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Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on March 22, 2005, 06:32 PM:

New to this board. I'm Tripp, an outdoor writer from Texas. Been hunting and outdoors 36 of my short 43 years. Predator calling 12.

Hoping you all might post a short bit on yourselves, letting me know more about my new-found elbow-rubbers.

Catch you outdoors,


P.S. Much of my scribble is humor. Any humorous happenings relayed would be much appreciated.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on March 22, 2005, 06:58 PM:
Hello Mr Tripp,

I'm just your basic slutty lesbian, who's been trapped in a man's body for the last forty years.

In my spare time, I love to hunt and trap coyotes. I move to AZ from Indiana 4.5 years ago, and I hope I never fall through the ice on another frozen river for the rest of my life.

Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on March 22, 2005, 08:01 PM:
Lance Homman.
Wannabe writer, caller and trapper from KS. 40, feel like 80. Third generation coyotero, but the first to call them. Someday, I'll move to more coyote-rich environs. I just hang out here so ppl see me and associate me with these guys. Helps me with my low self esteem problems. [Smile]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 22, 2005, 09:28 PM:
I got a late start in predator hunting. In 1968, at the age of 26, I killed my first two coyotes and a bobcat on the same day. That did it; hooked for life. Most of my predator hunting is road trips, I seldom hunt locally. I like to get way off the beaten path, it's envigorating.

Now, truth be told; ain't got a day job except keeping up with things on Huntmasters.
(but, don't tell my mom, she thinks I'm the piano player in a whore house) Just kidding, about that, by the way.

But, I am recently retired, taking it easy. I enjoy the stimulating conversation online, whenever I get a chance.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on March 22, 2005, 10:01 PM:
Hey there Mister Tripp. I'm a born Coloradoan and we say "you guys" (not ya'll), "pop" (not soda) and "30 lb. coyote is big" (not 50).

My wife and I have 4 little critters and they are my life. I love playing guitar but I suck at it. I love hunting coyotes but I suck at that too. I've called a whole bunch but I've only murderified a couple or seventeen. I've got more on video. I've nothing against shooting a coyote and letting it lay but I'd rather pay $75 to have a nice pelt made out of it. I can't often because I'm a bit poor so I opt to shoot 'em with a Canon (not a .17) I love Jesus but I behave like a pagan and really like Pacifico. I love snakes and other reptiles but I am mortified or rattlers, NASA once called me a @@^^&@^$#(member of the female anatomy)if I didn't poke at one with a 16" stick. So I did and nearly pooped my pants. Every weekend in the Spring, I take the critters out to find snakes, lizards, tadpoles, toads, frogs, crayfish, turtles, tortoises and whatever other critter we might find to build our zoo. Every late summer, we let the zoo go back to the wild to hibernate. With the rest of my time, I am a painting contractor. My guys are all from Mexico and they all have Green cards and social security numbers (possibily even real) and therefore, I am a bit un-popular with Arizona flavored lesbians - but Leon' tolerates me here anyway!!!!!

So Welcome Mister Tripp. Smile!!!! [Smile]
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on March 22, 2005, 10:10 PM:
Hello Mr. Tripp
Jay Nistetter here. Thoroughly enjoyed your story that Higgins posted and was fascinated with your optical illusion photo. It magically changes everytime I look at it.

I’ve been calling coyotes for a good number of years. Started out in Oklahoma during the late 60’s. Moved to Arizona in the late 70’s and started coyote calling in earnest. I self published a book in 2002, made a non-traditional hunting video in 2004 and have written a spattering of articles about old predator calls. I’m an advocate of a more non-traditional style of hunting set-ups geared towards lazy, overweight, crippled, old soles who want to have fun and still have coyote opportunities. The best advice I can give to predator hunters everywhere is to never climb a barbed wire fence wearing a ghillie suit.

I’ve been very fortunate in befriending many of the pioneers of predator calling. I attribute this to my warm and tolerant personality.

One thing that has bothered me after starting this post is… Well… I just gotta ask.

Joyce? Is Tim wearing your clothes again?

[ March 22, 2005, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]
Posted by brad h (Member # 57) on March 22, 2005, 10:20 PM:
Brad Holzer

Directional drilling rig supervisor

When not at work, the price of gas will keep at home this summer making calls. The price of gas does however, suggest that I'll be very busy in the future when I am at work.

