity, and the e caller no matter brands biggest asset is to move the sound away from the caller or callers and position that critter where you want him by using terrian and wind.

I have owned different callers through the years and they all called coyotes, the new style e callers because of pressure are a great asset, but I still bring in some with the old mylar reed pvc type calls as well.

Final question I see you and Mr Marvin have a long standing beef,that is your deal but, are you against all so called "snitches" or is this just a Mr Marvin thing?

Also do you still stand by your statement, "that with your caller/sounds you can move coyotes out of an area?"

[ October 17, 2009, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 17, 2009, 07:40 AM:
Martz the continued liar,
You're lying again old man. You told me you used FLAC files in your first 2030 models. There's an encoding there as "loss-less" as it may seem to you. I'm sure you'll explain that one with the "CD Quality" response in due time.

Your power chart, which I cited(Look below the chart), still shows the FoxPro putting out more Wattage up to around 14 volts. Are you going to tell customers that the only way to get more wattage than FoxPro is to run Li-Ions?

Another Lie for you that you stated. "All the 2030 models used 10 batteries". When your 2030 models first came out, they were only shown as using Lithium Ion packs. Only for a short while, but they never were advertised as running on 10 batteries. If you need your old website stating it, let me know and I'll show it to you.

I'll answer your recording equipment question when you're done answering all of my questions, including: YOUR engineering company, why you edit sounds but say you don't, why you used multiple FRS radio boards, what your KAS2030MS model actually played (16bit 32kHz) and so on.

I'd tell you more of your lies, but I'm heading out to go on a bear hunt. Whoop it up Martz and I'll see what brilliant lies you can come up with next.

Martz the continued Liar and deceiver.
Wildlie Technologies...Just Smilin' and Lyin,
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 17, 2009, 09:43 AM:
Wumpom Marvin:

"I'd tell you more of your lies, but I'm heading out to go on a bear hunt."

More taxpayer money going down the drain. Please take a case of whiskey along. After drinking the whiskey I can only hope you perform a bear dance and fall off a mountain.

Thank you for your post. I now have all I need from you.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 17, 2009, 10:16 AM:

"There are many great coyotemen that pass on their knowledge, many because of no interest or lack of knowledge don't know alot about the finer points of e callers. I include myself in that catagory, what I do know is coyotes and what makes them tick, so having that knowledge IMO is far more imprortant than the brand of caller anyone chooses."

Here we go again. Trying to project coyote or any wildlife hunting as a science is laughable.

1-Wildlife don't possess the ability to structure logic. They are brain dead. Period.
2-What knowledge? Locate, setup correctly and understanding their vocalizations can be learned in a 30 minute class by any normal human.
3-Understanding that their hearing, eyesight and smelling ability is superior to our's.
4-Knowing that if you are calling any animal, you will have more success using the highest quality sounds.
5-And yes, real, high quality recorded sounds will produce more coyotes than a mouth call.

"You can have the "best" caller in the world but you can't kill what ain't there, that see's you,smells you, or plain isn't interested at that time, in that place."

That's why we locate first and setup properly. Coyotes don't understand the word "interested". It's your job to cause them to focus which you can only do if you understand their language. Again, a 30 minute class would better prepare you hunt coyotes then 10 years of hunting would.

"If people choose brand A over B then that is their buying right, doesn't make them less effective/ less of a caller"

Wrong. Read the previous answer again

"Also do you still stand by your statement, "that with your caller/sounds you can move coyotes out of an area?"

I don't stand by it, I proved it many times with customers and USDA trappers. Why do you think coyotes prefer to live in quiet places?

Randy, I have customers who hunt coyotes as a hobby and call 200 to 400 coyotes a year and they don't use dogs for a decoy. How many coyotes do you call and kill a year without or with dogs? The average state or usda trapper calls an average or 60 coyotes a year. And you can take that to the bank.

[ October 17, 2009, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 17, 2009, 10:43 AM:
Never stated it as a science but you learn far more from chasing them than your going to in a 30 minute tutorial thats a fact! They don't all do the same as the next and pressure makes them far different. I think you need to understand regional dynamics and pressure before you make a blanket statement.

I call plenty without a dog. Cover at times makes a dog not as useful. Plus end of august /october a dog can be a negative not a positive.

Bill care to make a bet? You run off a family group of coyotes with your caller on a sheep kill durring the summer and keep them from eating and feeding those pups and I'll give you 500.00 if not you give me 500.00 want to take that bet? If you do, I will set it up next June! Plus I will give you the honor as master coyote guru 2010. I'm not talking of moving some pups down the road. Adult/ pup rearing coyotes. I would love to see it, as that would make my job alot easier and quicker! Care to take the bet sir?

I also play out scenarios to them that takes advantage of time of year or prey base being consumed,and using vocals to protray things that will garner responses. Nothing is 100% or do you disagree?

Bill wrote:-Wildlife don't possess the ability to structure logic. They are brain dead. Period

then wrote:5-And yes, real, high quality recorded sounds will produce more coyotes than a mouth call.

What one is it: brain dead or the ability to decifer CD quailty from mp3 from mouth call and know the differance and act accordingly?

Bill wrote: Coyotes don't understand the word "interested". It's your job to cause them to focus which you can only do if you understand their language. Again, a 30 minute class would better prepare you hunt coyotes then 10 years of hunting would.

So your saying your 90%+ called to kill ratio? If so why aren;t you mopping up the big 3 calling contest? Would help sell more WT's correct?

Bill wrote: Randy, I have customers who hunt coyotes as a hobby and call 200 to 400 coyotes a year and they don't use dogs for a decoy. How many coyotes do you call and kill a year without or with dogs? The average state or usda trapper calls an average or 60 coyotes a year. And you can take that to the bank.

Bill please don't confuse recreational coyote harvest with ADC work as they are 2 totally different functions of pursuit and take.

You know why they are killing that many? They are calling the coyote strong holds,you can take that to the bank. USDA or state trappers aren't doing that. We work complaints and those are in areas of lower coyote numbers due to the fact the people we work for don't have a high tolerance for coyotes. Comes back to you can't kill what ain't there Bill. I have areas I "could" call and kill far more coyotes govt pastures and *********** ground and many cattlemen who have little problems, those are where the numbers are, your not going to find high coyote densitys around sheepmen or cattlemen that have suffered annual depredation loss. Far different than rec calling and cherry picking. Numbers mean only one thing you have high densitys of those animals, not to mention the fact the more you have in a given area the more responsive they will be to any tool. Calling,traps,m-44's.

They are also hitting them at the highest population point of the entire year, we work them in the lowest population point spring denning and summer pup rearing.That is a fact.

Tell me how young of the year coyotes decifer the sound differance when they have yet to be called or educated? Again the time of year "most" rec callers are doing there thing and enjoying the sport of calling.

Bill thanks for the answers. Let me know on the bet! I have the perfect ranch for you to move those coyotes out of! The rancher would be tickled pink to have zero loss there!

[ October 17, 2009, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 17, 2009, 11:11 AM:
The average state or usda trapper calls an average or 60 coyotes a year. And you can take that to the bank.

[ October 17, 2009, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]


Well shit! I used to do at least that, hunting one weekend a month. And, I always thought I was an amateur?

Oh wait! Is that a tricky play on words? "state or usda TRAPPER 'calls' 60 coyotes.... and 'traps' a bunch more?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 17, 2009, 11:44 AM:
I did some reading on a USDA site sometime back and the Avr. of 60 is pretty close..Some do better depending on where they are at and the population of coyotes in that area and if you also add the ones killed when recreational calling or doing contests....
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 17, 2009, 11:48 AM:
coyote whacker:

"What one is it: brain dead or the ability to decifer CD quailty from mp3 from mouth call and know the differance and act accordingly?"

What does the ability to hear have to do with the ability to create, imagine, design, plan or learn. Nothing. Animals only acclimate to different scenarios, they don't learn. If they did, you would never call one in. Did you know that there have been many studies that show even domestic dogs can recognize the noise signature of their masters car or truck at more than 2 miles away? Even when their masters car or truck is mixed in with several other vehicles. Knowing this, you're stating that better sound quality has no effect on calling success. You been on the state's payroll for how long as a professional trapper and don't even know the capabilities of the animals you are hunting. Take the 30 minute class.

The statements you made is exactly why professionals don't respond to internet hunting forums. The info you need to make a solid decision is right in front of you but you can't see it.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 17, 2009, 11:59 AM:
coyote whacker:

"Bill please don't confuse recreational coyote harvest with ADC work as they are 2 totally different functions of pursuit and take."

No, they are not much different. I travel about 6 months per year filming and recording. Almost anywhere I film in the West I will call, film and shoot between 30 and 50 coyotes in a four week period. All it takes is knowledge of the animal you're targeting or a 30 minute class and real, high quality wildlife sounds. I also went after the so called educated dogs many a time (in sheep country) with success. You only have to think and work a little harder to get them. That's all.

[ October 17, 2009, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 17, 2009, 12:27 PM:
. Did you know that there have been many studies that show even domestic dogs can recognize the noise signature of their masters car or truck at more than 2 miles away?
I read this also and on weekends when i was home doing yard work i noticed my dog would start barking for no reason and then a few minutes later the wife would show up in her car.. I asked the wife if the dog barked before i pulled into the drive-way on my way home from work and she said yes..
When out driveing around looking for coyotes out and about early in the mourning one of my buddies says he never see's any when he is driveing the back roads in the a.m but i always seem to find them and by driveing the same back roads as him.. I got to thinking about the car and dog thing and noticed my buddy is out driveing the same roads all fall and maybe the coyotes reconize the sound of his truck and not mine.. I took this into account last year when i went to one of the spots i have called about 4-5 times and i always used the truck, but this time i used my sons ATV instead and parked it in the same place i always parked the truck and made my stand in the exact same spot and called in a coyote...
I went to this spot again this spring and made a stand or two and used my truck both times and had no responses. I then returned a week later but on my ATV and once again set up in the same spot and called in another coyote..
I've made some stands this fall in areas where i have located coyotes but still not getting any responses but i also used my truck for getting around.. I will go back again into these spots but will take the ATV again and see if it makes any difference.....
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 17, 2009, 12:45 PM:
You are probably on something, Tim?

Oops, I meant; you are probably on to something! Different trucks, so when you are calling in the same old spots, time after time, they don't hear TA's truck, so they approach without fear. Is that right?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 17, 2009, 01:13 PM:
First Bill I can see by your post your lack of ADC related workings. Tim sorry you as well. No one counts coyotes taken in their areas from calling contest! Tim could you send me that link as to break down of coyotes killed per tool used??? Thanks I look forward to it. Also before you make blanket statements I would consider the different regional forces at play when it comes to coyotes and coyote pressure it sure isn't the same everywhere.

Bill tell me how does a coyote then decide to respond or not to a sound with out cognition from the brain? How does that coyote react differently from a CD quality sound, mp3 or mouth call sound? Those young of the year coyotes have nothing to fear because they have yet to have repetition and a negative experiance, so again what is it brain dead or not? Why would it come to "A" sound and not another of different quality?

If I play all mp3 sounds or mouth calls in areas with zero calling pressure tell me why those coyotes wouldn't respond? What takes place to cause them not to? They just hear the differance end of story?

