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Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on December 28, 2007, 03:48 PM:
Who alls going to be there this year? I was hoping to meet a few of you and see some old friends.
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on December 28, 2007, 03:54 PM:
Hey man, nice to see you posting again. I hope you have officially Unpissed-off Leon' now!!! [Smile]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on December 28, 2007, 04:00 PM:
Im surprised at your vocabulary. I would have thought it would have been called "unpissified" or something like that. [Big Grin]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on December 28, 2007, 04:17 PM:
Welcome to The New Huntmasters, Andy L. Glad to have you on board. LB

(he lies) edit: member #15

[ December 28, 2007, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on December 28, 2007, 04:24 PM:
Thanks for the welcome Leonard. I heard this was a great site. [Cool]
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on December 28, 2007, 04:46 PM:
oops pardon the bad grammar

meant to say depissoffified
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on December 28, 2007, 04:51 PM:
Anyway, I'll be at St. Francis. Glad to hear you'll be making it too! [Wink]

This will be my first contest hunt. I've been to St. Francis a couple of times but just as an observer/
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on December 29, 2007, 07:09 AM:
I'll be there this year.

We're planning on doing some calling in eastern CO. Friday on the way to check in, just to blow the cobs out of the barrels! [Big Grin]
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on December 29, 2007, 09:04 AM:
So far, the weekend weather looks to be mild. Of course, that could translate to "mud". Here's hoping for o'nite temps in the teens (and no wind). [Cool]
Posted by JeremyKS (Member # 736) on December 29, 2007, 09:06 AM:
I will be there to visit with everybody.
Posted by Buckwheat (Member # 655) on December 29, 2007, 09:38 AM:
Good luck on those cobwebs.
Posted by KevinKKaller (Member # 559) on December 29, 2007, 02:15 PM:
I am leaving on Mon. to hunt my way to Ks I hope a little in Wy then a little in Ne Then I can scout out some more country in Ks on Thur and fri to hunt on Sat and Sun. It looks like the wether will be a litle more plesent than last years BIG WIND. I dont mind snow but the wind was a killer last year.
Hope to see you all in Ks
Good Hunting Kevin
Posted by BigO (Member # 1062) on December 29, 2007, 03:06 PM:
I didn't know if they handed out WIHA maps at St. Francis or not so here is what they have in that area.

If you didn't know you can pick these atlases up in most Wal-Marts in Kansas. All the areas colored in yellow are public hunting and are supposed to be foot traffic only.

SORRY if I gave away someones secret. You are hunting in area 1 at St. Francis, but I have been told you can go other places. This book is full of places. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
Posted by BigO (Member # 1062) on December 29, 2007, 03:08 PM:
If you didn't figure it out, just click on the number 1. It brings up a map of that area, you can zoom in and plot your hunt!! Good Luck!!
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on December 29, 2007, 04:04 PM:
Im really lookin forward to this. Cant wait to meet you fellers. [Cool]
Posted by 3 Toes (Member # 1327) on December 29, 2007, 07:17 PM:
I am sending the Wyoming crew of Cenny Burnell and Rock Buckingham. You'll have to look them up Andy. Good Guys. And they won Nationals at Rawlins and are looking for the Midwest title too. They have the country and the talent to do it.
Posted by JeremyKS (Member # 736) on December 29, 2007, 08:04 PM:
Its too bad your not coming along for the ride.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on December 29, 2007, 09:41 PM:
Yeah Cal, why dont you ride along? Sure would like to see ya.

Ill try and look up Cenny and Rock. Any friend of yours has to be good people.

Jeremy, cant wait to meet you as well. Along with NASA, Q and several others.

This will be a good time. [Cool]
Posted by 3 Toes (Member # 1327) on December 30, 2007, 07:48 AM:
Well, the calcutta and all would be fun, but I don't know what I'd do with myself for two days while they were hunting. Besides, I've never been a very good spectator.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on December 30, 2007, 10:33 AM:
Well, the calcutta and all would be fun, but I don't know what I'd do with myself for two days while they were hunting. Besides, I've never been a very good spectator.

