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Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on December 31, 2003, 04:56 PM:
Man, I gotta start hanging out with a saner group of people.
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on December 31, 2003, 05:30 PM:
cdog.......we are all plum nuts! Some, more so than others, but not me. Nah, not me! Yeah right! [Big Grin] Happy New Year to all of you "Fruit Cakes!"

Take care.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 31, 2003, 06:20 PM:
I'm taking this pretty hard. JohnHenry has proclaimed that misting is a hoax, and T&PC Magazine needs a lot tighter editorial control.

I was kinda hoping that the big guy would give us a thumbs up, Lance. But, you're right. It's not so much you, as it is a problem with me. I bother the hell out of him.

Is it too late for a retraction? Maybe if I apoligize here, on my little Internet chat board, for my latest, and most ridiculous theory.

You guys need to spend an hour over on the dark side; witness him venting. Man, he's way too smart for the rest of us mortals. 'Cept for Hercules Higgins.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on December 31, 2003, 06:32 PM:
Don't worry Leonard. He's just jealous because you got your name in the magazine first and that makes you more famous than him. He hates that more than anything. If I had submitted the story I wrote for him about his dog Micky, you can bet he'd call it the greatest magazine on Earth, who only had a momentary lapse of judgment for printing your name.

Besides, if the magazine was that bad, why was he hitting me up for more old issues to read just last summer. He wasn't burning them, he was reading them from cover to cover. If he's burning them now, it's only because he was too busy cleaning up month old dog crap off of his living room floor to go out and pick up any more firewood.

Besides, I thought it was a hell of a good article, and as a paying subscriber for two copies each month, ( One goes to a High School library ) I bet they think a hell of a lot more about my opinion, than any non-subscriber.


Do you really think we'd be here if we even knew of a half way decent shrink? I used to read a Board caller "Group Therapy" Haven't seen it in a couple of years, but it'd cost you even more than this one does. Lots of specialty shooting going on there.

[ December 31, 2003, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Tim Behle ]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on December 31, 2003, 06:57 PM:
I found a shrink who told me to go back and give him the red ass. So... I did. By morning, I 'll probably be banned from ever posting there again. I've said it before and I'll say it again. In the words of the man himself, Ernest Hemingway once said, "Screw the critics. If they knew what they were talking about, they wouldn't be critics." It's gonna be tough going "godless", but I'll get by.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on December 31, 2003, 07:15 PM:
Lance you don't have to wait until morning. Your little tirade-verbal scalpel, weilded as a sledge hammer, elicited the expected behavior. You used to be able to handle coyotes as well, before you lost your Mojo. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on December 31, 2003, 07:32 PM:
Lance, I had to take a peek at the black board to see your response. You did very well buddy. I got a good chuckle about the expert from west central Florida.

I wouldn't take it personal. It seems that the guys who know the most about predator calling have all been banned from posting over there. I'd take it as a compliment that you are now "somebody" in the predator calling world. By banning anyone who seems to know something they have effectively stopped all talk about predator calling. Hell, the "Coyote Forum" will go days even at the peak of the calling season without a new topic. If it wasn't for S.Frame's gun talk that place would have dried up and blown away by now.
Posted by Rob (Member # 75) on December 31, 2003, 07:41 PM:
John Henry's excerpt from Freud didn't do anything for me the one's from Gen. George Patton are much better,they always make me wanna kill somethin.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 31, 2003, 07:58 PM:
Cdog, just returning from dinner, and I guess I better go have a peak. I hope you "saved" your comments for we clueless; and posterity.

He's got a whole bunch of scalps hanging from his lodgepole. Welcome to the club!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on December 31, 2003, 09:12 PM:

Did you realize that your scalp has been there longer than any one else? Yours was the second name banned, but he restored Nistetter almost a year ago.

Maybe if Lance had quoted you as saying that you "Owe everything you know about coyote hunting to the great john-henry" you might have been released and allowed to post.

But probably not for long, as Lonny pointed out, he has a habit of banning all of the more knowledgeable coyote hunters who register. There are one or two left I won't mention by name. I'm afraid he'd ban them, just to spite me.

It's really a damned shame too. It used to be one hell of a good board with some of the best information you could find on the net. But he's got the habit of banning anyone who calls him on one of his lies. Now, the only ones left don't know enough about coyotes to catch him, or a few who know better, but are extremely tolerant of his BS.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 31, 2003, 10:10 PM:
Yeah, I do realize that, Tim. Kinda proud of it. He told me that I was on his $hitlist and would likely die there. Happy New Year!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on December 31, 2003, 10:13 PM:
SEEEEEEE????? I told you guys Magic Mist SUCKS!!!

And, well, if you don't like it......."Just go pump your piss bottle!"

LOL Hee Hee Hee snicker snicker LOL

[Smile] ;0 :0 [Wink]
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on December 31, 2003, 10:15 PM:

For real, For real, I'm proud of you! [Smile]
Posted by onecoyote (Member # 129) on December 31, 2003, 11:13 PM:
Happy New guys just need to be happy you lived to see another year. I hope and pray I live to see you all again next year lol
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 01, 2004, 05:14 AM:
Dammit! I got banned. And I'd hoped to start my morning by introducing yet another installment.

Anyone else notice that with 12 hours gone by, John's the only one that's come to his own defense? Sad. Very sad.

Danny, you're right. Life's too short to worry over the likes of intellectual hypocrites like false "gods". I've been writing for about ten years now. Not much lately, but when I can. I learned a long time ago that personal experience will incline many, many ppl to question what I say, and at times, all out disagree. That's okay. Criticism is a part of the business. If you're gonna put it out there, you learn to know that there will be those that will question your credibility. I focus on the letters, e-mails, and phone calls from all over the country, and on one occasion, even from Australia, that I was able to help. Or, that just enjoyed what I wrote. Each of those pieces is read by upwards of 300,000 people in several different countries. At least one of them will think I'm an idiot. I guess this time, that "one" is "god". When 've got sources like those I've featured in recent installments, I feel confident that what I offer is valid and will stand up to scrutiny.

Loco and my kids will gleefully attest to the fact that my scalp won't be much for anyone to brag about, unless you like leather alone. [Smile] My wife gives me haircuts nowadays 'cause I'm too damned cheap to pay a barber that much money for that little work, and a couple times back, I noticed that what little was falling had a silver tint to it. Now, most fellas wouldn't be all that excited about going grey. But me? I'm just giddy that some it stayed around long enough to turn.

[ January 01, 2004, 05:25 AM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on January 01, 2004, 06:25 AM:
Cdog, did you expect anything less?

I enjoyed your article and I believe there is merit in the concept described... I have never personally seen it work, though I have tried it.

I wouldn't worry about the negative reactions to your article as it is a classic example that people are reluctant to accept what they did not help create.

Keep up the great work... I look forward to additional articles in the T&PC. As a life member of the AZ Trappers Assoc, I get it every month and really enjoy it.

Happy New Year everyone. Danny, Let us know when you are having a big open house on that new business of yours. We'll try and get some folks over for some free beer, BBQ and tequila. Gotta have a big bonfire as well.