In heavy pressured areas it is through that repetition that causes them to stay out and bark,not come across open areas, etc,etc. change sounds,location and time of day many of them killed. I understand that is your niche to sell product doesn't make it factual. Your dog scenario isn't accomplished with hearing that vehicle a few times but many. Tim yep repetition at play again, in many areas where coyotes are pressured the sound of a truck is bad news,due to all the shooting in conjunction with that sound, but many will go by them within 50 yrds on a tractor again no negative "YET" to associate with the tractor. Use a 4 wheeler, snow machine or airplane for that manner in the same places over and over and repetition will cause those coyotes to be on edge if associated with a negative. The reason each passing year I see less and less coyotes from the road in this area and why it takes some longer hikes to call to some of these coyotes and leave the truck behind aways. A coyote can't fear what it doesn't smell,see or hear. It also can't fear a sound due to it's technical makeup. Unless it has been exsposed to such sound with a negative attached to it.Then you change the sound and frequancy range and your in the ball game once again.

Bill wrote:No, they are not much different. I travel about 6 months per year filming and recording

Yes they are: one is for overall population reduction and those seeking the highest density's and the other is for limited/specific removal of depredating coyotes in far lower densitys. big,big differance Bill.

If coyotes where 100.00 per hide are you going to call cattlemen or coyote factorys or go try and beat the competition on the sheepmens ground? Coyote strong holds and just varying densitys come into play with large kill numbers, be it calling,trapping or snaring. Again you can't call,trap,snare what isn't there to begin with. No matter how great the equipment is.

I can read by your post you knowledge on an effective ADC program is limited, in ADC you use the tool that will be the most efficient given the circumstances at hand, that changes because of various factors.

Yep productive filming and calling of coyotes had on western open range sheep producers [Roll Eyes]

I will tell you a 30 min course from you would be of little value, I can read that in what you post. I have been fortunate to know some darn good coyote control guys and learn from them in ALL apsects of coyote control, the rest is 30 years of chasing them from the time I was 10 until now. I'm not claiming to be the best by any means and you always learn from those coyotes, that is what makes the job fun, those that say they know it all don't!!!I have Read many,many research papers but be careful with them as they are only a look at behavior at that place, in that time. The one I have yet to read is the one you sighted. I would be interested to the link on that one. Change the variables and it changes the outcome sir.

For instance: If the master of the dog changes the vehicle guess what? he will have no clue the exact vehicle until repetitive behavior changes it again!Seems different with coyotes any truck in areas of high pressure applied gets them on the move in a big hurry for the most part so maybe the coyotes hearing isn't as acute as the dog that can pick out the exact vehicle from 2 miles away? The coyote is the same in this respect change to a different sound,place and location of approach. The repetitve behavior has been broken and your chances just went up alot no matter cd quailty, mp3 or mouth call. The numbers your trying to portray or pursuade is very,very minor in the effects you want to link to studies and issues of sound quailitys in relation to overall success in calling.

Again I know your marketing niche is the sound issue and that is your business not mine, but I have yet to see it play out for me in real life sorry just the facts.Using different callers and the reactions from them to the coyotes. I just haven't seen it.

[ October 17, 2009, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 17, 2009, 02:21 PM:
! Different trucks, so when you are calling in the same old spots, time after time, they don't hear TA's truck, so they approach without fear. Is that right
No thats not correct. Most of my coyotes are scared shit-less weither they are responding or not. But by changeing vehicles they did "approach".. Coyotes are coyotes i can agree to that but mine behave more like the coyotes that would'nt comitt to a stand, even with the pups there is no easey pickens here..
For the few coyotes i have called in all i have to look at is what have i done differently compared to other stands.. At the moument only two things come to mind, one is use of a different vehicle to get into calling area and the other is the Brand of caller and its sounds.. I've had a Minaska B.C for sometime and have over 200 sounds in my library and most of the sounds work good in other parts of the country for general calling.But here at home it was'nt getting the job done, NO coyotes!!
A couple springs ago i bought the WT on advice from a friend and went out calling and finally one shows up. Hmmm
Was it because i was calling in a new area or a different stand? Nope! Same area and same stand location..Was it rabbit sounds that brought the coyotes in or other prey distress? No! It was a series of coyote vocals used that got the job done. I convinced the coyotes that there was other coyotes present and created a response..
Has it worked everytime out? No! but it has the best track record so far.. [Big Grin]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 17, 2009, 02:27 PM:
Tim could you send me that link as to break down of coyotes killed per tool used???
You will have to do the searching under USDA or wildlife services.

Or just give them a call, i'm sure they have the info.. [Razz]

[ October 17, 2009, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by Bofire (Member # 221) on October 17, 2009, 03:55 PM:
Does this mean I have to put back the coyotes I killed with other calls?
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 17, 2009, 06:15 PM:
Tim how many coyotes have you called in Minn? Also coyotes defend core areas when rearing pups so you should have good results in the summmer "IF" you get in close enough.

Tim you don't have a link to that site that shows USDA break down of trappers and methods used and kill rates for each? [Big Grin]

[ October 17, 2009, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 17, 2009, 06:42 PM:
Tim how many coyotes have you called in Minn? Also coyotes defend core areas when rearing pups so you should have good results in the summmer "IF" you get in close enough.

In Mn. i've called in close to 40 but only two came from my area and the rest from up north or farther west of where i live..
Thats whats got me stumped! Farther west has bigger sections with very little cover and up north big sections with alot of cover.. I did some locateing up north by one of the jobs i was working on and they sure have alot of coyotes compared to where i'm at so population size may have something to do with it. Don't know for sure.. Incase you missed it i did two surveys for southern Mn. on P.M., no one else is doing any better..
I don't kill coyotes in the summer here except for the one i shot this spring, but i did locate denning pairs and the pups later on. From my exsperiance not all coyotes will defend there den area or pups, and the pup distress is'nt such a hot number here, tried it...

Tim you don't have a link to that site that shows USDA break down of trappers and methods used and kill rates for each?
Like i said i don't have any of the links. They where lost last spring when my comp. went down.
If you look around the two sites you should find it, there was also a ADC site i believe i was on.
Bill was just giveing an avr.and like i said it was close but alot can depend on each area for each trapper.. For you just takeing a guess and from what i've read i would say you are around 100-125 coyotes a year but this can go up and down from year to year.. [Razz]

[ October 17, 2009, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 17, 2009, 06:44 PM:
coyote wacker:

"Tim you don't have a link to that site that shows USDA break down of trappers and methods used and kill rates for each? "

I don't know if Tim has a link or not. But I have a direct link to almost all the USDA, county and state trappers as they are customers of mine. What I stated before is correct. I didn't list their numbers to shame anyone but rather to point out the reality of government programs.


Coyotes prefer quiet areas. You will always find the largest population of coyotes in wide open, lower altitude isolated (from noise and humans) terrain. That's the main reason the West has higher populations then the rest of the country.

[ October 17, 2009, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 17, 2009, 08:07 PM:
Coyotes prefer quiet areas. You will always find the largest population of coyotes in wide open, lower altitude isolated (from noise and humans) terrain.
Bill i believe you are right from what i've seen. Most of the coyotes i have located or know they are there are mostly in sections with fewer farms and less traveled roads. If there is a heavey traveled road on one side of a section the coyotes will tend to bed down to the farthest side of the section with some just a few 100 yds from the less traveled road...
I did have one coyote that for some reason liked to lay in the crp and next to the high-way, ended up bumping her twice when hunting for coyotes. The third and final bump we had a guy walk down along the road ditch and post and then came into section from the back-side and pushed her out..

[ October 17, 2009, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 18, 2009, 08:00 AM:
Bill wrote:Coyotes prefer quiet areas. You will always find the largest population of coyotes in wide open, lower altitude isolated (from noise and humans) terrain. That's the main reason the West has higher populations then the rest of the country.

Bill there are many places in the East that have greater coyote populations than places in the west. They adapt and do well. Look at Indiana, Illinois and some others far higher coyote densities than places in the west.

Even in our state you have far more coyotes East in the farm belt region where their are more people and more roads. I would agree they like to be away from people, but that is a relative term,again coyotes can and do adapt. Look at Texas and California millions and millions of people and very high coyote populations living amongst all those people. Most Eastern states are seeing an increase in coyote numbers annually.

Mange and other diseases has been a big factor for many western areas. Alberta has some of the highest density's there are of coyotes.

[ October 18, 2009, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 18, 2009, 08:39 AM:
tim what area of Minn are you from? I have a cousin in Rochester that does some calling.

[ October 18, 2009, 08:39 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 18, 2009, 09:07 AM:
coyote whacker:

"Bill there are many places in the East that have greater coyote populations than many places in the west. They adapt and do well. Look at Indiana, Illinois and others far higher coyote densities than places in the west."

1-Indiana and Illinois are located in the Mid-West. Not the East.
2-They do have a lot of farms but they also have less coyotes then most of the Western states because of the higher human population.

"Even in our state you have far more coyotes East in the farm belt region where their are more people and more roads."

1-That's because there is more food in the farming areas.
2-In the South Dakoda farming areas, the human population is very very low compared to the East.

" I would agree they like to be away from people, but that is a relative term,again coyotes can and do adapt. Look at Texas and California millions and millions of people and very high coyote populations living amongst all those people."

1-The bulk of the human population in Texas and California are located in big cities.
2-60% of Texas and 45% of California are empty.
3-That's why all the so called coyote experts that live in Texas do their hunting in West Texas not East Texas where they live. It's the same in California. Again, most coyotes live in quiet areas.

"Most Eastern states are seeing an increase in coyote numbers annually"

1-That's true. Most Eastern states are mostly forest not wide open terrain. Those areas will hold coyotes but not near as many as the Western states. Also, for every coyote you call in the East, you will call 15 in the western states. Remember to define Eastern state correctly.

Below is a list of states with their human populations per square mile.

New Jersey 1,171.1
Massachusetts 822.7
New York 408.7
Pennsylvania 277.4
California 234.4 (Remove the big city populations and you are down to 11 humans per sq mile. This formular doesn't apply to the Eastern states.)
New Hampshire 146.7
Texas 91.3 (Remove the big city populations and you are down to 9 humans per sq mile.)
Oklahoma 52.7
Arizona 55.8
Colorado 46.9
Oregon 39.0
Nevada 23.4
Nebraska 23.1
New Mexico 16.2
South Dakota 10.5
North Dakota 9.3
Idaho 18.1
Montana 6.5
Wyoming 5.4
Alaska 1.2

Take a look at the population density of California thru the link below. If you notice, almost half of the state has almost nobody living in it.


Here is a link to a larger picture.


Here is the same population density picture for Texas.


Here is a picture of SD. It's easy to see why there are more farms in the Eastern part of the state. More water equal more food. However, the Eastern part of the state is still considered low density (humans) when compared to any Eastern state.


Here is a picture of population density for the state of Indiana. The human population density number per square mile cited in your post is a little misleading.



"Also, if you want to talk densities, consider the many golf courses around Paradise Valley and Scottsdale, AZ. Probably, the coyotes outnumber the humans, all night long?"

Take a look at the Arizona population density map below and you will see why.


While I am at it, here is one for New Mexico.


