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Author Topic: Coyote calling demographics
"There are some ideas so absurd only an intellectual could believe them."--George Orwell.
Member # 7

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 01:35 PM      Profile for Cdog911   Author's Homepage   Email Cdog911         Edit/Delete Post 
Leonard: "I think you have framed the discussion quite well."

You only say that because he listed your name twice. You Ho. Well deserved. [Smile]

(And BTW, it's "ho" without the "e". A hoe is a garden utensil. Source of information - my 14 y/o son. I don't know no ho's. Then again, I didn't know he knew any either. [Eek!] Credit where due. Also, if we're giving credit where due, wouldn't we all just say Alcorn and call it good?)

(I don't yet know that I have any idea what Scott's point is, though. [Confused] )

I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something; and, because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

Posts: 5438 | From: The gun-lovin', gun-friendly wild, wild west | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Jay Nistetter
Legalize Weed, Free the Dixie Chicks
Member # 140

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 01:38 PM      Profile for Jay Nistetter   Email Jay Nistetter         Edit/Delete Post 
No mistake made.LOL!
I think of all of 'em as garden Hoes.

It's a tough row to Ho.

[ December 28, 2005, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]

Understanding the coyote is not as important as knowing where they are.
I usually let the fur prime up before I leave 'em lay.

Posts: 1006 | From: Arizona | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 02:05 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
I always thought "ho" was eubonics for black women? No offense.

Lance, no question about it, you give well you should. [Smile]

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31462 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Knows what it's all about
Member # 49

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 02:09 PM      Profile for Bill           Edit/Delete Post 
I think I get it now. This was Wiley E's Christmas joke. Ol' Saint Nick says " Merry Christmas, Ho, Ho Ho", while pointing at you and you and YOU!


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Rich Higgins
unknown comic

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 02:17 PM            Edit/Delete Post 
Hey Byron,
you wrote
"All these new callers calling MY areas. Calling MY coyotes. Makes me want to cry." Etc.
Was that in response to my post to Wiley?

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resides "back east"
Member # 228

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 02:37 PM      Profile for JoeF   Email JoeF         Edit/Delete Post 
I'd change my login to Joe the Ho(hoe) except I haven't cleared a penny on a coyote since I quit trapping 27 years ago at the end of this season.
Joe the Slut just ain't got no swing...

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Todd Woodall
Knows what it's all about
Member # 439

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 03:28 PM      Profile for Todd Woodall   Author's Homepage   Email Todd Woodall         Edit/Delete Post 
Yahoo, I have always wanted to be a pimp!! [Big Grin] Can Jeff and I both be pimps or does one of us have to be a ho? We could run into the old "too may pimps and not enough ho's" situation. That would be bad. [Frown]

I do have a question though. If we all get together and make a video would it be an orgy? [Wink]

I can gaurantee you one thing, you wont see me taking credit for misting. Take that you dead horse. I am going to go aggrivate my pregnant wife, she whines better than you guys anyway. [Roll Eyes]

I vote Bryon for "Pimp of the year". We got to find you some boots with goldfish in the heels.


[ December 28, 2005, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Todd Woodall ]

Texas Predator Pursuit videos
110 hunts on 2 DVD's

Posts: 181 | From: Weatherford Texas | Registered: Nov 2004  |  IP: Logged
Wiley E
Knows what it's all about
Member # 108

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 04:02 PM      Profile for Wiley E   Email Wiley E         Edit/Delete Post 
Lance: "Alright, you're trying to make a point. Fine. So, make it."

I thought I did? With one word I flushed out 3 guilty consciences. LOL! I found that quite amazing considering that I never even mentioned anyone's name.

Lance: "Does this have something to do with Byron? Me? Cal? Ronnie? And if so, what about it?"

Only Bryon, You, Cal, and Ronnie can answer that.

Was my remark intended for you guys? Nope! I haven't seen where any of you have prostituted anything that I told you in confidentiality.

Until this post, I didn't know a Bryon South but it appears he has a guilty conscience or he wouldn't have taken offense to my opinion of the less experienced callers selling the knowledge of the more experienced callers for their own financial gain and notoriety.

I've never met Ronnie nor have I ever seen him in a video. It appears that he has seen his knowledge and experience sold by someone.

