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Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on May 30, 2004, 09:11 AM:
Taking the wife and kids to Disneyland next week. Just killed me dropping all that money on an amusement park. Could have bought a new rifle or two! LOL!

Any of you fellas been there? Is it worth it ya think? Anything you consider a "must see"?

Take care, Curt
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 30, 2004, 10:06 AM:
I'm what could loosely be described as a local, have been to Disneyland more times than I can remember? My wife's work used to have an annual day for all the employees, at discount. The rides are tame, by Magic Mountain standards, but still fun. The last time I was there, they had an appointment system, so you don't have to stand in line for an hour, just check in, and go back at the appointed time. It is an improvement. But, adults enjoy Disneyland. It is difficult to see everything in one day. With kids able to negotiate the park, the adults do their own thing, and can meet up with the kids in certain places, at appointed times. I don't know about "must see" stuff, but since I have seen almost everything over the years, I like a more leisurely pace, now, to pick and choose where I spend my time. You might be tuckered out, herding the children everywhere. Regardless, I think you will enjoy the experience.

Have fun! LB

PS If you run out of things to do, give me a call, and bring your suits. (edited for spelling)

[ May 30, 2004, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on May 30, 2004, 04:03 PM:
Curt, It must be that time of year. My kids get out of school this week and we are heading for the Oregon coast so they can see the "big lake" for the first time.

As far as D-land I've never been there so I'm no help. The wife and I went to Vegas (The adult version of Disneyland) a couple of years ago for the first time. I was never so glad to get back in the slow lane again after several days of crowds, casinos, and walking the strip. Man, that place wore me down. A week of elk hunting is much easier physically.

Have a fun and safe trip. Your kids will always remember it.
Posted by Lone Howl (Member # 29) on May 30, 2004, 06:27 PM:
Weve been once per summer for about 5 years for the kid, but last year was the last time for me. I couldnt take it anymore, traffic, stupid disrespectful people and to top it off, space mountain was closed for revamping. [Mad]

A week after we got home, the Pioneer town roller coaster(the one that is a train with cars) came off the tracks and killed one or two people. Thats the first one we rode.

Disneyland has seen the last of me
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on May 30, 2004, 07:34 PM:
We started to go a couple of years ago, but decided to hit Knot's Berry Farm and miss the crowds instead. I haven't been to Disney land in 20 years or more. A few hours to the south in San Diego is Sea World and one of the world's greatest zoo's. I think my boys preferred Sea World to anything else.

If your wife is like mine, and into Movie Stars and all of the Hollywood crap. There is a Motel 6 in Hollywood. Clean rooms at a good price. Plus it is in walking distance of all of the stars on the sidewalk and the Chinese theater. There was some new movie premiere there the night we were and she got to see a bunch of people she recognized from TV. I got a bigger kick out of watching the freaks come out on the walk back to the motel. At one point I looked beside me to find myself standing next to a fellow close to seven feet tall, dressed as a Gladiator, complete with sword, leather loin cloth and tunic. Several Elvira look a likes caught my eye, right up until the wife caught me by the ear and decided it was time to return to the rooms.

Have a great trip!
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on May 31, 2004, 07:54 AM:
For some reason Leonard I have a feeling I will be dreaming about a "leisurely pace". [Smile] The kids aren't quite old enough to turn loose yet. I think we are going to try and hit Magic Mountain the first day then spend the remainder of the week going between Disneyland and California Adventure. Kind of wanted to visit Universal Studios too but doubt we will have time. Love to take you up on some calling Leonard. Should just have the wife drop me off as soon as we get there and pick me up at the end of the week. I'm sure that would get me a nice outdoor bed right next to the dog. LOL! Seriously though, would be great just to meet you sometime.

Yeah Lonny, tis the season. Finally was getting some money saved but the wife spotted it before I could do something"stupid" with it like book a guided hunt or buy a motorcycle or guns. Ha Ha! It will be a miracle if I don't have a pistol in my mouth before hitting the Calif. border after being cooped up in a van with the family for the trip or after negotiating bumper to bumper traffic once we get there. LOL! I went down there when I was in my 20s on a motorcycle. Boy did I feel small in that Bay Area traffic. Bumper to bumper but everybody still going 70+ mph. Exciting to say the least! I have visions of this trip being a lot like a sequel to "National Lampoons Vacation". [Big Grin]

Lone Howl, I hope my wife doesn't read where you actually did this for 5 years! She's going to expect that out of me! I hope I am released from service much sooner! (Note to self: Don't ride the Pioneer Town roller coaster...) LOL! [Smile]

Tim, Knots Berry Farm sounds more my speed. I remember going there when I was a kid. It was fun. Went to Sea World when I was a kid too. I'm sure it's changed a lot since then but I remember it being a great time. Might have to make a stop there. Freak viewing in Hollywood sounds like a blast! The wives do seem to have radar for when we are viewing Elvira type attractions, don't they? I got in trouble last night for turning the TV to "The Man Show". I couldn't help it. They had an hour straight of "Girls Jumping on Trampolines". It was called "Trampathon". Thought I'd died and went to heaven before my wife came back from her walk and busted me. LOL! [Big Grin]

You guys don't tell anyone but I was actually born in Calif. My Dad is from rural WA and met and married my mom while in the Navy in San Francisco. Lived in San Lorenzo till I was 10. Then dad decided it was time to get back to the farm. So it's kind of like a Salmon going home in a way. LOL! I hear San Lorenzo has changed just a tad.