Carpe Diem;

God Bless;
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 01, 2004, 08:36 AM:
Happy New Year to all of us. [Smile]
Tim, I agree with you. When the Black Paradigm Board was new and visited by now banned callers with long experience, there were some good, in-depth discussions. I visited rarely, the atmosphere even then was too angry and tyrannical for me. What was equally disturbing, and even more pronounced now, was, and is, the "culture of sycophancy" cultivated by Baal, the false god. [Big Grin]
I kinda wonder sometimes, how, with all the betas flopped on their backs, piddling in the air, no one has drowned in urine at Baal's feet.(sorry j-h. just good-natured fun [Smile] )
Lance is absolutely right on. If Baal ever slams on his brakes, he will create a large number of human suppositories. Read Beacon's first reply to Baal on that thread. I was more than a little embarrassed for that person. Beacon really should change his nom de plume to Taillight. [Big Grin]
When Tim and Bruce and Vic left the Black Paradigm Board they took with them the weight of substance as well as the vast majority of knowledge, skill, and experience with only a mouth and his minions remaining, (note: literary license allows me to overlook a couple of notable exceptions such as Stormin and Blaine Eddy. I don't want to offend you guys while I'm happily tweaking J-H)
Objectively, the original Coyote Gods concept, when Vic Carlson was involved, was a marketing masterpiece. I think it had enormous potential to provide a service to the calling fraternity that would become a benchmark for all other boards and forums. Ego and self-promotion can be destructive. Bummer.
Ah well. I will spend the first day of the new year tenting my pants(what is that? the same as blousing?) and mixing a bottle of mist because Tyler and I will take Stormin Norm calling on Sat and demonstrate the technique and effectiveness of "Mystifying Coyotes". Something I will happily do for Baal if he will teach me how to shoot a coyote, how to skin, flesh and stretch all that fur in his barn, how to mount and dismount a mule, how to train an effective and disciplined tolling dog, and how to retain good and loyal friends. [Wink]
Happy New Year All!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 01, 2004, 09:02 AM:
Ah yes, a little tiff with a Deity to start the year off right. The count on twenty-five cent verbage is way up there, I'm always impressed with intellect.

Lance, you have good skills as a writer and I like your style.....that article in T&PC was pretty good, too!

Hercules Higgins, don't sugarcoat it; tell us what you think.

Danny, if we ever lose Andy Rooney, apply for the job, dude.

Loco: what can I say? I love my chick. And, my critters. careful. [Smile]

Tim, Bruce and Vic. I know there are mixed emotions. It's a pity.

All you good people enrich my dull, uneventful life. Thank you!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 01, 2004, 09:32 AM:
Rich, you are too funny! [Big Grin]

Leonard, "mixed emotions"? I guess I don't understand how anybody can be as intelligent as he is on one side of the fence, and a stupid idiot on the other side of the fence.

OH, I want to get into this so bad! I have pulled back the reins since last night, but today, if I get into the "truth serum", things might change.

Take care and Happy New Year to all

Bruce A. Kennedy
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 01, 2004, 09:58 AM:
Bruce, drop those reins and let it run, "Damn the torpedoes-full speed ahead" , put your nose to the grindstone and your shoulder to the wheel or vice versa. Let 'er rip. Catharsis is good for the soul. [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 01, 2004, 09:58 AM:
Rich, go to the source, when you want answers.

But. If I had to guess; let me build a little scenario for you. You are lying in bed watching a Pammela Anderson XXX rated video, covered with a sheet. It usually doesn't take very long to "build a pup tent". Therefore, I believe the suggestion was that misting accords you quite a thrill, viewed from the perspective of a certain "god".

Could be wrong; I never noticed? There is a Freudian element on the dark side, so we ordinary folks may never know, for certain?

Good hunting. LB (& thanks for the email)

edit: allowances for your age, not withstanding: "doesn't take very long"

[ January 01, 2004, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on January 01, 2004, 10:03 AM:
Leonard, I am taking all precautions to hunting with Rich and this magic potion... I went to the surplus store and purchased a protective mask so to prevent inhaling any destructive molecules.

All this reminds me of this guy that went to the DR with a bum elbow; The Dr told him to come back in a week, but to bring a urine sample. Not believing the Dr could tell anything from a urine sample, he had his wife and daughter provide a sample.. He then jerked himself off into the mixture... took it to the dr. The dr left and came back with a print out. The patient asked with the findings were... The dr said well... your wife has VD, your daughter is pregnant and if you don't quit jerking off, your elbow will never get better....

Everyone have a prosperous New Year; Maybe 2004 will be a year when all predator hunters can realize that we all are unique individuals with very distinct opions and varying experiences. We were not created from the same mold, thus what works for you may not suit well with my thinking... but that doesn't make it wrong. We are in the information age and that is all about sharing. The key is taking what we learn and being tolerant enough to apply it before trying to discredit it... Just think if we would have all discredited the literature presented on Viagra... there would be alot of unhappy people in this world today...

[Big Grin]
Posted by tonlocus (Member # 254) on January 01, 2004, 10:09 AM:
You guys need to form a support group. You can call it BUBBA ( B anned U sers of the B lack B oard A ssociation) [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 01, 2004, 10:12 AM:
Just think if we would have all discredited the literature presented on Viagra... there would be alot of unhappy people in this world today...

hear that, Rich? No wonder you don't know what "tenting" means? [Smile]

Good hunting. LB

PS (just kidding, I know you're sensitive)

edit: hey! I like that one, Tony. What do you other BUBBAS think?

[ January 01, 2004, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 01, 2004, 10:30 AM:

Great idea. I act like a Bubba most of the time anyway, so I'm there.

On another note, "god's" comments once again brought up a matter of how old time writers were so much better than those of us today that take "pen to paper". With all the respect to those guys that they are due, comparing them to any of us today is a matter of apples and oranges.

Too often, discussions arise about who your favorite author might be and the thread invariably goes off on a tangent insulting current writers and authors.

First off, I don't expect to ever be in that class of writer. If I am destined to be, it will demand a lot more time and effort than what my life affords me now. Maybe when the kids are grown and retirement is looking me in the eye.

But, more importantly, I believe that the reader must accurately consider the relative difference between their perception of writers today, compared to the perceptions of their youth when they lacked the life experience and the internet to satiate every inquisitive demand they might enjoy. I can go back and read material by Gene Hill, one of my favorites, and it doesn't carry as much flair as it used to. London's pieces were so much more exciting, due in large part to the exotic nature of his experiences. Today, I know several regular guys who do the same thing every year. Today, it's a neat experience, but it's not so over the top.

So, for Johnboy to compare me, or any other contemporary writer, with writers in years gone by is, in short, pointless, without merit, and demonstrative of his ignorance. But, then again, he wasn't writing to impress or accurately inform. He was writing to personally attack in a coward's forum where he knew that those he was insulting would not be able to publicly repond in their own defense. For those of you that hold him in such misguided high esteem, I hope you can clearly see the nature of this mere mortal man and are willing to factor it into your future regard for him. I've never met him personally and have no plans to do so. I can't abide by a man who goes thru me to insult my friends. Seems to me that if he hasn't buried something in your backside yet, it's only a matter of time.
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 01, 2004, 10:36 AM:
Bruce A. Kennedy - A proud member of BUBBA!!!! [Big Grin]

Man I am loving this.
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on January 01, 2004, 11:32 AM:
Hello. My name is Danny. I AM A BUBBA. I have been dry for almost 2 years now.

I made a public apolgy for drinking too much and so I got banned. LOL LOL
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on January 01, 2004, 02:05 PM:
My name is Tim Behle, and I reckon I'm a BUBBA too. But I admit, I don't know for sure. Ever since he decided to turn out his dogs on top of me while bear hunting, and then tell people I shot my bear out from under them ( I didn't, they were off running deer and rabbits miles away ) I haven't made an attempt to see if I was banned or not. If it wasn't for the links that some folks sent me, I'd have not seen this latest flare up either.