Cal and I are friends. He knows exactly what I'm talking about. Cal has the miles behind him and has never acted like he was a self made man. That's why I enjoy hunting with Cal. Cal's motives are right.

As far as you Lance? I don't have any thoughts about you one way or the other and why would you care anyway? I don't give a sh*t what anyone thinks of me or my opinion why should you?

RB: "I suppose that to give credit where credit is due, my next video will be two scenes of coyotes getting killed and 72.5 minutes of credits thanking everyone who ever taught me anything. Think it'll be a good seller????"

That statement speaks for itself.

RB: "What I don't understand is Scott's apparent need for a pat on the back (or maybe a cut of the profit???) from whomever he thinks took all this info and never gave him any credit????"

Hahaha! That's funny!

Randy you're really grasping here and as with Bryon's remarks, I have to wonder why? Hmmmm????

Varmit hunter summed up the differences perfectly between those who are genuinely interested in teaching and sharing their experience and knowledge with others on video and DVD and those who are into showboating and prostituting other's experiences and knowledge for their own notoriety and financial gain. The difference lies in attitude and respect. If that offends you, I honestly don't care. Showboats offend me!

The only pat on the back I have ever needed is the distinct sound of yet another 55 gr. Nosler ballistic tip finding it's way home. My feelings of satisfaction comes from my accomplishments with both trapping and calling, not from what someone else thinks of my accomplisments. I have been a lone wolf for the better part of my life and prefer it that way. If I needed a pat on the back it would be because I was insecure in my abilities as a trapper and a caller. I can assure you that such is not the case.

As far as "a cut of the profit", that's another reach. If I wanted to sell my knowledge in trapping, snaring, calling, and M-44s, I would have already done it. I had many offers. Someday I might when I feel I have enough experience and those I teach will not be competing against those who taught me.

I volunteered for one video only to be made to look like a babbling idiot by an inexperienced cameraman who spooked the coytoes. Once bitten twice shy.

As far as not getting credit, that's another reach. I have taught some new callers how to call coyotes and saw this information on a video before this person even had a chance to apply what I had taught him. My friends and I got quite a kick out of that. I didn't take it personal, I just considered the source and moved on. I certainly didn't share anything with that person again.

Funny Randy, I've never met you either yet you think you know so much about me. You don't know sh*t about me and you just made a fool of yourself by proving it.


[ December 28, 2005, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Wiley E ]

Posts: 853 | From: Kadoka, S.D | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Randy Buker
Knows what it's all about
Member # 134

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 05:07 PM      Profile for Randy Buker   Author's Homepage   Email Randy Buker         Edit/Delete Post 

Sounds like I hit a nerve?

Actually what I posted is based on perceptions. In fact that's all any of us have to go on. In fact, that's all you have to go on with me too.

And because I've had the chance to read much of what you've written over the years I've drawn some conclusions. I do know at least what you've chosen to let us know. When you say I don't know you, that's just plain false. I do know you from what you've written. I simply have never met you.

In the case of this thread, I find it very rude that you choose to hint and make inuendo and when someone calls you on it you become sarcastic accusatory. If you've got something to say, be a man and come out and say it.

Scott H. I volunteered for one video only to be made to look like a babbling idiot by an inexperienced cameraman who spooked the coytoes. Once bitten twice shy.

A camera man make you look liek a "babblin" idot? Wow, one tough camera man. [Big Grin]

Scott, you've got an excellent reputation as a coyote hunter. Your people skills are severely lacking though.


Hunting the Red Fox

Posts: 158 | From: Parkers Prairie, MN | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 05:23 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Come on, Scott. You can tone down the rhetoric a notch, I think you were stiring the pot quite well before you started getting specific.

Reminds me of last year at the campout. Higgins wanted to know why I didn't tell him and everyone else, everything I have ever learned about night hunting since I'm not doing much competing anymore. Well, I just don't have a burning desire to offer for free, all that I know, and have it disregarded, or discounted; or used by others and purported to be original discoveries by those intent on padding their own resume. I have seen a number of my theories bandied about on the internet without credit. I must admit, it bothers me, some.

