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Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 24, 2006, 04:57 PM:
I e-mailed GG in May and invited him to Huntmasters. He replied "Not my cup of tea." Honestly, that's what he said.
On June 23 he posted on his "TV Debut Update" thread that he couldn't see or perhaps record the show and I posted and offered to tape it and send the tape to him. He declined. Those are the only two communications I ever had with GG until I posted this:
Good Lord Guess.
Don't you read your own posts?
You started this thread to decry the lack of courtesy and civility on the board. Yet you are one of the worst offenders. There is a negative passive aggressive swipe at someone in every one of your posts.
In the same post that you condemn someone elses attitude you pour gas on the fire and then fan the flames with comments like this


these same 3 follow him like pups wanting to suckle!


Do you really think that is going to create peace and harmony?
The first time I ever heard your name was when you called the three of us and others that post on HuntMasters,
"Pampass Knowitalls".
Dandy introduction Guess.
Perhaps if you spent more time crossposting your "Look at me! Look at me!" posts on every Calling board on the internet and stop inciting these flare-ups, this would all blow over, like they always do.

This was in reponse to GG's post that he later deleted that called for our banishment. He stated that the "membership had spoken". He did not state that he was actively and secretly petitioning everyone that was on the opposite sides of our discussions on all threads to email and pm the mods and demand that we be banned. The sneaky little devil pulled it off. However he contacted three members who informed me of what he was doing behind the lines. With the help and support of BS and RF, the majority of moderators , to my surprise, voted to suspend three of us.
I have no idea why GG declared war on me, I did nothing directly nor indirectly to warrent it.
What is his sigline about "real men talking it over man to man and not hiding behind terminals? Hypocritical twit! He lacks the courage to confront me even in a pm or e-mail and he lacks the conviction to stand behind his posts, he deletes them after the fact. However they were effective and he got his war. Now he and his cohorts are upset because they don't like the results? Hypocritical twits, all.
For me this little episode had nothing to do with his appearance or even his incessant self-promotion, none of that bothers me. THIS WAS SIMPLY MY RETURN FIRE IN RESPONSE TO HIS AMBUSH.
My intention was to tweak him, poke a little fun at him with my pics, but the threads always took a nasty, slightly mean turn that I really didn't intend.
I greatly appreciate the support that many of you have given. To avoid further dogpiles I do ask that no one post on this thread other than friends and supporters of GG who have legitimate questions and or grievances.

[ September 24, 2006, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Rich Higgins ]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on September 24, 2006, 07:07 PM:
Damned muslims.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 25, 2006, 09:45 AM:
....I think Basil is still having problems with his computer? Poor guy.
Posted by pup (Member # 90) on September 25, 2006, 01:02 PM:

What are you trying to accomplish, by posting this thread?

Leonard himself "edits" posts, latest one that comes to mind was deleting his impersonation of the man you seem to hate. Maybe his conscience won over, or maybe it was lack of intestinal fortitude,either way it was deleted, and that happens on every board.

Kinda hard to give you merit in holding the "hated" accountable when the others you run with do the same.

I also find it hard to give you merit when out of your own household came a disguised poster, who also posted with the same childish hatred making your intentions rather clear.

I do find your accusations of the "inexperience" of Byron South unfounded, as I assume do the other hundreds of hunters who have watched his 5 ,count'em FIVE, DVDs. I know that you have hunted with Byron and was on stand while he called up and shot his first Arizona coyote on the Roll Ranch, so I find it kinda hard to give you merit on this one as well.

Hard working, succesful, knowledgable, respectable , and entertaining would be more in line than "inexperience", when refering to Byron.

Last Saturday evening I had a chance to meet and speak with Glenn Guess. I find your opinion of him to lack merit as well.

I think you have changed! And in my humble opinion, it is not for the better. I no longer see the Rich Higgins I knew, in your posts , nor in your actions of late, and the change started way before any of this.

Now you and Leonard can think what you want about friends, but when a friend of mine is showing his ass, I tell them.