Unfortunately, expansion in the way of more rigs being brought up from Vernal Utah, or Texas, or where ever, causes the spreading out (taking) of experienced hands form their natural habitats. Considering todays OSHA's standards, it gets a little unnerving when the applicants have the upper hand with clean urine.

Aside from that short vent, I've been in Montana all of my 34 years and calling coyotes for the last 4 1/2, which is just what I expect to be doing for many more to come.

Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on March 23, 2005, 05:01 AM:
I am a bit un-popular with Arizona flavored lesbians

I don't know why you'd say that, you are by far our favorite "Smoke Dancer" I sure wish there is some way we could get Rich to post that video. I haven't laughed so hard in years!
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on March 23, 2005, 06:08 AM:
Tim, when my camera comes back from the shop in a week or so I'll post a couple of select stills from the video that properly display Danny's poise, grace, and command of gravity.
Posted by nd coyote killer (Member # 40) on March 23, 2005, 06:46 AM:
Brad Troftgruben

Going to school full time for Geological Engineering (hopefully will bring me to the coyotes somewhere by Brad h ) Work part time for a good friend at a taxiermy studio. Have one little one at home that is already dreaming of calling coyotes with dad [Big Grin] LOVE to call Coyotes don't trap but plan to later on in life when i have more time. Put up my fur and am proud of the fact. I have a bit of that slutty lesbian trapped in a mans body thing going also [Wink]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on March 23, 2005, 11:04 AM:

Can't wait. I didn't have a camera, but I did see a variant of that smoke dance when Loco was crossing a what-we-thought-was-a-dead electric fence near Yuma, and it weren't. He had 'er straddled purty good when I heard "snap - snap - yeoooowww!!!" I don't care who you are. That there was funny!
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on March 23, 2005, 03:25 PM:
"I'll post a couple of select stills from the video that properly display Danny's poise, grace, and command of gravity." "snap - snap - yeoooowww!!!" LMAO! [Big Grin]

Howdy, Tripper. I’m NASA, and I get paid for assuming the role of a Space Mission Assurance Scientist. I’d like to say that I discovered predator hunting as an escape from the stress and tension of developing exploratory intergalactic space vehicles, and Top Secret Gov’t spy satellites, but I can’t. I only work as a means to support my hunting addiction. I actually started predator hunting back in the 50’s, and killed my first fox in 1957. That’s all it took for me and I’ve been hammering ‘em ever since. And, I have no intention of cutting them critters any slack, either.
Posted by Doggitter (Member # 489) on March 23, 2005, 06:57 PM:
Hey again Tripp.
Loren Coffin here.
46, 5'8" and still trying to figure out what I want to do with my working life. :>( Married 2&1/2 years ago to a mother of a now 16 year girl, and they have turned me arount right good. :>) Hate the western Oregon winters, like the eastern Ore. winters, want to hunt more, and am an Eddy wannabe. LOL Started calling coyotes in '80 and didn't realize how much hunting partner Steve Hampton did to ruin my life. :>) Been able to fight it off pretty good for a while but am having a bad reoccurance lately.
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on March 23, 2005, 08:17 PM:
Smoke Dance? SMOKE DANCE??????? I don't remember that!

1957???? Holy cow NASA, What are you...ancient???

Yeah Lance, I remember that as the day a couple of red-heads tried to kill the short, little, stubby mexican...about 30 min. after the Juevos zap, my intestines began suffering. We were parked in a flat pasture without so much as a yucca to conceal myself. After embarassingly relieving myself, I stumbled back to the trucks from the down wind side. I hear Lance, "Hey Q, you gotta check out leon's magic mist", and they proceed to fill my face and mouth with a mongo sized cloud of various mammal flavored pisses. AAAaaaahhh, What a day! [Wink]
Posted by keekee (Member # 465) on March 23, 2005, 08:50 PM:
Hey Tripp,

I gess im the pup of the bunch, just being in my 30's. They say im still wet behind the ears!

I been calling hunting and traping for around 24 years, just about all my life. I am about to wrap up my first video on predator hunting, and have written a few articles, stories and reviews, but im just a wanta be writer. Can get along with out spell check!

