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Posted by Guess? (Member # 954) on September 18, 2006, 12:45 PM:
Cal, I'm taking trophies too. I call a lot of dogs and it just gets easier all the time. This one ran straight in.


Opposite view.


Heres two dogs that I found,I mean SHOT, on the road, I mean TRAIL. Those are not tire tracks on them.


Prostaff Team Pakman
Posted by browning204 (Member # 821) on September 18, 2006, 12:49 PM:
HOLY CRAP! that is funny!!!!!
Posted by canine (Member # 687) on September 18, 2006, 12:53 PM:
Nice flip flops guess? [Eek!] [Big Grin]

That street looks awful familiar..... [Confused]

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 18, 2006, 01:01 PM:
Welcome to the New Huntmasters, Hammerdog. Glad to have you on board.

Say. Is that a Texas farm road; or might it be 59th St. looking "bs"?

Yeah, I also like to wear shower thongs in the desert; much cooler!

Good hunting. LB

edit: what kind of camo is that? Did you use a foxpro, or is this an old picture?

[ September 18, 2006, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by lonelyGGuy15 (Member # 951) on September 18, 2006, 01:13 PM:
Wow, way to go, hammerdog! What is that camo you are wearing, and where can I get it?

Tell us more about the hunt, what weapon did you use and how you got the keys to the gate? (Oops, scratch that)

I want to be just like you. What's it like to be on TV?
Lonely boy
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 18, 2006, 02:20 PM:
LMAO, thats some funny shit right there... [Big Grin]
Posted by lobo (Member # 121) on September 18, 2006, 02:39 PM:
Way to go, Guess?. You are living the drem. Hey ya, neat camo, where can I get some? LOBO
Posted by dawgfan (Member # 53) on September 18, 2006, 02:48 PM:
hamer dem dogs, guess. great cammo, btw. [Cool]
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 18, 2006, 03:48 PM:
This has gotten more than just sad. Now it's pitiful. Too bad some people can't offer encouragement. Instead they just continue trying to drag other people down.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 18, 2006, 04:07 PM:
Don't understand, Basil? What do you mean?

Good hunting. LB
Posted by CBGC (Member # 643) on September 18, 2006, 05:00 PM:
Thats good stuff! I need one of them camo do-rags, my hair is fallN out.
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 18, 2006, 05:17 PM:
Don't understand, Basil? What do you mean?

Glenn Guess obviously has ambitions and he has achieved some of his goals. For some reason folks have chosen to single him out to ridicule, criticize, degrade, and in some cases even make up and spread lies about him, not here that I'm aware of (lies), but it has happened elsewhere. He set goals for himself and he's attempting to accomplish those goals. I wasn't too crazy about him when our paths first crossed either. I took the initiative to get to know him and learn what he was about. I got much information from other people at first and didn't take anybodies word as gospel. I kept an open mind. I then took the next step and contacted him myself. If folks want to believe it or not, fact is: he's the real deal. Not only is he a good hunter, he's a good father, husband and citizen. I think if people would take the time to get to know him, they'd have a different point of view. I like to see people excel and offer encouragement when I can. I'm happy to see people be successful in what they do. People say his photos are an attempt at self promotion. How boring would these message boards be if guys didn't share their hunts and photos? It would have sucked if Cal felt he couldn't share his elk hunt for fear of being ridiculed. This all reminds me of growing up in the ghetto. If one guy busted his ass to excel he was labeled an Uncle Tom or a sell-out. It was the majorities way of holding someone down to their level. I'd rather boost a man up and see success be it mine, his or yours. Glenn Guess isn't the only one that I took time to get to know. In most cases the general attitude towards a person was off base. I know that some of you had preconceived notions about guys that you eventually met at the HM Camp-out. You came away with a different attitude, didn't you? All I'm saying is; don't jump on the bashing bandwagon and find out what a guy is really all about. He's on so many companies field/pro staffs for a reason, he produces! He isn't a name dropper so we don't hear about a lot of what goes on in the background and who he's affiliated with. The list is long! Like it or not, he's one of us. Choose to support and encourage him or not, but don't gang up on him.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 18, 2006, 06:16 PM:
I understand enough about him. I understand hes the prick that made the big post on PA about Higgins, Cal and Vic.

If you dont want folks making fun of you on hunting forums, dont do a WWF pose down with your shades and doo rag to start with. And dont make up ridiculous names like Team Hammerdog.

The first part was enough for me to call BS on him. The appearance is just icing on the cake.... Hes hangin right where he belongs.

Posted by yuccabush (Member # 582) on September 18, 2006, 06:23 PM:
Nice hunting there guess? You are a true legend.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 18, 2006, 06:36 PM:
Well Basil. It looks like you think that our friend is innocent and there are a lot of big meanies ganging up on him for no good reason?

The way I see it, there are many people that believe him to be a shameless self-promotor, so I'm afraid that we don't see eye to eye on this issue.

I'm glad (however) that you have come to his defense and I'm glad that Huntmasters can provide the other side of this issue, unlike a few other places.

Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it, very much; and appreciate your candor in expressing it for us.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 18, 2006, 06:45 PM:
and I appreciate the opportunity to express myself here. I never totally close my mind to evidence, but hearsay means nothing to me. If anybody has some interesting evidence, I'd like to see it. If he has fooled me, shame on him. It won't happen twice. Good hunting to you!
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 18, 2006, 06:55 PM:
Basil, I read your post thoroughly and I wish that you would post your real name instead of the Basil nom-de-plume, I believe that I would like to get to know you. You sound like a reasonable man of good will and I applaud you for standing up for your friend, especially in the lion's den, so to speak.
I do wish you had come to our defense on PA when
Guess led the verbal attack on the three of us and orchestrated our banishment. Where were you?

Glenn is the originator of the "Pampass knowitalls" jewel that he tossed at Leonard on HuntAmerica. Where were you?
You said:
. I think if people would take the time to get to know him, they'd have a different point of view.
Before all of this came down, I personally invited Guess to join this board. He declined. It is well. Frauds do not last long here.
I have read enough of the propaganda that he barrages a dozen or more forums on a constant basis to fully understand that he is a hardworking ambitious young man who is aspiring to emulate the same kind success that BS enjoys and he hopes to acheive it in the same manner. I have read enough of his constant propaganda to know with certainty that he is a coyote caller with very limited experience, much like his mentor, BS.
All of that aside he would be simply ignored, to a larger degree, if he did not declare war on this board and on Cal, Vic and me. Read the "Healthy Debate" thread from July that Guess initiated at that time with the sole intent to have us banned and then tell me where you were then.

PS. This thread really is funny.
Guess is registering on several boards under as many as five aliases and formed his own fan club. Each alias posts about what a great guy and great caller Glenn is.
Not as funny as that, but a close second.
You aren't one of those aliases are you? [Big Grin]
Posted by smithers (Member # 646) on September 18, 2006, 07:14 PM:
is that a 17 HMR and a sceery AP-6? i gotta get both of those. looks like you have the keys to success right therein the palm of your hand. see, that's where i've been going wrong.

P.S. can i get a template of your goatee/ beard? are those Ray- Bans or Oakleys? wait! those are just hot dogs on sticks? that other one looks like it's still alive. i knew those HMR's couldn't put 'em down.

Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 18, 2006, 07:28 PM:
You aren't one of those aliases are you?
I hadnt thought of that Rich.... That would explain ALOT.

Posted by smithers (Member # 646) on September 18, 2006, 07:47 PM:
Guess? your profile is great.

Occupation: Promoter
Interests: Promotion

It's golden, Jerry! It's Golden!
Posted by Brad Norman (Member # 234) on September 18, 2006, 07:49 PM:
I agree with what Higgins said about posting names. If I had a problem (or question)for him, Calvin or Vic, at least I know where they live and what their true names are and could locate them pretty easily.

If I wanted to locate some others, I may have to visit several sites and try to use reasonable deduction to even find out what state they are from or what their true names are for that matter. Then, I may only get a direction, e.g. S.W.

That alone explains a lot to me.
Posted by yuccabush (Member # 582) on September 18, 2006, 07:52 PM:
Basil:He isn't a name dropper.
Just about every post I have ever read that guess has made is nothing more than an advertisment. He always drops names and product names. Can we learn (read) anything in this great hobby/sport that is not so full of advertisments?
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 18, 2006, 09:25 PM:
Sorry, I thought everybody knew I'm Weasel. I'm 99% sure that I posted that at one time or another. Anyway, I don't know what you folks are referring to when you say "PA"? Please give me a link. In fact, links to anything pertinent would be appreciated. I'm not necessarily coming to Guess's defense as much as I'm coming to the defense of anybody that wants to accomplish something. Guess is just the target as of late so I picked him. If he suckered me in, I'll jump his ass too! Others here make videos and give us the names of products they use, but they aren't name droppers and they aren't attacked for it. We don't have to keep it a secret as to the gun, ammo or call we use. If a person doesn't post the details, somebody is likely to ask sooner or later anyway. I like knowing all the details myself. As for him not having much experience, he's still a consistent producer. No need for calling hens in the hen house comments, he's consistent and on a variety of game. Heck, I've been calling predators for 40 years as of this year. I still pick up tips from some and certainly inspiration from other folks that weren't even alive when I started. The number of years isn't as important as is the knowledge aquired and retained. I love to see a newbie call and kill his first animal more than I do calling and killing them myself. It's that enthusiasm that young folks have that keeps me inspired. I'm happy as hell that Byron South doesn't have to dig post holes and weld in Texas heat to make a living anymore. I'm glad when some of you more experienced guys share your knowledge with a rank newbie. I like to see them inspired and encouraged, not jumped on for making rookie mistakes. If a guy kills a wet bitch it's better to take the time to explain your point of view instead of jumping them. Some folks have followed Guess to other boards and registered under "funny" names just to attack him. It doesn't make the people that do that look very good and I think it reflects on the more than just the perpetrator when none of the rest of us speak up. As for not coming to the defense of some of the guys here, I can't say one way or the other as I'm a moderator on PM and will never jeopardize the trust that is given me. I can't tell what goes on in the backroom there. I've defended some and attacked some. I think you probably know where you stand with me, but I'll never confirm or deny it. I've just seen a lot of negativity lately and I doubt it does anything for the sport or to encourage new folks to join in. I know for a fact that a number of new guys quit PM because they felt they were attacked instead of educated. I know many folks are afraid to come over here to the "Lion's Den" because they feel they won't be welcomed or aren't good enough. There is plenty of knowledge on all of these forums, but unless it's shared in a constructive manner, it won't do any good for the less experienced.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 18, 2006, 09:54 PM:
Perspective. Again.
Newbies are welcome on this board as are experienced callers. We have some of each.

