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Author Topic: How's this for Gratitude?
Jack Roberts
Knows what it's all about
Member # 13

Icon 1 posted September 12, 2005 05:50 PM      Profile for Jack Roberts   Email Jack Roberts         Edit/Delete Post 
An airline friend sent this to me.

A little information you won't read in the papers. I can only relate what was told to me by my daughter who works for AA as a flight attendant. AA donated the planes and fuels. The crews, cabin crews and all people that worked on the ground were volunteers.

One flight was a 757 to MSY and back to DFW. This flight was to evacuate AA personnel and anyone else that they could get aboard. They flew in relief supplies including bottled water. On the return flight the survivors, not AA personnel were griping that there was no food or drinks. There was water at the water fountains. There was a lot of griping that the AA people filled up first class, now mind you they didn't pay a dime.

When they got back to DFW the people were put up in the flight academy hotel and fed some where in the training center. These people didn't like this arrangement so they trashed the hotel. As far as damage was concerned I have no idea. AA got a hold of the relief authorities and had these people removed.

AA volunteered 6 flights a day from SAT to MSY. I'm not sure which AF base they flew out of but were able to buy military fuel. On inbound flights they carried all of the relief supplies they could and had to tanker in fuel for the return flight. On several flights the people were not happy that their ass had been evacuated because there was no food or drink. Some of the cabin crews decided to buy bottle water on their own to help the people on their extremely long 1.5 hour flight. Now this gave the passengers, if they can be called that, who fought over the first class seats, some thing to throw at the cabin people while they was trashing the plane.

Several of the volunteers informed AA that they had had it and they weren't going anymore. AA threatened to cancel the trips if this could not be controlled. I'm not sure just how this turned out but here is more irony. The relief agency that they were working through wanted AA to bring in a 777 so more supplies could be flown in at once and more people evacuated. After talking to AA I hope they are not holding their breath. Long but, put it under the truth is stranger than fiction file.

Posts: 499 | From: Elko NV formerly MD | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
"There are some ideas so absurd only an intellectual could believe them."--George Orwell.
Member # 7

Icon 1 posted September 12, 2005 06:36 PM      Profile for Cdog911   Author's Homepage   Email Cdog911         Edit/Delete Post 
Jack, I was visiting with a buddy of mine last night that just got back from two weeks of stringing up new power lines in NO, and I said what has to be the most politically incorrect and insensitive remark I have ever muttered. My buddy - also named Jack - laughed, then agreed. Very simply, it had to do with the fact that when all is said and done and Nawlins has been rebuilt, they won't really have any homeless people or even a lower class to speak of. Everything will be like brand new!

Therefore, what the media has portrayed as a horrible hurricane and a horrendous natural disaster can also be looked at as a $30,000,000,000 community improvement project. I've been in a few neighborhoods that could use a good hurricane. [Eek!]

Yeah, I know...bad Republican, bad Republican.

[ September 12, 2005, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Cdog911 ]

I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something; and, because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

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Knows what it's all about
Member # 189

Icon 1 posted September 28, 2005 05:10 PM      Profile for sporterweight   Author's Homepage           Edit/Delete Post 
I'm from ohio,lived there 21 yrs.,moved to biloxi ,miss. in 1981 stayed 21 yrs..Lived in georgia a couple of years.IF you haven't lived in the deeep south you have no idea what a bunch of low -life animals exist there.
I am not a racist by any means,but I can assure you "they" are.
I like to ride motorcycles and over the 21 yrs. living in biloxi i met lots of air force guys who also rode.It only took a very short period of time for them to say "what the hell is wrong with these people around here".
Most people who come there cannot wait to leave.A friend -Rick is a sea-bee in the navy,he told me he had put in for a transfer and was told more people wanted to transfer out of there than anywhere else in the nation.<<Wonder why..ME

You got space invaders ?-No
You got pac-man ?-No
You got asteroids ?-No -but dad does -can hardly sit on the toilet somedays.