I called in alot of contests for just about everything from Turkeys to coyotes, deer, ducks and geese, owl hooting. And done alot of sportshows. I own and operate Kee's Custom calls.

I have lived in Ohio all my life except for a few years in Ga. Im down on the Southern tip of the state just across the river from Ky and Wv. That makes it nice, I can hunt three states with in 20 min or so from the house.

Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on March 23, 2005, 09:30 PM:
Hi Tripp,

I'm a new guy. Been lurking around here for awhile now but this is my first post. Good place to start and I thank you for the opportunity.

New Hampshire is home, and if you go 40 miles east of me you run in to a big expanse of water so I suppose I am one of those frustrated eastern coyote hunters, unless you keep going and end up back in Washington state, which I suppose puts me smack dab in the middle somewhere.

And yes, I am a Coyote Hunter. I also make a few predator calls now and then.

I spent a little over 20 years in the US Marine Corps, retired in 93. Got a wife and a couple of boys, one in High School who is in the National Honor Society and one in 5th grade who holds the record for most detentions in a single day.

I'm a past president of my states bow hunting organization, and current vice president of my fish and game club. Been hunting and fishing all my life, coyotes seriously for the past 4.

Glad to be here, and hope to maybe contribute some, and learn even more.

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 23, 2005, 11:40 PM:
Welcome to the New Huntmasters, the Hunted One. Glad to have you on board.

Good hunting. LB

PS, if you have a website, you are welcome to put a link in your signature.

[ March 23, 2005, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by keekee (Member # 465) on March 24, 2005, 12:27 AM:
Hey THO! Good to see ya around here!

Guys dont let Al fool ya! He makes some very nice calls!!!

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on March 24, 2005, 05:12 AM:
Hello THO, welcome. Got any pics of those NH phenotypes?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on March 24, 2005, 05:41 AM:
This is one that my buddy shot last winter. It was his first. He showed to an E caller about 5 seconds into the call sequence. At first, I thought Dave had a misfire on his rifle. It went wawawa bang yip yip - holy crap I got one - you have to be kidding me - no really I got one!

He is typical of many of the coyotes here in NH. Rather large and looks a lot bigger with all that winter fur. This one was probably in the low 50 pounds. That and his first red fox are the only pics I have. Called his fox in in the exact same place as the coyote he killed. He was one of the best hunting buddies I ever had. Had the same passion for coyotes. Moved to NY on me. I still call that spot Dave's Fur Farm.


[ March 24, 2005, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by onecoyote (Member # 129) on March 24, 2005, 07:38 AM:
Howdy Mr. Tripp, my real name is Danny Batastini. I'm about 6 monthes younger then Leonard and 3 years younger then NASA, but not much older then Rich and Bruce lol. Been calling predators since 64, was a member of the California Varmint Callers Asso. for some 25 years. I now live in New Mexico and I'm a member of the New Mexico Predator Callers Asso. I just can't get away from that club stuff lol. I'm an avid predator caller, probably well be tell I die, I just go at it a little slower then I use to [Wink] Nice to meet you new friend [Smile] .......Danny.
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on March 24, 2005, 07:38 AM:
Holy mackeral that's huge. And I gotta to hand it to the fox for still being around there prior to his demise!!! [Smile]
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on March 24, 2005, 08:00 AM:
Well, that coyote came in real quick, like I said. The fox, shot about a month later in the same spot came in around the 15 minute mark and he came in sneaking. He sure wasn't taking any chances.
Posted by keekee (Member # 465) on March 24, 2005, 08:17 AM:
Here is an Ohio coyote that was in the 50# class..I will haft to say that we grow them big in the East! Im 5' 6" for ref.



[ March 24, 2005, 08:18 AM: Message edited by: keekee ]
Posted by Scott Gray (Member # 626) on March 27, 2005, 05:57 PM:
Well, I am a newbie... to this board and to predator hunting. I am 39 and my son is 13 and we want to get into calling coyotes, fox and bobcats. We also want to know if calls will work on feral pigs? We hail from Pinson Alabama.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on March 27, 2005, 06:59 PM:
Take heed Scott, predator calling is addicting. I was in your shoes 12 yrs. back -- once it your blood it hunkers down and stays put.

