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Posted by MI VHNTR (Member # 3370) on December 18, 2009, 06:39 PM:
Finally, a programmable caller from wt. Welcome to the 21st century wt. Plus, a new remote in the works that is supposed to be similar to the FoxPro TX 500. How's that for "innovation"? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on December 19, 2009, 09:38 AM:
truth is, that Programmable caller is exactly what alot of people have been waiting for. It will sell like hot cakes. Who cares what the remote resembles, the sounds WT offers is where it is at!
Posted by MI VHNTR (Member # 3370) on December 20, 2009, 05:25 PM:
The FP callers have been user friendly for years. Do you mean the wt "cd quality sounds" are where it's at? If so, which definition of "cd quality" are you using?

[ December 20, 2009, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: MI VHNTR ]
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on December 20, 2009, 06:25 PM:
I am not using any "definition" or saying that the sounds are "CD" quality or anything like that. The WT sounds are ALL animal sounds not man made. I know FP are bringing more sounds to their callers as they slowly get them, they are trying to do what WT has been doing all along. You are trying to knock a product that has been long awaited for and desired. FP is not the only company that tries to cater to the demands of the customer.
I am not brand loyal because I have them all, but this brand bashing and flag waiving has gone on for to long.

I think it is part of the reason that Predator Masters is the dead bloody load that it is today.
Posted by MI VHNTR (Member # 3370) on December 21, 2009, 11:04 AM:
No "brand bashing" of a product, just commenting on the wt claim of product "innovation" and they are so far behind the times in this respect. A person with a clear outlook can see this quite easily.

FP, and others, have made their callers user friendly for years. Now wt is trying to do what FP and the others have been doing all along, but wt claims to be a "world leader" and "true innovator". What a pile of BS.

It's too bad that you got your knickers in a twist over defending wt and their claims, including the "cd quality" garbage. Then again....
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on December 21, 2009, 03:17 PM:
Then again....????

My knickers are not in a bunch and I am not defending anything.
I was just trying to have a healthy good spirited conversation with you.

Sorry that you got all throttled, I won't comment any more on the
subject. It is nearly Christmas and don't want anyone being mad over something petty.
Posted by turboranger (Member # 3349) on December 21, 2009, 06:05 PM:
Plus, a new remote in the works that is supposed to be similar to the FoxPro TX 500. How's that for "innovation"?
Hmm the sarcasm in that statement is pretty funny . Are LCD screens a new technology or an "innovation" created by Fox pro or any other caller company for that matter? Last I checked LCDs have been used in many devices out there in the market. I am also pretty sure the radio technology in each transmitter would still be quite different. Since we are going down that road, then why is the Fox pro caller that you see getting a large amount traction on the boards (the CS24), one that looks an awful lot like the the former WT MS model? Why was that practice of copying the WT design vehemently defended as ok when the CS24 first came out and now the mention of a similar remote ridiculed?
just commenting on the wt claim of product "innovation" and they are so far behind the times in this respect. A person with a clear outlook can see this quite easily.
If you want to talk more about innovation, then is the siren speaker in the Fury or the super sized Mcdonalds drive through speaker in the Prairie Blaster considered an innovation as well? I personally think that the MA with its WT designed speaker, blows away any other system I have heard in volume and quality of sound and is pretty darn innovative.

[ December 21, 2009, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: turboranger ]
Posted by MI VHNTR (Member # 3370) on December 21, 2009, 07:10 PM:
Hmm the sarcasm in that statement is pretty funny . Are LCD screens a new technology or an "innovation" created by Fox pro or any other caller company for that matter? Last I checked LCDs have been used in many devices out there in the market. I am also pretty sure the radio technology in each transmitter would still be quite different. Since we are going down that road, then why is the Fox pro caller that you see getting a large amount traction on the boards (the CS24), one that looks an awful lot like the the former WT MS model? Why was that practice of copying the WT design vehemently defended as ok when the CS24 first came out and now the mention of a similar remote ridiculed?

Who mentioned the LCD screen as an innovation besides you? At this point, wt doesn't use FHSS for their remote operation. Perhaps you can fill everyone in on what wt will use in their new remote.