I have never seen anyone run off this board. I have seen several run away after a member called BS om them and they were unable to defend what ever nonsense they had been posting. As I stated before frauds don't last, sincere and honest people do. We have some good debates occassionally and someone may take some heat. If they have the courage of their convictions they will remain. Jack Roberts took some heat not long ago. He said his piece and let it go. He still posts, he didn't run away. Good on Jack.
Guess has elevated himself to celebrity status. It is an American tradition to lampoon celebrities. Supercilious celebrities make it easy and fun.
I am still confused as to why you Don Quixote to his defense on this board, to save him from some teasing, when you didn't lift a finger to save us from his bitter campaign to ban us from your board.
Someone else will explain the PA thing to you.
Posted by yuccabush (Member # 582) on September 18, 2006, 09:57 PM:
Glenn is probably a good ole boy. This is the kind of stuff that bothers me. It all sets up as an advertisement. It is quite annoying. And realy not needed IMO.
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 18, 2006, 10:56 PM:
Rich, I wasn't referring to this board when I said folks left because they felt attacked. I was referring to PM. I've seen plenty of people slink away from any number of boards when they couldn't back up their bs. That's fine in my book.
Guess has elevated himself to celebrity status. It is an American tradition to lampoon celebrities. Supercilious celebrities make it easy and fun.
Well, maybe so, but the claims of him having multiple names and being his own fan club are unfounded. Those comments are made as if they were true and to my knowledge they are not. TeamHammerdog wasn't named by him. It was named by the owner after his own dog. If y'all want to nail him, do it with truths.
I am still confused as to why you Don Quixote to his defense on this board, to save him from some teasing, when you didn't lift a finger to save us from his bitter campaign to ban us from your board.
Like I said before, it's not necessarily his defense I'm coming to. It's to defend anybody that wants to set goals and accomplish them without others trying to undermine them. If it was just teasing going on, I probably wouldn't say a thing. Hell, I'd join in! I have harrassed him. I think I was the first to give him a hard time about the doo-rag and shades. He doesn't just dress up like that for hunting pictures. That's his everyday look. It's the malicious lies that I feel are divisive and uncalled for. As for him starting a bitter campaign to get anybody banned, he doesnt carry any weight at all with PM. He made a post about getting along. It went south and several people rode it out to the end. At least several people knew to bail out of it and they did. They didn't get sucked in and get suspended. Nobody got banned anyway. Several were suspended, not banned. It wasn't all based on what happened in that one thread either. PM took a vote on who to suspend/ban and who not to suspend/ban. Several more names were mentioned than the one's you are aware of. Nobody said the vote was 100% so you don't know if anybody came to yours or anybody else's defense or not and I'm not saying. I'm not afraid to go against the grain and I've done it in several directions at times. I've taken some heat for it, but I have to do what I think is right. I've made mistakes as have the rest of you. All we can do is apologize when we can, try to learn from our mistakes and move on. I've had to go to bat for members that I really did not like. In one case that member had attacked me personally in a private message. He even made some bs threats. When a vote came up for something he did on the open board, I had to vote to keep him because I didn't feel it was a suspendable offense. What he did by private message didn't effect the board. I try to be objective in who or why I back somebody. I don't have to like you to go to bat for you and just because I may like you won't buy my support one way or another. I appreciate this board for what it is. It's nice to be able to voice an opinon. The one thing that made me stop visting here on a regular basis is when a member's retarded and physically challenged son was made fun of. I damn near snapped when I saw that shit. Still, Leonard runs this board as he see's fit. It gives folks the chance to bash anybody they choose. In some cases I feel it's uncalled for. In some cases I'll even join in, but I draw the line at making fun of kids and using lies to keep the bashing alive. Bill Martz isn't all used up yet. How 'bout we jump his ass for awhile? [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 01:05 AM:
It's like this Basil. What you just wrote about that ******* with the retarded son is a crock of shit. Some time ago, Quinton Waggoner wrote something about retards or some such(?) and this jerk took exception to what Quinton said, and took it personal, when (of course) at the time, nobody knew that this jerk had a disabled son.

In fact, Quinton was using the term loosely, as he was discussing normal people that do stupid things. A figure of speech. It was not a commentary about mental retardation as a medical condition.

That had nothing to do with me (personally) and I do not (usually) delete or edit what members write, but this "fella" got in a dither over it and quit, in a public way, and completely unnecessarily.

Well, I could care less how much he was offended by remarks that were not directed at him, but that he chose to take personally.

So yeah, that's the way I run this board, and if somebody decides to go off on a crusade, he can do it somewhere else. And, of course, he did. When he got the chance to mouth off over at PA, he blamed me for being an insensitive creep; possibly a wife beater?

Well, he can kiss my ass, I never harmed him in any way nor made any comment about his kid. He pushed the fight and posted a picture of his kid.

As far as I'm concerned, he's the one with a mental problem, and I do not appreciate it when you accuse me of crap that I didn't do and stuff that didn't happen.

So, if that's your method of checking facts that you are so proud of, from a single source, you are not doing a very good job/ Apparently, you never asked me or Quinton or reviewed the thread involved. I guess it must be here somewhere, if you feel like looking it up? Of course, I think I deleted his diatribe but everything else should be there?