Yes, feral pigs can be called like 99% of all four-leggeds. If you prefer electric, I believe Johnny Stewart has a good piglet distress tape you need to try. If a mouth caller, get the tape and practice emulating the perturbed puny porker. You'll soon be as they hog Heaven.

Catch you outdoors,
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 27, 2005, 07:33 PM:
Welcome to the New Huntmasters, Scott. Glad to have you on board.

I've never tried calling hogs, but have no doubt it can be done.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Lungbuster (Member # 630) on March 31, 2005, 03:52 PM:
I am 34 years old and have been hunting most of my life. I have 2 kids and a wife that is almost as pretty as me.
I just started coyote hunting not long ago, mostly for something to do when archery season was over. I didn't realize how much it was going to affect me though. After I got my first Kill I couldn't get coyotes out of my head. New calls I need, new places to hunt, new kinds of tactics to use, gotta get a new gun. What the hell happened to me?
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on March 31, 2005, 05:29 PM:
Sure is nice to see some of you lurkers coming out of the shadows. Great bunch of guys here and you don't have to be an expert to pull up a sit down and join right in. You'll soon find out what I said five minutes after getting here for the first time: this site is more cerebral than just about any of them. Not a lot of fluff or oddball forums to get lost in. Just predators. I can bet that there's not a guy here, regardless of years hunting, that hasn't learned something new from the exchange of ideas and information.

Let's hear from a few more of you. Where are the Chinese chicks?
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on April 01, 2005, 08:23 AM:
"Let's hear from a few more of you. Where are the Chinese chicks?"
Lance, if you're looking for coyote recipes there are some in Dobie's book. [Smile]
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on April 01, 2005, 09:45 AM:
Howdy MR. Tripp

I am Ronnie Robison. Will be 60 in June. Born and raised in Orange TX. I live four miles from the Louisiana border. I am a swamp rat. Got my first Duck and Goose call by age eight. Had my first pirogue at ten to run my trap lines with.

Was lucky enough to work shift work as a machinist for 33 years. This gave me 14 days a month of to hunt, And fish. Also plenty of time to raise and train Chesapeake's, Pointers, And setters for many years.

Started predator calling in 1959. Spent the last 18 years on Lohman's Gold Staff doing videos and trade shows.

I was hit with a rare neuromuscular disease seven years ago. Now I hunt from a bad ass off road wheel chair(Camo of course), And a customized 650 Honda. Now I spend way more time talking the talk rather than walking the walk.

This has to be the best place to talk the talk. There is more talent and skill here than Holley Wood and the NFL combined.

If you are ever headed East on I-10. Stop in Orange and I will hitch you up with a real cup of coffee. Then we will go for a air boat ride with a Chinese girl.


[ April 01, 2005, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: varmit hunter ]
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on April 01, 2005, 10:34 AM:
Mr., Tripp

I have had "0" luck calling hogs with the JS tape. We produced a baby pig tape under circumstances I can't go into. We then overplayed the sound four times. It will produce a sound that would cause a PETA member to jump into bubbling lava.

I have called around forty Coyotes with both tapes. Four were called to within seven yards. I have yet to have a hog come in.

I am very open to suggestions, As I am trying to deal with a bad Hog problem now.

Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on April 01, 2005, 11:14 AM:
"It will produce a sound that would cause a PETA member to jump into bubbling lava."

If that's the case, you need to be promoting this tape and get as many copies out there as possible.
Posted by Jay Nistetter (Member # 140) on April 01, 2005, 11:24 AM:
I, like Ronnie, am very interested too. I have shot a number of hogs in Texas and know quite a few guides. Between all of us, we've never called any hogs in no matter what the sound. Many times they never even look towards the sound because they seem to have tunnel-vision in getting to where they were origonally headed.

One call I haven't tried yet is the Feeder Repeater call. Seems like that would work. We thought we called some in one time but discovered that we were directly in between them and a corn feeder. We were fairly proud of ourselves until were heard the feeder sound off behind us.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by ScottD (Member # 244) on April 05, 2005, 06:48 AM:
Howdy All!

My name is Scott Davidson, and although I've lurked here for quite some time, this is my first post...I think. I'm 50, live in New Waverly, Texas, and have hunted for about 45 of my 50 years.