Lance and Leonard, I was reminded today, that it may not be all of your fault that he went off on the TPC. Your buddy, hates all Editors. Paul Wait in particular. Like Lance, he has done some writing himself, unlike Lance, he has yet to get published. He has two or three books he's written just sitting there, he can't find an editor to publish them, he has no money to publish them himself, and I guess there are some projects he can't talk his Mother into funding for him.

If you remember a few years back, CG and PM were to have a joint hunt. Paul Wait was asked to attend by several members of Both Boards. Things happened and the boards went their separate ways and had separate hunts. Paul couldn't make it to both hunts, so he picked one. And wrote about the PM hunt, the only one he attended.

So don't worry, he doesn't just hate you, he hates everyone who won't follow his demands.

I hope you all have a great New Year,

Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 01, 2004, 02:45 PM:
Oh, oh, now I see what the tiff is about. Man, I want a piece of this action. I saw God Almighty post the other day and he said he had over 2,000 registered members on his board, and he considered them all family. [Big Grin] Hey JH, how come you only have 5 posting????? Hell, even Charles Manson and Jim Jones had their followers, so I guess you are no different with your 5, huh?

I have said it before, and I will say it again, he is a pathological liar, a fake, a fraud, an imposter, and a scam artist. He is taking the remaining 5 for a big ride, because he is nothing but a "keyboard hunter."

Now, having said all of that, to be fair, I guess he should have the opportunity to come on here and defend himself. How about it JH, one of us is a big liar, so who is it JH? I have about 45 questions I would like to ask you, one at a time, and let you answer them.

I will even give you a peek at the first question. Question #1, since you claim to have over 32 years of trapping experience, how come you didn't know how to skin a coyote; flesh it, and place it on the stretcher inside out? On the same subject, you skinned a few coyotes for visitors to see, and then took them down to your father's garage and they rot. You have never sold a pelt in your life, have you? Here is the second part of this question, since you let those skins rot, tell me, what in the hell is the difference if you let them rot in a garage, or you leave them in the field to rot????? How many people have you verbally destroyed, because they shot a coyote and left it to rot in the field???

OK, one more question. Question #2, in September 1999, Gerald Stewart, you and I sat in my kitchen drinking coffee. Out of no where, you announce, "I have called and killed OVER 2,000 coyotes." Another big lie, and you even had to lie to Gerald Stewart. Those were your words, so will you please tell us the time period of killing OVER 2000 coyotes, and tell us in what general hunting area all this took place? And, while you are at it, if you were so damn good to call OVER 2,000 coyotes in such a short period of time, how come you aren't so damn good now?????

To quote the "God",
......there's almost no technique or story that can't be improved with a little embellishment.........
;, and you are so good at it. People, JH has a photographic memory, and I will give credit, he is very intelligent. He can read anything and he can remember it, years later. Couple that with being a pathological liar, he comes off appearing to be the greatest hunter ever, when in fact, he is only repeating what he read, and all of his hunting has been done on his "keyboard".

JH, you claim to have shot bull elk with a bow, owned all kinds of guide & outfitter supplies (wall tents, camp gear, etc), owned hounds, treed lions and bear, shot buffalo, owned horses and mules, went to 3 different Universities, played football at Purdue (I think that is the right University), was the national campaign director for Gerry Brown (when in fact Gov. Gray Davis was), yes you claim to have done it all. Where is the proof? There is not one single photograph of any kind. There is not a single piece of camp gear. There is not a single mount. You would think you would have a photo of you playing at Purdue, but better yet, how about a photo of you and Gerry Brown. Nothing, not a single shred of proof to back up any of your claims.

And for those who wish to say we are picking on dear ole JH, I want to point this out. I am gone, Tim is gone, Vic is gone, and Vince is gone, all gone from his friendship and board. Gone and for good reason. For those who reamin, better read between the lines.

[ January 01, 2004, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: bucksnort ]
Posted by Steve Craig (Member # 12) on January 01, 2004, 03:04 PM:
"coyote goof" pure and simple. Got kicked off a couple of boards for making that "true" statement those years ago. Dont worry about him Bruce, what goes around, comes around. He will reap what he sows.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 01, 2004, 03:13 PM:
So, Bruce. You fellas ain't getting along, or what?

I've met Paul Wait, at Hercules' place, as I recall? I bet he'd want to know that he needs better editorial control? In performing a Public Service, we should all thank JH for his concerns.

Man, my hat's off to anybody that kills 2000 coyotes, even if it took him several seasons!

Good hunting. LB

All in good fun, folks. The big guy has a great sense of humor, I'm told.
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 01, 2004, 03:28 PM:
I stand by what I said. I posted nothing but the truth, something he is not aware of in any post he makes.

My challenge is on the table, in black & white. I look forward to his answers. Be well advised JH, you do not want to see questions 3-45. But if what I have said is not the truth, be my guest and prove me wrong. If proven wrong, I will at least bring forth an apolgy, something you would never do.
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on January 01, 2004, 04:32 PM:
I am a bit taken back by this thread.

Maybe this is some sort of "western" thing. But it appears there is a whole lot, of what we call back here in the east as "talking out of school".

It truly amazes me, because I am sure we all are not angels here. But some of the things I see going on here, reminds me of Jr high school, or at least a Jerry Springer episode.

Leonard.....I am almost suprised you let something like this continue. I thought this board had a little more class than this.
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 01, 2004, 04:39 PM:
Hodgen, do you have a personal problem with the truth?
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on January 01, 2004, 04:48 PM:
None what so ever bucksnort.

Just making an observation of what I see here in this thread.

But "truth" doesn't justify some of the things I see occuring in this thread.
Posted by illinois farm boy (Member # 250) on January 01, 2004, 04:53 PM:
i don't want ot sound stupid but what website did this happen on [Confused] [Confused]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 01, 2004, 05:00 PM:
I can certainly appreciate your perspective on what's going one here. Tells us all that you're a good guy and wecome to be one of us Bubba's. But, in this case, JH chose to launch an unprovoked public assault on at least two very good men who have chosen to generously give of their time and experience to benefit those who, in turn, are willing to be their friend and treat them with respect. It may sound to you like this is a one-sided debate where JH is forbidden from defending himself. On the contrary, he made that decision himself long ago when he started backdooring people, drawing them into pissing matches, then banning them from his board. If you choose to go around causing other people grief, plan on someday answering for your transgressions. Someone will eventually call you on what you have to say. That's what's going on here. JH has been cordially invited to respond, yet he chooses to remain silent. And you can bet your backside that he's been here and seen what's brewing at HM. You just happen to be overhearing a bunch of good ol' boys who share a common problem venting their frustration over the cause.

On a lighter note, when Paul bought the article, he asked me for more like it, saying that it was the kind of article that caused a "buzz", which was a good thing. Paul won't be offended by what JH said. I'm sure he's heard it before. Good or bad, there are more guys reading my article this week than there would have been had JH kept his mouth shut. Thanks, JH. I enjoy the exposure.
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 01, 2004, 05:05 PM:
But "truth" doesn't justify some of the things I see occuring in this thread
Come on Hodgen, don't leave us hanging here. Tell us what is on your mind.
Posted by RanUtah (Member # 18) on January 01, 2004, 05:27 PM:
Apparently Hodgen dosen't know some of the history that encompasses most of us.

In the last couple of days I've followed the events surrounding this thread. I get T&P and have read the article, it's good BTW. Then I get wind of JH's trash talk. I take a look see. After that I was compelled to write him an e-mail personally in which I did. I find it amazing as to why would a guy wanna lose so many friends. A member gets instantly banned if he posts a different line of thinking. I just don't get it. If it's not the JH way, it's the highway. He's truly the definition of a "legend in his own mind." He will surely die..alone and thats sad. I have never posted over there because I feel it's a waste of time nor have I ever had contact with him. If anyone would like to read the e-mail I sent him, you know where to find me.
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on January 01, 2004, 05:27 PM:
I can appreciate you wrote an article.
That's all well and good and I am happy for you.
I'll probably read it, and judge it's merit someday.