Rich your pants are down!!!

P.s. Leonard really don't give a shit , because it is giving this board some hits, and that is what he is after right or wrong. If he wasn't he would of put a stop to this, before it grew into such childish hatred. It is bull that was slung about letting threads run and no banning?

Speaking of banning, where is Jay, was he banned? If so, he is a lucky man, to be kicked out of this pack of rabid wolves. Ya'll will turn on each other before long.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 25, 2006, 03:00 PM:
Speaking of banning, don't let the door hit you in the ass, ******* . I'd freakin' ban ya except that Higgins asked for participation from the those that can't understand the situation.

Just so you know, it doesn't do a damned thing for me, if this board gets hits, or not. I don't profit, it only costs me more money. There is no advertisments, therefore, I pay all expenses, all so that you can have the privilage of mouthing off and insulting me and other members. What a Country, right? Now, you go play in Glenn's jockstrap, if you like, but do not attempt to control content on this board. Especially since you seem to be so ill informed.


Other than that, nice to be made aware of your ****** up opinion. Thank you. LB
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 25, 2006, 07:03 PM:
Hi Jim,
What are you trying to accomplish, by posting this thread?
Jim, I stated in the post why I was poking fun at Guess. Before I left it alone I wanted all involved to understand that I wasn't sniping at the fellow for any petty reason but that I had a legitimate bitch with the guy. If you still don't understand, read Tim Behle's post on the CF thread. He understands.

"the man you seem to hate." "holding the "hated" accountable" "with the same childish hatred"
Jim, I don't hate Guess. I don't know Guess. I'm angry at him for orchestrating the ambush of Cal, Vic and me at PM, and worse, for succeeding. Ask him why he hates us.

I no longer see the Rich Higgins I knew, in your posts , nor in your actions of late, and the change started way before any of this.
Jim, I don't know what "actions" you are referring to. Perhaps something that Jay told you. I must caution you concerning somethings that Jay says.
I'm still the same as when you and I took on Scott Huber and got our heads handed to us. Your posts to Scott, as well as mine, were far more rancorous than anything that I have posted about GG or BS. Scott mentioned how vicious you were the last time I hunted with him. You were simply viewing things from this side of the fence at that time because you were my ally. The posts are still around if you care to take the time to look at them. The difference is that Scott was a formidable opponent(just ask Byron lol)and Guess is not. That is why I merely poked fun at him rather than use confirmed information that can damage him. The guy has great kids. I wish him no ill. But as you know, if you turn the other cheek you are likely to get it slapped also. FYC, payback isn't always a bitch. Sometimes it's fun and satisfying.

I do find your accusations of the "inexperience" of Byron South unfounded, as I assume do the other hundreds of hunters who have watched his 5 ,count'em FIVE, DVDs. I know that you have hunted with Byron and was on stand while he called up and shot his first Arizona coyote on the Roll Ranch, so I find it kinda hard to give you merit on this one as well.

You will greatly regret having asked this if I answer it. Out of consideration for our past friendship I am going to give you 24 hours to reconsider. If you do not post withdrawing that question by this time tomorrow I will answer it.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on September 25, 2006, 08:42 PM:
This is getting good. I'm going to pull up a chair, have a seat and pour a nice cup of coffee.

My money's on Higgy.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 25, 2006, 09:48 PM:
It's embarassing to see this guy make an ass of himself. He doesn't know a damned thing about the events that he talks about.

Rich, unfortunately, your mark has "lost" his posting privileges by expressing himself so eloquently. Whatever response you get from him, (or do not get), will have to be in the form of an email or phone call.

Folks, you know Rich. Is there any doubt that he has something to offer? Nope. LB [Wink]

edit: experience, eh? Is this the same guy that claims coyotes do not fear human voices?