Now take a look at 2 typical Eastern states. Quite a difference between the Western and the Eastern states.

New York


[ October 18, 2009, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 18, 2009, 09:55 AM:
Take human population in SD and the majority of them will be East of the Big river and mile roads abound, west river far,far less people and tougher access to alot of areas. Many more coyotes living closer to people was my point.

Actually people; to "some" coyotes means a food source so there not the least bit intimidated by them. I know a bee-man that takes bees to california every winter, a worker of his has a caller and he was telling me of taking it along many people out in almond fields and the such working,he was for the fun of it calling coyotes to within 300 yards broad daylight with many people moving about. He said it is crazy how they react there compaired to here. 3-5 coyotes all comming in for a look see. Standing around survaying the situation. They don't get harrased so little fear of humans. Same for those coyotes taking up residence in city parks like Denever, Co. Other larger cities seeing the same things taking place, they adapt well. Adaptation was my point.

To me Indiana is East [Big Grin] and much higher people per sq mile 169.5 and I know of 2 guys there now that will trap 100 or more coyotes in what I consider an urban state. Plenty of road access and plenty of coyotes!!!!!! Much higher density's than here for sure.That is a fact.

My point Bill is there are some areas higher in density's in the mid west if you will than areas of the west, mange, pressure applied, and other diseases. A key to doing high numbers of any critter is density's and easier access to those density's no matter what critter. Only so much time in a day.Maximizing that time is key to large takes of any critter.

[ October 18, 2009, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 18, 2009, 10:46 AM:
I can verify one thing. As far as the viewpoint of a Californian; Indiana is EAST. One of many recuring themes here on Huntmasters is that of me joking with JoeF about living "back east" in Missouri. He is under the impression that he lives in the midwest, which is inaccurate, from the perspective of a Kalifornian. (no wise remarks, okay?)

Also, if you want to talk densities, consider the many golf courses around Paradise Valley and Scottsdale, AZ. Probably, the coyotes outnumber the humans, all night long?

Good hunting. LB

PS I'm starting to wonder who stole Bill's password? This is not the same old curmudgeon we have grown to love?
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 18, 2009, 10:51 AM:
tim what area of Minn are you from? I have a cousin in Rochester that does some calling.
I live about 3 1/2 hr. drive west of there.. Houston county which is just East of Rochester holds the highest population of coyotes in the state with Write county following close behind. The rochester area is pretty rough country compared to where i'm at..
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on October 18, 2009, 05:35 PM:
LB, you really need to understand my confusion...
And the fact that I enjoy the misconception/misperception.....

BM tells me I'm not from the east - those coyotes can not be called in with hand calls. Just ask him....

Then we have pearls of wisdom like:

"Again, a 30 minute class would better prepare you hunt coyotes then 10 years of hunting would."

Sounds like we are all out-classed here..... Snork.....

Sure makes me feel like $800-$1k needs to be spent to hunt these mid... ummmm....eastern coyotes.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 18, 2009, 06:37 PM:

"BM tells me I'm not from the east - those coyotes can not be called in with hand calls. Just ask him...."

Joe, did you ever hunt coyotes in the East? And I mean the East not the Mid-West. If you want to give it a try I will invite you to come to New Hampshire to teach me how to call Eastern coyotes with your mouth calls. If you want to talk the talk, I think you should walk the walk.
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on October 18, 2009, 06:41 PM:
Shouldn't that be the mid-east?
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 19, 2009, 10:56 AM:
Just an FYI on those coyote density's in IN they just had a 28 coyote day in traps on a 24 hr check! Good access,and high density's leads to 28 coyote days.

I can't wait to see what there total is when all done should be very big numbers.

[ October 19, 2009, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 19, 2009, 02:47 PM:
Whoop Whoop Martz,
You still forget that I don't drink don't you? If you're so obsessive with alcohol, just go back to the brewery in Germany you have shown on your site and Wumpom Whoop it up, or whatever it is that you do.

I forgot to tell you why I can't use the Li-Ion charger on the snowmachine, figuring you'd have enough intelligence to know that it's not an inverter mounting issue. Don't you know the operating temperature on the Li-Ion charger doesn't go below 0ºC, hence it can't get mounted on the snowmachine and used at -40ºC. Here, if you don't believe me:

Trust me, if I needed a hand figuring something mechanical or electrical out, you'd be the last person I'd want to help. One simple look at the cobble job on that MP3 caller and many of the other callers I've seen is enough to show me what kind of hack you are. The crowd is still waiting for your "CD Quality" essay. Thanks for taking the time to put together something that will be so useful for customers when deciding which caller to select. One more thing while you're studying and researching, why do you only have a 2 year warranty on your callers, when you used to have a 5 year one like FoxPro?
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 19, 2009, 04:44 PM:
Wumpom Marvin:

"I forgot to tell you why I can't use the Li-Ion charger on the snowmachine"

You didn't forget to tell us why you can't use an inverter in the bush. You said there was no where to mount it on your snowmobile. Also, the ambient temperature can be no lower then 32 degrees when charging nimh batteries and alkaline batteries are no good in extreme cold. I guess you can't go hunting in the "bush" anymore unless you can plug the charger into your ass where your unevolved brains reside.

Normal people work for a living. When they go hunting into the bush they have enough money to take 2, 3, 4 or 5 extra battery packs with them. To bad welfare doesn't provide you with enough money to do the same thing.

[ October 19, 2009, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: Bill Martz ]
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on October 19, 2009, 05:34 PM:
Sweat William, thanks for the invite, but I'm kinda persnickety about who I hunt with. You fail.

If I were going to burn a few days on a coyote hunt I would probably head on out and hit LB's gathering.

FWIW, when I "called" you on the hand call issue the topic was coyotes east of the Mississippi. You were an uninformed fool to say that they could not be called and killed with a hand call.

I have no interest in your change of venue to NH.
Never hunted there and probably never will. I'll let the hunters that have been there chime in and discredit you.

I ain't sellin nothing. I'm just a recreational caller that sees past your BS, or was that a BM......
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 19, 2009, 06:47 PM:
Mounting an inverter and Li-Ion charger with all the wires and cables is only one of the problems as I stated before. I can guarantee you that those cords will be cracked and destroyed riding along at -20 or colder on a winter trail. Kind of like the guys with your old KAS2010 and 2020 callers whose speaker wires become cracked and destroyed. I can't tell you how many of those things I've upgraded to arctic cable and all metal jacks. Charging temperature is the other problem and I'm not going to put the Li-Ion charger and wires in my pocket like I can with a simple NiMH pack running a cord with arctic wires that plug directly in to the cigarette outlet. Plus, with the fire hazards and risks with Li-Ions, it's just simpler and quicker to recharge NiMH's. Why is it that when you sold your first 2030 models, they only had the Li-Ion option, but you quickly changed to NiMH's? You've probably never seen 32ºF anyways, so why are you trying to solve this one when you really should be telling us about "CD Quality"? Don't worry about my income either Martz, I'll have enough to get me a Mighty Atom here quickly, and hopefully you can use some of that money to get yourself a clue and stop lying. Again, we're all patiently waiting for you to bestow the gospel of "CD Quality" to us and why you touted 16bit 44.1kHz sound quality, yet manufactured callers that didn't produce it. Even more confusing is why you claimed 24bit 48kHz and only put 16bit 32kHz sound files on the thing. Oh pretty please Bill Martz, master of the "CD Quality" universe, please tell us mere mortals the answers.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 19, 2009, 10:32 PM:
What's Arctic wire? That machine tool stuff with the teflon insulation?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 19, 2009, 11:04 PM:

"What's Arctic wire? That machine tool stuff with the teflon insulation?"

That's the stuff wumpom and his buddies use to hang their empty whiskey bottles on to ward off evil spirits.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 19, 2009, 11:19 PM:
Thank you, Bill! So, it's what we call bailing wire, in the lower 48? And, TW is always complaining that U never answer questions!
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 20, 2009, 07:58 AM:

Arctic wire is just a wire with a sheath that will remain flexible down to "arctic" conditions. Typically they have a high silicone content in them to do this, but some of the newer types have a TPE type jacket. Here's an example:

What's taking you so long on the "CD Quality" essay? A man with your brilliance should've been able to spit that one out in a matter of minutes I'd think. Make sure you comb through everything you've ever written before about it, because you have some serious holes to plug now if you're changing the definition. Good luck.

Martz said "Our sounds have never been encoded. Period."
If you want to deny the FLAC file claim, explain the MP3 files please? You lied....PERIOD!

[ October 21, 2009, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by fireballfan (Member # 3495) on October 23, 2009, 04:08 PM:
I'm new here but what info I've been gathering are the issues that tundrawookie keeps throwing in Bill's face.Seems to me like Bill just wants to avoid the issue's by calling tundra a welfare recipient,or welfare drunk.It seems to me,no matter what tundra is,Bill keeps avoiding his questions.I guess it's easier to call names than state the facts.Why can't you just answer questions about your product,without the name calling?Bill,seems to me,if you're wrong,you're wrong.Making statements that you don't have a clue to,looks a lot worse on your part than calling names.Answer the mans questions,as most men do.Don't bring it down to a child's level of name calling,like you have here.To most grown men,it's easy to tell who has the truth and who has the B.S.If you have the evidence to back up your words,let them be known,if not shut up and attempt to sell some Atoms.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 23, 2009, 06:07 PM:
fireballfan :

All the answers to wumpom's questions can be found on our web site. The only requirement is you must be able to read. I don't have time to educate the unfortunate. If you need private tutoring, the rate is $200 per hour.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 23, 2009, 06:39 PM:
You have yet to tell me exactly what CD Quality is? Let's hear it right here on the forum what exactly you think that it is? You've talked the talk, now let's see you walk the walk.

I gotta thank you Martz for putting my name on your site. I've received more emails and PM's on various forums in regards to callers in the past few weeks than ever before. Thanks, I appreciate you doing that and for all of the people getting in touch with me about what callers will best suit their needs.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 24, 2009, 07:35 AM:
Bill when will you add on to the topics listed on your site???

I'm really interested in this one:

FoxPro's marketing strategy versus Wildlife Technologies.

I really want to know your marketing strategy and how PR plays into it all.


[ October 24, 2009, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 24, 2009, 08:34 AM:
coyote wacker:

"I really want to know your marketing strategy and how PR plays into it all."

Randy, for people that can read, our marketing strategy is quite simple. WE ELIMINATE PROBLEMS BY NOT SELLING TO STUPID PEOPLE,
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 24, 2009, 08:41 AM:
So when can we expect to see what you think CD Quality is? You said you'd respond here and address it, so we're waiting. If you can't address exactly what you think it is, I'll list what you've said it is since 1997 on every one of your websites if you'd prefer?
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 24, 2009, 02:35 PM:
Ok so that will be the writing for that story line? We eliminate problems by not selling to stupid people! Where as FoxPro and the others will sell to anyone who has the money???

[ October 24, 2009, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 24, 2009, 03:53 PM:
coyote wacker:

"Ok so that will be the writing for that story line? We eliminate problems by not selling to stupid people! Where as FoxPro and the others will sell to anyone who has the money???"