Yeah, I hear ya on the not being a good spectator.

As far as not knowing what to do, Brent advertised free beer. I dont know if that means only for Friday and Sunday or for spectators hangin out for the weekend. [Razz]

Just a thought. [Big Grin]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on December 30, 2007, 10:35 AM:
I got to thinkin about the free beer thing. You could be in rare form by Sunday afternoon.... [Big Grin]
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on December 30, 2007, 01:39 PM:
I hope everyone has their accomodations reserved. The motels are booking lots of pheasant shooters for that weekend.
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on December 30, 2007, 05:38 PM:
Uh.... so where exactly do we find this free beer? [Big Grin]
Posted by JeremyKS (Member # 736) on December 30, 2007, 06:28 PM:
Nick and I have nothing to do for 2 days except coyote hunt Im sure you could tag along if you would like.

[ December 30, 2007, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: JeremyKS ]
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on January 01, 2008, 07:49 AM:
I looked at the registered entry list and Q is still listed as a one man team. Now we all know he's a coyote killin' machine, but does he have to show off by killing as many coyotes by himself as the rest of us will do as a team! [Eek!]
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on January 01, 2008, 09:18 AM:
He probably couldn't find anyone that could keep up with his "superhuman" stamina, lol. Q spends more time walking than he does driving.
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on January 02, 2008, 07:14 PM:
SO who's bringin' the sun screen. With temps. in the 50's on Sat., we'll be hunting in short sleeves and shorts! [Eek!]
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on January 02, 2008, 08:06 PM:
I was out scouting this weekend and I saw tons and billions of pounds of snow everywhere. I saw big drifts in some places and I walked thru some areas with 8" snow and sometimes broke thru the crust of the previous 8" snow too. Some hard to get around in stuff, some easier. I think the area Andy and I will be hunting ought to be nice and muddy flzvored white!
Posted by Rich Higgins (Member # 3) on January 02, 2008, 09:38 PM:
I have a lot of friends that will be hunting the Mid-West this year.
Good luck to all of you.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on January 03, 2008, 07:37 AM:
Here we go again. I slipped on the ice in the parking lot after work and dislocated my shoulder. Don't look for me at St. Francis. [Frown]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 03, 2008, 09:22 AM:
Ill be damned. Hope your OK Tom. Missin another chance to meet up. [Frown]
Posted by Tim Behle (Member # 209) on January 03, 2008, 01:46 PM:
Dang Tom! And I thought that it was my kid who was accident prone!

Just take a couple of vicoden, and maybe you can get Loco to drive?
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on January 03, 2008, 07:02 PM:
Man Tom, you've had more than your share of ups and downs lately. No pun intended. Take care of yourself, and the good news is this warm weather will get rid of a bunch of that slippery stuff!
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 03, 2008, 07:20 PM:

Sorry to hear about the fall. Recover quickly.

Good luck to all at the hunt. Looks like a good roster. Talked to Q the other night, still finalizing with his partner. Should be interesting.

For those interested, the NE KS Coyote Challenge is still taking entries until 1/12. Based out of Manhattan, Kansas and structured this year exactly like the Midwest
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on January 04, 2008, 08:22 AM:
It was my own fault. I was rushing to get to the Post Office before they closed, to see if Rich had shipped my 24" Bushmaster Varmint Special upper yet. It's been 4 weeks and I'm getting concerned. Now, I can't drive for 3 more days so I don't know if it's sitting there waiting for me, or not. [Frown]