Posts: 91 | From: Meridian ,Idaho | Registered: Apr 2003  |  IP: Logged
Byron South
Knows what it's all about
Member # 213

Icon 1 posted September 28, 2005 08:39 PM      Profile for Byron South   Author's Homepage   Email Byron South         Edit/Delete Post 
Jack I have heard lots of stories just like that.

(First hand information)
Not far from here (Waskom) they set up a relief station for buses that were evacuating the "refugees". They trashed the bathrooms and made a mess out of everything they touched. Volunteers would hand them water, they would take one drink or two and throw the bottle on the ground. They handed out bags of goodies with candy and snacks. The people would take what they wanted out of the sacks and throw what was left on the ground. When they left a second batch would come through and do the same thing. after a while most of the volunteers just quit trying, cleaned up the mess and went home disgusted.

At the superdome when food arrived the volunteers would unload trucks of food and serve the refugees while they would sit on their cots and lot lift a finger to help.

I could go on, and on, and on with the stories I've heard. Disgusting but true stories.

I have been hoping that I would see some prominent black leader stand up and tell it like it really is but it seems these people are either scared to death of these people or they are just as bad. I grew up here in East Texas where I have witnessed first hand this subculture and the way they abuse government assistance and it makes me sick. I try my best not to be racist and keep an open mind. I honestly don't think my opinions are narrow minded but the culture the government and their black leaders have created is going to bite us all in the ass if nothing is done.

I have some good black friends and feel embarrassed for them when things like this happen. It's not and entirely black issue I know but at least 95% of it is. I'm sick and tired of people acting like this is not happening. Remember the LA riots. Same damn thing. Ever seen white folks act like that over a court decision.

I hope I haven't offended anyone and apologize if I have. I'm not a racist, don't belong to any white supremacist group, but I'm not blind to reality either. It's got nothing to do with race it's their culture, morals, and attitude. What scares me is that it is not just limited to the South East any more. Every major city has the same time bomb and it's getting bigger every day. These bombs don't take much to ignite either. Trash like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpten and Louis Farakan do all they can to keep them riled up as well and demanding for more.

I'm proud as hell to be a Texan and how our officials handled them selves during Rita.

Shit like this happens sometimes and no government regarless of how good and caring it is can't help if you ain't got sence enough to help yourself. If you live in a high rick area, be it on a fault line, coastal region, or by a volcano you simply have to understand sometime this stuff will hurt you and you need to get the hell out of dodge or sufure the conciquences when the SHTF. It boils my blood to think my tax dollors are going to fund someone else decision to live in these high risk areas.

OK. I'll quit now and take a breath. I'm all right. Breath.....inhale......exhale......inhale.......exhale......... I feel better now. [Big Grin]

Good Night

"Coming to the Call" predator hunting videos. Volumes I, II, III and IV. Order two or more and pay no S&H

Posts: 313 | From: Texas | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Brad Norman
Okie Dokie
Member # 234

Icon 1 posted September 29, 2005 07:32 AM      Profile for Brad Norman   Email Brad Norman         Edit/Delete Post 
I don't know if it's true or not but I tend to believe stories like this are like the email that has been going around abot the guy that killed the huge bear. I tend to not believe many of the emails. It seems as though the internet has created a rumor mill that spreads like a wild fire. Here is a link to for those that are interested. It says the status is undetermined but makes some good points.

Posts: 298 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Byron South
Knows what it's all about
Member # 213

Icon 1 posted September 29, 2005 09:05 AM      Profile for Byron South   Author's Homepage   Email Byron South         Edit/Delete Post 

I'm sure there are lots of false stories out there. However, there are many substantiated cases of bad behavior from the refugees. The liberal media quickly jumped on this deal and most even tried to spin it into a racial deal. I feel this will come back to bite them, as most people can see through to what is really going on.

I feel empathy for the honest, hard working, law abiding people that were damaged by the hurricanes but there are a large portion of these "victims" that will try and milk every dime they can from the government. Sad thing is that they have been conditioned by to expect it and many will bitch and pull the race card if they don't get what they want. Politicians will give into them like they always have and we will create a larger problem.

