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Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on October 01, 2006, 01:56 PM:
All -

With the campout coming up, I thought I'd let you in on something pretty cool. Discovered these this past year because of some fly fishing buddies.

One member of our club bought a "Tentcot," which is a cot with a small tent built over it. It stands on legs like a normal cot but then has a small tent on top supported by metal tubes that also form the legs. They have zip open screen windows, storage spaces, etc.

Anyhow, he brought it on a weekend outing and now half the club owns them.

Pretty ingenious. I tried one out this past year and am going to pick one up before deer season as I'm determined to get away from the snoring in the trailer!

And before I give ya'll the link, I'll add that I have no vested interest in these things, they are just great contraptions. Originally designed for the military. My recommendation is don't get the smallest unit, go for the "oversized" if you like what you see.

web page Tentcots by Kamp-Rite
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on October 01, 2006, 02:24 PM:
Not only that, the "oversize" is supported under each of the ends, whereas the others are not.
Posted by Cal Taylor (Member # 199) on October 01, 2006, 07:12 PM:
I've been using one for camping with coyotes in the summer for a couple years. I love mine.
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on October 01, 2006, 07:35 PM:
I've often wondered just how close coyotes might approach someone sleeping in a Tentcot. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Cal? Higgins?
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on October 01, 2006, 07:50 PM:
When we were kids, my parents took us on lots of road trips between CA and AL. We never stayed in a motel. Every night we found a spot, about a mile off the road, and pitched a tent.

No Coleman stoves back then, just a wood fire to cook dinner over. There were many nights I can remember coyotes coming into camp, within 50 feet or so. Us kids always saved scraps and bones to throw to them. Lots of memories about those desert nights a half a century ago. [Smile]
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on October 02, 2006, 05:54 AM:
Yup. I've had coyotes right in camp, within only a few yards of me on many, many occasions. Once while deer hunting out in the Book Cliffs of Utah, we had three bucks hanging outside the tent just a few feet from our sleeping bags. Had several coyotes right there trying to gnaw on one of those bucks that woke us up with their snarling and quarreling less than 30" from our sleeping heads. More commonly, we have coyotes stop a short distance out of camp to deliver a rant. I've usually sat in bed and howled before going to sleep, the nights that happens. Had one of those this spring, that came in about 3am and stopped about 50 yards from the tent and unleashed the longest, loudest string of insults I've ever heard from a coyote. At first, it was neat. I was howling back at him with my voice doing my best to immitate him and he was getting whipped into a frenzy. But after I got tired of it, and wanted back to sleep, he kept going. And going. Finally, after maybe 15 minutes, I just yelled at him in the loudest most ferocious human voice I could muster at 3:30 in the morning. To my amazement, that coyote just got louder and more threatening sounding! It was kind of neat, but I really DID want back to sleep, so I was more irratated than anything, at that point. He did finally wander off, not long after, finally letting me back sleep.

Uhh... Kind of got off track there, huh? But, anyway, I have slowed way down in recent years, but used to sleep out like that 60 - 70 nights a year for many years. Last few years it's only been about 20 nights. I usually just use a cot, sans tent, in nice weather. Threat of precipitation, or wind, and I put up a small (but extremely sturdy) tent. Coyotes coming into or close to camp is extremely common, and it doesn't seem to matter whether I'm in a tent, a cot, laying under a tarp on the ground or sleeping in the front seat of my pickup.

Posted by Gerald Stewart (Member # 162) on October 02, 2006, 06:23 AM:
That is a neat story DAA.
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on October 02, 2006, 07:05 AM:
I seldom use a tent down here. Either throw an air mattress on the ground with a sleeping bag or Tyler and I sleep in the back of the Bronco. A double air mattress fits perfectly back there. I've never had coyotes come in close at night. 20-30 yards is all. It's common for them to stand out that far and threathowl at us. Twenty years ago a friend and I were camped near Flagstaff. My friend emptied a bottle of Jack and spent the night snoring and farting so loud that the tent walls rippled. Several coyotes spent a lot of time on the dirt road on one side of the tent ranting at him and three cow elk approached within 25 yards or so on the other side of the tent and spent several minutes doing that short half bugle that the cows do.
I did have a bobcat make a complete circle around my sleeping bag about 4 feet out one night. I didn't move, just watched it. Very cool.
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on October 02, 2006, 08:14 AM:
Yep, sleeping in a tent or out in the open is always good for hearing some strange noises. I can't count how many times I've been awakened, and in my groggy state wonder what in the hell that sound was!

Before daylight, several years ago while elk hunting. I went out behind the wall tent to take a leak. Snow had just begun to fall. I went back to the tent, slugged down the rest of my coffee, and grabbed my pack and rifle to head out. I walked right past where I had taken a leak a few minutes before except this time I had a flashlight to guide me thru the black timber. Twenty yards further on I noticed tracks in the snow. Lion tracks. When I was standing in the dark taking a piss that cat must have been right there, or dang close. I always wonder how often predator callers and hunters are very close to lions or bobcats and never know they are there.

[ October 02, 2006, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Lonny ]
Posted by The Outdoor Tripp (Member # 619) on October 05, 2006, 05:26 PM:
Well, I did it. Ordered an "oversized" model today with rainfly and storage pouch.

Sad thing is they're back ordered two weeks.

Gettin' itchy for deer season.

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