In any case, there are several inaccuracies in your earlier post, but I won't dispute them except to say that talk is cheap. You made several claims that I (and several others) know to be untrue. So, let us put the ball back in your court and so you can prove what you said is accurate, or else we can consider it just bs from somebody that doesn't know what they are talking about, on several different issues.

The beginning of this thread is far from being pathetic or sad in the way that you think it is. It's sad because it hits close to home with a pathetic amateur that richly deserves the teasing and ridicule.

And, to be clear, he's no friggin' "expert". If you ask me, his success is an ufortunate accident.

Basil, the fact is: there is no shortage of gullible people....

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 19, 2006, 05:38 AM:
I went back over to PA and re read that thread last night and again this morning, to give your hero, GG, the benifit of the doubt. My decision stands. Hes an idiot. And, he had every intention of getting Cal, Vic and Rich banned from the beginning. Its very obvious. And I dont even hang out at PA. As early as the second page of the 7 page ( I think) thread, he makes the statement that its about over. Looking alot like a decision had already been made to ban who he wanted, just a matter of doing it. Of course, its hard to follow all of what he said, he deleted alot of it. Good way to do it, write something to accomplish your task and then delete it so it cant come back to bite your ass later.

As for his sponserships and commercials, I have played that game myself in the bass fishing world. The biggest part of it is smoke and mirrors as well. I would be willing to be dollars to doughnuts that GG receives very little, if anything, from any manufacturer or dealer. They are more than happy to list your name as long as your touting their products and it doesnt cost them. I would be willing to bet that GG doesnt receive anything of real value, but he likes to put on the TV host front, so he pimps it out anyway. Phony.

I know he has to be reading it with all his followers running back and forth telling him. Why doesnt he enter the lions den and stand up for himself, if he is so misunderstood?
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on September 19, 2006, 05:56 AM:
"Nobody got banned anyway."

Ever since that all went down, when I try to pull up PM, I get a message on my screen that says I've been banned.

Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 19, 2006, 07:27 AM:
Dave, you have got to be kidding! That has to be a mistake. You are one of the greatest assets that any board could boast. There are several very good men moderating at PA. They have to be unaware that this has happened to you.

Weasel, you are to be commended for your self proclaimed mission to seek out and destroy injustice where ever you find it. I would suggest that you begin in your own house. Closed societies, such as the management of PA, make me suspicious, the lack of accountability invites abuse. Some good men are immune but I know that some who are full of BS are not.
I am astounded that men who have followed these little dramas from their beginning are offended because some of us here, who have been slapped by Guess and/ or BS, don't turn the other cheek. Do you really expect us to flop on our backs and piddle in the air for these twits? Not likely. I'm good with the fact that I'm not going to inherit the earth. I slap back, but with a little humor. If these photos offended you then perhaps the next ones that I post will tickle you. Starting Saturday Glenn gets shorter. [Big Grin]
edit cuz I kaint spel

[ September 19, 2006, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: Rich Higgins ]
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 19, 2006, 08:58 AM:
DAA, You asked that your account and membership be pulled. I know others besides myself contacted you and asked that you reconsider. You've always been and probably always will be welcome at PM. You've never been anything other than a good guy over there, one of the best in fact. Contact any of the admins and I'm sure they'll turn you back on. I can't speak for PM and I in no way represent them when I'm not on that board, but I'll say that many people miss you and want you there if you want to be there.

Leonard, Why do you call the father of a disabled child a jerk? Also, I never accused you of anything. Where did that come from? As far as me looking up the old thread, you said his diatribe has been deleted. A partial account is of no value to any of us. My bringing up the subject was only to show an example of insensitivity. I never named names.
In any case, there are several inaccuracies in your earlier post, but I won't dispute them except to say that talk is cheap. You made several claims that I (and several others) know to be untrue. So, let us put the ball back in your court and so you can prove what you said is accurate, or else we can consider it just bs from somebody that doesn't know what they are talking about, on several different issues.

Name the inaccuracies and untruths and if I can't back it up, I'll admit I'm wrong. Guess an "expert"? Who said he was an "expert"?

Andy L, My hero? You don't deserve a response.

Weasel, you are to be commended for your self proclaimed mission to seek out and destroy injustice where ever you find it. I would suggest that you begin in your own house.
Who says I haven't?
Do you really expect us to flop on our backs and piddle in the air for these twits?
Oh hell no! What fun would that be? [Big Grin] Oh, these photos don't "offend" me. It's just the dog-pile on somebody that's trying to accomplish his goals regardless of who it is that bothers me. I'm looking forward to seeing the new pictures this week-end. As you may know I too like to mess with peoples pictures. Most of my edit jobs aren't suitable to post on a message board so they are emailed to my mark. Glenn Guess has even received an edited photo or two. There are two semi regulars here that I've gone to bat for at PM too. I know you've commented on my positive posts about you in the past. I have absolutely nothing personal against any individual here. I just don't like to see folks have lies used against them in an effort to undermine what they do. Teasing is one thing I have no problem with, but if it becomes mean and malicious, I'll stick my neck out even if I know I'm going to have my head chopped off. All I can say in the end is that I did what I felt was right.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 19, 2006, 09:15 AM:
I could care less about your opinion or if you think I deserve anything. What I say is true though, and you know it. Thats all that matters...

The doo-ragged one called for a witch hunt and he got it. You said you did what you thought was right. That included going along with it, appearantly. PA lost what I thought was 3 very knowlegable members over it, now it looks like 4 with Dave. Thats whats sad.

