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Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 02, 2007, 08:11 AM:
Anyone ever tried to re barrel a mini 14 to .17 cal

currious minds want to know.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 02, 2007, 10:49 AM:
Oh Pat, Pat!

Being new, you prolly don't know what a hot button topic seventeen calibet is. And then, you toss in Mini 14, a generally worthless POS.

Well, I think it might have been done before, so let's see if anybody on HM will admit to it. Might as well spend another grand and get it accurized, right?

On the other hand, pairing up what is considered an inherently accurate cartridge with a rifle that has a well deserved reputation for inaccuracy, well, whatever? Miracles do happen.

I have shot your Mini 14, long time ago, if you recall? Sell it or put it way in the back of the safe. No sense in spending money on it, silk purse/sow's ear type of thing, ya know? [Wink]

(just jerking your chain) (and sharing an opinion) FWIW

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 02, 2007, 11:33 AM:
My 182 series of Mini 14 was the most accurate rifle I've ever shot. Pure death on coyotes. I used to feel sorry for them when I took it calling and eventually quit using it for fairness sake.
The ignorant and uninitiated have never learned to hold their tongue just so in the corner of their mouth and subsequently can't hit squat with a Mini.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on January 02, 2007, 11:40 AM:
OH MAN, I just spit coffee all over my keyboard. I think it was back in the 1940,s that I shot my .17 caliber Daisy with the cocking lever open. I figured the little lever would make a dandy rest when shooting prone. Busted all four fingers I think. Hurt like anything. Never had any use for a .17 after that little experience. Daisy corrected the slamming cocking lever problem since that time, but they are still building .17's I guess.
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 02, 2007, 11:45 AM:
Intent was to have a killer round for running shots with no measured recoil, need for a tack driving target rifle would not be needed. Your right about accuracy with my rifle is lacking. I know the .17 is deadly out to 150. Seems like I have never found the right gun for offhand daylight stand away from the rig..

It's fun to dream and tinker even though expense is a factor.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on January 02, 2007, 12:06 PM:
"I know the .17 is deadly out to 150"
Mine wasn't deadly but boy it was hard on fingers. I did bag a cottontail with it once. He was hiding under a shed, and I smacked him broadside at three feet. No penetration, but left an ugly bruise on the meat right there. [Smile]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 02, 2007, 12:40 PM:
For that fast dodging in and out of cover, I really can't come up with anything in my rack, either?

BUT. I think an AR15 flat top with a Bushnell holopoint, or the one used in combat stuations in Iraq
(can't think of the name of that one, right now?)
You need one with high intensity so you can see it in bright conditions, bu they are great for putting the dot on a coyote's nose.

Of course, you can always "whoop them" or bark at them? Worth a try, for sure.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by The Bandit (Member # 960) on January 02, 2007, 03:42 PM:
I shot my .17 caliber Daisy with the cocking lever open. I figured the little lever would make a dandy rest when shooting prone. Busted all four fingers I think. Hurt like anything. Never had any use for a .17 after that little experience.
That brings back memories I had the same thing happen thats right up there with the chunk of hide I removed between my thumb and index finger the first time I shot my Ruger Mark II 25 years ago. [Frown]
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 02, 2007, 03:55 PM:
A mans got to know his limitations
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on January 02, 2007, 03:57 PM:
Like Leonard said the AR-15 and a Bushnell Holo site would be a good combonation. I happen to have both, but i use the Holo site on my 22 buckmark rifle for coon. Also when useing the holo site you aim with both eyes open, the dominet eye will take over and you will be able to pick up a moveing target much faster..
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 02, 2007, 04:10 PM:
I'm talking follow up shots with a semi auto to eliminate barrel jump, the .17 would be like shooting a 22.rim or mag auto with a lot more attitude.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on January 02, 2007, 05:08 PM:
Get an AR chambered in 221 F.B.
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 02, 2007, 05:17 PM:
I have the worthless mini already. If I was going the fireball route I would just download the 223.
All that does is defeat the purpose of a HV killer.

I still think the .17 would have less recoil than either the 223 or the 221 IMHO.

The only problem that may crop up with the .17 would be chambering issues in semi mode.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 02, 2007, 06:26 PM:
I don't think so, Pat. Assuming you are interested in the 17 Remington, the standard magazine, bolt, etc. it would be (I think) a compatable converstion.