Every human on earth has the same option. You can prostitute yourself or live like a man.
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on October 24, 2009, 03:56 PM:
Do you guys have a WT alert on your computers??
Bill posts and you respond almost immediately. Try goin outside and huntin or something. Jesus!!
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 24, 2009, 08:00 PM:
Just got back from a dead moose, a ton of ravens and a couple kids on a four wheeler, that's all I saw for the two stands I made. Oh well, you can't win them all.

You seem to be prostituting your sounds to Cass Creek nowadays, so you have no room to speak. Anyways, did you forget that about 10 posts back you were going to tell me exactly what "CD Quality" was after I defined what it was for you? You were going to correct me because for some reason you thought I couldn't tell you what it was. I'm still waiting for you to respond. After you try to correct me, I'll point out what you've said it was for about 12 years and see if it matches your current description.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 24, 2009, 08:19 PM:
randyR consider this like psych class and a marketing class all in one! I'm trying to learn.

Bill why is it that your being a man and FP is a prositute???

[ October 24, 2009, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by fireballfan (Member # 3495) on October 25, 2009, 02:36 PM:
Wow,just why do you ALWAYS resort to the name calling's and other school boys?I'll tell you why,you've dug a hole you cant get out of.You know everything that have been built has been packed full of lies,and people with PROOF are calling you on it. Why should I go to your website,you are a well known liar.Period.
If my mind recalls,you even had a guy that uses your product,and said "so he lied,big deal,they all do it."You are on a sinking ship,and should sell out while some company might take your business.If you don't you are doomed.
My advise,is grab a snorkel and flippers,because your ship has been exposed to what it really is.A straight up phony
You just keep lyin,and tryin and can't figure out why ain't nobody buyin!
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 25, 2009, 06:02 PM:
WOW fireballfan, it's almost like you have your name on Bill's website too along with mine. Are you a snitch or something?

The truth is, Bill has been using techno jargon for years to pump his product and probably thought that nobody had a clue as to what was going on. Well, the tides have changed and there's a new wave of customers who will want to really know what they're buying. I'll say it again for you Martz, just tell the truth and you wouldn't have to resort to your childish name calling or bogus claims that can't be proven. What's the name of your engineering company again?

WildLie Technologies...Just smilin' and lyin' because ain't nobody buyin'...Except Cass Creek!
Posted by fireballfan (Member # 3495) on October 26, 2009, 09:56 AM:
Bill,you say you don't sell to stupid people.I was wondering what type of application process a man needs go through to receive one of your wonderful units,that you keep so heavily guarded?
Or is it just a name calling test that you put your guys through?People want answers not just a load of bs.If you are correct in your statements,here's a perfect opportunity to make your case.(Don't throw the,you're illiterate card down again,that one's already played!)
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 26, 2009, 12:16 PM:
We have three or four threads in this forum, all dealing with the same theme. (edit: several hundred posts!)

That would be Wildlife Technologies and Man About Town, Mr. Bill Martz.

I find the subject interesting.

I have yet to choose sides. As far as I can tell, neither side has landed a knock out blow?
Both are bloodied, but unbowed. Bill has a penchant for the smear campaign, as if TW is an unemployed boozer, and TW has monotonous requests for clarification on some pretty obscure statements.

Just keep reading this stuff, folks. There is a nugget, here and there. [Wink]

Good hunting. LB

[ October 26, 2009, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by fireballfan (Member # 3495) on October 26, 2009, 01:03 PM:
If Bill has got it,flaunt it.No questions asked.It takes a long time to gather enough rat hole money,to buy any product.I just want to know who is right and who is bs'ing me.Fair enough??
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on October 26, 2009, 02:39 PM:
There is a nugget, here and there.
Not really. Just one guy trying to dig on another guy or trying to impress us with his superior knowledge on a subject that really doesn't mean chit to anyone but him and, as I said previously, Gary Clevanger. As far as the rest of us, all that TW is so obssessed about is as close to exemplifying the adage about separating the pepper from the fly shit as I've ever seen.

As far as the man about twon, Bill either needs to shut up and quit stirring TW's turds, or put up and settle the debate once and for all.

As for me, I'm with Randy. It's 57-degrees. I just got off work and have about 90 minutes to sundown. I'm pissed at half the town, and the other half, I couldn't care less. Having said that, I'm going to take my innovative and IMO superior calling machine - a MAD Minaska - and go kill something. Even if neither it, or the coyotes, are encrypted, whatever the hell that means. [Smile]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 26, 2009, 02:59 PM:
cdog, it is a topic of discussion and from it comes information no different than many others. If you don't care for the topic then don't read or respond pretty simple. PLus if you didn't read or post would have given you another 5 mins easy [Big Grin]

From what people write you can gain knowledge on the person and the subject matter, no different than articals in print.

[ October 26, 2009, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 26, 2009, 03:17 PM:
There are alot more people concerned than Gary Clevanger about Martz and his callers. Honestly, the number of questions I've answered about WT callers has gone through the roof since Martz put me on his website. I can tell you one thing though. I point as many of them as possible to these threads regarding the WT's and many of them come back to me afterwards saying what they're not going to buy. You're right though, this information probably doesn't mean squat to many of the veterans or older members here, because you all have been around and can care less. The younger, "techie" crowd really does care what they're spending their money on and what they're actually going to get. You might not care if your computer has the latest Quad Core processor in it, because as long as it works, you're happy, right? Me and lots of others on the other hand want to know for a fact that if a company says the widget is capable of "Fill in the Blank", we're getting what we paid for, even if it doesn't change the final outcome of the sound produced. I know that a 16bit 32kHz (Sub-CD Quality) caller sounds good. However, if I'm told that the caller I'm buying is a 24bit 48kHz unit, I want the thing to do it, even if my ears and an animals ears can't tell the difference? See where I'm coming from?
If Martz wants to trash talk me and claim how uber-smart he is and why his products are the best ever, I want the proof. Obviously he doesn't have to answer, but he's put himself in a position now, where the Silence is ringing loud and clear. He has yet to tell me or anybody on this forum what his new idea of "CD Quality" is, even after he so proudly said he would.
He refers to his website, but that doesn't mean anything since he said he would put it in his post after stating "Next up: CD audio format. This will be my last post on these subjects. If you don't get it, you probably never will and don't deserve to."
After it's written, and I'm sure he won't, I'll show everybody the history of his lies concerning the "CD Quality" subject. Just sit back and soak it in, it's all good information, even if it's just for a few "techie" heads.

Thanks for the great forum Leonard.

[ October 26, 2009, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 26, 2009, 06:56 PM:
There are alot more people concerned than Gary Clevanger about Martz and his callers. Honestly, the number of questions I've answered about WT callers has gone through the roof since Martz put me on his website. I can tell you one thing though. I point as many of them as possible to these threads regarding the WT's and many of them come back to me afterwards saying what they're not going to buy
So all these people are comeing to you for advice on what caller to buy.. LMAO
Are they aware that you hold "NO Electrical engenering degree" and only kill about a dozen coyotes per year.. So it just boils down to youre opinion and youre limited experience calling coyotes. If a new guy can't think for himself and has to come to you for limited advice how in the hell is he gonna call coyotes??LOL..
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 26, 2009, 07:20 PM:
TA 17 you need an electrical engineering degree to call coyotes???

We have been over this you can BS some of the people some of the time, but not ALL of the people all of the time, the montra is what sets one apart from the compition, when that montra falls short then what????

Everyone has a bias as to the caller they are using some stronger than the other. I like to try various ones because that si the only true way to see if the montra hold true value, some does and much don't. depends on the montra and who is pitching such. They are all in it for a gain monatary, so who do you believe??? Like an info commercial without testing it how does one know the claims made are 100% factual???? Can they be 100% factual???

Everyone states the leg humping from brand X or Y, what about those using Z??? Could we say the same???

The reason the debate is these products can live up to the hype they are given. Some make some very large claims can they live up to ALL of those claims, if not why???

Hence the reason for the discussion brought forth.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 26, 2009, 07:42 PM:
TA 17 you need an electrical engineering degree to call coyotes???
If you where real sick who would you seek help or advice from? A friend that has a stack of medical books or a Doctor with a medical degree??
Or if you needed help with some coyotes would you ask Joe blow on the internet or would you talk to another ADC trapper???? [Razz] [Razz]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 26, 2009, 08:06 PM:
Tim, you're the man who admits to being buddies with a liar (you even said so), so do you honestly want to question why people would ask me about callers over you? I'll just tell you that I've had enough Electrical, Computer Programming and Circuit layout courses at college to know how to tell you your buddy Martz is a liar. Actually anybody who can search the internet and who has a collection of old WT's can tell you he's a liar, it's not hard to figure out. You hold up Detour signs all summer and pal around hunting the rest of the year don't you? I actually try to help people Tim, and have a bunch of various callers that I've actually used and hunted over, so I know what I'm talking about. I don't tell people to not buy a WT, I tell them everything I know about them, features, etc. and they make up their own minds. That's why I'll have a new Mighty Atom fairly soon, to give it a fair shake and see what it's cracked up to be. It might've been ordered already, so I'll have to call my buddy to find out. If it were up to you, you'd just tell them "Buy a WT" and not even recommend a single sound that works, other than to say call WT and they'll fix you up. You're typically useless when people need information about callers Tim, Period! I thought you used to be a die-hard Minaska fan? How does your buddy Martz like you using a Minaska? You don't say much about that caller anymore, what's up with that? Don't be ashamed, they're not bad callers at all. I killed a couple Coyotes over my Minaska last year and it works fine.

Edit: Tim, that's a bad analogy, especially since the man you're talking about has a history of exaggerating and blatantly blurring the facts. If you want the truth, just wait, I'll tear the Mighty Atom apart and tell you what makes it tick. Not that you care, because hey...People Lie, right?

[ October 26, 2009, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 26, 2009, 08:35 PM:
You say Bill is a lier and Bill says you are a theif and can't be trusted.. I can handle a little white lie if no-one gets hurt but a dishonest theif now thats all together different..
As for sounds like i said all of them are good...
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 26, 2009, 09:40 PM:
Hey Tim. Look, everyone knows you are a WT cheerleader, and beyond that, Amigo, you don't know shit.

I would never suggest that you don't have the right, (as a member) to post as much crap as often as you like.

But really; your endorsements for WT have very little value, and as the joke about the guy continually getting raped by the bear, you ain't here for the hunting, are ya? [Smile]

Good hunting. LB

[ October 26, 2009, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 27, 2009, 07:42 AM:
I don't just say your buddy Martz is a liar, I have proof that he is a liar. You're calling me a thief, where is your proof? Put up or shut up because I've paid for every single one of the ten or more WT callers I own and all of the sounds in my collection. Not all of the sounds are good either Tim. How many have you really heard? I've heard around 200 or so of them and I can tell you that some of them are not very good at all.

Edit to add some more info for you Tim to see if you understand why I do this e-caller stuff:

I may not have an Electrical engineering degree, which you feel is important for being able to judge e-callers and I don't go around and saying I do. I may not call as many coyotes as others, which has a lot to do with where I live. Again I don't say I do. But over the years I have had and still have many e-callers and almost every model of WT built and many other brands as well. I have talked with most manufactures including Bill and have learned a lot by doing this over the years. Over the years I've done lots of research on how e-callers work and how friendly they are to use both in the field and at home programming them, testing remote ranges, sound quality and volume, and ease of using the unit programming. I have also spent lots of time talking with a lot of pros in this field about calling and using callers and can be and have been very helpful to many newer members to the calling field and will keep doing this as long as my phone rings and I get e-mails. I just like trying to be helpful Tim,and I'm not trying to be a pro just helpful.