Edit: I read back over this thread. It was started tounge in cheek and really was funny. Still is, but really sucks that someone has to get pizzed about it...

[ September 19, 2006, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: Andy L ]
Posted by Rowney (Member # 934) on September 19, 2006, 10:08 AM:
Let me preface this by saying i am not coming to anyones defense, period, unless i know them face to face, of which that is no one on any of these boards. With that said, my problem with all of this, and I think Weas is saying the same thing, is that there are a few people who have a beef with Glenn and Byron, fine thats great. Whats not cool is people who come on either board and either come to the defense or jump on the bandwagon to participate in the mudslinging. Thats what is chicken shit if you ask me. Way too many people come on either here or there and say things trying to get attention or to stroke their own ego, when they have exactly 0% invested in the disagreement. Hell, I dont know Rich, Vic, Glenn, Byron, nor anyone else, but I do know that a few of you are smarter than hell when it comes to predators, and I want the advice and the help. Getting involved in a disagreement to better myself or whatever is the last thing i want to do, I would rather have my ego stroked when I finnaly shoot a bobcat with no damned fur damage so I can get it mounted and show some pictures! I hope I dont get ridaculed for my look though, I am pasty white, 6-2 250 lbs, and i hunt in my whitey tighteys! [Big Grin]
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 19, 2006, 10:35 AM:
I am pasty white, 6-2 250 lbs, and i hunt in my whitey tighteys!
Rowney, got any pictures for us to Photo-Shop? [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 11:04 AM:
Man, I'm getting sloppy! Know what I mean, Higgins?

Basil, your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired. I explained, in detail, what the man did and the way he went about it in sufficient detail, using grammer school verbage. He was not part of the discussion, nobody was aware of his son's condition, a member used a common word, like "idiot" to describe behavior, and he made a big unnecessary splash, instead of just quietly leaving, never to return. And, he recently brought up the whole incident over on your board, gang banging me(!) and somehow, you weren't around to defend me? It was in the Jim Champion flap, and it only involved me as someone that allowed the discussion, on Huntmasters, so this jerk really went out of his way to give me a few lumps. That's abou as well as I can spell it out for you....he's a jerk!

Now, why don't you just review your second post in this thread and document what you wrote? It's not my job to research your commentary, but I know some of your statements are not true, so you can play dumb, or offer support to what you claim to be truth. I'm not going to do it for ya. LB

Rowney, I see a pattern. A pattern of hostility. Why don't you take your chickenshit comments and go back where you came from? I usually extend courtesy to all, but I'm a little testy, right now, and I don't see why I should afford you a public platform when I view your contributions as unfriendly in the aggregate. Hit the road, or be cool; don't force me to use administrative tools.

Whats not cool is people who come on either board and either come to the defense or jump on the bandwagon to participate in the mudslinging.
You mean, like you are doing, right?

[ September 19, 2006, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 19, 2006, 11:06 AM:
Okay, here's my 2nd post:
Glenn Guess obviously has ambitions and he has achieved some of his goals. For some reason folks have chosen to single him out to ridicule, criticize, degrade, and in some cases even make up and spread lies about him, not here that I'm aware of (lies), but it has happened elsewhere. He set goals for himself and he's attempting to accomplish those goals. I wasn't too crazy about him when our paths first crossed either. I took the initiative to get to know him and learn what he was about. I got much information from other people at first and didn't take anybodies word as gospel. I kept an open mind. I then took the next step and contacted him myself. If folks want to believe it or not, fact is: he's the real deal. Not only is he a good hunter, he's a good father, husband and citizen. I think if people would take the time to get to know him, they'd have a different point of view. I like to see people excel and offer encouragement when I can. I'm happy to see people be successful in what they do. People say his photos are an attempt at self promotion. How boring would these message boards be if guys didn't share their hunts and photos? It would have sucked if Cal felt he couldn't share his elk hunt for fear of being ridiculed. This all reminds me of growing up in the ghetto. If one guy busted his ass to excel he was labeled an Uncle Tom or a sell-out. It was the majorities way of holding someone down to their level. I'd rather boost a man up and see success be it mine, his or yours. Glenn Guess isn't the only one that I took time to get to know. In most cases the general attitude towards a person was off base. I know that some of you had preconceived notions about guys that you eventually met at the HM Camp-out. You came away with a different attitude, didn't you? All I'm saying is; don't jump on the bashing bandwagon and find out what a guy is really all about. He's on so many companies field/pro staffs for a reason, he produces! He isn't a name dropper so we don't hear about a lot of what goes on in the background and who he's affiliated with. The list is long! Like it or not, he's one of us. Choose to support and encourage him or not, but don't gang up on him.
What part of that isn't true? You assume I never stuck up for you or anybody else here. A number of people know what the truth is, but haven't spoken up. You refer to PM as my board. It isn't my board and none of what I say should reflect on PM. I'm probably going to catch hell from the admins for my latest postings here, but I'm an individual. Like I've said before. It's nice the way you run this place and give people a chance to bitch and gripe and in the end everybody gets to move on with no hard feelings required. If somebody gets their panties in a wad, they'll just have to get over it or live with it.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 11:10 AM:

Now, why don't you just review your second post in this thread and document what you wrote? It's not my job to research your commentary, but I know some of your statements are not true, so you can play dumb, or offer support to what you claim to be truth. I'm not going to do it for ya. LB

Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 19, 2006, 11:12 AM:
Oh come on! This is beginning to not be fun anymore. [Frown]
Posted by Rowney (Member # 934) on September 19, 2006, 11:15 AM:
You are rght, I take offense, and I don't have the patience to spell it out for you, so shove off.