The recent post on calling hogs has brought me out of the closet. I deal with problem hogs all year long, and hitched my pony to the hog-calling wagon a few years ago. Since then, I've managed to call exactly ZERO hogs. And I've got quite a library of "hog-calling" sounds. The JS Piglett in Distress works great on coyotes, slightly less so on cats, but I have never managed to call a hog, despite actually calling to a hog I could SEE on a couple of occasions.

I'm dealing with some troublesome hogs now. I'd sure like to know how to call 'em.

Please share your secret.

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on April 05, 2005, 07:08 AM:
Hi Scott, good to see here. I hope you contribute often. Ronnie told me about the hog problem.
Posted by ScottD (Member # 244) on April 05, 2005, 07:43 AM:
Hey Rich!

Thanks, and good to be here. Ronnie and I are supposed to team up on 'em in a couple of weeks. Maybe I'll know how to call 'em by then. [Smile]

Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on April 05, 2005, 09:37 AM:
Remove the reed from any open reed caller, purse lips, and squeel..."Heeeeeeeeerre, piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy!" Repeat every 2-3 min. Get camoed, and sit down wind. Oh, don't forget the Satan Cap ooops, I mean the Santa Cap. [Wink]

[ April 05, 2005, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: Locohead ]
Posted by Edge (Member # 426) on April 05, 2005, 01:44 PM:
Been trapping solo since age 10;been in predator control since 84;still trap/call multi species,but about 80% is yotes.


I was referred her,but I was already registered.Cant for the life of me remember the name of the guy that referred me.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on April 05, 2005, 05:40 PM:
Welcome to the New Huntmasters, Edge. Glad to have you on board.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Norm (Member # 240) on April 05, 2005, 06:42 PM:
Scott; My best hog calling device was a metal bucket with some ears of corn broken in half....

stand out and rattle it and they came a running...

it may not work in the wild though....

if you can get close... the javelina call sure works on these desert rats... not sure if it would work on actual pigs or not...

Good luck....
Posted by Edge (Member # 426) on April 05, 2005, 06:58 PM:
**Cant for the life of me remember the name of the guy that referred me. **

Steve Craig.

How embarassing........but man,I had a brainlock.

Thanks for the welcome.

Posted by Hawkeye (Member # 216) on April 05, 2005, 08:52 PM:
My name is Eddie Hawkins Im 34 Im a mailman in Tucson been calling for 6 years was hooked on my first ever stand have given up all other hobbies for my addiction. Im still learning but have come a long way Im already looking forward to next season cant wait for the chance to hunt with some of these guys at the next Huntmasters hunt.
Posted by Robert_L (Member # 281) on April 07, 2005, 10:03 AM:
Hi Guys,
Another long time lurker rearing his not so pretty head. Yep decided to come out of the closet.

Anyway, I am a stay at home dad for the time being. My wife and I decided to adopt twin 18 month old girls last July and believe you me my life has changed (sheesh that's alotta work for a 47 year old man). I live on the wet side here in OR. and am trying to call in my first cougar and bear.

Originally from Nebraska (where I have actually called in coyotes) I have worked in 21 or 22 different states, most with a hardhat on(millwright). Before that I worked close to 5 years for a major bullet manufacturer. Bought my first set of reloading dies for a .257 Rbt's at the grand ol age of 15 and never looked back.

Enough from me,
PS great site.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on April 07, 2005, 10:27 AM:
Welcome to the New Huntmasters, Robert_L. Glad to have you on board. So, far, you hold the undisputed record for waiting between registration and making your first post! See, wasn't so bad, was it? [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on April 12, 2005, 06:26 AM:
Hello Mr. Tripp

I'm Sheri Baity, not your typical slutty lesbian or your basic chinese girl although I do highly recommend you take the air boat ride with Ronnie. I'm just your plain ole wannabe, since I haven't figured out what I wannabe when I grow up.

I've been hunting the two legged coyote all of my soon to be 43 years of life. Back in the 90's I finally realized that my success rate was extremely low and they were no fun or challenge to catch and I spent way more time releasing than keeping. All they wanted to do was drool all over ya, hump your leg and responded to a simple call of cracking open a beer bottle, not to mention that they dribbled on the toilet seat and didn't flush the toilet and expected me to buy them dinner.