[ October 27, 2009, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 27, 2009, 03:00 PM:
Tim, "thief" is pretty strong to use against someone you don't even know isn't it???? You have solid proof of TW being a thief or going off of hear say????

Is someone a thief for using sounds they have bought and paid for on another caller??? No different than those that download music from a CD they bought and put on their MP3 player correct??? How many millions have done that???

Also define a "white lie" your words in this matter??? You see when you run a business it is against the law to use "deceptive selling practices" to bolster a product. Both are very "loose" terms and frankly get settled in a court room more often than not, so if either party isn't interested in suing then life goes on, I find it funny one calls themselves a man and another a prostitute, yet there "could be" deceptive verb age to bolster "A" product????

Bill is the one who can clear this up. Not you,me or anyone else Tim. He knows exactly what the product can or cannot do and his hand has been called by another company on it. He can either back the claims he makes or not; pretty simple.

To tell you the truth could care less, others care a little more and others for various reasons care alot more. Depends on your stake in the matter. I just like to see Bill post and read what he post, so keep on posting Bill!

[ October 27, 2009, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by turboranger (Member # 3349) on October 27, 2009, 04:11 PM:
Good grief I see the same BS is going on since the last time I was on. Lets jog a few memories and guess who said this on this very board
Bill, would you like if I posted a detailed photo showing all of your customers how to get every sound off of those units? It's really simple and maybe a post that would get pinned at the top of every forum that has an e-caller section. There are several moderators at various forums who would love to put up something like that. I could even sell the hardware and a DVD Tutorial on how to do it.
Tim I would say you are not far off with what you called this guy. Does anyone REALLY wonder why this guys name made it onto Bill's website? Just something to ponder.

[ October 27, 2009, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: turboranger ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 27, 2009, 04:30 PM:
Does asking a question constitute that that action has happened? I think not, but thanks for trying the pin it on me game. I'd like to hear what Tim's basing his info about me on, other that hearsay. Did you get your Mighty Atom yet? Is it beyond CD Quality? Mine should be here soon, so I'll let you know what I think and we can compare notes. Give me a ring anytime if you want to chat callers, I'm more than happy to talk about them with you. My names on his site because he's still bent over the recording equipment, just read the information.

[ October 27, 2009, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by turboranger (Member # 3349) on October 27, 2009, 05:28 PM:
Peter the entire post that snippet quote came out of demonstrated to me the level of integrity you have reserved for yourself. It's kind of ironic how you can then go on trying to besmirch ol' Bill. As far as calling you to discuss callers I don't think that will be necessary as I have seen and heard the MA. I have also witnessed the actual comparisons for myself. With that said, its a beautiful thing that I don't need to debate with, or trust someone else to tell me which caller is better. In the end Pete, everyone will have to make a their own decision and come up with their own conclusions. If they are smart they will base it on what their own ears and brains tell them and not what some self anointed expert says.

[ October 27, 2009, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: turboranger ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 27, 2009, 06:15 PM:
To tell you the truth could care less, others care a little more and others for various reasons care alot more.
If you could care less then why did start a thread on 2 or 3 other sites about Cas creek and WT sounds.. Actually you do care and are now just telling a little white lie.. [Razz]

P.S. LOL Leonard. oh Scott got a big kick out of youre post to me, i think the guy still misses you.. [Wink]
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on October 27, 2009, 07:18 PM:
What ever happened to Scott?

He had a way of slapping you with the truth it was easy to learn.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 27, 2009, 07:49 PM:
Yeah, well old Scott wasn't the only one that got a kick out of that post.

You can argue as long as you want, TA. But, your expertise is low to nonexistant; so about all you can say is that you like your WT a lot. Repeatedly.

In fact, can I change your title for a while?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Briguy (Member # 3471) on October 27, 2009, 09:07 PM:
Right on Tim, I got a new title too...course, I like mine better.

Yea, and where's Bill? This stuff has me intrigued...
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 28, 2009, 05:23 AM:
I started another thread on Cass creek because I found that interesting,and ironic. Frankly it is more interesting than what sound works best for you type postings and it has merit, if not I wouldn't have posted the discussion, and for the record I wasn't aware of it until it was poitned out to me, but a topic with merit becuase, I believe it was "everyone has a choice in life to be a man or a prostitute."

Then low and behold Cass Creek callers comes out with A mini caller in a very low price range with WT sounds??? Kinda goes against the grain wouldn't you agree Tim????

I mean taking those super high quality sounds then running them through a .90 cent speaker??? Is that the definition of being a man or the prostitute???? The answer is????

I really don't care about the callers,use what you will. I care when people talk from both sides of their mouths. What say you?

[ October 28, 2009, 05:33 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 28, 2009, 07:55 AM:
People say things sometimes that they regret as I did in some of that thread. I'm big enough to admit some of the things I said should have best been kept to myself. You on the other hand choose to be friends with a person who has deceived and lied to their customers for years. If you want to deny that, then you're playing the fool. Am I mad that my WT callers aren't capable of playing "CD Quality" sounds, when they were advertised as such? You figure it out. Until Martz has a response for the questions at hand, I don't have anything else to add. The Silence and lack of intelligent response sends a clear message that what I'm saying is accurate about the prior claims of "CD Quality". I sure hope this new model is actually playing sounds other than 16bit 32kHz, no matter how good it sounds, or the 24bit 96kHz potential is simply even more of a joke.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on October 28, 2009, 04:44 PM:
Am I mad that my WT callers aren't capable of playing "CD Quality" sounds, when they were advertised as such?
Alright, giving you some benefit of the doubt here, while you ask this question, which I presume to be rhetorical and up to us to answer based solely upon your rants here, it appears to me that as dissatisfied with the product as you appear to be, you still keep buying them. Why?

At certain points in this thread, you've gone so far as to say that his products are good and inferred that this issue with you is strictly one between you and Bill Martz the person, not his product line per se.

Maybe I need to be less laid back. If I buy something that doesn't perform as advertised, I simply take it back and ask for my money and, at the very least never buy that product or another one from the same manufacturer again.

Yet, you, by comparison, seems to have bought one. Were unhappy. Bought another one. Were unhappy again. Bought another one and, of course, were once again unhappy, so you decided to lobby the masses on the internet against this guy because you keep buying his allegedly defective product and losing your money. Now it sounds like you've got friends buying his product.

I'm not attacking you. This is just how the timeline here sounds to me. Maybe if I better understand why you keep acquiring calls you don't like from a guy you can't stand, then I can better understand what motivates you and could possibly be more interested in what looks to me to be an agenda. Just because you have people contacting you doesn't make you right. Hitler had followers.

Not defending Martz or his business - don't even know the guy except from what I read here, but you really come across as some sort of nut. You know,... the ol' saying,... doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results each time?

Enlighten me. You've piqued my curiosity and, for lack of anything better to do this evening, I'm all ears.

On a related note, I listened to the Predatorcast interview of Gerald Stewart the other day. Now, Gerald ain't no electronics inginear either, but he's been there to see the entire evolution of the e-caller industry from ten lantern batteries and a turntable weighing 21 pounds to today's digital remote controlled models and he noted that for forty years, no one cared much about bitrates or CD quality, yet a whole lotta predators died anyway.

I'm just saying...
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 28, 2009, 04:58 PM:
I collect old WT callers simply for the sounds and fun of it. They sound good like I've said, but they're not as advertised. The new models however have yet to be seen. I buy newer models so that I'm up on what they're capable of and to help other people out when they have questions. All new models get added to the collection too. You'd be surprised how many of the WT customers would rather call or email me to get answers than deal with asking Martz.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 28, 2009, 05:09 PM:
Cross-posting on Cass Creek? WTF? And, what exactly, is Cass Creek? Never heard of it?

That's okay, I'm not a real stickler about Internet Message Board Courtesies and Practices.

Not enough action for ya, here on HM?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 28, 2009, 05:14 PM:
Lance, on any given day, I make empty stands all day long, expecting a different result....I'm just saying.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 28, 2009, 07:00 PM:
No, to get a cross section of peoples thoughts.

Plenty of action as I see till now, this is the only place Mr Martz will answer but even here has been awhile.

cass creek is a company that makes a hand held unit, not much volume or sound clarity, but fits the market for those that just want to try callin a few times at best or when the deer stand is slow is my take on them.

I would like to hear from Mr Martz as to why he chose to lease or sell sounds to them? If you read the web site he list the reasons why sound quaility is so important then goes and "lets out" sounds to a unit with very limited capability. Wondering why???

I guess the orginal thread poster or I could have brought it here first??? But then some would have called him strange or has it in for someone [Big Grin]

[ October 28, 2009, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 28, 2009, 07:12 PM:
Don't worry, I really don't give a shit who posts what, where.

But, Bill responds in his own way, when he gets the urge. I actually appreciate the fact that he trusts how this board is run enough to contribute; but that is not an endorsement, nor am I choosing sides or declaring a victor.

If you ecaller zelots entertain any hope of a response from Wild Bill, this is your best bet.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on October 28, 2009, 07:17 PM:

TundraWookie has been testing electronic callers and reporting his findings for quite some time now. I appreciate what he is doing. His reports appear to be accurate and honest.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on October 28, 2009, 07:24 PM:
Lance, on any given day, I make empty stands all day long, expecting a different result....I'm just saying.
Well played, Leonard. Well played. [Smile]

As to the question about why he might sell or lease sounds out to another competitor's product, I will submit this. Martz may not have the best customer service personality, but I am familiar with his sounds - some of them - and have seen them used against those from other call makers. A few of the sounds I have seen in use have been quite impressive as far as producing results. So, Martz's sounds are, to me, as advertised.

Now, as far as offering them to other makers.

My hometown is the headquarters for those ALCO stores you see in towns too small for a WalMart. A couple years ago, ALCO began leasing floor space out to Radio Shack, Payless Shoes and Bass Pro Shop. The Radio Shack area in the store is pretty much all of the store's electronics, and the same goes for the shoes under Payless Shoe Source's area and the sporting goods area as far as BPS. Immediately, I recognized this as a good move, since ALCO now generates guaranteed revenue from the lease agreement with each of these competitors, as well as a portion of their sales. Without this agreement, ALCO would rely solely upon what they could squeeze out of sales, so this agreement actually helps both parties by helping ALCO as I just explained, but also allowing the other retailers to gain a presence in the community without leasing an entire building of their own.

I actually made the suggestion very recently to another major e-caller maker that they approach Bill about securing some sort of use agreement to a certain portion of his coyote vocalization library to help augment their own offerings while, at the same time, giving Bill the chance to generate increased revenue above and beyond his own sales. I did so not thinking that Bill would ever agree to such a thing, if for no other reason than ego.