[ January 04, 2008, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: NASA ]
Posted by Dan Carey (Member # 987) on January 04, 2008, 08:32 AM:
I don't know when you'll get the upper, the lower should be at Grampa's by now. Good luck with it.
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on January 04, 2008, 09:37 AM:
Just talked to Rich and it's going out today. Can't wait to put the two pieces together. [Big Grin]
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on January 06, 2008, 09:17 AM:
St. Francis weather report says 30 mph gusts blew away the spring-like temps on Saturday. Contestants woke to light snow showers and 10 kt breezes this morning.
Posted by JD (Member # 768) on January 07, 2008, 06:22 AM:
I haven`t heard the results yet but I did hear from a reliable source that right after the event on Sunday afternoon there was going to be a "gun signing" which would give opportunity for anyone to take their favorite rifle & have it signed by some of the nations finest predator callers. I`m anxious to hear how that went.
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on January 07, 2008, 11:53 AM:
LOL!!! [Big Grin]
Posted by NASA (Member # 177) on January 07, 2008, 12:09 PM:
LOL?? What kind of first hand report is that? [Confused]

Give us the real poop!
Posted by Locohead (Member # 15) on January 07, 2008, 12:29 PM:
The winners were new guys. Timyer and someone else. 11 coyotes tied for first and second. The winner (which I think is VERY appropriate) was determined by total weight of the coyoes. Les brought in 10 coyotes but not sure if he placed 3rd or not.

OOooops, gotta run. I'll post more later.
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on January 07, 2008, 05:02 PM:
30 mph gusts I think was a little on the low end of what we had on Sat. It was miserable to say the least. We stuck it out long enough to call one double at about 9:30, and then my partner got some dust or sand in his eye and ended up loosing a contact at about 1:30, so we headed for the truck and that was that. We did drive around a little Sat. eve. getting a game plan for Sun. morning. We got 7 more stands in on Sun. morning which produced 5 called/4 dead coyotes and that was that. Sat. we got in 14 stands which produced two called coyotes/one dead. 5 coyotes got us in a 5 way tie for 11th, and I suppose since 4 of ours were females and none of them got drug through any snow for added weight, our 5 weighed the least of the 5 teams with 5. 10 pounds and/or 1 coyote out of the money! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by JeremyKS (Member # 736) on January 07, 2008, 05:53 PM:
Even though we could not compete Nick and I made the trip to see everybody and visit. We got to talk to a lot of people and even got to meet a few new guys on the board here. Congrats to everybody that was in the contest. Hope to see you next year.
Jeremy Gugelmeyer
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 07, 2008, 06:19 PM:
It sure was nice to meet a few of you.

TR, you and your partner are great guys. The loan of the snowshoes was greatly appreciated.

Jeremy, it was very nice to meet you as well.

Q, I wish we could have had time to talk longer. Good to meet you.

I saw Wiley, but it was so damned crowded I didnt get over there. By the time it thinned out, we had to run. I regret not getting to meet you.
Posted by JeremyKS (Member # 736) on January 07, 2008, 06:23 PM:
Andy it was nice to meet you. I looked for you on Sunday but never found you to talk to you.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 07, 2008, 06:27 PM:
Dang, I kinda miss not being there, myself. Just for the meet and greet. Now, if JeremyKS would set me up with prime real estate next year, I might attend.

Good hunting. LB

PS even half way decent real estate?
Posted by Q-Wagoner (Member # 33) on January 07, 2008, 11:08 PM:
I was predicting 18 or 20 to take it this year. Eleven is very good but I just thought with so many teams so widely dispersed some one would have hit a good lick and get into some serious densities. As popular as coyote hunting is getting and at this time of the year 11 was probably about right though. I think the way coyote calling is expanding in popularity it is going to be harder and harder to find good densities.

It was good to be there at the meeting and to shake hands with new friends and old. I had not talked to Scott for ages and spent most of my time catching up. Les came over to the table and visited for a while. He was doing good but looked worn out. I think he has a very busy schedule this time of year. LOL Didn’t slow him down though. He was one off from victory.

Good hunting.

Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 08, 2008, 08:31 AM:
I didnt stick around. I had a long way to go and headed on home. Im glad I did too. We about got blown away last night and I would have been paniced bad if I had been on the road and not here with my wife and boys.

Im leaving this afternoon to go an hour or so south of here to help my cousin. He lost his house, barn, haybarn, machine shed, shop, gooseneck trailer, several big round bales of hay, 4 horses and they are still shooting crippled cattle in the bottom, from a tornado last night.

Bad deal.

We will hook up next year.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 09, 2008, 07:29 AM:
I just saw a headline, Tomatoes ravage the Midwest! Damn! I'm glad I wasn't involved! LB
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 09, 2008, 08:11 AM:
I dont know how to post pics, but look for an email LB and post some if you want. This is my cousins farm. Very sad.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 09, 2008, 08:19 AM:
Yeah, it sure is. I'll pick a few.





[ January 09, 2008, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by JeremyKS (Member # 736) on January 09, 2008, 08:31 AM:
Andy that looks terrible, hopefully everybody was alright.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 09, 2008, 08:43 AM:


edit: Hmm? Andy just sent another email, says I have been there? I remember touring a farm in Missouri with him a few months ago, but it's unrecognizable here?

edit: oh wait. That first pic with the back of the car. I think I recognize that intersection? The other house would be up the hill on the left? Correct?

[ January 09, 2008, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Leonard ]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 09, 2008, 08:53 AM:
Yeah Jeremy, thank god, he took his kids to see the Harlem Globetrotters in town. Probably saved their lives.

Quite a deal. He ropes and lost 4 of his ropin horses. I still dont know how many cattle. That twisted mess of steel and hay was an steel pole barn that he stacked hay around and had a semi indoor ropin arena in.

Just a bad deal.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 09, 2008, 08:55 AM:
LB, I wrote that quick and wasnt clear. This isnt the same farm. Its close though.

I was trying to say this farm is near Waynesville and Waynesville is where I took you that evening.

Sorry for the confusion.

JD has been on this farm. He killed a deer there in November.

[ January 09, 2008, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Andy L ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 09, 2008, 09:17 AM:
Okay, that clears that up. Scary place, MO. Andy, you need to migrate to AZ, dealing with the undocumented is no problemo. All we have out here are fires and mudslides.

Trivia: did I ever mention that I'm distantly related to Jessica Alba by marriage?
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 09, 2008, 11:53 AM:
Andy, Those pics look pretty bad. But just remind them that everyone is safe and that's what is important right now. Everything lost can be replaced, and will be. Kent and Tami Constable are living in their new home right now, already, since losing theirs in May. Today is Kent's b-day and they're very excited at their new digs. We all learned a few things after their twister. For instance, the houses in your pic may very well be totaled. A house goes through terrific stresses during a tornado that compromises it structurally even though you cannot tell from looking at it. The furniture and clothes that look fine will be destroyed because chances are everything is full of microscopic shards of glass. Even the stuff we thought we'd salvaged were gotten rid of because of this.

That pic of the horse is disturbing. I feel bad for the animal, knowing what it went through.

After sitting for three days listening to our ice storm drop huge chunks of my trees on my house as it tried to rip us apart, I can only imagine the level of anxiety that comes from seeing your home in shambles. Hope all turns out well for them
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 09, 2008, 12:22 PM:
Thanks Lance. Yeah, he realizes its only material and is thankful he took the kids to town. Normally they would have been home. Makes you wonder if it was blind luck or something more?

As for the horse, it was bad. Theres another pic, not posted, of another dead horse with his head stuck through a fence. Weird thing, Dave said all four dead horses were in the barn when he left. After the storm, they were all in an outdoor ropin arena, dead. Well, three were and one had its head stuck thru the fence from the outside. Two other horses were crippled and I havent heard if the vet is going to patch em up or put em down. There were also somewhere around 20 cattle killed or injured bad enough they had to be killed.