[ September 19, 2006, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 11:27 AM:
Yeah, I know what you mean, Basil. Sad and pathetic....right?
Posted by ACC (Member # 903) on September 19, 2006, 11:53 AM:
Ah, hello. Can I say something here. [Big Grin]

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 12:06 PM:
Well, that was your chance, ACC.

Now, a warning.
I'm not in the mood to tolerate trolls, today. If the only time you feel inclined to participate on Huntmasters is when you can stir the $hit, think it over.

edit: for those of you that have suddenly lost your posting privileges, you can (as last resort) email your comments to the administrator and if they don't piss me off, I will post them for you, because I really do hate censorship. Best I can do.

[ September 19, 2006, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 19, 2006, 12:23 PM:
ACC, It's all fun and games until someone loses an I.......or A, E, O, or U!  -
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 01:24 PM:
Basil, I'm really giving you a lot of rope. I suggest that you address my request and support your statements, or we will have to part company. Apparently, you cannot even be honest about what is "your board". Belonging to another board does not disqualify a registered member from sharing their views on Huntmasters, but some people might not don't know your other alias, which is weaselUT, and that you are an inter sanctum gg and bs. By the way, I outed you by your password, you didn't (99% for sure) volunteer who you are. LB
Posted by Basil Banghart (Member # 380) on September 19, 2006, 02:02 PM:
What do you mean you're giving me alot of rope? What are you going to do, ban me? You never ban people, remember? When you say we will "part company" what does that mean? Are you going somewhere? What statements shall I back up, that people pile on an individual? Read your own board! If you can't be specific, shut the hell up!
Apparently, you cannot even be honest about what is "your board". Belonging to another board does not disqualify a registered member from sharing their views on Huntmasters
I don't necessarily share the same views with PM. There are 19 or so individuals that have a say in what happens there. We are all individuals with our own view on things. We seldom if ever agree 100% on anything. To try and put what I say back onto PM as a whole is asinine. I speak for myself. The others can speak for themselves if they wish. They're wearing big boy britches now. I am or have been a moderator and administrator on several other boards. Do you think I speak for them too? Twisted thinking, but interesting none the less. I'm an an inter sanctum voter like GG & BS? I don't even need to respond to that, do I? You all give GG more weight than he has. You refuse to see the truth. Speaking of the truth, I don't see the people that I stuck my neck out for saying anything to back me up, not that I expected they would. You outed me by my password? Who I am isn't a secret, never has been. Many people know who I am.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 02:16 PM:
Okay, you said your piece, now go back where you belong. I note that you made no attempt to support your statements. and, I'm not surprised.

edit: thanks for the email. In fact, I do ban people, occasionally. You belong to an exclusive club of three. Congratulations!

[ September 19, 2006, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on September 19, 2006, 07:36 PM:
Good shooting Leonard....Amen
Posted by doggin coyotes (Member # 914) on September 19, 2006, 07:59 PM:
Yo Leonard,
Please add me to that exclusive club of 3 and we'll call it 4. I always figured the CG board was the king of all boards for dogpiles. Ole Andy was the head dogpiler over there for a long time. Looks like he moved over here to carry on the tradition.
Really about all I see here on your piece of shit board is a few guys stroking each others egos and feeling better about themselves for bashing everybody else.
You fellas enjoy each others company. Ya'll deserve each other.
No need to even reply to this because I sure as hell won't be back to read it.
Posted by Brad Norman (Member # 234) on September 19, 2006, 08:13 PM:
I hate to hear that dc. You had so much to offer!
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 19, 2006, 08:40 PM:
Yo Leonard,
Please add me to that exclusive club

Sorry, you don't qualify, ******* . You have to earn it, like weasel; not a whiney-ass "request".

Best I can do is suspend your posting privileges indefinitely. Now, go **** yourself. LB

edit:oh, and I updated your profile:;u=00000914

[ September 19, 2006, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 21, 2006, 04:42 AM:

this (above) thread is funny. A few people make judgements about the thread you are currently reading, claiming that it is not also humor oriented, but I disagree.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 21, 2006, 05:22 AM:
I saw that last night and couldnt figger out the difference either..... I thought they were both funny. Not as much stroking going on here but the same gist.
Posted by JD (Member # 768) on September 21, 2006, 06:20 AM:
I thought the whole thing was very funny, that was until the girly men showed up & ruined it for everyone. Whiners!

I suppose I have some sort of disorder or the like or maybe my momma didn`t hug me enough as a child but for the life of me I`ll never understand the small wake of individuals who are appearantly so emotionally stressed after reading a thread that they want their names added to that magical list of idiots(or should I say retards)who aren`t welcome anymore. This was potentially going to be a hillarious what?
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on September 21, 2006, 11:07 AM:

Am I the only one not getting stroked here?????

