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Author Topic: Hunting The Night Shift with Randy Watson
Wiley E
Knows what it's all about
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Icon 1 posted January 02, 2006 06:57 AM      Profile for Wiley E   Email Wiley E         Edit/Delete Post 
My nephew drew my name for Christmas this year and what to my wandering eyes should appear but the Hunting The Night Shift dvd with Randy Watson.

I didn't even have a dvd player but my wife bought one of those for Christmas as well. I finally had the TV to myself last night and was able to watch Randy Watson's video.

Excellent job!

Very informative, great emphasis on being certain of your target and maintaining landowner and game warden relations, unique chair ideas, no showboating, obviously backed with years of experience, filming was better than one would expect at night, good breakup between segments, great information on "eye shine".

The amount of land that Randy Watson has to hunt is obvious testimony to having treated landowners right over the years. It also had an emphasis on taking predators in areas of predation. I liked Randy Watson's confident and calm manner in explaining his system.

Very interesting to someone like myself who has not done a lot of night hunting. I also found the approach behavior comparisons between grey fox, coon, bobcat and coyote quite interesting. Wouldn't have expected grey fox to be quite so.......brave at night?

The possum added a nice twist. I can certainly understand Randy Watson's choice of calibers for night hunting to help anchor animals where they were last seen as opposed to .17 runaways and deflected bullets.

I thoroughly enjoyed this dvd for the unique information and experience it provided.

Huber and Ebbert give it "two thumbs up".

Great job Randy Watson!


Posts: 853 | From: Kadoka, S.D | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 8

Icon 1 posted January 02, 2006 08:10 AM      Profile for UTcaller   Email UTcaller         Edit/Delete Post 
Hold on to your boot straps boys here we go again.LOL!
Posts: 1612 | From: Utah | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Randy Buker
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Icon 1 posted January 02, 2006 09:00 AM      Profile for Randy Buker   Author's Homepage   Email Randy Buker         Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks for the kind words, Scott.

I agree with everything you said but obviously noticed the slam by leaving my name out of it.

But, like I said, I agree with everything you said. Randy Watson is the master of the night. His knowledge and technique is unsurpassed. He's an honest and straight up kind of guy and has a great relationship with landowners.

He's also an expert at identifying habitat for various species. When he says he's going to go calling coyotes, you seldom will see a grey fox or bobcat and conversely, when he says we're going after cats, seldom will we call in a coyote. He just knows where each species will hang out.

My introduction to hunting with lights was with Randy Watson. His setup is comfortable and efficient. I didn't know what to expect or how to do it. It was a great learning experience to be able to hunt with him while doing this video.

Scott, I even agree with you on his choice of calibers. If I were going to hunt where and how he hunts, I wouldn't use the .17rem either. It's just too small and you want the critters DRT so they don't run out of the light.

I've been hunting for years under the moon light over snow. In this instance, the .17 rem is perfectly adequate. If you do manage to get a runner, there's no way they can get away when you have this kind of snow cover. But, down there with no snow and moon light, I'd move up to a .223 as well. I didn't have that option. My only predator rifle is a .17rem. My next step up is a .243 and I didn't want to turn bobcats inside out by using that rifle.

So anyway, the slam of omission aside, thanks again for the kind words on our video.


Hunting the Red Fox

Posts: 158 | From: Parkers Prairie, MN | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
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Icon 1 posted January 02, 2006 02:50 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Oh yeah, Scott. That was not an accidental oversight. Buker has a lot more face time on camera in that video than does Watson. You are bad. But, I get your point (I think)

Randy Watson has the night hunting experience, not Buker. They are hunting Watson's hunting spots, using Watson's truck and Watson's gear, and Buker (I assume) is the camera operator?

By Scott's yardstick, Buker's thoughts and opinions don't carry much weight, about anything except how it was filmed. I wasn't there, but that's the way it strikes me. On the other hand, it seems like Watson never wastes his time with chitchat, unless there is something in it for him? I have read his posts for many years and he offers no clues, no tips, just dead animals. Don't misunderstand me, pics are fine, proves you can do it. But there is not much in the way of help for the aspiring night hunter. Whatever he says, there is no doubt that he (could) give more, if he wanted.

Good hunting. LB

Randy Watson is the master of the night. His knowledge and technique is unsurpassed.
This part is strictly Buker's opinion, and not even close to being accurate.

[ January 02, 2006, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31465 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Randy Buker
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Member # 134

Icon 1 posted January 02, 2006 03:12 PM      Profile for Randy Buker   Author's Homepage   Email Randy Buker         Edit/Delete Post 
Geez Leonard... I'm not sure how to respond to all of that.