Tordados do strange things. He had a aluminum gooseneck horse trailer, with a dressing room in the front, that they found an axel out in the bottom and still havent found the rest of it.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 09, 2008, 01:29 PM:
Posted by Cdog911 (Member # 7) on January 09, 2008, 04:38 PM:
Pictures never do give an accurate representation of the scene, but it looks like the farm with the horses pretty much took a direct hit, didn't it? Have they estimated the F-scale rating on that one yet? From the looks of things, I'd say between F-1 and F-2.

What always impresses me on the smaller ones - like this one and the one that hit Kent's - is that where the funnel traveled is absolutely obliterated, but fifty yards away, things will be undisturbed at times.
Posted by JD (Member # 768) on January 09, 2008, 06:18 PM:
Like Andy said I was there 2 months ago & I can tell you it was a beautiful place with some beautiful animals, a real nice set up indeed & you`re right Lance, those pictures don`t do justice to the damage that was done. There are a lot of things that you don`t see in those pics because they`re just plain gone like the huge barn from the original homestead & the machine shed amongst other things.

The thing that catches my eye is that red iron structure that is mangled & laying on the hay piles, take a look at the imprint on the ground around that mess & you can see the size of the original structure, that red iron is some tuff stuff to be all twisted around like that not to mention that there isn`t a lick of the sheet metal to be seen, I`m sure most of it is a mile down the road. Damn tornadoes!!!!

Thank God they weren`t home.
Posted by KevinKKaller (Member # 559) on January 09, 2008, 06:43 PM:
Andy L I am sorry to hear and see your plase got torn up.

I did get home this afternoon
It was a great trip!
I will get some photos sent to loco to post tomarrow and try to wright a little after I get rested up.

Good Hunting Kevin
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on January 09, 2008, 06:54 PM:
Wow Andy, that is some distruction. Glad your relatives weren't home and didn't get hurt at all.
Lots of work to be done and pieces to be picked up. Hope they find the will and power to carry on.
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on January 09, 2008, 09:25 PM:
Andy, glad all of the family is OK. The rest of it can be replaced.

We went through this kind of thing a few years ago, made national news with a hit on the college at Canton, Mo. and complete obliteration of Lima, IL. My son and I were taking an afternoon nap and it woke us up - quite a bit before it hit. No good reason, it just did. Monster tornado that passed to the north of the house. I got lucky and lost nothing more than a couple of windows and a tractor tire a few days later when I ran over a piece of somebody else's siding. What really scared the crap out of both my son and I was a call we got from my buddy on the fire dept. that night after dark warning us to take cover because of a pair of sighted and radared tornado's passing through. That was scary because it was completely dark and you could not really tell what was about to hit.
I thought I remained calm through all of this (for my son's sake) but he was very effected by the storms. For the next year or two he was very upset any time it stormed.
He's kind of cursed though, we lived in a different house on his second birthday and had a house full of people over and had shutters ripped off the house when a tornado hit with no warning, clear skies and all.

The real point of all of my rambling about past tornado exposure is a general comment on how good people are in this part of the country when it comes to wide-spread disasters. I've seen towns destroyed and complete traffic jams of people coming from miles away to help. Not running away, trying to come to help. Equipped to do so, too. Roadblocks set up to limit the incoming help to usable numbers.
Not a single person crying for help, certainly not a whiney assed mayor crying about where the Federal government was.

Truly impressive how folks in this part of the country have a tendency to dust themselves off and see who they can go help, regardless of their own losses.

I have no doubt it is the same in that part of Missouri, just sorry it had to hit so close to home.

[ January 09, 2008, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: JoeF ]
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on January 09, 2008, 10:47 PM:
Andy, t'was a miracle it missed the tree swing!

Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on January 10, 2008, 05:22 AM:
Thanks folks for the thoughts. Ill pass them along.

Yeah LB, that old swing brings back memories. [Big Grin]

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