Then, there is the negative opinions on misting. Those are more amusing, than irritating. Ah yes, why do predator hunters have to have such large egos? Is it because they lack in other respects? lol

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31462 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
unknown comic

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 05:33 PM            Edit/Delete Post 
I fail to see any real problem on either side. Yolanda's a Ho and damn proud of it.

Yeah, I see guys with 4 or 5 coyotes under their belts giving advice on how to hunt coyotes all the time. Mostly I just chuckle to myself, but when they start boasting falsehoods to places like Gander Mountain in order to make a buck, I have a real problem with it.

Let's be honest. It only takes a couple minutes talking to someone to absolutely know if he is blowing smoke up your pipes. Sure he can be repeating truisms and bits and pieces of things he's read or watched on TV and I don't really have any problem with that. The real trouble lies when I see other dumb SOB's starting to believe in a false idol when the experience isn't really there.

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Member # 2

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 05:49 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Randy, I really don't see why you are involving yourself? I don't think Wiley singled you out, just because you made a video...and I'm not sticking up for him, either. Who would have read his first remarks and said:

"wow, he's talking about Buker, plain as day!"

You are certainly entitled to an opinion, as is everyone else, but I am a bit puzzled by you taking his comments as personal? Rude, yes, but I didn't read anyone's name into his comments, no one in particular?

You guys use a little restraint or there might be some hard feelings, down the road. Just friendly advice for all concerned. Not a threat, I'd just hate to see someone acquire an enemy over frivilous $hit.

Good hunting. LB

[ December 28, 2005, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31462 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Wiley E
Knows what it's all about
Member # 108

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 05:56 PM      Profile for Wiley E   Email Wiley E         Edit/Delete Post 
RB: "In the case of this thread, I find it very rude that you choose to hint and make inuendo and when someone calls you on it you become sarcastic accusatory. If you've got something to say, be a man and come out and say it."

I don't know how I could make my thoughts any plainer than I have Randy. For your sake I'll explain it again. Any inexperienced caller who ***** an experienced callers knowledge and experience, that was given to him in confidentiatlity, for his own financial gain and notoriety is a prostitute in my opinion. If that offends you, I DON'T CARE! If you see that as "rude", I DON'T CARE! Fast Buck Artists and showboats offend me.

Plain enough for ya?

RB: "Scott, you've got an excellent reputation as a coyote hunter. Your people skills are severely lacking though."

Your opinion of my people skills and $.05 will buy you a cup of coffee at Wall Drug Randy because I honestly don't care what you think of me. I'm not out to win any popularity contests by addressing the issue of coyote calling prostitution. The reactions go with the territory but rest assured I have made my point.


[ December 28, 2005, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Wiley E ]

Posts: 853 | From: Kadoka, S.D | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
"There are some ideas so absurd only an intellectual could believe them."--George Orwell.
Member # 7

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:06 PM      Profile for Cdog911   Author's Homepage   Email Cdog911         Edit/Delete Post 
I don't have any thoughts about you one way or the other and why would you care anyway? I don't give a sh*t what anyone thinks of me or my opinion why should you?

Pretty simple. Because where I work, in the public, it is important to me that I am perceived with at least a minimum of respectand regarded to have some credibility. In short, I respect you - you have earned that with the knowledge you have exhibited. I expect at least a minimum of respect in return. Pretty much what everyone here expects.

The first part of that quote is pretty easy to say, but how well does that work in the real world? Somebody signs your check, at some point, so you must hope that someone respects you.

I've heard tell that you're a pretty good guy face to face and don't doubt that for a fact. Still looking forward to meeting you on the 8th. Be safe getting there.

I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something; and, because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

Posts: 5438 | From: The gun-lovin', gun-friendly wild, wild west | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Byron South
Knows what it's all about
Member # 213

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:17 PM      Profile for Byron South   Author's Homepage   Email Byron South         Edit/Delete Post 

I must have missed your post, did lots of speed reading though some of it. That comment was mentioned because it is a common complaint I hear pertaining to the question WE posed about to many hunters, especially from those that hunt public land. Complaints about the bird, and deer hunters run a close second. Public land is just that public. Everybody has equal rights to it. I wish sometimes we had more public land. So much of Texas is locked up and unaccessable it makes it very tough for me to have much simpathy for guys that can pull over wherever they like to call. I drive by places every day I wish I could call but know I will never have access to. New guys here can't hardly even find a place to hunt unless they have conections, family land or a silver spoon. The lawyers have people so scared that they are afraid to let anyone set foot on their property. Also Texas has very strict tresspass laws (felony= loose hunting rights), jail, and fine)that are stricly enforced. I spend an enormous amount of time maintaining access to the few places I have. I'm not complaining about it. Thats just the way it is. It will probably get worse as populations grow. We can do like the coyote and adapt or we can wither.