As far as the agreement he allegedly has with Cass Creek, I see it as good business on his part and a smart decision to gain a small portion of a competitor's revenue stream/ profit, especially when that competitor serves a portion of the market not currently being pursued by WT, rathe than another issue upon which to attack him publicly.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on October 28, 2009, 07:35 PM:
TundraWookie has been testing electronic callers and reporting his findings for quite some time now. I appreciate what he is doing. His reports appear to be accurate and honest.

I understand that, Rich. But there seems to be as much energy going into personally attacking Bill as there is going into proving what he says about Bill's products. Again, I don't know Bill from sic'um and he can fight his own fights. But, as I tried to point out, he has repeatedly stated that he seems to like the product. So, if it isn't the product, then his issue must be with Bill and you have to question why he has been chasing him all over the internet badgering him for this long when the issue is between Bill and him. If others have a problem with Bill, let them take it up with Bill. Time and place for everything. If he can offer the information in an understandable way too prove his own points, then he should do it. His willingness to test the products and let the rest of the community know the results would be a good thing, just as the competition between the various manufacturers has been good for pushing development of newer and better offerings. If that's what comes out of all this, then I would be appreciative as well. But, having said that, it's somewhat easier to appreciate what he's doing when he isn't going after the product you endorse. I'm pretty sure that if he had the red ass for Fox Pro or if his efforts were directed at Mike and Steve, you wouldn't be so supportive.

I'm just saying that he should stick to verifiable, provable facts and step back from the name calling and personal attacks. If his arguments are sound, they should stand on their own merits.
Posted by Dan Carey (Member # 987) on October 28, 2009, 08:14 PM:
"What ever happened to Scott?
He had a way of slapping you with the truth it was easy to learn."

Scott is one of those young guys that has come a long way in a very short time, and a lot of the old farts don't take kindly to it. Me, I don't give a rats ass if he can kill more coyotes than I can, I'm old.
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on October 28, 2009, 08:30 PM:
Oh crap, I was thinking of Huber not that feller, sometimes I'm slow. Okay most times.

Can't say I've ever read anything from the young Scott that I would refer to as "slapped with the truth" or easy to learn.

Huber on the other hand, had lots to offer.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 28, 2009, 08:44 PM:
Scott is one of those young guys that has come a long way in a very short time, and a lot of the old farts don't take kindly to it. Me, I don't give a rats ass if he can kill more coyotes than I can, I'm old.
I'm sure you could dan, just have to put equal time in the field. Look at Vic's season last year for the F-P contest, he did very well for a old fart.. [Big Grin]
Posted by turboranger (Member # 3349) on October 28, 2009, 09:28 PM:
As far as the agreement he allegedly has with Cass Creek, I see it as good business on his part and a smart decision to gain a small portion of a competitor's revenue stream/ profit, especially when that competitor serves a portion of the market not currently being pursued by WT, rathe than another issue upon which to attack him publicly.

Then low and behold Cass Creek callers comes out with A mini caller in a very low price range with WT sounds??? Kinda goes against the grain wouldn't you agree Tim????

I mean taking those super high quality sounds then running them through a .90 cent speaker??? Is that the definition of being a man or the prostitute???? The answer is????

The above are two opposing points. Myself I agree with the first one and to draw a parallel comparison take a look at John Deere tractor (lawn mowers). They sell through dealers and to the box stores i.e. Home depot. They both are that really sexy John Deere green, they both look very much like the same machine but thats pretty much where it ends. The one in the box stores is about half the price and has lower end parts. The one at the dealer is a much higher quality machine. They both are John Deere and both have their own market share. Bad business and prostitution, or smart business? It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.

People say things sometimes that they regret as I did in some of that thread. I'm big enough to admit some of the things I said should have best been kept to myself. You on the other hand choose to be friends with a person who has deceived and lied to their customers for years. If you want to deny that, then you're playing the fool. Am I mad that my WT callers aren't capable of playing "CD Quality" sounds, when they were advertised as such? You figure it out. Until Martz has a response for the questions at hand, I don't have anything else to add. The Silence and lack of intelligent response sends a clear message that what I'm saying is accurate about the prior claims of "CD Quality". I sure hope this new model is actually playing sounds other than 16bit 32kHz, no matter how good it sounds, or the 24bit 96kHz potential is simply even more of a joke.

Peter, As far as denying I am friends with Bill or having you influence my opinion... not a chance. Do I care what he uses for marketing or chooses to say? Certainly not, in fact I made my decision solely based on seeing and hearing the product.I would say you must have as well because even though you say things like "Am I mad that my WT callers aren't capable of playing "CD Quality" sounds, when they were advertised as such? You figure it out." and all of your other rants you certainly do buy enough of his products to collect those low quality sounds for your self.

You really need to expand your narrow mind. If you took the time and did a search you would find by reading product reviews that most product vendors embellish their products in one way or another. I don't see you chasing them down and buying all of their products then going on the appropriate forums trying to call them out.(Maybe you do?) If you did, I am sure that they would give you as much time of day as Bill chooses to do. You know one could even make an argument that Foxpro is guilty as well. I don't mean this as a dig but they released their new remote with lots of claims. The question is just how many patches did it take on that device to get it to do what they said it would? How many people needed to send their gear back to get those patches? Where is the ranting about that?

I work in a technical industry with lots of different vendors equipment i.e. routers, switches. I read the marketing hype on these products and then get a chance through implementation and testing to see if that is really how it works. Let me tell you I have run into many things that weren't quite what they were marketed as. Do they get more sales by doing this? Absolutely. Do customers still buy them even after they know the limitations? As long as it stills meets their needs, absolutely.

So Pete here is some advice that will help you relax. Take a midol, grab your favorite WT caller from your own personal collection and go out and enjoy it by hunting. This is what they are really meant for after all.

[ October 28, 2009, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: turboranger ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 28, 2009, 10:47 PM:
Dan Carey. I'm sure you have the wrong Scott in mind. The suggestion that we old farts might feel threatened by Hyperworks and his "accomplishments" is laughable and incorrect.

As far as I'm concerned, the little twerp just rubbed me the wrong way, much more so than Glenn Guess who is only guilty of selfpromotion. Scotty, on the other hand is a shameless selfpromoter, and as a bonus, has an obnoxious punk attitude.

He has the distinction of being one of only two people who have been banned from Huntmasters, TWICE. And, it ain't because he learned a whole bunch real fast.

Hey! It's hard enough to get banned once, let alone twice!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on October 29, 2009, 06:42 AM:
"I'm pretty sure that if he had the red ass for Fox Pro or if his efforts were directed at Mike and Steve, you wouldn't be so supportive."

Truth in advertising is important. The Dillons do a pretty good job of that. The complaints about foxPro are mostly caused by moderators on another site. I own a WT, and it is a good caller. Bill should install a diode in his callers to protect the things against accidental reverse polarity though.
Posted by Dan Carey (Member # 987) on October 29, 2009, 07:40 AM:
"He has the distinction of being one of only two people who have been banned from Huntmasters, TWICE. And, it ain't because he learned a whole bunch real fast"

Well now, that's strange. He ain't banned at pussguts forums like me and you and everyone else that has a mind of their own.
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on October 29, 2009, 08:31 AM:

"Truth in advertising is important. The Dillons do a pretty good job of that."

On FoxPro's site they state their fury model and others produces 9 watts of power and our legacy models KAS-2030MS-MM-Ml produces 8 watts of power. Our legacy models produce up to 18 watts of power which is twice the power output of their models. But in your mind the dillon's are truthfull, right. This is just 1 example. There are many more.

"Bill should install a diode in his callers to protect the things against accidental reverse polarity though."

Some of our older systems have a power connection consisting of a RED and BLACK wire terminating in a polarity secure plug. If you can screw that up you need to go back to school. Some older systems use a dc power plug for the power connector. Again, if you can screw that up you need to go back to school. Out of tens of thousands of products sold we have approx. 15 systems per year returned for repair. User error is the cause of almost 100% of those repairs. That's why I try not to sell our products to stupid people.

By the way, on FoxPro's website, Mikey Dillon says we have a nice picture of a wolf on the rear cap of our legacy KAS-2030 models. The picture is of a Northeastern coyote, not a wolf. So much for Mikey's wildlife experience. I suppose that's why he had to go to West Texas to shoot his first and probably last coyote.


I am finished posting with the SNITCH, idiot and welfare recipient Peter Marvin. I will deal with him in due time. If you guys want to know what the term "CD audio" means, go to our website in a few days and you will find your answer.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on October 29, 2009, 09:39 AM:
Why is it that you won't post your "CD Quality" information here where it can be openly argued like you said you'd do? You must like the safe haven your own website provides. Again, make sure that you read what you've said it is on prior products, what bitrate and frequency sound files those products actually played, and how customers weren't supposed to be deceived by your specs. Who cares if the speaker or hardware can't realize it, you advertised them as "CD Quality", how are customers not supposed to be deceived?
Can't wait to see your new website information in a few days, should be exciting as always. You should put a link to the discussions here about "CD Quality" too, might enlighten some potential customers before they call you.

You were using a Class D (MAX9703) amplifier with a 10 pack of AA Ni-HM batteries in your "Legacy Models" (except for the batch of Li-Ions). The MAX9703 is a 15W amplifier. Were you overpowering that amplifier a bit to get 18W, while at the same time badmouthing others for doing similar tactics?

I'm done with this post until Martz comes to the table with actual facts that can be honestly backed up. Anybody with further questions can email me at:

[ October 29, 2009, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: TundraWookie ]
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on October 29, 2009, 09:42 AM:
"Some of our older systems have a power connection consisting of a RED and BLACK wire terminating in a polarity secure plug. If you can screw that up you need to go back to school."
Your fairly new units like my 2030MS came with 9 volt battery connectors. These connectors have a red and black wire that disappear inside the connector. The only way to tell for sure which side of the connector is positive is to use a volt meter. If you can't understand how easy it is to screw that connection up, then YOU need to go school. A simple diode probably would cost you a dime or so. Too expensive for ya? Spending a dime to protect a $90.00 circuit board would be too easy for an old pro like you huh? You know Bill, a little bit of professional courtesy would go a long ways in your business. Truth in Advertising would help you mend the loss of trust you have already caused for yourself also. Calling people idiots won't fix anything either. You have a good caller and a library of good wildlife sounds. Try being honest for awhile Bill, it would do wonders for you. [Wink]
Posted by Briguy (Member # 3471) on October 29, 2009, 09:48 AM:
"Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure what happened there, but it appears that Martz has refused to answer the bell here in round 3".

"Yea, I don't know, it looked like Peter landed a couple pretty good shots, but nothing that Bill shouldn't have absorbed. Bill was coming back with some good body blows of his own. I don't know, maybe he caught a thumb in the eye or his hemorroids flared up there. We'll have to see what we can find out in the post fight interviews".

"Well, whatever the reason he isn't coming out, so, for the official decision, let's send it up to our ring announcer, Leonard B".
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on October 29, 2009, 10:13 AM:
Unfortunately, there's no more room on your title for "Play By Play Announcer"!

And, besides. Bill is one of those guys with some charm and a little talent, but (alas) cannot count!

Wild Bill will claim that he's done responding (on average) three or four times per thread.