[ September 25, 2006, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on September 27, 2006, 07:25 AM:
Leonard, would you restore Pup's ability to post, please? Pup has not contacted me in the past 24 hours and unless he or someone else from that camp posts publicly, calls my hand and says "let's see what you got,Ya'll", I'm reluctant to do so.
Several people that I greatly respect have said enough. Some that know details have told me to continue.
I leave it to you Pup. I know you have a monetary/business connection with BS through Haydel's Game Calls. If that is the motive for your post I will not hear from you. If you were objective and sincere in your initial post, give me the go ahead.
If this is the end of it, I want to thank all of you who took the time to email your thoughts and support. I am surprised and greatly flattered by them.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 27, 2006, 09:14 AM:
I'm not going to do it, Rich. Consider that you already have his answer. He knows how to contact you.

Some people don't deserve protection for the sake of "Board harmony", or because they are fun people to be around, or that they have a lot of kids. Until then, you look like the trouble causer to their supporters.

Which reminds me; not once have I read where a supporter has conceded that maybe, just maybe; these boys might have attacked you, in any way?

For all your efforts on behalf of the entire predator hunting community, as far as the fan club is concerned; you have zero credibility.

Step up to the plate, Higgins.

edit: what is called for is a public apology from those that have injured you three guys. Maybe that would be enough, but denial isn't working?

[ September 27, 2006, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Q-Wagoner (Member # 33) on September 27, 2006, 12:24 PM:
All good stuff, now we are getting somewhere. I don’t have a dog in this fight either but Gerald has been speaking to Byron and Glen either personally or by e-mail. No one here knows exactly what Gerald has been told. If Gerald wants to insert himself into this little feud then he should call up Rich and get his story before he goes jumping to conclusions. I am sure he would get an ear full. LOL

I don’t think this is the makings of a board war either. But comments like PA “predator amateurs” could turn it into one. I just think it is about some personal grievances that need to be worked out. I don’t have any problems with PM personally but I have some concerns. My concern is that too many of the officiating crew over there is either selling something or they are on a Pro staff of someone there that is selling something. The checks and balances system is not too balanced.

In other words they have personal interests and an image to uphold. I may be bias because I conceder Rich, Vic and Cal my friends. I think they were set up and railroaded.

To debate with them about something coyote related is usually like charging Hell with a bucket of water. They have handed Byron and Glen and a few others their ass on a platter a number of times. This was getting very frustrating and had to be dealt with. No one likes to be told there wrong, period. But the whole thing is amplified on the WWW when all of your groupies and potential customers are watching. Anyone that takes them on is walking a thin line.

It is not possible to sort this mess out on PM because it is potentially damaging to several peoples reputations. Because many of them are interconnected it causes ripples to become waves. They will not allow that to happen for obvious reasons.

Too many people only know one side of the story because they have the edit button and have used it. Rich, Vic, Cal and who ever else is left out in the cold. If they want to be heard then this is the only place that it can be done.

Gerald, you are always a gentleman and I appreciate that but I don’t really think you need to put your self in a position to have to decide which side of the fence you are on here. No one is going to think any less of you no matter where you post because you are a gentleman.

Again I have no interests in this but I do find the whole thing interesting. If Rich feels it appropriate to bring a few dirty little secrets to the surface then so be it. If not that is fine too. We can get back to coyote talk and be done with it.

Good hunting.

Posted by bearmanric (Member # 223) on September 27, 2006, 01:54 PM:
Q were not all bad people a predatormaster's. as my fishing buddy use to say cant we all just get along. Rick
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on September 27, 2006, 03:13 PM:

You know, as I know, that Quinton knows that, too. There are many of us that continue to post on both boards and try our best not to get into this fight because, as has been stated, this is not a board war. This is a case where one individual decided to target another individual (or in this case, three) and now finds he's bitten off far more than he can chew. I pretty much know the story behind all this as provided to me by several other guys in bits and pieces, so I can stand in Rich's corner as a supporter and say that the whole ordeal stems from greed and malice. Gerald is a genteman and wants to stay neutral. Fine. He doesn't have a dog in this fight any more than I do. Rich is also a gentleman and is giving "them," every opportunity to give him a reason not to spell the facts out to everyone interested in knowing them. As is so often human nature, a lot of people have jumped on their wagon with only half the facts and there's a good chance they're going to come to realize that they hitched their pony to a corrupt wagon. How many of the bandwagon crowd over there will be aplogizing when the dust clears?