I went just now and found your post and see where your coming from. 6 Million people, no wonder you have a hard time.


Don't worry about me, I'm plenty thick skinned but also speak my mind when sometimes I would be better off just keeping my mouth shut. I have never met the elustrious Scott Huber, but just simply didn't like the way my choosen profession was characterized by him, and said so. I work hard at what I do and didn't appreciate it one bit. Still don't. I'll try to do better in the future to either agree or just keep my mouth shut. No wait, on second thought I will speak my mind or just get my hat and leave. Which ever is better for you and your flock you let me know.


Damn man, your on a roll. You have skillfully bent my words around into things I have not said. I'll admit your good at it but I won't play your game. I find it childish and petty, not to mention rude. I have nothing else to say to you and certainly don't feel any need to defend anything I've done. You drew me in with your rude behavior and insinuations but I'm not playing along. You had me for a while though. Your good at stiring shit. I'll certainly give you CREDIT for that. You must be proud.


You know me. Do I have an Ego? [Confused]

See you "Pampass Assholes" later.

Byron [Big Grin]

"Coming to the Call" predator hunting videos. Volumes I, II, III and IV. Order two or more and pay no S&H

Posts: 313 | From: Texas | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Tim Behle
Administrator MacNeal Sector
Member # 209

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:21 PM      Profile for Tim Behle   Author's Homepage   Email Tim Behle         Edit/Delete Post 

You just stated the reasons I used for leaving you off of my list. I can't call you a coyote whore, because you have a ton of hunting knowledge, and refuse to sell it to anyone.

I can't call you a coyote slut, because you won't give it away for free either.

You come close to being a pimp by running this board, but you refuse to profit in any way from it.

Therefore you are just a hell of a good guy in my book.

Pimp Daddy Gerald is the only pimp I can think of on the board.

He makes money off of coyote hunters and wanna-be coyote hunters, but not by actually doing the dirty work, He organizes and builds the customer base, therefore keeping the coyote whores busy.

Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take
an ass kickin'.

Posts: 3160 | From: Five Miles East of Vic, AZ | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
resides "back east"
Member # 228

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:22 PM      Profile for JoeF   Email JoeF         Edit/Delete Post 
Wiley/Scott, go back to your original unqualified statement #2 in your original post and ask yourself why ANY person who had ever made a video would be offended.
Your subsequent posts have qualified that some, but the opening shot was there. Gerald, Byron, or anybody that has made a video could look at that and take offense.
As a casual observer with no dog in this fight it reads that anyone who ever made a video is a prostitute. Period. It's there in black and white.
You're really not setting on the higher ground that you'd like to claim now.
Blame it on the fragileness of the medium, that may not be what you meant, but it is there.

Re-read it and see what you think.
Leonard, you defended the opening shot. Re-read it and see what you think.

Posts: 646 | From: Midwest | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Wiley E
Knows what it's all about
Member # 108

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:22 PM      Profile for Wiley E   Email Wiley E         Edit/Delete Post 

[ December 28, 2005, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: Wiley E ]

Posts: 853 | From: Kadoka, S.D | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Wiley E
Knows what it's all about
Member # 108

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:25 PM      Profile for Wiley E   Email Wiley E         Edit/Delete Post 
Fair enough Lance!

The fact that you were not offended by my thoughts on coyote calling prostitution speaks well of you. See you in St. Francis.

Good post Leonard!

People's reactions say alot about them doesn't it? Some self evaluate while others puff up and take offense. LOL! Kills me!

I was thinking about Vic Carlson's video today. It's obvious to any seasoned caller that there is information in that video that is original and unique. Specifically in regards to learning coyote body language and applying certain stand set ups for varying habitats. Obviously useful information. He's also held his ground on the use of a .17 and when you see the habitat, you understand why it works for them. I have no problems with videos from someone with experience like Vic, who isn't parroting someone else's knowledge and experience as his own. The CG video is a perfect example of a video backed with experience and originality.