Then I started chasing the four legged coyote and my life has never been the same again. They are a little more of a challenge, quite rewarding when you do get them. Come home when you tell them they are coming with you with whispers from my 243. They don't drink your coffee, eat your food or steal the covers and pillows. It has been wedded bliss ever since.

Success has been not bad for an eastern coyote hunter. I've dabbled in a lil writing from time to time. I'm currently on field staff for Lohman, going around blowing my calls, giving coyote hunting seminars and still get plenty of responses from the two legged coyotes as well.

I'm a mother and a grandmother, two of my best moments in this lifetime.

Fly Crow Fly
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on April 12, 2005, 05:29 PM:
Tripp, meet Sheri. She's usually not this shy. [Smile]
Posted by Crow Woman (Member # 157) on April 13, 2005, 07:11 AM:
[Big Grin]
Posted by ScottD (Member # 244) on April 13, 2005, 12:33 PM:
What happened to Mr. Tripp on this thread? I was waiting with bait-like breath to get some info on calling hogs.

Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on April 14, 2005, 11:40 PM:
Scott, You and I have been in the dark on this subject. Looks like we are going to stay that way till someone Tripp's the light, are lights the Tripp.

Posted by ScottD (Member # 244) on April 15, 2005, 08:31 AM:

I freely admit to being in the dark on a lot of subjects, but just as freely admit I'm willing to learn from (just about) anyone. I was sure anxious to learn this specific technique.

If I remember correctly, you and I have a little trip scheduled next week not far from Mr. Tripp's home. Mayhaps he would be willing to tag along and demonstrate. [Big Grin]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on April 15, 2005, 06:18 PM:
Howdy to all my porker plagued pals,

Sorry, hadn't read this particular thread in a while and was unaware of the turn it had taken.

Most hogs I've taken have been pretty easy -- via trap and bait known as "hog mash" (which I'd be more than happy to teach any of you to make), or over a feeder, and occasionally the errant boar wandering within range.

It's been several years, but I did take two hogs (separate occasions)while using a JS piglet distress (possibly not exact name). ]

No real trick to it -- pretty much called like I call coyote or fox.

I hunt in the thick brush of south central and South Texas -- mesquite and live oak, prickly pear. Hogs tend to be found in pockets...either the land has few, or tons of hogs. There never seems to be any middle ground.

Anyhow, this thread has given me a bit of inspiration to give it another try. Guess that's the only way to prove or disprove dumb luck!

Catch you outdoors,
Posted by varmit hunter (Member # 37) on April 15, 2005, 08:07 PM:
Thanks for the response tripp. After several years of proving to myself I have no skills for calling hogs. I have been counting on dumb luck to intervene.

I was hoping you would divulge some kind of secret to hog calling. I will just continue to root around with my call hoping one will won't to occupy the same space I am in.


P.S. The invite for the airboat ride with a Chinese girl still stands.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on April 30, 2005, 12:11 PM:
2dogs, here. Old coyote hunter, new member.
Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on May 02, 2005, 07:37 AM:
Welcome 2dogs,

How'd ya do on the reds this year?

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on May 02, 2005, 08:19 AM:
Welcome to the New Huntmasters, 2dogs. Glad to have you on board. Looks like you already know Dennis? Probably a neighbor? [Smile]

Good hunting. LB
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 03, 2005, 07:00 AM:
Thanks for the welcome, guys.

Hmmm don't know if I know Greenside or not? Probably do though...I haven't hunted a fox in many moons, just coyote. I go by "Kirby" on Predater Masters & "2dogs" on Iowa Outdoors.

Good site by the way.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on May 03, 2005, 07:32 AM:
Hi Kirby, I recognize you from PM.
Is 2dogs the first half of your name?
I seem to remember an old joke?
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 03, 2005, 07:35 AM:
Hey, Rich...LOL! Yep that's a good one for sure. I've never laughed so hard, until I heard that one.

Uh...yah. First half, only.

[ May 03, 2005, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: 2dogs ]
Posted by onecoyote (Member # 129) on May 03, 2005, 08:21 AM:
Howdy Kirby an welcome, I know you from PM also.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on May 03, 2005, 10:12 AM:
Hey, back at ya onecoyote.

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