As far as the CS-24 goes, ask bm why it was introduced. While you're at it, maybe you can see which definition of "cd quality" is the flavor of the day.

If you want to talk more about innovation, then is the siren speaker in the Fury or the super sized Mcdonalds drive through speaker in the Prairie Blaster considered an innovation as well? I personally think that the MA with its WT designed speaker, blows away any other system I have heard in volume and quality of sound and is pretty darn innovative.

Since you are wt leg humper, I would expect no less than this glowing, "unbiased" report of any wt product.
Posted by oslo (Member # 3517) on December 21, 2009, 08:10 PM:

Just let it go, don't turn this place into Predator Masters II.

Happy Holidays!
Posted by turboranger (Member # 3349) on December 22, 2009, 07:09 AM:
Who mentioned the LCD screen as an innovation besides you? At this point, wt doesn't use FHSS for their remote operation. Perhaps you can fill everyone in on what wt will use in their new remote.
MIVHNTR ok so you ruled out an LCD and we aren't talking knobs and buttons.Curious as to what makes you think they are going to change their current radio technology? Their current transmitter is pretty darn reliable well out past an effective calling range. I really doubt if it that piece is going anywhere.

Plus, a new remote in the works that is supposed to be similar to the FoxPro TX 500. How's that for "innovation"?
MIVHNTR since you started this little diatribe the honor is all yours. Maybe you can educate us as to what you were talking about in the first place in regards to being similar to the Foxpro and your comment about "innovation". I am really very curious if you know something that I don't.

I have however heard rumors though that satellite technology is in the works. Just think we might be able to call the over abundance of western coyotes to those of us here in the east. MIVHNTR I do hope you have figured that whole east and west thing out by now [Confused]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 22, 2009, 08:07 AM:
Hello, Boys! This is like old home week! How we spend our recreational minutes and hours is a personal choice. The Internet is much better than fighting and biting in bars, right?

Now, where's that Wookie guy?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on December 22, 2009, 08:31 AM:
And yet again;......... it starts anew.


Somebody wake me up in about eight pages.
Posted by MI VHNTR (Member # 3370) on December 22, 2009, 09:34 AM:
Well b martz, oops turbomartz, billranger, et al, I see that the mouthpiece has spoken again. I also know a mindless minion of bm when I see one.

The word "innovation" comes right from wt. B*tch at them. I didn't write it. A programmable caller from wt! Talk about "innovation" LOL!

I figured that all of you leg humpers had to recite the wt home page word for word every day. Otherwise, bm might throw another tantrum and ban you from his products.

There's no diatribe here. I'm just relaying a message from another wt and martz leg humper. So, if you want to whine about it, locate him and then you can start with your ridiculous rantings. Remember, repeat it just like bm has told you to say it.

Since you have a hotline to bm, see if bm will finally tell eveyone which version of "cd quality" is applicable to his new callers. He changes that definition quicker than most people change their socks. Of course when bm does change the definition, it's for his own benefit only. There's no sense to let the real facts get in the way. After all, selling an ecaller is what it's all about.

Added on edit. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

[ December 22, 2009, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: MI VHNTR ]
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on December 22, 2009, 09:53 AM:
MI living room vhntr:

Hey, did you get a compass yet?

Bill Martz
Posted by Bill Martz (Member # 378) on December 22, 2009, 09:56 AM:
"Now, where's that Wookie guy?"

Probably passed out at the local igloo saloon.

Bill Martz
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on December 22, 2009, 10:13 AM:
MI VHNTR, the last 3 callers I've purchased have been Fox Pro's. I've met Mike Dillon and like the man and the company but if this crap doesn't stop the next caller I get will be from Mr. Martz if he'll sell me one. (I plan on one anyway)

You guys are doing way more harm than good, if you worked for FP you would be fired for being unprofesional.

Let me say that I have owned 3 different brands of e-callers and have had problems with them all including FP. Give it up and go hunting, please.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on December 22, 2009, 10:35 AM:
Sorry it took me so long to get over here boys, looks like another fun time. Martz, got a few quick question for you on YOUR definition of "CD Quality". You say it's a "Manufacturer's Standard", yet you used that standard to pump your products for years, even claiming the 44.1kHz frequency. Why was it alright then to use that 44.1kHz frequency and their standard, yet now it's just some "Manufacturer Standard" that your product didn't meet? Why is it that your callers only reproduce 32kHz? What happened to all of the bandwidth above 16kHz on that baby rabbit and whitetail fawn shown on your Sound Tutorial portion of your website?