Anyway, thanks fellas. I actually got 10 days before the suicide mission begins. Wish me luck! [Smile]

Take care, Curt

[ May 31, 2004, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: Curt2u ]
Posted by RanUtah (Member # 18) on May 31, 2004, 09:06 AM:
Curt, I think in the long run you and the family will have fun. We went as a family last year (off season) and had a blast. There are 2 must see rides as far as adults go. One is Soaring over Calif., which is in the Calif adventure side and the other is the Indiana Jones ride in the main park. The new Twilight Zone Hotel ride wasn't finished yet so I don't know about that one.

Be prepared though to pay some bucks on eating inside the park. This I think is were they make their money. Your not allowed to bring any food from the outside in. We ate several time outside the park.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 31, 2004, 03:42 PM:
I think the best freak viewing is any Friday night in stop and crawl traffic on Sunset Blvd. Bear in mind; most of them are from out of town! [Big Grin] Venice Beach on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon is another eye opener. Too bad the Chain Saw Juggler retired, he was a hoot!

I'm sure you will have fun. That ride that Ran Utah mentioned in the other park is worth it.

I was not offering to hunt with you. If you see all there is to see, you can come by here; and we can TALK hunting and drink beer while the family frolics in the pool.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on May 31, 2004, 05:50 PM:
Randy, thanks for the heads up on rides. Appreciate it. You are the second person I've heard from that the food prices are outrageous. Guess we will have to feed up before going in. LOL! [Smile]

Dang I'm an idiot without coffee in me Leonard. LOL! I thought that was a catch phrase for camo when you said suits. Like ghillie suit, camo suit. Duh! One track mind I guess. Plain as day reading it now. Anyway, appreciate the invite. I'll just have to get you up here and take you hunting. [Wink] Out of curiosity how far is Upland from Anaheim anyway?

Chain Saw juggler? Now that is something I'd really like to see. [Smile]

Take care, Curt
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on May 31, 2004, 06:25 PM:
Speaking of Elvira types and amusement parks... I took the family to a local park late last summer. One of those 90 degree monsoon season days where it threatens to rain all day but never does. Well, long about 6, it DID rain. Came down real sudden, proverbial cow on a flat rock. Turned that whole damn amusement park into one giant wet t-shirt contest! I just stood there getting rained on soaking up the scenery [Smile] .

Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on May 31, 2004, 07:26 PM:

Been there, done that. It sure does make a man forget about the price of admission doesn't it? [Big Grin]
Posted by Jack Roberts (Member # 13) on May 31, 2004, 08:12 PM:
Wet tshirts like this? It happens on the east coast too.

Posted by huntress (Member # 322) on June 01, 2004, 04:51 PM:
[Eek!] [Cool] [Wink]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on June 01, 2004, 06:46 PM:
Yeah, I know what you mean, huntress. Shocking! I looked at every one. Shameful Hedonism!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by huntress (Member # 322) on June 01, 2004, 08:22 PM:
LoL Leonard!!! [Razz] My poor virgin eyes!!!! [Cool]
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on June 02, 2004, 06:15 PM:
Dang Dave, now you got me taking rain dance lessons. I never thought I'd see the day I prayed for crappy weather on my vacation! [Smile]

Jack, thanks for the eye candy link. [Wink] I just got busted by the little woman while taking a gander though. She got over it though with the abundance of young tanned fellas for her to ogle. [Big Grin]

Take care, Curt
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on June 03, 2004, 02:14 PM:

If you havn't left by now, I've got a must have item for you. It is a book called the Unofficial Disneyland Guide. You will get to many more rides and shows and spend way less time waiting in line if you make use of the guide even just a little. The guide is amazing; you will find yourself walking past huge 1 hour lines and going straight to the ride with a 15 min. line. 1/2 hour later your line may be 1 1/2 hours long.

When we go on vaction, I am not usually too keen on a lot of structure. I like to just go and see what might not happen next. However, I loved it that my wifey took the time to put together a little guide for us daily. Man, I hate waiting in line. The guide thing-a-ma-whooper really works well. I think there might even be a web site that you can get a custom schedule made for you designed to save you bunches of time in line. The kids will thank you!!!! Have Fun!!!!! [Smile]
Posted by Curt2u (Member # 74) on June 04, 2004, 03:57 AM:
Loco, thanks for the great advice. I went straight to and ordered that book. Only 10$. All the reviews say it's a handy tool. I'm leaving next Fri so I got my fingers crossed that Amazon is as quick as they normally are. LOL! [Smile]
Anyway, thanks again, Curt

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