Posts: 853 | From: Kadoka, S.D | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Wiley E
Knows what it's all about
Member # 108

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:36 PM      Profile for Wiley E   Email Wiley E         Edit/Delete Post 
BS: "Damn man, your on a roll. You have skillfully bent my words around into things I have not said. I'll admit your good at it but I won't play your game."

Nice try Bryon but that's impossible when responding to your exact quote.

BS: "Your good at stiring shit. I'll certainly give you CREDIT for that. You must be proud."

Why thank you! If I made everyone think a little about this topic, then I accomplished my goal. If I offended you, then perhaps you have a guilty conscience.


Posts: 853 | From: Kadoka, S.D | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
resides "back east"
Member # 228

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:36 PM      Profile for JoeF   Email JoeF         Edit/Delete Post 
On a lighter note...

Tim, does that mean that Leonard is a "tease"?

Posts: 646 | From: Midwest | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Randy Buker
Knows what it's all about
Member # 134

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:37 PM      Profile for Randy Buker   Author's Homepage   Email Randy Buker         Edit/Delete Post 

I didn't take it as personally as it may seem. These written words are hard to express as meant, sometimes.

Scott painted with a broad brush in a negative manner. You'll notice those who felt the brush stroke being folks who've made a dollar or two in this game.

I just felt it unfair and like I said in my first post, I suppose I should keep my mouth shut but it's just not my nature.

I am actually pretty easy going and don't get riled too easily. What Scott says or alludes to in regards to me really has no bearing on how happy I'll be again tomorrow. I've been around these boards too long to let this kind of thing get to me personally.

No harm, no foul.


You said: Your opinion of my people skills and $.05 will buy you a cup of coffee at Wall Drug Randy because I honestly don't care what you think of me. I'm not out to win any popularity contests by addressing the issue of coyote calling prostitution.

I'll take that cup of coffee. On the other points, we are dead even. I don't care what you think of me either. And, I totally agree that you don't win any popularity contests.

You also said: People's reactions say alot about them doesn't it? Some self evaluate while others puff up and take offense. LOL! Kills me

Reactions are funny that way. They tend to be a result of someone's ACTIONS. Those who fail to evaluate their actions and how others may potentially react are simply revealing a huge ego and disregard for others. As I said before... Your people skills are terrible. I'll take that cup of coffee now. [Big Grin]

Hunting the Red Fox

Posts: 158 | From: Parkers Prairie, MN | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Byron South
Knows what it's all about
Member # 213

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:38 PM      Profile for Byron South   Author's Homepage   Email Byron South         Edit/Delete Post 

Thank you. That was my precisely my point before it got diluted.

I'm realitively new to these boards (2 years or so) and all the quirky personalities. I find them ammusing.


"Coming to the Call" predator hunting videos. Volumes I, II, III and IV. Order two or more and pay no S&H

Posts: 313 | From: Texas | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 548

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:53 PM      Profile for 17vforcoyote   Email 17vforcoyote         Edit/Delete Post 
I am new to calling and enjoy getting as much information as I can on the subject. I am offended by the referral to "prostitution" in as much as it makes me a "John". I respect those who are knowlegable on a subject and not afraid to share their knowledge with others. So may I send my thanks to all of you that share your knowledge in print or video. Those that questioned the use of the term "prostitution" such as Cdog911 and Byron South had every right to do so and I have enjoyed all of their articles or videos. Byron said it best. No point in wasting time on such comments. Again thanks for the info.
Posts: 3 | From: Idaho | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged
Rich Higgins
unknown comic

Icon 1 posted December 28, 2005 06:58 PM            Edit/Delete Post 
Scott enjoys calling coyotes and he enjoys calling coyote callers. He sends a dog out to make a pass and see if anything follows it back. Scott does the same thing with a post. He got a lot of takers with this one. It's always interesting to watch him position and work the responders.

Ho! Ho! Ho!
(What the hell does Santa mean by that?)

Save a mouse--- Eat a pussy

[ December 28, 2005, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Rich Higgins ]

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