Your "sound tutorial" even goes so far as to say that "coyotes can hear up to 45 thousand cycles per second". Why throw out those upper frequencies and only produce a 32kHz unit when you are missing the true upper bandwidth? You're a manufacturer of an audio device, why not at least meet the standard of 44.1kHz, not YOUR twisted definition of what you think it is? Will people be able to play 24bit 48kHz sounds when you offer the "programmable" upgrade in the near future? People should be able to play 24bit 96kHz sounds, since according to your website they can sample 96kHz 24bit sounds? You should update the size of the Mighty Atom too on your website, the one I have has a larger dimension on the outer flange (it's rectangular, not 5"x5" square). If you can't get a dimension correct, why would we expect more technical items to be correct? Can't wait to see your Prairie Blaster comparison, even your own customers are praising the louder and clearer sounds from it over the Mighty Atom.

Merry Christmas Everybody!!! [Smile]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 22, 2009, 10:52 AM:
Reminds me of a very old joke.

In prison, the new guy listens to inmates in the other cells calling out numbers, followed by laughter from all the rest.

Finally he can't stand it any longer and asks what the numbers mean and why everybody giggles and laughs ?

So, the guy in the next cell tells him that they have been there so long that they have told the same jokes so many times for so many years, that they decided to number them and just shout out the number and let everybody have a good laugh instead of waiting for the punchline.

The new guy thanks his friend and the numbers and the laughter continues for quite a while until somebody shouts, NUMBER 5! There is total silience, so the new guy asks what the deal is with that?

His neighbor just shrugs and says; "Some guys just don't know how to tell a joke".

This stuff is total rewind, Groundhog Day, etc. but old home week is old home week. Sorry to butt in.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on December 22, 2009, 10:57 AM:
Good one Leonard. That's just like Joke #56, a true classic about a liar in NH.
Posted by MI VHNTR (Member # 3370) on December 22, 2009, 12:46 PM:
It doesn't take long for the little followers to report to their leader. Perhaps internet access from the secret factory is a bit slow today. Either way, it took 19 minutes for old bm to respond.

C'mon bm, tell everyone which definition of yours for cd quality is the flavor of the day. You must have at least one favorite to tell everyone. Is that what you mean by being an innovator?

TOM64 says: if this crap doesn't stop the next caller I get will be from Mr. Martz if he'll sell me one. (I plan on one anyway)

Go ahead and buy the wt caller. Heck, get a dozen of them. No one cares. You're the one that has to live with your mistakes, not anyone else.

Unprofessional? You may want to check with your pal at wt on that subject.

Added on edit. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. The folks at wt included. [Smile]

[ December 22, 2009, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: MI VHNTR ]
Posted by MI VHNTR (Member # 3370) on December 22, 2009, 05:41 PM:
It may be a bit late, but there is one thing that I forgot about this Christmas season. Hey bm, contrary to your beliefs, there really is boreal forest in the UP of Michigan. So if you need a Christmas tree, there are many available for your needs. [Smile]
Posted by turboranger (Member # 3349) on December 23, 2009, 04:07 PM:
Good one Leonard. That's just like Joke #56, a true classic about a liar in NH.
Peter you seem to know the jokes by number pretty well. Got something you would like to share?
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on December 24, 2009, 06:43 AM:
Nope Martin, just a joke, get over it.

Merry Christmas
Posted by turboranger (Member # 3349) on December 24, 2009, 11:22 AM:
Mine too [Smile]

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Posted by TundraWookie (Member # 1044) on December 24, 2009, 04:35 PM:
You must have been telling joke #48, I missed it at first. Good one though. Just like I missed out on the 35 Yard Lynx about 2 hours ago. That stinkin' cat sneaked in, sat down and walked straight out without one chance at a shot. Oh well...

Merry Christmas Everybody!

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