But I think your missing my point.

It doesn't matter who would be involved, or what actually happened. It's how you guys are reacting that's disturbing. As I said, the truth doesn't justify what I see happening here.

I know he has ample oppertunity to reply himself.
But in my opinion, his lack of reply echos one thing. He has more class than to lower himself to the level I see demonstrated here.

Ranutah....I am pretty well up to speed on happenings. I may be from the east, but I get around to quite few western states coyote hunting.
I met my share of characters along my travels. But you'll never hear me talking out of school about them, cuz god knows I ain't perfect.

[ January 01, 2004, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: Hodgen ]
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on January 01, 2004, 05:37 PM:

You've known JH for longer than most of us here, probably longer than any of us. And I have to say I admire your dedication to him. But fortunately for you, he's never taken a shot at your back.

Everything you see here, embarrassing things about him being made public, were brought on by none other than himself.

He made the choice, he could have told the truth. His pride caused his fall, he won't accept help from you or I or his parents, no matter how many times we tried. He shit in his own mess kit, now he has to eat from it.

Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 01, 2004, 05:59 PM:

It doesn't matter who would be involved, or what actually happened. It's how you guys are reacting that's disturbing. As I said, the truth doesn't justify what I see happening here.

If you don't like the truth, then I would suggest you go back over to the Black Board and stay there, because there, you will never see the truth, and it will never be such a personal problem for you.
Posted by Hodgen (Member # 180) on January 01, 2004, 06:11 PM:

As I said before, I don't have a problem with the truth.

I don't hang out on the black board either, but I do follow it, same as this board. I have a message board in PA, that I hang out on, that I call home.

Last thing I got to say on the subject is, about the only thing I agree with, is the title of the thread.
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on January 01, 2004, 06:54 PM:

I remember reading about your bear hunt Tim, and your account of the guy that came rolling in with the dogs. I wondered. Now I know.

A lot of things I've kind of avoided adding 2+2 on are a bit more clear now. It's a dame shame. It really is.

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 01, 2004, 08:33 PM:
by Hodgen:

But "truth" doesn't justify some of the things I see occuring in this thread.
Hodgen, I know you are a friend of Ray's, and that means something to me because I think he's a decent guy; I know him personally.

What I don't understand is how you can appreciate the so called "background" and have read the comments on the black board, and suggest that these people are out of order? I do not control content on this Board, except in the most extreme case. This has not progressed to that point...yet. And, I'm hopeful it will remain objective.

There are a number of people that have been treated badly by JH, myself included. These people, from time to time, get their dander up. What caused all this? I'd say that you need look no further than the thread started by the man himself, and if you read closely, it is easy to see that the slant is not entirely directed at the author of the article, but at the source of the information. That would be me.

I have very little to say about it. (his opinion) About what I'd expect. He's had a big problem with me for many years now. For the most part, I don't poke at him. I've come to understand him a lot more. I feel sorry for him, although it's all done by his own hand.

What I have never understood is the cult of personality that follows him blindly. Before I responded here, I went over there just to get up to speed.

What I found was as expected. Most of his support is a bunch of "Amens" not one of those people admitted to reading the article, much less trying what they believe to be a NEW idea. That's pretty funny. Out here, we have been using this method for over three decades. Ask Ray. In fact, I bet you know it, because you have hunted with him.

So, here we have JH criticizing a technique that he knows nothing about. Something that is quite common knowledge out here, and his lap dogs are blindly agreeing with everything he says! It's asinine. He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.

For that reason, I see no need to lock threads or hush what these people want to say. And, although I can't post over on his board, and wouldn't intrude, in any case; if he desires, he can wax eloquent here, on my dime. But, no, he will continue to "spin" from a safe distance.

You know, it is very true that there are those that hang out here that have been banned from his board. There are people here that have called him friend, drank with him, broke bread with him, even built his black board for him..... But, he has driven them away, a different reason for each one, but he still commands a loyal following.

Personally, I'm not nearly as full of myself, but I am confident in my skill, talent and ability.

If I tell you that "misting" works, and you don't believe it, or choose not to do it, that's up to you. But, only a fool would ridicule a proven method, and reject it out of hand. That's what he is doing. My guess? Because he hates me. Perhaps you think I'm flattering myself, but I'm convinced that I bother the hell out of him.

He doesn't know as much as he thinks he does. He is not the last word, the final authority on predator hunting. Me neither, but I know a few things that he doesn't.

Besides all that, we are just tweaking him a little, he's a big boy and can stick up for himself.

You are to be commended as a peacemaker, but I wonder if you understand how this all began? These little flareups seem to happen with regularity, beyond our control; although I do not want to be misunderstood.

If things get nasty, I fully intend to provide council, and restraint. A challenging job, I might add? As one who dislikes censorship.

Thanks for your thoughts, appreciate them very much.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on January 01, 2004, 08:58 PM:
In response to the question at hand; a daunting task indeed......maybe Dr.Phil?
Now what I really want to know is, what kind of mist bottle do you misters prefer? Ive been using a nose spray bottle. I tried a bottle that had a lever you pump with fingers, but always had a dribble factor going on around the lever mechanism. The nose spray bottle seems to atomize the mixture just fine, any other suggestions?
Posted by Jack Roberts (Member # 13) on January 01, 2004, 09:08 PM:
I realize I am confirming my ignorance, but what is a "nose spray bottle"? Everything I visualize looks real ugly!

Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on January 01, 2004, 09:41 PM:
LOL Jack.

I got a good little chuckle out of that but I'm not real clear on whether you are truly confused!?!? LOL

When a guy gets all stuffed up he can buy a little eye drop looking bottle and squirt the drops up his nose. If you really want to get sophisticated, you can use a nose spray atomizer thing-a-ma-whooper! [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 01, 2004, 11:43 PM:
Gotta hand it to Vic. After all the testimony, he won't join in, except to ask about a piss sprayer!

Well, it does make a difference. I saw that trigger type he was using, and it was empty, as it might be, because those things use too large a dose, and the droplets are too coarse. The problem with that is that much of the "mist" hits the ground ten feet from you, doing no good, at all. You need a much finer spray.

At night, I use a bottle that held a prescription nose spray. Excuse me, Jack; I don't know what else to call it?

But, recently, I have been using a small plastic pump bottle that I got from Walmart. It's about five inches tall, and perhaps 1¼" in diameter. Has a cap. They come in several colors and I think I paid about 50¢ for it? Actually, I have more than one.

This is a handy compromise, holds enough for several stands, fits in any pocket, and sure is cheap enough. To date, I haven't clogged one. Can't say that for my prescription atomizer, it needs to be flushed out with hot water, every day.

However, for floating with the wind currents for hundreds of yards, you can't beat that atomizer. Day stands, I'm not so picky, the Walmart bottle does just fine.

