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Posted by Joe Manes (Member # 686) on July 28, 2005, 07:20 PM:
A lot of folks here know about the Limbaughs and the Hannitys and stuff from listening to their shows, but what they may not realize is that there is now a "lefty" side to talk programs.

And I stumbled on them by accident last fall, but Ive been listening to them a little now and again.

Air America.

And the stuff that comes out of thier mouths is so incredible it defies belief.
But I pay attention, because I think its important to know what the folks on the "other side of the isle" are thinking. The most wrongheaded thing in politics is being dismissive of your opposition, even if they are foolish.

However I wonder, since a lot of the folks on Air America are failed comics and Hollywood 2nd Tier personalities, what right do they have to throw stones?

Now for some radio stuff that is of a happier nature:
Some good music on this site.
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 28, 2005, 08:08 PM:
Joe, I say let Janine Garafalo be their spokes person. It doesn't get any better than that mouth.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on July 28, 2005, 08:16 PM:
Some days, I look forward to ARMAGEDDON.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 28, 2005, 09:23 PM:
I have a real hard time listening to liberals. They are so f***ed up, I hardly know where to start. But, the "blame America" stuff drives me nuts. It used to be, you would read Communist ideas, the way things are (their version) and the way they should be. And you think; that vodka really pickles the brain. But, what's the excuse with libs? Literally, like they live on another planet.

Be advised, our schools and universities are turning out young people with a very different world view than what I have, or most reasonable conservatives think.

It doesn't look good, future wise. That's why I'd actually like to see the Country divided; literally. Give them New York and California, maybe New Jersey? and everybody move to where you fit in. God, I'd be so much happier if I didn't have to listen to histerical Democrats or any liberal point of view!

Al Franken. Yeah, he was very funny on Sat nite live, but damn, he's smokin' too much weed, these days.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on July 28, 2005, 10:02 PM:
Im with you Gerald, with the likes of Garafalo and Franken as spokespersons for the lefties, on an obscure radio program ready to go tits up because of lack of listeners or advertisers, why bother to get upset. I say, sit back, and let them burn out like a dying star. Im not so sure I agree with you Joe, Im old enough to have made up my mind on lots of things, my political stance is one of them, as well as the kind of people I associate with, the rifles I like,and the kind of beer I drink. Capitulation, open mindedness,being aware of others views and feelings, are best left to the 20 something crowd, Ive done made up my mind. After you hit the half a hundred year mark your entitled to become a crumudgeon, and Im happily at peace with myself now:)
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on July 29, 2005, 02:47 AM:
I have not done it yet but I am close to going to one of our elementary schools and reviewing their textbooks to see for myself what is being crammed into impressionable minds. That aspect of the left's attempt to indoctrinate people is probably the greatest concern I have.The liberal influence in our classrooms is pretty alarming to me.

I keep hoping it is all a bad dream and we will all wake up one day and realize that 50 % of our country doesn't really think the French are good role models and the Bill Clintons of the world truly feel their pain.
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on July 29, 2005, 04:08 AM:
Schools = Darwinism + [A.D.D.D; Attention Deficiet Disorder..."Disease"]

Makes me wanna puke [Mad] .
When our son, who was born with a bad kidney[you can live with one]. Was in Jr. high 7th grade. Was thumped in the back [over his good kidney], by a male teacher[he was acting goofy, during lunch hr].

Normally, a happy boy. Started to act dispondent early in 7th grade. I asked my wife, to find out what was [wrong] at school[he wouldn't tell me].

She later that day, "said, a male teacher had thumped him, in the back". I immediately went to my son's school, looking for this teacher. He had already left.

I met the principal, in his office. Told him of this incident.[He, didn't give a "Rats-carcass!].
I advised this principal about our son's medical condition...Still, he spoke of "backing" his teacher, "ALL THE WAY".

I then...[we were yellin by then] advised him. To tell his gifted ASSociate-teacher, if he touches our boy again.

I will come here et beat him, where he stands.

Problem solved.

[ July 29, 2005, 04:10 AM: Message edited by: 2dogs ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on July 29, 2005, 08:48 AM:
I would make the same statement, 2dogs, but the problem with that is, the school would call the police and they would happily haul your butt off to the cooler.

That's why YOU should have called the police. They really want to arrest somebody, and it's best if it is the teacher that hit your son.

Hell, I can't even stand to listen to Allen Colmes, when it's his turn. It's not that these guys are dumb, because they are probably very intelligent? But the concepts, the theory, the World View, that's what makes them look like theywere born on some other me.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by 2dogs (Member # 649) on July 29, 2005, 01:22 PM:
Roger that Leonard. I'm awfull protective of my family. I'd take a bullit for'em.

As for my town, teachers thump a kid now & then [thats the PARENT'S JOB, IMO]. The local law, doesn't do anything. One teacher, dislocated a kids arm = NADA! [Eek!] [Mad]

It's a good thing, that guy wasn't to be found. The SHAT woulda been on the floor. I DETEST BULLIES.

Funny thing is, after that ordeal. My son said," That teacher wouldn't even make [eye-contact] with him & would walk a wide birth around him"

problem solved.

vigilante dogs

[ July 29, 2005, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: 2dogs ]

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