I have been to NO several times and will say this. Most places in that town are completely lawless. What police they do have are notorious for being corrupt. In a large portion of NO if you are white and out after dark you are on your own and in a very dangerous situation. You want to talk about hate and evil behavior. NO has been the place for years to witness it. When Katrina hit and they were in the media spotlights this quickly was revealed. Now these people have spread to all corners and have no idea how to act. They have been taught to hate whity for generations and have been kept dumbed down by their leadership. You want racism you have to look no further than their leaders.

I also agree that the media and the Internet spread wild stories for the shock factor, but from my experiences with this culture most of these stories are easily believed. LA riots again come to mind as a reference to this self-destructive behavior.

I would love to see the black community leaders stand up and condemn the actions of these people, but for the most part they won't. If they did they would be shunned and threatened until they shut up, just like Bill Cosby was. Where’s Opra? What is she saying?

Am I racist? Hell no. Like I said before it has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with their heathen culture, morals, and attitude. We've got some "white trash" down here that is no better.


"Coming to the Call" predator hunting videos. Volumes I, II, III and IV. Order two or more and pay no S&H

Posts: 313 | From: Texas | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Knows what it's all about
Member # 254

Icon 1 posted September 29, 2005 05:42 PM      Profile for tonlocus   Email tonlocus         Edit/Delete Post 
Here ya go Byron. Copied from PM. P.S. Have a good time in Canada with Jim and Lance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Moral poverty cost blacks
in New Orleans

Posted: September 21, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

© 2005

Say a hurricane is about to destroy the city you live in. Two questions:

What would you do?

What would you do if you were black?

Sadly, the two questions don't have the same answer.

To the first: Most of us would take our families out of that city quickly to protect them from danger. Then, able-bodied men would return to help others in need, as wives and others cared for children, elderly, infirm and the like.

For better or worse, Hurricane Katrina has told us the answer to the second question. If you're black and a hurricane is about to destroy your city, then you'll probably wait for the government to save you.

This was not always the case. Prior to 40 years ago, such a pathetic performance by the black community in a time of crisis would have been inconceivable. The first response would have come from black men. They would take care of their families, bring them to safety, and then help the rest of the community. Then local government would come in.

No longer. When 75 percent of New Orleans residents had left the city, it was primarily immoral, welfare-pampered blacks that stayed behind and waited for the government to bail them out. This, as we know, did not turn out good results.

Enter Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan. Jackson and Farrakhan laid blame on "racist" President Bush. Farrakhan actually proposed the idea that the government blew up a levee so as to kill blacks and save whites. The two demanded massive governmental spending to rebuild New Orleans, above and beyond the federal government's proposed $60 billion. Not only that, these two were positioning themselves as the gatekeepers to supervise the dispersion of funds. Perfect: Two of the most dishonest elite blacks in America, "overseeing" billions of dollars. I wonder where that money will end up.

Of course, if these two were really serious about laying blame on government, they should blame the local one. Responsibility to perform – legally and practically – fell first on the mayor of New Orleans. We are now all familiar with Mayor Ray Nagin – the black Democrat who likes to yell at President Bush for failing to do Nagin's job. The facts, unfortunately, do not support Nagin's wailing. As the Washington Times puts it, "recent reports show [Nagin] failed to follow through on his own city's emergency-response plan, which acknowledged that thousands of the city's poorest residents would have no way to evacuate the city."

One wonders how there was "no way" for these people to evacuate the city. We have photographic evidence telling us otherwise. You've probably seen it by now – the photo showing 200 parked school buses, unused and underwater. How much planning does it require to put people on a bus and leave town, Mayor Nagin?

Instead of doing the obvious, Mayor Nagin (with no positive contribution from Democratic Gov. Kathleen Blanco, the other major leader vested with responsibility to address the hurricane disaster) loaded remaining New Orleans residents into the Superdome and the city's convention center. We know how that plan turned out.