Now, who actually wound up with that Magic Mist I left at the camp? As we were leaving, I saw it being passed around.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 02, 2004, 01:50 AM:
Vic, I use an Industrial Weed and Insect spray bottle. It is the finger-lever type, the lever has a foam sleeve over it and a spray head that adjusts from a very, very fine mist to a stream. Most of this type have a four position head. This one has a friction turn head. All the way to the left is off. On stand and ready to spray I turn it to the right just a hair and one pull on the lever blasts a man-sized cloud of extremely fine mist downwind. This is no limp-wrist, namby-pamby, California latte-sipping, effeminate queer-eye, prescription mister. This is a hairy-ass, chest-pounder of a MAN"S mister (anyone tent their pants?) You HAVE to watch the wind changes. You do not want to be sitting 30 yards downwind from this thing when someone pulls the lever. Just ask Tyler.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 02, 2004, 04:38 AM:
So, Rich, you're saying this is a Real man's, pant-tenting type of mister? A real Bubba's Master Mister? The kind that requires you wear a respirator and a jockstrap to use? Gotta get one. Tell me where. Tell me where.
Posted by Jack Roberts (Member # 13) on January 02, 2004, 08:25 PM:
I just knew that nose thing was going to be ugly. [Roll Eyes]

It looks like an industrial air compressor powered mister might be in order. I can visualize it now. A programable fluidic nozzle with 100 CFM output. Fully programable for droplet: size, shape, and density.

I have an extensive background in fluidics, maybe I could consult on this?

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 02, 2004, 08:49 PM:

Don't think I haven't considered it. LB
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2004, 08:04 AM:
excerpt from my mail:

that was about the most atrocious display of adult behavior I ever saw on any message board.

I Appreciate the thoughts. I assume he means HM, although I could nominate another?

Can't make everyone happy, can we?

The Emperior has no clothes. "If not I, who?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on January 03, 2004, 10:01 AM:
Another proud member of "BUBBA" here. LOL!

Well, it appears the truth hurts very badly. The lack of response by the person in question speaks volumes. And it doesn't have a darn thing to do with the person in question having "more class than to lower himself to the level I see demonstrated here." (That statement had me rolling on the floor. Good one!) He has demonstrated time and time again that "class" is not in his vast vocabulary. Anyone that thinks this fella has "class" needs to put the crack-pipe down.

No lies have been told here. In fact many other interesting facts about the "legend in his own mind" have been held back. Have to commend the self control displayed actually. An open invitation to respond was given. An option many here do not have at the Coyote Clods.

I found ol' John-let em' rot on the stretcher-Henrys, little windbag tirade much more atrocious than anything said here. To be expected from a phony the likes of him though. Standard procedure for liars and phonies.

Like was mentioned, that "other place" was a decent board at first before it started the check your spine in at the door before entering and bow before me policy. Anyone that was a threat or willing to counter something driveled as gospel was banned.

There is a reason he stays in his church. He'd be tarred and feathered anywhere else. All that is left is a handful of members. 2000? Yeah right! In his freaking dreams. Replies to threads come slower than the pages changing on the calendar. He has single handedly changed himself into the biggest joke in the calling/trapping world. Talk about being your own worst enemy.

He should be thankful for the article in TPC however. It almost gave his site a pulse for a second. LOL! I am certain his biggest problem with Trapper Predator Caller is the fact that he is not even remotely close to being either.

BTW, I enjoyed that article very much. I probably won't be packing a spray bottle anytime soon but not because I don't think it works. I enjoy reading of other peoples methods for successful predator calling. It was well written and informative. Looking forward to another.

Take care, Curt
Posted by Drifter (Member # 267) on January 03, 2004, 11:22 AM:
Like many of you, I recently recieved a link to this thread. Leonard, you have the makings of a good board here. By that, I don't mean by it's software or leadership; it's the members and the knowledge that they have and are willing to share that meke a successful board.

Bruce Kennedy, We've talked a few times in person, exchanged some e-mails, and have conversed in posts on a couple of discussion boards. I've always had a certain amount of respect for your opinions and advice that you give. It's a shame to see you ranting on yet another person who was once your friend. Wasn't it a differece between you and an ex-friend that once separated a two board hunt? It seems you carry a grudge to extremes, don't you?

Steve Craig, you've an enviable reputation as a predator hunter. When most others had forgotten where the idea came from for a certain home made caller, it was I who reminded them of it because I believe credit should be given where credit is due. Your friend, Bill Martz, isn't liked very well on these boards either, but I've never been one to degrade him with others. We each have our faults that others may hold against us, so why do aome choose to degrade one another? After all, when the mud flies, it seems we all end up with some on us, don't we?

Tim Behle, I've also talked to you in person and on a couple of boards, and you also have good input to add to a forum. I used to enjoy your posts, but ever since your bear hunt, most of them I've seen are aimed at degrading a once-friend of yours. Kinda funny though, I don't recall ever reading your name mentioned on the CG board in any negative way at all. I only know of your hunt from your own posts. It leads me to think that perhaps a guilty conscience may be driving you to hate the way you do. After all, in your words J-H dumped hounds in your lap, and then they were miles away chasing rabbits and deer. If you got your bear, and the dogs were miles away, what difference does it make where the dogs were? The only one who has accused you on a board that I've seen is you.

Rich Higgins, you were the one who originally invited me to this board. You're another who can add significantly to the info available here. Why is it that you want to cast your name in a bad light by slinging mud? Is there really something to gain by it? or is it simply a desire cast doubt and sling mud at another?

Curt, you're aonther who can add a lot here, and I believe at least some have a lot of respect for you and the knowledge you possess. Why is it that you feel such a need to sling mud on at least a few forums? I've seen your posts here, and at the PM board, and you even got involved in one of Bruce's threads on the HuntTalk board. Is it insecurity or hatred that drives you on?

It seems strange to me to see such noteable predator hunters flocking like magpies. And one thing about magpies; the more that they flock and squak, the more magpies they attract, and none of them has anything to add to the ruckus except more noise.

I've also read the aforementioned article. I didn't really think much of it, but out of curiosity I mentioned it to a good friend and long time caller withour revealing my own opinion. His response was to laugh and then say "I used to be that stupid!".

But then, we're just a couple of unknown callers who are unworthy of such attention as this 3 page thread, and we like it that way.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2004, 11:28 AM:
(this just in)

.....when told that the "other" coyote god was using the misting technique, he bellowed:

"By God; if *** is using that stuff, I'll drink it!"

Sources say, when confronted with undeniable proof; he declined.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2004, 11:41 AM:
Welcome to the New Huntmasters, Drifter. Glad to have you on board. You have dropped enough hints, nice to hear from you.

It's a darn shame when people turn on their friends.

I'm embarassed for all of you; now grow up! (...but, but, he did it first!)

Doesn't matter!
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on January 03, 2004, 11:57 AM:
Oh, yeah!

I guess I did know where that bottle you left behind went to. I must have just forgot to mention who had it when you were asking about it.

Jay tried some when we went out the other day, but I've not been with Vic since then to see how it works for him.


Your right, I've probably beat on a dead horse long enough. But it was a little more involved than what I've ever posted. To clarify about the dogs a little bit, JH brought a houndsman with him as well. The hounds and I crossed paths after I had the bear loaded in the truck and "treed" the truck on the drive back to camp until I found their owner. The Airdorks, never stayed with the hounds and were off running trash in a different direction.

I guess you are probably right in a way. It's all my fault. If I had never told him where I found bears, and where I was going to hunt, he'd have never known were to find them, and wouldn't have had a chance to bring 3-4 other hunters and a dozen or so dogs into the same valley I was in.

I'll do better in the future, I'll never again tell him where I found game. Then if we do bump into one an other, it will be by pure accident.
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on January 03, 2004, 12:09 PM:
Drifter, if I had to choose one of the options given, I suppose it be hatred. Thanks for asking. [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2004, 12:29 PM:
For me, it's amusement, fueled by righteous indignation.

All of which has nothing to do with the merits of the misting method. The comment, "used to be that stupid" says a lot about the man's current mentality. There will always be a few boneheads unwilling, or unable to use good advice.