First off, I think I need to clarify a few things.

First off, I was the one who said it was Watson who had the expertise for this video. If you watch the instructional parts of the video, you'll notice I covered some of the basic stuff like hand calls and electronic calls. He covered things like running the light, identifying the animals, land owner relations, etc, etc. Also, if you watch the video, you'll see that Watson has more face time minutes than I do. (if that's important to you. Our goal was to put out a good, entertaining and somewhat educational video.)

I have to disagree with you about his not helping others. He moderates the night hunting forum at Predator Masters and he's there to help folks with whatever questions come up. He doesn't seem to take to this internet thing like you and I do. Maybe he has a life, I don't know. He doesn't post a lot but he's very helpful. And, while there was "something in it for him" he offered a whole bunch of helpful instruction in that video and he has written several published articles that are helpful to someone trying to learn as well.

As far as my comment "Randy Watson is the master of the night. His knowledge and technique is unsurpassed." It's true that it's my opinion but let me assure you, I'm not alone in that.

I know you claim to be an expert (or at least an advanced amatuer) in the night hunting field and I believe you have an awesome amount of experience. I follow this board fairly closely and read most everything posted. I believe you have more to share than what you do. I've heard through the grapevine that you have secrets you will take to the grave. I'm not sure why you'd want to do that.

But, we all have our own opinions.

Hunting the Red Fox

Posts: 158 | From: Parkers Prairie, MN | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2

Icon 1 posted January 02, 2006 03:28 PM      Profile for Leonard   Author's Homepage   Email Leonard         Edit/Delete Post 
Okay, you have said your piece Randy. Maybe there are a few things I don't talk about, but in the sum total of my contribution to the sport of night predator hunting, I think I share a lot more than Watson; really detailed stuff. And, there is the 3rd generation thing. I have yet to see where anything in your video is cutting edge. Okay, if Watson appears on camera more than you, I stand corrected, it was a long time ago that I watched a pre release copy, and I gave you guys a good review, insofar as the animal approach sequences, if for no other reason that we don't see a heck of a lot of that kind of footage. The way he hunts would never make it, out here.

Good hunting. LB

EL BEE Knows It All and Done It All.
Don't piss me off!

Posts: 31465 | From: Upland, CA | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Wiley E
Knows what it's all about
Member # 108

Icon 1 posted January 02, 2006 08:34 PM      Profile for Wiley E   Email Wiley E         Edit/Delete Post 
Leonard, in light of the fact that so many guys have had their methods plagerized, I would say that Randy Watson was smart to save most of his calling system for a video and make a buck or two on it before someone else claims that system as their own. Randy Watson's night calling system is there to be learned but it has a price tag attached to it that is damn sure worth the asking price.

There is some things that I have learned that I may take to the grave just to keep an edge but if I give them up, it won't be for free.

Why give ALL one's experience and knowledge away to someone who may not have the experience to know how to apply it, probably wouldn't appreciate the time and effort that went into developing that system, and would claim it as their own. At least if it's sold it gives something back to the person who put the miles in.

In light of the recent "prostitution" discussion, I think Randy Watson's a hell of a lot smarter than those of us who have given a lot of the information away for free to a lot of guys who didn't appreciate it anyway.

Oh BTW Buker, in fairness, you did do a good job of filming and editing. I was impressed with the entire dvd. Filming at night has to be a difficult task.

I don't think most people realize just how much experience and trial and error went into the development of that system above and beyond the average night caller. Like I said before, experience recognizes experience. There is no doubt in my mind that Randy Watson has paid his dues and he deserves credit. I hope anyone who copies his system remembers to give him credit.

Leonard, I hope you purchase a copy because I would love to hear your critique considering the experience you have had with night calling. I may not ever be able to apply some of these techniques but it was worth learning if the opportunity ever presents itself.

All through the video I had this image of a low hanging branch knocking the shooter off the chair. LOL! Not that I would want that to happen just gotta believe that eventually someone sitting in the chair would smack their melon on something. Low bridge....DOAH!


[ January 02, 2006, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Wiley E ]

Posts: 853 | From: Kadoka, S.D | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 33

Icon 1 posted January 03, 2006 12:36 AM      Profile for Q-Wagoner           Edit/Delete Post 
I got nothing bad to say about Buker or Watson and hold them in the highest regards. Buker in particular has been more than fair with me over the years and has always been professional and respectable. Watson has killed a shit load of predators over the years and is NO flash in the pan by any stretch. In fact, out of all of the newest Videos out there right now I can’t think of any two people combined that have more experience or numbers behind them than Randy Watson. NO one can say that he hasn’t earned the right to speak on the subject.