Lots of parallels between this battle and the war. All Rich is saying is that "we didn't ask to start this 'war', but we're sure gonna finish it."

Q... Tripp... save me a place to sit.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 27, 2006, 03:30 PM:
Ric, see, that is one of the resons why people feel the need to choose sides. Nobody is saying that everybody at PM is bad people. The climate is somewhat oppressive, for certain subject matter, but they have a policy and that's the way they run things.

I think what Quinton was saying is that you can't have a frank and open discussion over there. There are way too many fingers on the button. And, (unfortunately) there is selective enforcement. Again, I'm not necessarily throwing rocks. More than a personal opinion, these are the facts of the matter.

I talked to Higgins this morning and he really is torn by conscience. The problem is that a few undeserving individuals duck the responsibility for their actions when thoughtful people (like Rich) are influenced by other, well meaning, (but uninformed) people urging him to take the "high road".

Well, like it or not, I'm hoping for redress of legitimate greviences, or public apologies; some admission of culpability. All we have so far is silence and back channel networking. Shameful conduct; in my opinion.

No, this stuff is not damaging to me or Huntmasters or predator hunting or predator hunters, or any of the other pronouncements by timid souls. It is a healthy clearing of the air and setting the record straight.

Higgins is going to show his cards, folks. And, somebody won't like what he is holding. LB
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 27, 2006, 03:53 PM:
somebody won't like what he is holding
Maybe a couple of somebodys. It really wouldn't take much to put all this to rest. A sincere apology would allow certain embarassing revelations to remain undisclosed. Rich is an honorable man. He can keep secrets. If asked.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on September 27, 2006, 03:55 PM:
I for one hope that Rich does show his cards. He told me a while back what was going on. Its not my place to tell a soul. But I think it would clear the air and alot of folks would be really surprised. It would also explain alot of the stuff thats been going on.

I dont know that I know all of whats going on. But Im pretty sure it goes much, much deeper than what most people that have been seeing this stuff know.

I think alot of folks would be shocked.


NASA, we were typing at the same time. I should have added that. If Rich is good with it, I think apologies by the right parties would be good too....

[ September 27, 2006, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Andy L ]
Posted by bearmanric (Member # 223) on September 27, 2006, 05:21 PM:
that's the thing nobody know's what's really going on. i know how Rich is. i talked to him recently on the phone. awsome guy. hope to meet him.i hope it all work's out. and Lance finely got the predator are becoming a Gerry Blair in your writing's. awsome stuff. good luck everyone.Rick [Wink]
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on September 27, 2006, 05:41 PM:
Rick, humbling and high praise to be compared to someone I only hope to someday become similar but not quite just like. Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on September 27, 2006, 07:37 PM:
<--------- Taught Lance everything he knows. [Smile]
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on September 27, 2006, 10:56 PM:
...and I admire Tripp's ability to tell a story in such a way that it feels just like you were there. His writing skills, humor, and wit can't be improved on. His ego might need a little tweeking...He's entirely too humble! [Wink]
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 28, 2006, 06:40 AM:
Thanks for your perspective Q. I do have a dog
in this fight from the perspective that I have friends on both sides that are getting hurt and will get hurt worse if it continues.

I have heard a great deal from both sides and understand more than you may know. I have given Rich the opportunity to talk with me on another thread. I hope to hear from him about me calling him.

I wish I had more time this morning but I have a lawyers appointment coming up quickly. I will be back over as soon as I can.
Posted by coyote whacker (Member # 639) on September 28, 2006, 11:43 AM:
Boy I get on here and it looks like a soap opera taking place! I would say if someone discredits you without facts and you have facts then by all means display them or what good does a post of this nature serve?