Seems everyone is getting stroked these days but me. [Frown]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 21, 2006, 12:18 PM:
I thought the whole thing was very funny, that was until the girly men showed up & ruined it for everyone. Whiners! JD
You would think those guys would have enough to do, moderating their own board? But, they admit to lurking on Huntmasters. That's fine. Sad, but fine. Pathetic, but fine. [Smile] LB
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 21, 2006, 01:27 PM:
Poor Loco. Now the jock strap stroker wants to be a strokee, lol! Better to stick to what you do best. [Big Grin]

(Sorry, that was just too easy a target to pass up [Razz] )

[ September 21, 2006, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by JD (Member # 768) on September 21, 2006, 03:09 PM:
We need to get this thread back on track......................................

Posted by JD (Member # 768) on September 21, 2006, 03:34 PM:
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 21, 2006, 04:43 PM:
[Big Grin]

You goofy bastard.... [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 21, 2006, 04:44 PM:
Those are A LOT funnier than Basil's.

edit: PS Basil, I'm working on your problem loging in. Glitch in system. Bare with me, okay?

[ September 21, 2006, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 22, 2006, 08:27 AM:
Now, this is heartwarming. Even though I have been working my little fingers to the bone, trying to fix Basil's log in problems, he has not been idle, either. He asked me to post this to see if anybody else thought it was as lol as he thinks it is?

Posted by Double G (Member # 961) on September 22, 2006, 09:54 AM:

[ September 23, 2006, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: Double G ]
Posted by Guess? (Member # 954) on September 22, 2006, 03:10 PM:
DoubleG, is it just me or is it getting crowded in here? If you are the real GG you will know the answer to this question.
Question #1
Is it true that BS and I are making a sequel to "Calling the Eastern Coyote With BS"?
and the title is " Calling the Antarctic Coyote with BS." filmed by BS in Texas while sitting on a block of ice?
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 22, 2006, 03:35 PM:
Ok, if one more shows up claiming to be GG, we can have a game show. [Confused]

Hey GG, kinda odd you show up here loggin in under your real name multiple times. I thought your style was to log in under several different names so you got your own fan club? [Eek!]

[Big Grin]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 22, 2006, 04:07 PM:
Look Team Ponytail, no real man would want in on your girly boy fan club.... Especially when you get photo ops and then scatter out the pics of the same kills over and over again.... Then to top it off, cross post all over the net!!

How many coyotes you killed, 2 or 3? Then posted the same pics with different poses?

Come clean now GG...
Posted by smithers (Member # 646) on September 22, 2006, 04:10 PM:
"Well Dip my balls in sweet cream and squat me in a kitchen full of kittens!!! Do I see someone mocking me? the Big Double G?"

Sounds like GG Allin not the Real Slim Shady. this is, in fact, quite fun reading all of this. i think once you start beaming your name in lights and neon across the web and glossing yourself the next coming in predator hunting, you should expect a few tomatoes to hit the stage. cross- posting the entire web with shots of one's self is self promotion and irritating. you make a name for yourself by others talking about you and your skill set not by splashing your own picture on every internet site related to hunting.
Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on September 22, 2006, 04:18 PM:
well i don't know who you are, but anyway that is a nice bobcat pic.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 22, 2006, 04:19 PM:
Kinda makes me a little nervous talking about dippin his balls in sweet cream and Byron South in the same sentence.... [Eek!]

GG, why dont you and your boy BS do a video on callin yotes in the middle east. You could call it "I-Called, I-Raq and I-Ran, with GG and BS". Just please, no scenes with you two and the sweet cream, please. [Eek!]
Posted by smithers (Member # 646) on September 22, 2006, 06:10 PM:
GUESS? i'm still waiting on my beard template.
Double G. good try at being the Real GG but you spelled everything right and used all the correct quotations so we all know you are a fraud. also, you wouldn't call BS, BS, you would say his name loud and proud and prolly drop a few other big names or name brands in EVERY post.
Posted by smithers (Member # 646) on September 22, 2006, 06:56 PM:
punctuation! i knew you were too smart to miss that! FRAUD.
quit the bashing Double G. can we just have a "Healthy Debate"?
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 22, 2006, 06:59 PM:
From what I read over there, Cal is danged lucky. Sounds like cmiddleton was about to get all up in his stuff for huntin in his honey holes.

Damn Cal, Im sure glad you made the escape!! [Eek!] [Razz]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 22, 2006, 07:08 PM:
It seems to me like a big part of them do nothing but ass suckin and pattin.

One gets their feelings hurt and makes a post about what a big bad man did to him and how much PA makes him feel at home. That usually evolves into a 10 page thread about how right he is and how bad the rest of the world is and how he should just stay there at the PA home so his feelings wont get chapped again.

Pretty funny. I added them to my favorites, unlike one of the latest bruised feelings over there, just for daily entertainment. Kinda like having your own zoo monkey house to look in on for a good laugh every day. [Big Grin]

I also noticed that the doo ragged one changed his profile. He no longer has his home web page advertised. It was pretty good. You think he looks wild now. He did look like a cross between a Hells Angel, a dried up hippy and Uncle Teddy. Just judging by his old pics.... [Big Grin] Not everyday you see someone that looks like they played for Whitesnake in the 80s posing down like a WWF wrestler with a YOTE in hand... [Big Grin]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 22, 2006, 08:42 PM:
Jay that is a complete 180 from the last time I talked to you. What has happened in the last week?
Posted by JD (Member # 768) on September 22, 2006, 09:38 PM:
Jay, I know from following this board that your a good man & I always pay close atten. to what you & some of the others on this board have to say so make sure that you understand that this post is made with all due respect.