I was lucky enough to win a copy of their video in a story contest and really enjoyed it. There was no showboating or jackassing around in the video at all and I would give it a “thumbs up” as well.
Now my experience in night hunting pales in comparison Randys or Leonards or many other authorities but I saw no cutting edge stuff either. My only real experience of hunting out of a truck at night came from South Africa. The basics are similar though.

Heinrich is VERY sophisticated when it comes to night hunting because that is how he has made his living for 14 years. When you are feeding a family of 4 by killing predators everything has to be done right to make money and to get hired back. Hein does not advertise his services either so that in its self is a statement of his authority on the subject. I would like to get Hein, Leonard and Randy around a campfire some time with a case of that sweet South African wine. LOL

The best night hunters don’t automatically come out of Texas or California or the RSA, I think the best night hunters are where you find them. Everybody has rules and geography and predator densities to overcome so everyone’s techniques will evolve around those parameters. One system may not be useful in another person’s area or legal so it is like comparing apples to oranges when comparing styles, equipment or systems.

Randy’s ideas will be plagiarized and copied I guarantee it so it is good that he is getting his peace of the pie while it is still fresh. I’ll even bet his hackles have been raised a time or two by people copping his ideas by assuming them as there own?

If I have learned any thing about night hunting or day hunting for that matter, it is this. Anyone can do either one and be successful with little knowledge or experience if they are lucky or in the right situations.

There is no best but rather specialists in the field. Some gear themselves towards tournaments, some for big numbers and others do damage work where the # of dead coyotes does not matter as much as the dead sheep. It is all basically the same but it takes special skills, talents and knowledge to stand apart in your given field of expertise. Some people’s idea about ADC is shooting “a” coyote on a “cow farm” because the farmer thinks a “yote” ate one of his “calfs.” LOL There is always a little rivalry and sometimes animosity between the different groups but it is easy to identify who is who. LOL

I do what I do well but I am always looking to expand my knowledge and skills by learning from all of the different specialists in all of the different fields of predator calling. My goal is to become more rounded. I think by doing that I will become a more complete hunter and I will be able to adapt more readily to different situations and areas that I will be hunting. “Hunting the Night Shift” gave me a small look into how Randy operates in West Texas. If I ever get to Texas I will know what to expect. I am looking forward to volume II and will buy it as soon as it comes available. It doesn’t bother me if it is filmed on Hi-8 and it doesn’t matter to me how many kills it has. I will buy it because of Randy’s experience and hope I can pick something up that I can use. It is guys like Randy that can offer something to believe in because of the miles and #s he has behind him.

To be one of the best you need to learn from the best no matter what field it is in. To get to where I want to go in predator hunting I need to pay attention to what the most accomplished callers feel is important to there successes. As a frequent lurker on the predator hunting boards it is not hard to recognize the who’s who of predator hunting. If more people knew who to listen to but more important who to really “hear” threads would be very short. It’s kind of a wheat/chaff; fly shit from the pepper kind of thing. LOL That is the downfall of the Internet I think. The new guys not only don’t know who to ask or who to listen to, they don’t even know what questions really need answering.

I wish I had the time and energy to tell you of some great night hunts I have had in Africa. They have been some of the most rewarding hunts I have ever been on. I don’t know all the techniques and strategies and styles Randy and Leonard and other use but I can tell you I have learned things from Hein that I have never heard mentioned on the Internet or in any book or video.

Good hunting.


Posts: 617 | From: Nebraska | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged
Gerald Stewart
Knows what it's all about
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Icon 1 posted January 03, 2006 08:11 AM      Profile for Gerald Stewart           Edit/Delete Post 
That is a great post Q.
Posts: 419 | From: Waco,Tx | Registered: Mar 2003  |  IP: Logged
varmit hunter
Knows what it's all about
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Icon 1 posted January 03, 2006 07:32 PM      Profile for varmit hunter   Email varmit hunter         Edit/Delete Post 
Q, That has to be the best post I have seen on any board. In fact better than 98% of the articles I have read about becoming a predator hunter. As high as you personally stand on the mountain, you realize you are only in the foot hills. A rare trait in any man. Especially one of you're caliber.

Make them pay for the wind.

Posts: 932 | From: Orange,TX | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged

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