We will just have to wait and see. Pass the popcorn!
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 29, 2009, 10:31 AM:
Rich are you unplugging the wires from the battery tray that has the little 9 volt snap?? If so you can only plug it back in one way so there is no way you can screw that up..
Question: Why are you unplugging the battery tray to begin with???
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 29, 2009, 12:06 PM:
I would think part of the design teams job is to look at the product and try and make it as bullet proof and user friendly as possible within the design and to forsee issues that "could" arise so I don't see it as unreasonable to have the saftey net there for reverse polarity issues, as others have done on products of this nature.

Bill could you answer the question about the man and the prostitute? How is it that FP is the latter and your the man of the E caller industry?

I mean you belabor your point on your website of how it takes high quality sounds and max volume, and high end electronics to be consistent at calling coyotes, yet you have a few of your sounds on a competitors unit that most would consider a toy?

How is any customer getting the "true" value of your sounds from playing it on a less than stellar unit and volume not comparable to yours or other high end competition???

Frankly sell your sounds to anyone you wish, but don't belittle others for claiming the lions share of the e caller market for goodness sakes. I think they call that being a hypocrite.

The definition of hypocrite is:
: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

You state customer error for almost 100% of the problems you encounter? I mean we are talking electronics correct??? Surely there has to be some part malfunction thrown in there somewhere sir?

I think you could also have a few % points of repair work in design that was less than stellar on some units as well correct? I mean the reason for changes made, is to improve design and usage correct? If everything built started out bullet proof then no need for design changes correct? Many would still be running the 3 pack powered unit, with plugged in TOA speaker. Instead of the advancements you made.

You seem to be a literal type, I gather that from all of the in depth information on your website, so I take you at that and hence the need for my questions.

definition of Literal: : free from exaggeration or embellishment .

[ October 29, 2009, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on October 29, 2009, 12:33 PM:
"Rich are you unplugging the wires from the battery tray that has the little 9 volt snap?? If so you can only plug it back in one way so there is no way you can screw that up..
Question: Why are you unplugging the battery tray to begin with???"
I found a battery Pack on the internet that I wanted to try. I bought one of those 9 volt snap on connectors, soldered it to the wires on new battery pack (red to red and black to black), and plugged it in to the connectors on my caller. When you stop and think about that for awhile, you will realize that I just plugged it in bass ackwards. I felt pretty dumb for doing that, but if I had made the same mistake with a FoxPro, then no damage would have taken place. Why? Because the Dillons have installed a 10 cent diode in their units to protect against reverse polarity. Not long after I did that, I received an E mail from a guy who almost did the exact same thing. He had a friend with him who checked the polarity with a volt meter, which was only reason that he figured out what I learned the hard way.
Posted by timbertoes (Member # 604) on October 29, 2009, 05:26 PM:
What is a bit amusing is this Output power talk.

Do a little googling, and the common result is twice the power is "just a bit louder" to the human ear, and quite possibly to a Coyote, but then no one know the response curve of a Coyotes hearing.. I guess!! (ok maybe G. Guess does)

the advantage is _zilch_, whether is 8/9 watts or twice that.

But since a lot of people may not realize that, hello, open wallet.

So, in this case neither Mr. Martz nor Wookie have an argument as to which is better.
(Speaker effeciency not withstanding.)

that is all, time for this one to go back to the lathe and finish a pretty party favor, the coyotes love them !
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 29, 2009, 06:00 PM:
Rich. How did the battery pack work out? Where you able to get more stands in with not haveing to charge batteries as often??
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on October 29, 2009, 07:12 PM:
I think you are familiar with this battery Pack.

The biggest advantage it has is that it holds a full 14 volts while sitting on the shelf for a longer period of time than other NIMH batteries that I have tried. Even when not in use, NIMH batteries lose their charge for some reason. The battery pack you will see when you click on the link is a good one, as far as NIMH batteries are concerned anyway.
Posted by Dan Carey (Member # 987) on October 29, 2009, 07:36 PM:
Need a connector for a WT?
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 29, 2009, 08:24 PM:
I think you are familiar with this battery Pack.
Thanks Rich.
My son has them in his remote control trucks and it seems i have to always charge them up when sitting around so i never bothered to look into them. I guess it wouldbe easier to charge them than the method i use.
With the batteries i got with my WT i can go a day and a half without chargeing so its not to big of a deal for me..I did buy some replacement batteries a couple months ago called Ray O vac Hybrid. The salesman at the battery shop highly recomended them for use in my WT.. I plan to start useing them later this winter...
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on October 30, 2009, 05:51 AM:
If you want good batteries that will hold a charge a bit longer eneloops are good.
Posted by Possumal (Member # 823) on October 30, 2009, 06:33 PM:
Rich, you wouldn't feel too stupid for the little mix up that fried the W.T. unit if you could take a good look at the remote set up the Unmentionable One put on the W.T. I bought from him. It was pure genius, no question about it, typical of high quality, professional work. I'll post some pictures of it sometime and let the fellows figure out for themselves just how sharp he is. Even the cheapest tv remotes I have seen have easy access to the battery compartment. For him to have the nerve to call anybody an idiot, a moron, or any of his other degrading words , is so sick it is almost funny. He is not worried about truth in advertising; he is not worried about truth at all.
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on October 31, 2009, 04:08 PM:
Rich it's awful hard to believe a company that makes anything is responsible to protect from someone rewiring existing wiring and then claiming they should protect against this. It would be nice but I would not expect it or call it a defect in anything electrical.

The orginal post you started on this did sound like some defect but your explaination of what you actually did shows none IMO.

It's great the FP does but not something I would expect. With your original hookups there is virtually no way this can occur on the WT.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on October 31, 2009, 06:19 PM:
"It's great the FP does but not something I would expect. With your original hookups there is virtually no way this can occur on the WT."
Sorry to pop your bubble Mr. Roade, but you are wrong about that. If you are out there at night, and accidently insert your batteries in there backwards, you just created a 100.00 problem and a spoiled night of hunting. A ten cent diode would have prevented any damage to you unit. I think that I will send my little WT to FoxPro and have them install that diode.
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on October 31, 2009, 07:54 PM:
Not sure what you mean about putting batteries in backwards Rich, they have either been in a plastic wrap or are individual rechargers in all my WT's, how old of WT are we talking.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on October 31, 2009, 08:06 PM:
Dam! Rich you sure make it harder than it has to be. After a day of calling i charge my batteries before bed and once fully charged put them back in for the next day. Or at home here if i decide i want to go calling i just pop them in the charger till charged and then go calling, the full charge is good for all day and then some..
I would think as long as the caller is in the off position when installing the batteries you should be ok..
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on November 01, 2009, 05:26 AM:
Mine is a little 2030MS that I bought from Allpredatorcalls. It came with an empty battery cartridge that takes 10 AA batteries. I have read two posts on other boards where guys accidently installed the batteries in there backwards. I didn't say that the company was liable, I mean Shucks I wired the snap on connector wrong, so I made a dumb mistake. I paid the cost of repair. I ain't bitching really, just pointing out what good old Bill could do to prevent someone else from pulling that stunt and frying the circuit board. Even Bill admitted that I ain't the only one who has done this.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on November 01, 2009, 05:36 AM:
"Dam! Rich you sure make it harder than it has to be."
And so do you, my ugly Minnesota buddy. Even the most dim witted coyote caller knows the importance of sitting still while on stand. Sitting still is more important than even the best of camo, but you obviously have not figured that out. You know all of those coyotes that turn tail and run when they spot that big white speaker you wave around in the air above your head? By the time you set the caller down and pick up the needle gun, your coyote is long gone. If Bill finds out you do that, he will lose is credibility regarding his statment "I don't sell to idiot's".
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on November 01, 2009, 07:01 AM:
I see Rich, but just putting a battery backwards in the tray doesn't fry anything, done that, you just loose the circut. Don't know what happens if you put all ten in backwards. That would be my screwup. I never disconnect the tray connector only the in line connectors.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 01, 2009, 07:55 AM:
I think some are missing the point of this issue, instead they try to debate the issue and won't admitt it can happen!

The point is for a little more money it can be prevented by what others are doing to prevent it. So why not just make the small investment and make the unit just that much more better? I think that is the real question to be answered.

Many companies could just use the same montra, then we just won't sell to stupid people, instead of dealing with the issue and solving it for the benefit of the consumer.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on November 01, 2009, 10:19 AM:
Wow! They are saying, on another more professional board, that those faulty 2030's are being recalled to the factory? LB
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 01, 2009, 10:26 AM:
Sitting still is more important than even the best of camo, but you obviously have not figured that out. You know all of those coyotes that turn tail and run when they spot that big white speaker you wave around in the air above your head? By the time you set the caller down and pick up the needle gun, your coyote is long gone. If Bill finds out you do that, he will lose is credibility regarding his statment "I don't sell to idiot's".

LOL Rich; If that was true i would'nt be killing coyotes..You would be surprised how much movement a caller can get by with without spooking a coyote.. By the way my speaker is'nt white on the WT, its been camo'ed... [Razz]

I could see if alot of WT users where burning out the boards then maybe a up-grade wouldbe needed but thats not the case...
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 01, 2009, 10:36 AM:
tim you could see it after 10,15 or 40 people where burning up boards and after paying the cost to fix them???

Again missing the point, why wouldn't a company be proactive and not re active? Why have it as a "possible" issue in the first place when for little extra could be a non issue?
Not saying a re call but could have been dealt with awhile back correct?

What board states that?

[ November 01, 2009, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 01, 2009, 10:49 AM:
No i think you are missing the point.. If it was a problem i'm sure Bill would take care of it, but its not a problem and you should'nt worry youre self. After all you don't use a WT right?? [Big Grin]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 01, 2009, 10:53 AM:
110% correct and reasons for that [Big Grin] America is a great place freedom of expression and freedom to make choices both educated and uneducated [Razz]

I guess I'm one of the stupid people [Cool]

[ November 01, 2009, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on November 01, 2009, 12:50 PM:
"LOL Rich; If that was true i would'nt be killing coyotes..You would be surprised how much movement a caller can get by with without spooking a coyote."
Wow, Tim! I think that Leonard should shorten your title to "Clueless". If Bill finds out how clueless you really are, he will never sell you another call. [Big Grin]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 01, 2009, 03:55 PM:
Wow, Tim! I think that Leonard should shorten your title to "Clueless". If Bill finds out how clueless you really are, he will never sell you another call.
Leonard can do what he wants. Titles,labels don't mean much here..
As for Bill he gets around and i'm sure he has seen a few pic's of my coyotes called in with the WT and killed by youres truely. [Razz]
As for sweeping the caller from side to side i believe its the same tatic Blaine Eddy, Ed Screery and a few other successful callers use..You should try it once and maybe you'll see how many coyotes youre missing.. [Big Grin]
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on November 01, 2009, 05:27 PM:
Ok we went from Rich wiring in a connector wrong to 40 boards being fried this seems to be going as usual.

I use one more than virtually anyone and I don't see how you can fry one without doing something similar to what Rich did.