Deal with it, air it out and move on. Just my .02 cents.
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 28, 2006, 12:06 PM:
Q, I am interested in your statement about someone being set up. Share with me your perspective on that and supportive evidence in the form of urls that would indicate such. I am not asking this as any kind of challenge or taking you on. I simply would like to see the evidence. You seem like a fair guy not withstanding your tail twister attitude every now and then. [Smile]

I have been pointed to a number of urls that have been represented to me as the threads that led to the 30 day suspensions. As I read them and to be honest, was wondering where is the beef up until the end of the threads I felt that banning would not have been jutsified. Near the end I came to realize that the suspensions may have been warrented under their guidelines.
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on September 28, 2006, 12:32 PM:
up until the end of the threads I felt that banning would not have been jutsified. Near the end I came to realize that the suspensions may have been warrented under their guidelines.

That sir, is just Horse Puckey.

The biggest problem over "there" is that you can make a post to illicit a response, and then go right back and change that post so that it never looks like it was edited at all. Unless you see what was originally written, and have the sense to copy it, no one else will ever see what the provocation was.

Under "their" rules, they only see and respond to what is on the board at the time they actually view the board.

Therefor, nothing on that board can be taken at face value, simply because you have no way of knowing if what you are reading is the original post or not.

In the case of at least two of the threads that started some of this discussion, I can assure you that there were post edited AFTER the fact and after they had illicited a response.

In addition it is very easy to manipulate the Quote Feature to make it look as though someone has edited a post after illiciting a response.

And fillay Mr. Stewart, Political COrrectness runs rampid "there" for all the reasons that have been stated "here". You yourself responded to a post that was both inflamatory and povacative this morning made by a member "there" who has carried the flag of this battel to several different threads "there". Yet noone will come out and show this individual the door. One has to wonder why? One has to wonder what exactly the agenda is "there".

I love both boards, and hold many of the people on both boards in high regard. However, it would seem that somce changes are needed and some backbones need to be either replaced or simply grown "there"

Another case for Stemcell Research if there ever was one.

As self appointed mediator of these proceending, you can and will do no better than to turn this into a he said she said, and in the end, make your decissions based not on the written word, but on your knowledge, respect and regard for the men involved. In a court of law, the case would be dismissed because the evidence has been tampered with. No matter how much you ask for it, that fact will never change. You are only seeing what others want you to see, Please do not base your decission on tainted eveidence. To do so would surely be unfair to all parties involved.

Respectfully Submitted


[ September 28, 2006, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 28, 2006, 02:20 PM:
I had to do a head bob and open my eyes a little to better read your post Al. I am curious as to why your tone changed so much from your post next to me over there compared to over here.

It seems as if I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. I am asked over here why I never call anyone on jabs over there and then when I try to encourage that not happening over there, you use a very unfriendly suggestion that I am a "self appointed mediator". What gives?

You have a valid point on the changing of threads. That would be improper in light of this debate. Can that happen here also or is this system different? I would like to continue this further but I just got a call from Rich so I have to go.
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on September 28, 2006, 03:33 PM:
Mr. Stewart,

The thread that you mention did not say

"In my opinion"
"I believe"
"Based on my experiance"

or anything even closly related.

It was made as a statement of fact.

The entire "misting" phenomenon, has in short, been nothing more than a long-running prank, sucking in eager believers who think they are witnessing something specific and special. Included in that group are the same individuals you hear on the internet as the "guru's" of its use and origin.

To all of you that have had pee inhaled, sprayed on you, spilled on you, spilled in your truck and on your gear:

You have all been had. and its been hilarious

Please insert "Pampas Know It Alls" for Guru's.

The post was a shot at certain members of this board. A shot accross the bow.

You said

I have been watching this thread hoping a post like this would not occur. You may not be aware of what is occurring on another board. If you are and still posted this...that would increase my dissappointment even more.

and I simply replied that it was indeed an attack and that the gentelman did have an agenda.