About five years ago, in a debate before the National Association of Black Journalists, I stated that if whites were to just leave the United States and let blacks run the country, they would turn America into a ghetto within 10 years. The audience, shall we say, disagreed with me strongly. Now I have to disagree with me. I gave blacks too much credit. It took a mere three days for blacks to turn the Superdome and the convention center into ghettos, rampant with theft, rape and murder.

President Bush is not to blame for the rampant immorality of blacks. Had New Orleans' black community taken action, most would have been out of harm's way. But most were too lazy, immoral and trifling to do anything productive for themselves.

All Americans must tell blacks this truth. It was blacks' moral poverty – not their material poverty – that cost them dearly in New Orleans. Farrakhan, Jackson, and other race hustlers are to be repudiated – they will only perpetuate this problem by stirring up hatred and applauding moral corruption. New Orleans, to the extent it is to be rebuilt, should be remade into a dependency-free, morally strong city where corruption is opposed and success is applauded. Blacks are obligated to help themselves and not depend on the government to care for them. We are all obligated to tell them so.


The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is founder and president of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny, and author of "Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America."

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[ September 29, 2005, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: tonlocus ]

Posts: 76 | From: Phoenix, AZ | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged
Brad Norman
Okie Dokie
Member # 234

Icon 1 posted September 30, 2005 08:46 PM      Profile for Brad Norman   Email Brad Norman         Edit/Delete Post 
There is the response from a black leader we were looking for. I too have been in NO several times. Probably in places I should not have been. I have never felt as though I was on my own or in a dangerous situation. I suppose people are a little like dogs, if one senses fear, hate or indifference, the situation can become much worse in a hurry.

The only reason I wanted to point out that all of the stories we hear may not be true, is because I believe that us, as intelligent people, can figure it out on our own and not rely upon the media, whether they be liberal, conservative or just plain uninfromed.

I have a five year old daughter that does not know the difference between white, black, yellow or red and I hope she remains this way.

Byron - We need to get together and do a little hunting around Quanah. I'd love to meet you.

Posts: 298 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Tim Behle
Administrator MacNeal Sector
Member # 209

Icon 1 posted September 30, 2005 09:21 PM      Profile for Tim Behle   Author's Homepage   Email Tim Behle         Edit/Delete Post 
Looks like Texan's to me, Anyone recognise Ronnie?


Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take
an ass kickin'.

Posts: 3160 | From: Five Miles East of Vic, AZ | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Knows what it's all about
Member # 634

Icon 1 posted September 30, 2005 11:25 PM      Profile for Melvin   Email Melvin         Edit/Delete Post 
No.4 from left?
Posts: 661 | From: PA. | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged
Byron South
Knows what it's all about
Member # 213

Icon 1 posted October 01, 2005 04:28 PM      Profile for Byron South   Author's Homepage   Email Byron South         Edit/Delete Post 

I have had a couple of friends that lived in NO. I was down visiting one time and he told me flat out where not to go after dark. On another trip down there I got lost and ended up in the wrong part of town at about dark. I stopped at a gas station to get directions and was told by the attendant that it would be a good idea to get out of that part of town before dark and to keep my doors locked until I was across the river bridge. I could tell by the way he said it I was not in a good situation.

I suppose people are a little like dogs, if one senses fear, hate or indifference, the situation can become much worse in a hurry.

In the communities that I frequent people don't act like dogs, and rarely would a person be in any jeopardy simply because of skin color. This is simply not so in parts of NO and many other communities in this country.

I agree that the media spins things and has a way of making things appear larger than they really are. They also have a way of turning their heads and ignoring the obvious from fear of being called insensitive or racist. It is simply not politically correct to point out that a certain percentage of black America has made living off the government a way of life. They are using the welfare “safety net” as a hammock. It is also true that they are by far the largest race of people doing so. I honestly don't believe it because of any thing other than their community’s leaders and other leaders like Jesse Jackson and his cohorts that teach their disciples to expect the government to tend to them because they somehow deserve it.