But, the AR beats the Min 14 in recoil and the very distracting operating rod on the Ruger. That's probably a fair share of your jump, such as it is? You are a handloader, so you can easily go with a 40 gr. VMax and that should cure part of the "recoil" problem you are experiencing.

Then too, you can sell it to somebody and get something better. I sure wouldn't put good money after bad, depending on how much a seventeen barrel and the fitting would cost.

Of course, you're a plumbing contractor, so cost isn't a factor, right? [Smile]

Good hunting. LB

[ January 02, 2007, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on January 02, 2007, 06:36 PM:
The 221 F.b. has the same recoil or less than the 17. Ok now lets get to the main question, you want to chamber the mini to a 17 rem... Yes it has been done, was it deady accurate No..
Now lets talk about the 17 rem. yes it is a nice coyote round in the proper hands, that means precise bullet placement just like you would do with any other cartridge. Takeing pot shots at a running coyote with a mini is not going to get it done. Take the mini to a gun dealer, bite youre tongue, take what he gives you and get a good bolt action in 17 rem. Then get what equipement you need to reload it and go out and practice and practice. You should have a 1000.00 left over so use that to buy a nice scope and some flowers for the wife....
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on January 02, 2007, 06:47 PM:
Don't pay any attention to TA17Rem , I mean shucks any coyote hunter worth his salt can tell you that a .17 Remington ain't no coyote whacker. Blows holes in fox pelts pretty good though. [Smile]
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on January 02, 2007, 07:28 PM:
I have an AR in .204 for exactly just such purpose. And it will shoot 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards. With all the tricks for ARs I can't imagine why anyone would try it on a mini 14, but hell, it may work. I used to have a mini 14. I was doing some aerial gunning in South Dakota and we were hunting some well educated coyotes and they would head for the draw bottoms and hide out when they heard the plane. Sometimes we could see them, but couldn't get low enough to do any good with a shotgun so I thought I would try the mini 14 to at least get them out of the draws even if I couldn't hit them with it. Then we would make the next pass with the shotgun. All in good theory until we (well, the pilot) figured out that a mini 14 barrel was way closer to his ear and way louder than a shotgun. After the first barrage, I was informed that if I ever shot that particular gun in his plane again, I would be wearing it home.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 02, 2007, 08:11 PM:
TA, I'm pretty sure Pat has a seventeen bolt gun, or he did, last I heard(?) I'm sure he has killed quite a few coyotes with it; this guy is no rookie. I know he had a seventeen back in the early seventies, because we both used to use it. But, Cal sounds like he has a good solution, as well?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on January 02, 2007, 08:20 PM:
I did'nt mean to ruffle any feathers,But like i said the mini is a bad platform for a 17 rem. And i agree with what Cal. stated, the AR would be a much better platform and there are some gun smith's chambering it in 17 rem also. I have not heard anything bad about that combo, but i have noticed that there are alot of used uppers for sale with the 17 rem chambering..
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on January 02, 2007, 08:55 PM:
I've got an AR (in .223) rigged up with an Aimpoint for close and fast and one rigged with a 3.5-10 for precision. Problem is yesterday I had my 3.5-10 gun and shot a bobcat at 10 yards and a coyote at 15 feet, last Saturday I had the Aimpoint rig and killed one at 75 yards or so and had 3 other shots at over 150 yards. If I'm gonna carry 2 guns, ones gonna be a shotgun.

As for the .17 rem, I've been thinking on building an upper for quite some time now. My only downside is I don't like a 24" barrel on an AR and I've been told the 17 needs a long barrel for the velocity, that makes it do the magical things it does. Anybody know how a 20" gun would do.

Accuracy Systems does do the mini 17rem for $749.00 in blue and $789.00 in SS. AR still makes more sense to me.
Posted by Pilgrim on Earth (Member # 314) on January 03, 2007, 05:34 AM:
I have an AR in .204...
Me too, Cal. This is my 2nd season using an AR .204 exclusively and I absolutely love it. For me, it's the perfect coyote gun.
Posted by Kelly Jackson (Member # 977) on January 03, 2007, 06:25 AM:
Tom64 - I had been thinking of buying another upper and putting an EO tech.
Now I am thinking of drilling and tapping the free float tube then mounting it on my existing upper that carrys a 3X9 loopy....what do you think??
Posted by Rob Love (Member # 723) on January 03, 2007, 06:43 AM:
I got an AR from GA Presision with an Acog and it's provides a quick sight picture on a runner.
But I've got one too many so it's over at Pics if you just wanna see the setup. I had a SureFire Light mounted on the right side so I could hold the front grip and press the button on the back for night calling.
I liked it.
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 03, 2007, 07:36 AM:
This was the type of discussion I was hoping for.