In a previous post, this individual said

If theres a group or groups out there that all feel they are somehow superior because they somehow all choose the same common name, and have self-designated themselves as the Chosen-ones because of it, than I say they are all better off hanging out together: Stroking each others Egos by telling each other how great each other is and what experts they are, by acting worse than Old Ladies in the gossip and rumor games, and perpetuating their own self- importances.

I am sure they all deserve each other. Jockstraps and all

And in another,

Go easy fellas, it is late summer and we are all getting a little grouchy. If we don't have something to gripe about we might go crazy. Coyote season for me is still two loooooog months away. When the leaves have fallen and the fur is ripe for the picking I will be flooding the boards with tales of high adventure and lots of pics.

Good hunting.



I simply have to ask: Were you typing that with a straight face

When I sent a Private Message to a moderator concerning this thread, his reply was a veiled threat, and I was called a hypocrite.

Posting on both boards is seen by all and some need to take into account that they are being quite the hypocrit in what they are saying and doing....
To the issue of my post here,

You are asking for evidence in the form of post. I am pointing out that the eveidence is tainted. You can read, but you must be aware that what you reed is what they want you to read. By they, I do not mean the administration of PM, but the people who make the post. It is not what was originally written. The post have been edited, deleted, modified, and in some cases, because of the way the board there works, you cannot tell it was done.

Therefor, you simply cannot make a determination that the three gentelmen who got suspended should have been, based on what is left of the post that now constitute that thread.

The very best you can do is to listen to each of the parties involved, and then, use your own judgement to make a determination based on what you hear, what you know of the people involved, and what you feel in your heart.

At this point, that is all that is left.

There are those that hold a grudge, those that would love to see a major war between the boards, bannings and suspensions so that they can become big fish in an exclusive pond. They feel that in this, they will prosper. And perhaps they will in the short term.

Your sig line says "Big shots are only little shots who keep on shooting"

But if the little shot hogs the ball, takes all the shots, and ends up scoring 50 points but the final score is 51 to 50, do you think it's time to maybe reign in the little shots a bit?

Posted by smithers (Member # 646) on September 28, 2006, 05:57 PM:
i, for one, wish NASA had been quoting people as he usually does in the Headhunting Debates thread. he is a master at keeping people's quotes around for eternity. usually when their is a flair up he will quote someone to death so they cannot go back and edit it out. that's what i like about him, he MAKES you keep your word.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 28, 2006, 06:22 PM:
Like Gerald, I have friends on both sides of this issue. But unlike Gerald I don't consider that having a dog in this fight. I see some weaknesses and stubbornness, some pride and some arrogance. When this is over, I'll have a better idea of who I still want to call "friend". Situations like this are decided by character, not who "wins".
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on September 28, 2006, 06:24 PM:
I for one wish internet bullies had the balls to just say what was on their minds. I hate being threatened by punks who hide behind a position and a title.

It does not impress me.


Edited to say that I have now been called an internet supper hero trying to solve everyones problem.

It appears there is a little stalking going on here by some people who want to stifle my ability to post on this board. How freekin sad is that?

[ September 28, 2006, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: TheHuntedOne ]
Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on September 28, 2006, 06:44 PM:
No harm done Al. Don't lose any sleep over it. Good observations on the changing thread phenomenom.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on September 28, 2006, 07:39 PM:
I don't understand what you mean, Al. Unless you are refering to something over on PM? There is no way someone can prevent you from posting here.

Pins and needles, anybody heard anything?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on September 28, 2006, 08:08 PM:
I'm sorry Leonard,

I was told that posting on both boards was being watched and that I was a hypocrte for doing so by a PM moderator.

Nothing I have said here I have not said to PM staff. I specifically addressed the issue of being able to change post on the PM site and not have it show as being Edited in a telephone conversation with RanUT.

I feel like I have basically been told that if I want to retain my PM privelidges, to keep my mouth shut over here.

Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on September 28, 2006, 08:36 PM:
Al, I've survived 45 years on this planet without once posting on PM.