We aren't talking about some hair brained scheme, dreamed up by a single person. Wake up, it works! People use it successfully. If you want to kiss ten to twenty percent of your animals good bye; well, just don't use it.

But snickering that it "can't" work is the epitome of stupidity. I've got thirty-some years in the woods, that says it works. What you got, sport?

Good hunting. LB

edited for spelling, please excuse.

[ January 03, 2004, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 03, 2004, 02:07 PM:
Drifter, before I respond to your post, I would like to know who you are. What is your name, or can anybody tell me who Drifter is?

Thank you.

Bruce A. Kennedy
Posted by Drifter (Member # 267) on January 03, 2004, 02:17 PM:

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 28 years calling, so you're a couple up on me.

I never said it didn't work. I suppose that would depend on how you difine "work" in relation to misting. If you're looking at maybe confusing a coyote for a second or two, I can accept that it may do that.

If a coyote gets downwind of someone spraying rabbit urine in the air, I'm convinced that, to the coyote, it will smell like a human that a rabbit pissed on. That may confuse the coyote for a second or two, but unless the coyote is unusually stupid, it's not going to fool it for long.

Something that my dad taught me many years ago was to "never stop where you can't shoot". Yeah, I'm human and I goof up, but I try to keep that in mind. A coyote can't smell you from upwind, so I try to keep the area I can't see too well on that side. I try to make sure that to smell me, the coyote has to expose himself. It's not foolproof (is anything?), but it works pretty good in the country I hunt.

If the caller believes it (misting) works, and it gives that caller more confidence in their abilities, it's likely worth packing urine around. In my opinion though, knowing the coyote's habits, and how they are likely to respond to a call because of those habits, will result in far more dead coyotes than anything else.

Besides, ever since Vic Carlson retired, the coyotes aren't doing too good around here and we need to leave a few for breeding stock. [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2004, 02:30 PM:
Okay, good start, Drifter. You say a second or two and I say, at least five seconds. That's how long it should take to put a bullet in him.

But, what do we say when Master Higgins has videotape of coyotes hanging around downwind for 45 minutes, while he is stupidly spraying mist that "can't work"?

It's not the Second Coming, but it (by God) will give you a couple bonus animals every day. What's not to like about that? But, you obviously don't need any help. I'll tell you something: neither you or I have all the answers, and you don't look too smart, to debunk this method, out of hand.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Drifter (Member # 267) on January 03, 2004, 02:41 PM:

I have no beef with you. I've only posted my thoughts after reading this thread. I don't think I've posted anything untrue (other than perhaps my opinions), but if I'm mistaken then feel free to correct me.

While I really have nothing to hide, I would prefer to keep my identity to myself; if only to keep it off of the bashing list for now.

I'm quite sure someone will figure it out before long anyway, but so be it.

Good hunting to y'all.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2004, 03:16 PM:
Now, that's where you're wrong, partner. There is nobody going to bash you around here for voicing your opinions, and I'm a little offended that you assume it to be the case. If you need protecting, I'll do it, I don't care who your friends are.

Be as mysterious as you like, but be also aware that those that decline to identify themselves, risk their credibility being called into question.

Good hunting. LB

Bruce Kennedy, We've talked a few times in person, exchanged some e-mails, and have conversed in posts on a couple of discussion boards. I've always had a certain amount of respect for your opinions and advice that you give. It's a shame to see you ranting on yet another person who was once your friend. Wasn't it a differece between you and an ex-friend that once separated a two board hunt? It seems you carry a grudge to extremes, don't you?


[ January 03, 2004, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 03, 2004, 04:16 PM:
Drifter, you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. It was me who came up with the idea of promoting a hunt and banquet between PM and the God's board. I was doing all the work and I was putting up all the money. Not a single soul was contributing a dime towards that effort. Therefore, that classifies it as a business deal - my money, and all my work. That means I can withdraw my money and my work, anytime I wish. Now, listen to me. There were many discussions behind the scenes, that none of you were aware of. That split, and my with drawl from the PM hunt was by mutual agreement. We went our separate ways, and thus PM has their hunts and banquets today. I went on to the do the hunt and BBQ for the God's group.

The other people you are referring to, are Jay Nistetter and Michael McCasland. That is over with and it is a done deal, and it is none of your personal business, or anybody's as far as that goes. Jay and I buried the hatchet about 2 years ago, and again, none of your business. I will tell you this, before I ever put the Expo site up on the net, I sent Jay and e-mail with my personal invitation for him to attend. I told him I look forward to sitting down with him over a beer or two. Michael McCasland and I have settled our differences, and again, it is none of your business or anybody's. Also, I sent Michael McCasland a personal invitation to attend the Expo, but again, it is none of your personal business.

But this is not about me or what happened in the past. This is about your friend JH and his inability to tell the truth. Drifter, these are his words, not mine.

I will even give you a peek at the first question. Question #1, since you claim to have over 32 years of trapping experience, how come you didn't know how to skin a coyote; flesh it, and place it on the stretcher inside out? On the same subject, you skinned a few coyotes for visitors to see, and then took them down to your father's garage and they rot. You have never sold a pelt in your life, have you? Here is the second part of this question, since you let those skins rot, tell me, what in the hell is the difference if you let them rot in a garage, or you leave them in the field to rot????? How many people have you verbally destroyed, because they shot a coyote and left it to rot in the field???
OK, one more question. Question #2, in September 1999, Gerald Stewart, you and I sat in my kitchen drinking coffee. Out of no where, you announce, "I have called and killed OVER 2,000 coyotes." Another big lie, and you even had to lie to Gerald Stewart. Those were your words, so will you please tell us the time period of killing OVER 2000 coyotes, and tell us in what general hunting area all this took place? And, while you are at it, if you were so damn good to call OVER 2,000 coyotes in such a short period of time, how come you aren't so damn good now?????
Drifter, why don't you go over to the Black Board and ask him if this is true? I think it only fair, if he said such a thing, that he respond. I put a challenge on the board, and I will take it one step further: JH, allow me to register on your board, and I will ask these same questions, and many others, and you can respond on your own turf. But, you will not delete any of my posts. Is it a deal????? But no, he will not allow that! I wonder why Drifter? There is an old saying, "The Truth Hurts!"

Drifter, you accused me of turning on a friend. No sir! He turned on me! Just like he did Tim, Vic and many others. And guess what Drifter, he will turn on you in a heart beat. He is taking everybody for a ride, so you and the rest, enjoy the ride!

Take care.

Bruce A. Kennedy

[ January 03, 2004, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: bucksnort ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 03, 2004, 05:19 PM:
Old news.

If anybody knows about the PM/CG hunt, it would be Bruce, Will Craig and me. Bruce will tell you that I stood up for Michael and it pissed him off greatly. But, this new member (Drifter) gets the same fair treatment and respect from me.

That's the difference. JH can be a King Hell Dictator, and start board wars any time he wants. I'd like to take a peek at his ban list, I bet it runs several pages? Huntmasters ban list consists of one guy from Scottsdale.