I guess I am still living in the dark ages, boy technologly is great. So now I have to save up to keep up. Now I have a safe full of varminter wanabees and need to make room for high tech.

decisions, decisions.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on January 03, 2007, 08:12 AM:
High tech. is good, but I still prefer rifles that look like rifles myself. Just a personal hangup I suppose.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2007, 08:40 AM:
I think I'm with Rich. Can't get with the concept; assault rifle for coyotes. I guess it's hitech, but it seems aesthetically wrong, to me? Kinda jars my senses. Like slow dancing to Rap music. Not very romantic, for us older girly men, of which, Mr Cronk is a fellow charter member.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on January 03, 2007, 10:38 AM:
They definately ain't for everyone, I remember a few years ago I was going hunting with a guy out in Lubbock, TX. I had to ask if he minded if I brung my AR-15 to hunt with, assuring him I wouldn't do any mag dumps and I was quite shocked that he also had started hunting with an AR. My how times have changed...

Kelly, I have seen an Eo-tech mounted on the side of a tube especially in the 3-gun
match crowd. I like to keep the weight down as much as possible so mounting both just doesn't appeal to me. I've owned 3 Eo-techs and 2 Aimpoints, while both are good for calling in certain circumstances, it's hard to beat a low powered variable scope like a 1.5-5 loopy for an all purpose coyote killer.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 03, 2007, 12:09 PM:
"I know the .17 is deadly out to 150"

I was just about to agree with this quote, then I realized that the two tick marks after the 150 were quotations rather than "inches". LOL

Alright, alright, I have a confession.

I killed a coyote with a .17 HMR while in Nebraska. Had no choice. All I could carry until the second day of the hunt because of their deer season. We first spotted him at about 400 yards and called him right in. I hit him dead center looking straight on, he reared, then ran a circle about 150 yards long before piling up. Q turned around, shook my hand and I said, "I just killed a coyote with a .17 and I'm not admitting it to anyone!!!". But now I must. Please forgive me, PAKmen.


This is him and me. See the dark spot. It was about a 70 yard shot and I told Q afterwards that considering the distance he ran post-impact, you'd never have recoverd this coyote where I call. He'd have made it into cover and there was no real blood trail.

Now, as a recovering Mini addict, you not only have to hold your tongue just right, you gotta be one with the rifle. Sure,... after that first shot, no two shots will hit in the same place. It's the nature of the beast. You just need to learn to shoot randomly, too, and shoot enough times at each coyote that the odds fall your way and one or two flyers lines of with the random impact points being generated by the gun.

[ January 03, 2007, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by Kelly Jackson (Member # 977) on January 03, 2007, 12:54 PM:
thx you think at 30-40 yards your AR with the aimpoint is more effective (as fast to line up and deliver a kill shot on a moving target) than your shotgun with BB's - since thats the biggest shotsize they let us Okie's play with?

tooslow - not trying to hyjack your post, please forgive me..
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on January 03, 2007, 01:06 PM:
I'm with you Rich and I'll go one step further and say I think lever guns look the best.

With any luck Hornady's new Leverevolution ammo is going to turn a couple into good predator rifles and cause the development of a few new ones as well.

[ January 03, 2007, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: The Outdoor Tripp ]
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on January 03, 2007, 01:12 PM:
Kelly, at 30-40 yards I think any rifle is better than a shotgun without buckshot but I can't hit birds with an aimpoint, so shotgun = faster, aimpoint equipped AR = deadlier. I hate the no buckshot law, with buckshot I would tote my Benelli quite a bit.

Sorry for the hi-jack as well so... does anyone have any info on barrel length vs. velocity with the 17 Remington?
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on January 03, 2007, 01:19 PM:
Tripp, my first "varmint rifle" was and is a Winchester 9422MAG. the last real gun Winchester built. We had 4 or 5 of them in our family and they accounted for quite a few critters till we found out you "need" a centerfire. The lever gun is the original assault rifle.