I'm sure others might survive too.
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on September 28, 2006, 08:42 PM:
I'm a banner advertsier over there. I sell calls, so it is a vialble outlet for me. I would hate to lose it because of childish petty games.

Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on September 28, 2006, 08:57 PM:
I can understand an advertiser to look at PM in a different light but I have no regrets about renouncing my membership there.
Posted by James L. (Member # 239) on September 28, 2006, 09:46 PM:
Al..If you are going to make private messages public the least you could do is use the whole message as it is important in how it is worded.. Have a nice day......James L.
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on September 28, 2006, 10:03 PM:
I have found only two occassions that he has said anything in a thread that could be construed as anything close to a fuel on the fire type of post..

I can also assure you that he has been taken note of just as a lot of the rest have..

Posting on both boards is seen by all and some need to take into account that they are being quite the hypocrit in what they are saying and doing.....James L.

Happy now?
Posted by TheHuntedOne (Member # 623) on September 28, 2006, 11:13 PM:
Well Mr Stewart, I sent you some proof via E mail. I hope it helps you some.

Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on September 29, 2006, 05:35 AM:
I was an advertiser too. I asked to have my banner pulled down in support of my friends when they were suspended - unjustly so, in my opinion.

PM was getting about as many visitors clicking through to them from the link on my website, as I was getting visitors coming to my site from theirs. I don't have any plans for putting my banner back up at PM, but I do think I'll put the link to PM back up on my site. The purpose of the links from my site, are to provide visitors with access to good forums. I still think PM is a good forum for a lot of people.

And Rich, I apologize for posting into this thread in a manner against your original intent for this thread. But, the barn door looked wide open, so...

Posted by stevecriner (Member # 892) on September 29, 2006, 01:46 PM:
I'm a banner advertsier over there. I sell calls, so it is a vialble outlet for me. I would hate to lose it because of childish petty games.


AL, I planned on advertising over there on PM when my video is done but after the gang banging i took over someone else saying somthing about my video,,,,I just dont know.

Posting on both boards is seen by all and some need to take into account that they are being quite the hypocrit in what they are saying and doing.....James L
And now that we (people like me and you that post on both boards) are seen as hypocrits,,,,I just dont know. I once quoted that PM was my home on the net but things since have changed. These recent threads have made me grow to realize that the only home is were i lay my head at night. And i have grown up alot in the last few hundred post ive read. But there is places that i prefer to be when im on the net. [Wink]
There probably aint nothing i know about coyotes that the fellows here dont already know and thats fine. But i have friends here and have made friends here, and Ill make more friends here. Also i will get to learn and grow up as a coyote hunter with some of the best coyote callers in the world. Suddenly it seems like i dont care if i ever get patted on the back from posting a kil pic. Its wierd that some people just dont know what they can learn. A lil more to it than some think. Plus im going to get at least 20 instant years expieriance out of the deal. Just a joke!

but I do think I'll put the link to PM back up on my site. The purpose of the links from my site, are to provide visitors with access to good forums. I still think PM is a good forum for a lot of people.

DAA, I totaly agree with that. AS i am leaving there link up at my page.

I just dont know? HMM i like that saying,,( I just dont know) Got kind of a ring to it.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 29, 2006, 06:45 PM:
Suddenly it seems like i dont care if i get patted on the back from posting a kil
Damn, this boy matured 5 years in just 3 months. [Eek!] And I watched it with my own eyes. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] Welcome to the world of predator hunting! Mostly, pics are reserved for "special" stuff. A 1 dog day ain't special, unless he's a 50 pounder. [Wink] (Right Sheri?)

[ September 29, 2006, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by stevecriner (Member # 892) on September 29, 2006, 07:12 PM:
I do like sharing stories and pics, but i aint lookin for anything out of it. NASA, You sir are surely worth 2 yrs of my aging,lol. Thank you.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on September 29, 2006, 07:49 PM:
Bring plenty of those stories to the campout, then. Oh, and don't forget the hipboots, lol. [Big Grin]

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