So, if JH wants to critique (trash talk) an article in a well known publication, and none of the principles are welcome to respond on the dark side, we have some recourse. Right here, all three pages. Yeah, it has opened a few old wounds, but so be it. I'm tired of always being the target, he can swing in the wind for a bit. And, don't forget; he's a big boy, well able to defend himself. Shed no tears.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 03, 2004, 05:43 PM:

I'm outlining another over the top, over-sensationalized piece guaranteed to double T&PC's readership featuring one of the HM members who hunts using a technique that is, well, non-conventional. We've got the pictures, the video, the personal experience and eyewitness testimony that this guy is a coyote killing machine unlike just about anyone else drawing breath today. I'm sure his way of birddogging coyotes across mile after mile of sandhills would sound utterly ridiculous to the likes of JH, but I've seen it work first hand, as have several others here. You can't argue with success. Or, ignorance, for that matter. Keep reading and you'll see what I mean. In the end, there are guys out here that are redefining the rules of engagement for calling coyotes, and they deserve to be recognized for what they know, and what they're willing to share with the rest of us. It takes hard work, an open, objective mind, and a willingness to operate outside the box. It's okay to disagree with someone else's innovative idea, but it's something else entirely to publicly attack those who have proven its worth, have shown a willingness to share it with and pass it along to others, and to personally launch an unwarranted and unprovoked attack on both people you know, and those you've never met face to face. THAT tells me a lot about his character. I don't need to know anything else about him.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on January 03, 2004, 05:50 PM:

Do you know of any one who likes to call in animals to take pictures of them? I sent a story to Paul a few months ago, and he'd like to use it, if I had pictures to go with it. But as you've heard, me and the photographer are not exactly on speaking terms any more.

I've a couple of more sitting here, just don't have any pictures to go with them.

Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 03, 2004, 06:07 PM:

You've got mail.
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 03, 2004, 06:46 PM:
Leonard, that is called "Democrcy". 2-1 vote, I pick up my money and hard work, and I am gone. [Big Grin] Yes, but we are still friends, and you know that.

Wow, this thread is all over the place. Well, that is two of JH's disciples who come over and ring our bell. Ain't that right Daryl?

I want to say something about the "Mister" thing. I have never used it, but, after watching the Rich Higgins video, you bet, I am a believer. In fact, I am off to Home Depot tomorrow, to get the sprayer, and then order some of that "panther piss" and give it a shot. But, if I do not like it, I can tell you, you will never know about it - unless I take a shot in the snoot. [Big Grin] For a person who can't even afford the spray bottle; one who has never used it, to publically bad mouth such thing, and for somebody to say he has more "class" than the rest of us, well he can ............. no need to get vulgar!
Posted by Steve Craig (Member # 12) on January 03, 2004, 07:32 PM:
I appreciate your input. Probably shouldn't dredge up the past. If I have sinned, that is between my Creator and me. He has already forgiven me. I hope you will. You were right to point out my sin. It was wrong of me to stoop as low as JH has and does. I sure do not need to be in that deep of a pit with the likes of him. I am a better man than that. Thank You for removing that speck out of my eye. I pray that you get the log out of yours.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 03, 2004, 08:19 PM:
I just returned from a day of calling and find that others have been busy as well.
Drifter/Daryl I have in the past invited to this board men whom I respected for their knowledge, experience and open-minds. As for you, two outta three ain't bad.
I reread my post and still do not consider it "mud-slinging", just a tongue-in-cheek response to his attack. Those that turn the other cheek, suffer twice.
It is revealing that your only posts on this board are to accuse us of mud-slinging as we clumsily engage in what J-H has developed into an art form. I have checked his board and do not find that you have also castigated him for starting this. Muted by bias?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 03, 2004, 08:23 PM:
Tim, I have lots of photos. I e-mailed you twice with questions. Is it still broke?
Posted by Jack Roberts (Member # 13) on January 03, 2004, 09:58 PM:
If nothing else all this discussion is a good excuse to stay indoors where it is warm. Winter has arrived in most more northern parts of the country.

New Years day winds in north Tahoe were 120+ and shut down the ski areas. A passenger train was stranded for 14 hours trying to get to Sacramento.

I can type on the keyboard, indoors, without gloves!!!!!!

Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on January 04, 2004, 04:22 AM:
Well it was working fine last night for Lance, Norm, Jay, Leonard, My Mother, My Grandmother and my wife's best Friend. But I haven't seen anything from you.

Somewhere out there, someone has an address close to mine, and they are wondering why you keep sending them pictures of coyotes. [Eek!]
Posted by Drifter (Member # 267) on January 04, 2004, 04:41 AM:
Leonard, I wasn't going to reply again, but maybe it's in order. I appreciate your willingness to treat each member here with respect, and to even protect them if needs be, but I don't think I need that. I only wished to keep any mud slinging at me from reaching other sites. I'm not here to instigate trouble; I was just surprised at some of the names and things I saw in this thread. I expected it from some, but others I did not.

Bruce, you're right. What happened back then is none of my business, but you sure seemed to think it was at the time. You even created a website to make sure everyone knew the "truth", and then e-mailed links to various individuals. You have my appologies for bringing up the past.

Steve, thanks for the prayers, and I'll work on that log. I'm as guilty as any of stirring trouble in the past, but I'm working on it. Like any of us, I'm sure J-H has his faults, but how do we justify posting the faults of another on the world wide web? It kinda goea along with "Judge not, that ye be not judged; condemn not, that ye be not condemned." or maybe "He who is without sin, let him first cast a stone....". There is room for improvement in any of us, I suppose.

Rich, my granddad always tells me that "a wise man isn't someone who knows it all. He's someone who will listen to it all and can then decide the truth for himself." Thanks for the reminder.

You all take care.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 04, 2004, 06:02 AM:
Morning Daryl,

"He who is without sin, let him first cast a stone....".
Actually the quote is "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
Apparently J-H is without sin as he launched the first missle. All of this has been in response to that.
Should have gone calling today. No rain, no wind. Much better than yesterday.
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on January 04, 2004, 06:19 AM:
And what state are you in today Rich; The wind is blowing pretty well on this side of i-17.. otherwise I would have taken some time to call... oh well, need to get the Christmas lights off the house and smoke up some ribs for supper.
Posted by Steve Craig (Member # 12) on January 04, 2004, 06:51 AM:
You were right to stay home. I got busted so many times , yesterday by Pig hunters, that it was down right ridicules. They were everywhere. Well, at least everywhere I went or wanted to go. Just another reason I like to hunt during the week.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 04, 2004, 07:35 AM:
Steve, Tyler and I hunted with Norm yesterday and we ran into a couple of quail hunters in the morning and saw dove hunters in the evening. None of then interfered with us. The wind tipped me over once while standing up on a stand once yesterday. Wind was mostly steady, made the flags stand straight out, tumble weeds scudding across fields looking like coyotes on most stands. Lots of movement, lots of noise, few coyotes.
Norm, still calm and quiet here.
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on January 04, 2004, 08:09 AM:
Jack, I here ya on the winter arriving. I wanted some snow but this is more than I wanted. Have 24+ inches at my house and getting deeper. Been snowing on and off since New Years. The lower elevation open areas where I hunt have had high wind and made some nice 4-6 foot drifts. Some bigger. The plows are having a hard time keeping up. Putting a serious cramp in any calling efforts. Getting cabin fever. Seemed like just yesterday I was lounging in the pool. LOL!

Drifter (Daryl), over the last couple years I've been trying to mellow out a bit. Trying to just get along and be less confrontational. Didn't know when I first got a computer that I would be seeing a lot of these guys for years to come. Well, I kinda like em' and have no interest in arguing with them anymore. I still have a moment now and again but I generally just don't care about this internet stuff as much as I once did. Sure don't take it serious like I used to.

When it comes to our good friend JH, I've even quit getting digs on him for the most part. He ain't worth the effort normally. But when he fires one over the bow it's hard for me not to let my hair down again. LOL! The words just flow off the keyboard like a greased Quija board. My intention was not to offend any of the members at the blackboard. I'm sure there are a few good fellas there. Some very mislead but some that can see through the BS and just want to talk hunting. Most of the callers I have a lot of respect for, don't go there anymore. I take offense when they are insulted by the likes of Mr. H.