I too have small children that I'm raising to take people as they are, without regard to race, religion, or background, just as I do. I despise ill behavior and bigotry towards anyone and will not tolerate it in my kids. There is not a racist bone in my body; in fact I admire any person regardless of color for their self-reliance, work ethic and moral behavior. I have the utmost respect for people that are trying to get ahead, and the same measure of intolerance for people expecting something for nothing because they are somehow underprivileged. I have been on my own since I was 16 years old, have no diplomas, and have never asked anyone for anything in my life, I have what I have because of hard work. Like I said before there skin color has nothing to do with it. It is there behavior. I feel sorry for those in the black community that have these people creating the stereotypical view of their race.

I too would like to get together this season and call a few coyotes. Maybe we cal get Cal and Murphy to meet us in Quanah after deer season.


"Coming to the Call" predator hunting videos. Volumes I, II, III and IV. Order two or more and pay no S&H

Posts: 313 | From: Texas | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
"There are some ideas so absurd only an intellectual could believe them."--George Orwell.
Member # 7

Icon 1 posted October 01, 2005 04:53 PM      Profile for Cdog911   Author's Homepage   Email Cdog911         Edit/Delete Post 

If I were to sum up your words, I would simply say that it isn't how some people look, or how some people talk, or even whether or not they have a penny to their name. In truth, the problem is in how some people act. Add in a disaster like we've seen this month and their problems are only exacerbated.

For the life of me, I cannot imagine being a "victim" down there, and just sitting on my ass and waiting for outsiders to come in and do everything for me that I'm perfectly capable of doing for myself.

I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something; and, because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

Posts: 5438 | From: The gun-lovin', gun-friendly wild, wild west | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Byron South
Knows what it's all about
Member # 213

Icon 1 posted October 01, 2005 06:30 PM      Profile for Byron South   Author's Homepage   Email Byron South         Edit/Delete Post 
Yep Lance that pretty well sums it up. Gratitude has been short in coming from these people for all that has been done for them.

For the life of me, I cannot imagine being a "victim" down there, and just sitting on my ass and waiting for outsiders to come in and do everything for me that I'm perfectly capable of doing for myself.

I feel the same way. For a lot of them, not much of what they have is of value to them because they didn't earn it the way you and I did. It was given to them. For at least two generations it has been given to them, for some they accept this as a way of life and are taught to expect and demand it. Hopefully someone they respect will come in and lead them into rebuilding something they can take pride in. That will be the only way it will not turn right back into the same cess pool it was before Katrina hit.


"Coming to the Call" predator hunting videos. Volumes I, II, III and IV. Order two or more and pay no S&H

Posts: 313 | From: Texas | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
"There are some ideas so absurd only an intellectual could believe them."--George Orwell.
Member # 7

Icon 1 posted October 01, 2005 07:10 PM      Profile for Cdog911   Author's Homepage   Email Cdog911         Edit/Delete Post 
Hopefully someone they respect will come in and lead them into rebuilding something they can take pride in. That will be the only way it will not turn right back into the same cess pool it was before Katrina hit.
Truth is, they won't go back. That part of their society will glum onto some other poor bastard in some other poor city and will never return to NO. If there is one to be found, this fact may be the silver lining for NO. Like I said, multi-billion dollar neighborhhod improvement project. It took two hurricanes and a buttload of water, but NO finally got the bath it seems to have needed.

Now, in comparison, those Texans have gooten busy and put what they had left to work. Get'n 'er done. You sure as hell don't see the media piping pictures of that all over the world, do you?

I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something; and, because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

Posts: 5438 | From: The gun-lovin', gun-friendly wild, wild west | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 33

Icon 1 posted October 03, 2005 08:37 PM      Profile for Q-Wagoner           Edit/Delete Post 
Byron you redneck SOB…. You got mail. Got some new ideas for your coon trap.

Good hunting.


Posts: 617 | From: Nebraska | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged

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