If it was that easy to do I am sure I would have done it long before.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on November 01, 2009, 05:29 PM:
The Electronic call makers provide remote control technology for a reason. If a man is bent on holding the caller in his lap, or waving the caller around above his head, then the man was pretty silly to pay big bucks for the remote controlled unit. A man like that would be better served with a mouth blown call. If he can't figure out how to blow a predator call, then maybe an 80.00 ghetto blaster would be better.
Posted by Kelly Jackson (Member # 977) on November 01, 2009, 06:13 PM:
I have developed a new product. It works like as osculating fan. It is a call holder and a decoy. I have not got the patent down tight, but I think it has some merit.
So far I can only get 200 degrees range of movement, but if you play the wind it should work fine. Plus it will get the call in the air about 24”.
Weighs a few pounds, but at least you don’t have to wave the call around and all remotes work better.

PS looking for pro staffers – pays like most.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on November 01, 2009, 06:56 PM:
He probably heard about that technique from Gerald Stewart? The whole difference is; he does it AT NIGHT.
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on November 01, 2009, 07:07 PM:
You guys will have to type LOUDER if you think Tim will hear it!!
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 01, 2009, 09:18 PM:
Sorry Leonard but i'm not a follower of Gerald Stewart. I have a few of his recordings but i don't read anything he writes or anyone elses that does most of there calling in Tex.,N.M., Az...

I started out with hand calls and a johny stewart tape player and moved onto the Dennis Kirk caller which never had a remote either.
The WT came with a remote and the only way to use it is with the remote, on some stands i may set it out 15-30 yds but most times i see no reason to do so.. When i call a coyote in i want it comeing to the source of the sound and looking right at me as i take the shot.. By placeing the caller away from me there is a chance the coyote will come in and look in the direction of the caller and my view of the coyote willbe blocked by a bush or hump on the ground. On my trips last year i never lost a coyote when i was calling or any other time for that matter when the caller was sitting next to me..I could see it would help the guys in the brushy country to move the caller away from them but then again i don't hunt the same kind of areas as they do..
I did a stand last year with a member here, he set up on the other side of a ridge and me on the other, and had the caller away from where we where set up.. We had three coyotes come in and the other guy only saw two of them. The third coyote was locked on the caller but could not be seen buy the other guy..Long story short we got the coyote. If he would of been calling alone he may have never known the third was there..
Some time later i was back out and on this stand i had the caller placed with-in arms reach to my right and had a pair comeing straight in to the caller about 400 yds out. As i was working them a third coyote pops up on the same hill side to my left and a little below me working its way to the caller. The coyote never made me out or saw the caller til it was to late.. I've had stands like this so many times i can't even count them all.. If a caller feels he has to place his caller out a 100 yds its fine with me, but its not going to stop me from doing it the way it works for me.. If i would happen to go calling in another state then i may make some changes to my stands depending on the lay of the land..

Maybe a couple of the members will reconize where this pic was taken.

Incase they don't i'll refresh there memory. As you drive in past the gate there is a big bluff to the right and as you move back into the area there is a old dog town and some round haybales stacked up, from there looking to the west there is a ridge that runs east to west with a revine on the south side and a hay field on the right.
The first group of hunters i hunted with walked around the big bluff trying to get closer to the coyotes that where located.. We ended up blank on that stand.
Next time in was with one other hunter, we drew a blank on these coyotes but moved farther in to the north and shot one down by a creek.
Next trip in was with two other hunters, which one of them was familuar with this area, we had three coyotes out in front to the left but could'nt get them to comitt..
I came back in the next day on my own and set up just to the north of where we have been setting up, i was maybe about 200 yds from the other stands..Would anyone care to guess if these coyotes where pressured or not?
Anyway i set up and started calling and yes i gave the E-caller a little wave for added measure, LOL..By makeing a few changes i put the game in my favor and did what i intended to do , call in and kill one of these coyotes that had evaded us for so long.. I got the job done and did it my way.. END RESULT......
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 01, 2009, 09:26 PM:
You guys will have to type LOUDER if you think Tim will hear it!!
LOL Randy..As you get older and the more you shoot without ear protection youre time will come also. I have noticed you read lips alittle and that is one of the early signs of hearing loss.. [Razz]
But hay i got my walkers and i'm back in the game and thats what really matters.. [Big Grin]
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on November 02, 2009, 06:43 AM:
You pretty much have the right to call any way you want, no matter how stupid that may be. If you are doing that near Randy's stomping grounds, you are hurting his chances of calling success though. Coyotes can pin point the spot in which the screams are coming from, and they can do that from a mile off. When they come to the screams and see a crazy man instead of a rabbit, they associate those screams with danger. If you really MUST elevate the caller so sound carries better, then get a small bipod for it. Placing the caller some fifty yards cross-wind from you will help you kill more of the coyotes that you call. Remember that it was the old fat man with bad knee's who taught you a better method.
Posted by Randy Roede (Member # 1273) on November 02, 2009, 07:04 AM:
Rich your not old your experienced.

Your not fat your thick.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on November 02, 2009, 08:39 AM:

Thanks, but my knee's think they are OLD. I was doing fine going UP to the top of that dang ridge yesterday, but my left knee started complaining on the way back down. It still hurts this morning. I am working on the "thick" part though. Lost twenty pounds so far. I hope to lose twenty more this winter. [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on November 02, 2009, 10:41 AM:
Tim, I think you're ready for the seminar's circuit, with Glenn and Byron, and the Predator University guy. You have all the qualifications. There is one other gentleman in Minneesota that needs to go to SD in order to kill a coyote, so he concentrates on Hunting The Red Fox, locally.

If you can call and kill one coyote in Pennsylvania, they treat you like a god.

What a life, you have tons of women treating ya like rock stars, sleep late, drink Red Bull for breakfast, and best of all a "PRO STAFF" tag after your name on all the message boards. Whoo Hoo!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 02, 2009, 07:01 PM:
Coyotes can pin point the spot in which the screams are coming from, and they can do that from a mile off. When they come to the screams and see a crazy man instead of a rabbit, they associate those screams with danger. If you really MUST elevate the caller so sound carries better, then get a small bipod for it. Placing the caller some fifty yards cross-wind from you will help you kill more of the coyotes that you call. Remember that it was the old fat man with bad knee's who taught you a better method.

Rich i agree with the coyotes pin-pointing the sound from aways off. As far as comeing in and seeing a crazy man i don't see that..
When i start my stand and wave the e-caller from side to side i then place it on the ground and thats where it stays dureing the rest of the stand, not much different than some-one blowing on hand calls.. If the coyotes where seeing all this movement why do they still come in and get killed?? LOL As far as placeing the caller out and away from me to kill more coyotes. I'm not haveing a problem killing the ones i call in. If i call in a double or thriple and kill at least one of them then i just come back a day later and go after the ones i missed. I did that on 4 stands or more last winter and even came back in July and took out two more.. If i have the time to locate and i know where the coyotes are then i just place the caller on the ground, by the way it does have a stand that keeps it up about 12" from the ground. The only time i work the caller in a sweeping motion is if i'm calling cold and i need to cover a large area to keep stands to a minium.. Weither you agree or not its just another tatic i use to get coyotes...
You may have missed out on some of my posts from last winter, do a search and check them out, lots of pic's too!

Tim, I think you're ready for the seminar's circuit, with Glenn and Byron, and the Predator University guy. You have all the qualifications. There is one other gentleman in Minneesota that needs to go to SD in order to kill a coyote, so he concentrates on Hunting The Red Fox, locally.

If you can call and kill one coyote in Pennsylvania, they treat you like a god.

What a life, you have tons of women treating ya like rock stars, sleep late, drink Red Bull for breakfast, and best of all a "PRO STAFF" tag after your name on all the message boards. Whoo Hoo!

No Leonard I'll leave that up to you guys and others from AZ. and Texas.. I'm not into that sort of thing, "Just like to kill coyotes when the fur is prime"" [Big Grin] [Razz]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 03, 2009, 03:25 PM:
tim wrote:"Just like to kill coyotes when the fur is prime""

tim then wrote: did that on 4 stands or more last winter and even came back in July and took out two more.

What you gettin for those July "prime" coyotes [Big Grin]

I would think if you call in doubles,triples or quads you would want to kill more than 1?
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on November 03, 2009, 03:31 PM:
Well, what I want to know; with the whole state to choose from, why are you beating the same spot to death? Good hunting. LB
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 03, 2009, 03:41 PM:
The coyotes i shot in July was a favor for a rancher, no big whoop...

I would think if you call in doubles,triples or quads you would want to kill more than 1?

Thats the plan but it don't always work that way, besides there is always the next day.
As for the july coyotes i did get a double out of a possable thriple. [Razz]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 03, 2009, 03:44 PM:
Well, what I want to know; with the whole state to choose from, why are you beating the same spot to death?
Its a nice little area and seems to always have a few coyotes around. Like i said before if you want to come up and kill a few Dakota coyotes just say the word.. [Smile]

P.S. Maybe we could have a Cronk Monday or a wiley-one tuesday.. [Wink]

[ November 03, 2009, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: TA17Rem ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 03, 2009, 04:07 PM:
Tim the mange still really bad where your calling by Eagle Butte?
Do you need a tribal license where you hunt?

[ November 03, 2009, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on November 03, 2009, 06:41 PM:
Yes there is still some mange around but not as badd as two years ago. A few coyotes i took just had a touch of it and one that Randy called in for me was in pretty tough shape..
Yes a tribal lic. is required and permission from the rancher.. I have to check in with the Game dept. when i go back out again they may have a free pass for me to hunt where i want without haveing to knock on doors but i won't know till i get out there....
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 06, 2009, 03:47 PM:
Ok we went from Rich wiring in a connector wrong to 40 boards being fried this seems to be going as usual.

No, the point was how many "need" to be damaged before the minor fix is installed for the benefit of the customer???

Bill when will you add to your site??? I'm waiting for more information and knowledge??? I keep looking for more and "sigh" the site remains the same!!!!

[ November 06, 2009, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 18, 2009, 02:29 PM:
Bill thanks for posting your definition of CD quality on your site.Can't say as I learned much from it as I left confused you stated most wildlife can be recorded below the CD threshold because "most" don't go above 22Khz and you called it "just" a standard, then on your caller page you make it known under No.1 your the first and only to design a CD quality caller? So is it needed to be CD quality or not? Seeing how you stated "most" can be reproduced at a lower sampling rate anyhow? I'm confused??? But at least you posted something as promised.

I see you removed names like Peter Marvin aka "Snitch" and Gary C. what's up with that????? I thought you where going to go into more information on those two???? Will we see more in the future on these 2 guys???

[ November 18, 2009, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on November 19, 2009, 06:40 PM:
This has been a very interesting topic. I learned a little about a caller and a BUNCH about some people.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on November 19, 2009, 10:18 PM:
Welcome to The New Huntmasters, oslo. Glad to have you on board.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on November 20, 2009, 03:16 PM:
Thank you Leonard!
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on November 20, 2009, 03:29 PM:
Do I know you? Are you a member of a club?
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on November 25, 2009, 07:18 PM:
Prolly not, I just sit on the side lines and read, laugh and shake my head at some of these threads.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on November 26, 2009, 06:03 AM:
Oslo why sit on the sideline and laugh? If you have something to interject feel free to do so. WE can all learn something from one another.
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on November 26, 2009, 01:06 PM:
I have nothing to interject. The thread is fine, just seems as though
no matter the subject or the site, same people are there to argue and name call.

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