Anyway, I got this years mudball fired and will let it go. (Till the next shot over the bow at least. [Smile] )

Good hunting
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 04, 2004, 09:10 AM:
Norm, Did you say 17, as in .17? Wanna hear what I think about .17's? [Wink] Bwahahaha. (Whispering now...Between you guys and me, I've never shot one, only seen two in my life. But, knowing JH's affininty for those li'l buggers, I just couldn't resist yankin' that chain, too. Knew I was only gonna get one chance, so I might as well cover all my bases. [Smile] )

Rich, bad weather? Shoot. It's 'sneeting' here today. Quarter inch of eighth-inch ice balls on the ground. Twenty mph north wind. Spent the morning doing the first draft on this piece about what's-his-name and it turned out really good. I'm sure it'll be shot down as myth the day after it's published, but what the hell.

Seriously, I wanna thank each of you for your support for my writing and this particular piece. I don't realistically expect to see any of you covering my back at my next unplanned bar brawl (like I get into those), but it is good to know that there are some who don't totally regard me as a "mis-bred, hare-lipped idiot". (If JH knew me personally, he'd know that I'm INbred, not mis-bred. What the hell is mis-bred?!?) Many thanks.

Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on January 04, 2004, 09:20 AM:
Lance, I think he means that the milkman did more than deliver the milk at your parents house. [Smile] LOL

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 04, 2004, 10:08 AM:
Lance, I read that. Yet his friends come to this board to express their disappointment in our posts.
Gentlemen, where is your outrage over J-H's behavior?

In Lance's defense I must publicly declare that he is NOT a hare-lip. (I got your back Buddy)
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on January 04, 2004, 10:34 AM:
Leonard, I think you have done the right thing letting this thread run its course...

In fact, I think this topic has been a good service to all of us out in interenet land who always wondered what the real scoop on the guy was. I know I have sure wondered why guys have been bailing off the JH bandwagon at such a high rate. I have heard talk for years that the guy isn't what he claims to be.

I've seen him be a total prick to many over the years and now to hear that he is a fraud and a backstabber to what were once friends is of no surprise. I sure haven't seen anyone respond to his defense and say that its all lies and bullsh!t. That to me says that there's much truth to whats been said about the guy. All I hear in defense is stuff like "We all have our faults", "Cast the first stone crap" and can't believe this talk would be allowed to happen on such a well thought of predator board(HM). Well, all it takes to stop it is start out with the truth and stick with it. When JH verbally beats up someone and sends them packing for not skinning a coyote and they find out later that he doesn't practice what he preaches. Believe me people want to see the chair kicked out from underneath him.

On a lighter note, I have decided I need to subscribe to T&PC.

[ January 04, 2004, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Lonny ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 04, 2004, 12:04 PM:
Thank you for the support, Lonny.

I don't know what's the right thing to do, but sometimes I think I'm too kind hearted and forgiving. I (always) would rather bury the hatchet than continue a feud, with anybody.

But, in this case, after getting positive feelers a while back, and thinking that only pride stood in the way of nominal accord, perhaps even mutual respect? But, now this darkside crap gets launched across the bow.

And, when I mentioned to one of his former friends that I had heard of substantial mellowing on the part of the other party; it was made abundantly clear to me that such was not the case.

It takes a little reading between the lines, but I could see exactly where the man was coming from, in ridiculing the article: "I don't like Leonard, so anything he says is BS."

On a personal level, I am very happy that Vic and I have worked things out, and consider him to be a valued friend. The original feud involved Vic, but JH elbowed his way into the dispute, out of loyalty. That was years ago. And, thinking about it now, it was over nothing of importance.

Well, some people can put aside petty differences and patch things up, and some can't. I know that Vic probably gets a ration of shit for kissing and making up with such a hated enemy? I publicly salute him for his adult behavior, extending an olive branch, as it were? He's a decent guy, and he's my friend.

And, I'm not saying that to score points against JH. It's probably an extention of some of the thoughts expressed by Curt, in the above post?

I don't get on the boards to quarrel, I don't need that. I just want to make friends and talk about predator hunting. I don't have a desire to become famous, I'll leave that to others; more talented, more yearnings, more desire.

That's my views on the matter at hand, I'm not getting a lot of pleasure at his expense. I just wish he would grow up and quit being so judgemental. By all accounts, he's a lot of fun to hang out with; hail fellow, well met, etc?

Well, as someone else pointed out, we all have our faults, me included.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on January 04, 2004, 06:53 PM:
Lonny, don't know if the Idaho state trappers association works the same way or not, but I get T&PC as part of my membership in the Utah trappers association. Not sure exactly what the difference in price would be, between my membership and a straight subscription, but it can't be much either way. And by being a member of the trappers group, I get to help them out a little (good bunch), and they also do a decent job in keeping me informed of local issues. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it, it's a good deal for getting T&PC here though, I think.

Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on January 04, 2004, 08:04 PM:
Here is a link to Idaho Trappers Assoc.

This link will give take you to a list of most other States.

Joining your States Trappers Association is a great way to get both the Magazine, and help a bunch of great people who work hard to keep our hunting and trapping rights intact.

Idaho's membership is $20 per year with the magazine. The magazine alone is $18.95 For an extra $1.05 you get to have a voice in making sure that our way of life is preserved.

I spent quite a bit of time in various State House meeting with Legislatures. When the doors close, the first thing they want to know is how many members I was there to represent. Numbers speak loudly to these people.

[ January 04, 2004, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Tim Behle ]
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on January 04, 2004, 09:02 PM:
DAA and Tim,

Thanks guys for the tip on joining the ITA and getting T&PC. I'd be glad to help support the ITA.

Thanks again.
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 05, 2004, 04:10 AM:
Furthermore, a lot of state TA's hold fur auctions throughout the seasson as an outlet for their members' furs. In KS, that's a BIG plus since country fur buyers are hard to come by. They've done suveys here and also found that in the auction venue, the trapper/ hunter makes considerably more due to the competition that occurs between buyers for your furs.

Oh, and Rich, Mank mou mery, mery much. Mlad to mow momeone mas my mack. Our mecret. [Wink]

[ January 05, 2004, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]
Posted by bucksnort (Member # 202) on January 05, 2004, 02:05 PM:
For those from the "Dark Side" who say I am not telling the truth, well read on, here it is in his own words:

Posts: 1602
From:McNeal, AZ
Registered: Sep 2000
posted 01-15-2001 10:24 PM
I am one of the best out there.
I think, anyhow; it would be a pretty sad commentary on my general competency if I weren't, considering that I've made thousands of stands over the last twenty years, and called thousands of coyotes.


He posted that January 15, 2001. In September 1999, while sitting at my kitchen table, he said he had killed over 2,000 coyotes, brought to the call. Those are his words, not mine. He doesn't have the credentials to critique the T&PC article, or Leonard, or Rich, or cdog.

You people on the "Dark Side", can't you read between the lines? If you are going to come over here and say anything, how about trying to defend him? Better yet, how about JH defending himself? If somebody said those things about me, and I thought it all not true, I would be saying something, Oh, I almost forgot, "He wouldn't lower himself to our class of people."

[ January 05, 2004, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: bucksnort ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 05, 2004, 07:24 PM:
I see that our friend remains in good humor; and perhaps it is well past the time to end our fun and games. Read on.


I'm just fighting an uphill battle against THE TRUTH, even though it's becoming common knowledge across the globe that I'm a fake, liar, fraud, and quite possibly a pedophile and practitioner of beastiality as well.


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