This is the interenet, if GG or BS can`t handle the heat they should stay the **** out of the kitchen. I followed the whole debacle on PM (before GG edited his posts) & he reaps what he sows. If a person is going to promote himself to hero status he`d better be a ******* hero or someone is going to drop the hammer on him for being full of shit.

I don`t know about anyone posting his address, whoever did that should be ashamed but I don`t buy into this business of patting people on the back because some of the locals happen to like them, chances are those folks don`t frequent the boards .
Posted by Q-Wagoner (Member # 33) on September 23, 2006, 08:57 AM:
You guys are terrible. LOL I am actually starting to feel sorry for the guy. Of course at one point I felt sorry for Krusty also?

Ok, here is my take on the deal. We all know that GG takes lots of pics and he posts them on several boards. NOW THAT IS KIND OF ANNOYING, KIND OF LIKE TYPING IN ALL CAPS. LOL Anyway I can make an educated guess that he posts pictures of EVERYTHING he kills or he is in on killing. With this assumption I went back on PM and looked up all of his posts for the last year. He and all his buddies and his wife tallied up12 bobcats, 31 coyotes and 4 fox. There was a coon or two also, pigs and a few deer mice but as far as predators they all racked up a grand total of 47 critters. Now that is between 6 or 8 or more shooters in a 365-day time frame.

I can’t speak for everyone but to me that doesn’t sound all that impressive. Randy and I killed 9 bobcats in less than a week in Texas and I know guys that have done 8 in a night.. I have killed 31 coyotes or more in a week by my self. Last year I shot 28 in the first 6 consecutive days of hunting. I know of several guys in Texas that have killed 20 or more coyotes in 24 hours of hunting. The California club hunt guys have done those numbers as well. I am not trying to run the guy into the ground but for as many pro staffs, TV shows, and magazines he has been in as of late something just seams a little out of balance. According to his numbers, it obviously isn’t his hunting prows that have got him where he is.

Out of pure curiosity I finally broke down and bought Predator and Prey just to see what it was all about. According to the author of the pro foxhunter article Glen logged in 203 days of hunting last year. My tally has him and his buddies at 4 fox? The guy (the real deal) as the author goes on to say has a wife and 4 or 5 kids also. Cement work obviously doesn’t pay!! Looks like I need to take up plumbing!!!! On an excellent season I can hunt for about 50 days and I am single.

Glen also said “I’ve never had a gray hang up on me-they just charge right in”. I don’t have “23” years of fox calling experience but I do have about 5 days of it. Randy and I were in Texas and out of the 14 or 16 gray fox we killed we did have several hang up on us. It was probably do to our lack of calling expertise. LOL

BTW does anyone have his web page address? I would like to look at it.

Good hunting.

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 23, 2006, 09:32 AM:
Look at it this way, Quinton. As they say in Hollywood, there is no such thing as bad publicity. GG is getting mucho free hype, here and at PA.

I have been advised that DoubleG posted Glenn's true home address, and whoever knows who is poking at GG (as DoubleG) has also contacted DoubleG and asked him to edited out that address, something that escaped my notice? Well, the address is not shown, any more; what a relief!

The implication (as I understand it) was that a goon squad might decend on that little hamlet in TX, now that they knew the address. (think, Kill Bill) Mercy sakes alive, all those children potentially at risk from all the bad people on the Internet!

But anyway, back to your research, Q. You cannot know if GG takes photos of every animal he kills, although we have a strong suspicion that you are right. I hope you aren't going soft on us, feeling sorry for the guy being picked on? I understand that BS (was) in the habit of calling you every day, until he learned all there is to know about killing 200 coyotes in a season?

Why don't you be kind and thoughtful, and take the inititive? Do it for the kids. Call Glenn and talk him through the process? He's a smart boy. It shouldn't take long before he knows everything you know.

I'm sure that you can do for him what you did for BS; make him a Celebrity, Movie Star, and GLOBAL EXPERT . All at no charge! While you are still humping concrete, they could be riding in a camo Grayhound bus to their next TV gig with an entourage that would make DiCaprio jealous.

Hey, what a country! We have a male Paris Hilton, in a do rag; famous for being famous.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 23, 2006, 02:16 PM:
famous for being famous?
Or maybe famous for making themselves obvious? Back when I was a kid we called people that always wanted to be on display an attention whore.

[ September 23, 2006, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by Greenside (Member # 10) on September 23, 2006, 03:16 PM:
Those guys are little peckerheads. [Cool]

Posted by TA17Rem (Member # 794) on September 23, 2006, 03:26 PM:
Greenside: What part of Iowa you live. I used to do alot of work through-out the state. Some nice country in the southern part and western part.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 23, 2006, 05:08 PM:
Dennis, I just noticed that post on PMS from this penishead: Radd4 . Where do they keep coming up with the retarded children comments? Don't they teach reading comprehension in Bixby, Oklahoma? Nobody called a disabled child a "retard", you idiot!

If GG is good natured about his ribbing, maybe he doesn't have much choice? After all, he wanted to be famous.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Brad Norman (Member # 234) on September 23, 2006, 09:51 PM:
Come on Leonard, you didn't need to bring Oklahoma into this did you?

I've been to Bixby and your question is a good one.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 23, 2006, 10:07 PM:
Leonard, same thread, post by OhioBob
but the other sites acted like i was a retard for not knowing how to walk out and get the coyotes to RUN ME OVER,,
no outrage over that one.

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