[ January 03, 2007, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: TOM64 ]
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 03, 2007, 03:08 PM:
Of all the pellet sizes available BB's are the most effective. 40 yard tipovers are the rule, rather than the exception. I reserve the right to hijack my own post.
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on January 03, 2007, 03:45 PM:
My personal opinion is that anything inside the fifty yard mark is in shotgun territory. Rifles are for the rest. I know you can kill a coyote and sometimes more with a rifle that close, but on multiples nothing is easier and faster than a shotgun. (For me at least). As for the old farts thinking that ARs aren't for coyote hunting, I had the same opinion until I started shooting one.
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 03, 2007, 04:01 PM:
Shotgun=min. hyde damage.

Over under shotgun rifle combo not a bad way to go either.
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on January 03, 2007, 04:23 PM:
Would you recommend copper plated BB's or what? I bought some #2 lead 3" loads, which were the biggest I could find and still got some runners past 40 yards. Maybe I need to do look into this again. I do have a pretty good idea what #4 buck will do. [Big Grin]

Cal, what's your setup in .204, barrel length, tube etc.
Posted by tooslow (Member # 1063) on January 03, 2007, 04:35 PM:
I use Winchester 3" copper plated BB's, they seem to hold a tighter pattern than any of the bucks, I seem to like .17, majic for me., you just have more hits that add up to more energy.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on January 03, 2007, 05:42 PM:
Does Gerry Blair still carry 'ol Moosedick?
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on January 03, 2007, 06:47 PM:
"As for the old farts thinking that ARs aren't for coyote hunting, I had the same opinion until I started shooting one."
I would LOVE to shoot one of those ugly things. Is there a bounty on em?
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on January 03, 2007, 07:18 PM:
I'm a big fan of copper coated BB's or Hevi Shot Dead coyote. But the new super fast tungsten and alloy BB loads are way faster than traditional lead and we have been playing with some of them with spectacular results. No matter what you shoot, you really have to play with some different choke tubes to find what works best. I used to shoot some 4 buck but always had hell getting it to hold a decent pattern after about 30 yards. But if you get it into the coyote it does seem to kill them. Just remember that if you get a choke that will get you a good pattern at 50 yards it is going to be the size of a doorknob out to 20 or so.

My 204 is a 24 inch on a Bushmaster Lower. I would like a little lighter barrel than I have but the length is OK. I could go with a 20 or 22 and be happy though.

[ January 03, 2007, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Cal Taylor ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2007, 09:19 PM:
Just for the record, a reminder. Hijacking a thread is not only allowed, but encouraged, on Huntmasters.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on January 03, 2007, 10:01 PM:
Hijacking? Hmm...

Hey, I think Osama Bin Laden's kinda cool. What do ya'll think?
Posted by Kelly Jackson (Member # 977) on January 04, 2007, 06:50 AM:
Cal - do you carry both your AR and a shotgun on your stands?
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on January 04, 2007, 07:30 AM:
Trip: yes Gerry still carries moosedick. the oridgnal has been retired and the one he carries now is a Rem SP 10 Ga.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on January 04, 2007, 01:52 PM:
Wish I had old Moosedick in my living room.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on January 05, 2007, 01:50 PM:
"I'm a big fan of copper coated BB's or Hevi Shot Dead coyote. But the new super fast tungsten and alloy BB loads are way faster than traditional lead and we have been playing with some of them with spectacular results."
BINGO!!!!! Cal has just confirmed what I have been thinking. Cal, you have been reading my mind! [Smile] Since the tungston alloy fodder is heavier than lead, this tells me that I can go down in shot size for more dense pattern. Since the tungston fodder is so hard, they use thicker wads to protect gun barrel and choke tubes, which in turn means less weight per load than they use in lead fodder. Less weight with heavier pellets tells me that there are less pellets in a load of tungston BB versus LEAD BB. The fact that Cal is getting spectacular results with tungston BB tells me that BB is probably beter than the T shot they usein Dead Coyote. I would like to try some tungston fodder in size #2 birdshot myself.
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on January 08, 2007, 06:44 AM:
Kelly, I do carry two guns alot. Either the AR or a bolt gun, and the shotgun. My shotgun is a Bennelli M2 with a 22 inch barrel so it is fairly light. It kind of depends on terrain and what I think will respond. I have a system now that is OK. I carry my shotgun slung crossways on my back and my rifle slung over my right shoulder. Nothing bangs together much.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on January 08, 2007, 02:32 PM:
Cal who was the pilot of your mini episode? I have seen no negative results from using the "T" shot size for coyotes out to 50- 60 yrds. Your also going to have the T shot hit harder on the coyote versus the smaller BB's at extended range as well correct?

[ January 08, 2007, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: coyote whacker ]

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