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Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 28, 2010, 12:15 AM:
As of right now, I have to say MANTRACKER! I have watched three episodes and they are all the same, the guys on the horses stay on the roads and know where the ones in the bushes are going and keep track of them mainly by hearing them talking or seeing them cross the friggin' road.

It agrivates me no end. On the other hand, I can watch reruns of SURVIVORMAN and it's still interesting, except for his constantly repeated warnings about overheating and the little sermon on those rare occasions when he actually kills something. It's much better than Man VS Wild, which has been exposed as a total fraud.

Good hunting. LB
Posted by 4949shooter (Member # 3530) on March 28, 2010, 03:33 AM:
I haven't seen it but that does sound pretty stupid.

My buddy says the same thing about Survivorman and Man vs. Wild, and Bear Grylls. Here is a link:
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on March 28, 2010, 04:02 AM:
OK, those shows are stupid but can't hold a candle to "The view". They could have made a DVD of a flock of chickens cackling and ended up with a better show.
Posted by JohnLK (Member # 1978) on March 28, 2010, 06:29 AM:
I think most of the hunting shows on TV are stupid. These guys are PRO-Hunters but have a guide. The guide does all the spotting ,leads him thru the terrain, what animal to shoot and where to setup for the shot.Every thing to do but pull the trigger.Then they pretend they are tracking it after the shot. Then it shows them when they walk up to the animal like they just found it but the camera is on the other side of the animal. The Predator shows are just as bad. The guy walks out with his Fox-Pro and AR then sits down and gut shoots a coyote.Then gets all excited like a little girl.They are nothing but an advertisment for Fox-Pro.

[ March 28, 2010, 06:39 AM: Message edited by: JohnLK ]
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on March 28, 2010, 06:44 AM:
I think that it was that Bear Gryllis clod (I could be wrong) that 'found' a trap set out in the middle of no-where. Big double long spring. A bit bigger than the normal #3 even. It was tied to about a 100 foot of one inch rope?????? Totally fake set all of the way..........Then the Rat-Bastard stole everything. [Mad]
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on March 28, 2010, 07:02 AM:
I haven't seen "Mantracker" so can't comment, but has anybody tuned into the History Channel and seen "Monster Quest?" Talk about a stupid friggen show... It's hard to believe somebody actally has the balls to accept a paycheck after making that shit up. My kids' think it's kinda cool, but sorta fakey, and they are 10 and 12.

Hunting shows... I'd don't get satellite so don't see'em on a regular basis, but what I have seen pretty much turns me off. The other morning a fishing show as on and the pro was fly fishing on a Montana river. He just about lost it after catching a 9" trout. You would have thought he just witnessed a miracle by the way he oogled over that pan-sized morsel. Good grief...
Posted by TRnCO (Member # 690) on March 28, 2010, 07:34 AM:
ABC, NBC, CBS news all rank pretty high in the "non-sense" rating catagory!

Last I heard "The View" had fewer watching it then the cartoon channel.
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on March 28, 2010, 08:19 AM:
One of my pet peeves; is the dreaded "muzzle poke" after the kill on the hunt shows. Any hunter who knows shit about anything can tell a dead animal from a living animal. I can tell just by the look of the eyes in a second if there is a breath of life in them as well as body posture and function. Almost everytime one of the "hunters" on the shows nail a critter, they have to poke their muzzle around the head and body to look for signs of life, before high fiving fist pumping and that stacatto pre-orgasmic qwiver they get in their voice when describing the hunt.....AND, the sonofabitches are still whispering!
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on March 28, 2010, 09:00 AM:
LB, I kind of like Mantracker. It gets pretty funny sometimes. Those goofy bastards he chases make some pretty dumb ass mistakes and most know nothing about the outdoors. This one hammerhead decided to just keep running in the open on one show and he got pissed and shook out a loop and roped the dipshit. [Big Grin]

The guy is pretty good at what he does.
Posted by DAA (Member # 11) on March 28, 2010, 09:15 AM:
Lonny, I have not seen Monster Quest. But a bunch of people have told me that on one episode they were using a sound I recorded, to try and call in a Chupacabra, LOL!

Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 28, 2010, 09:21 AM:
I just can't watch any of those hunting shows. None. I know there is one called (wait for this) Hunt Masters!

I have seen a few episodes of Les Johnson. I think they are well done, except for his tips which are very basic. Like; don't forget your boots. Ha ha But now I feel bad because I think Les is a good guy. Sorry Les!

The View. If they would even it up, it might be worth watching? Elizabeth, Laura Ingraham AND Ann Coulter, versus Whoopie and that blonde radical; now that would be a fair fight.

How come nobody has seen MANTRACKER? It's in reruns. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

Good hunting. LB
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on March 28, 2010, 09:43 AM:
MonsterQuest just did a show here at the Lake of the Ozarks on pirranahs. This lake freezes over. There are a few caught here each year, a buddy of mine caught one over a foot long. But they are released out of aquariums. I could have solved that puzzle for them.

They took a ding a ling that guides tourists here on the lake along. They came to the conclusion that because there is a spring that dumps in big enough to keep the water temp tolerable in that spot in the winter, they are populating the lake. WTF?

This fuckin lake has 1200 miles of shoreline. Its a good 35 miles or more from where my buddy caught his, and some others have been caught, to this spring. Do they really believe all the damned fish in the lake are going to swim that far in the winter? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on March 28, 2010, 09:49 AM:
For the record, ever since they caught Bear sleepin at the Holiday Inn Express while supposed to be in the wild, I cant stand Man Vs Wild.

The escape from Alabama show was too much for me. WTF? I got a hint for ya. Start walkin in a straight line. You will hit a road to get you out of mother fucking Alabama!! Thats like escape from Missouri!!

And KoKo, I started screaming the same thing when he "stole" that trap. It was a #4 Victor double spring. Tied to a long ass rope. I have never seen a set like that. So, either he stole a trappers, trap. Or, it was planted, most likely, and hes a fuckin fake. Which has already been proven.

Les on Survivorman is better, but gettin old.

Cant comment on the View, I refuse to watch it.

I agree with TR, network TV in general is bullshit.
Posted by Lonny (Member # 19) on March 28, 2010, 10:41 AM:
DAA, I didn't see that episode, but I hope they were able to shoot one of those Chalupacabra critters while using your sound. [Smile] If nothing else, I hope the "experts" on Monster Quest at least got a grainy-dark picture on a trail cam or an unidentified hair sample to keep the mystery alive.

The episode I saw part of they were looking some creature called something like the "Grassman" or "Assman" that supposedly lived in the wilds of Ohio, I think? They interviewed a couple meth-heads that came across as pretty convincing and credible. Found a grass hut that the creature likely built. Hard to deny evidence like that...
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 28, 2010, 11:37 AM:
Stupid? You want to talk ignorant flaming radical; watch Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. This guy needs to be locked in a padded room. And, as Higgy said about LB...he just thinks he's funny.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 28, 2010, 11:39 AM:
Bring "Fair and Ballanced" to THE VIEW! Hire a few conservatives.
Posted by Andy L (Member # 642) on March 28, 2010, 11:45 AM:
I kind of like that new show. Cant remember the name, but I saw them interview TA17 on it....
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on March 28, 2010, 01:27 PM:
"How come nobody has seen MANTRACKER?"
Oh I have seen PARTS of it Leonard, but who in their right mind could watch an entire episode of such nonsense? Shucks, iffen Andy got his head caught in a fence while walking in the Ozarks, see's a guy rushing his direction with pants down to his knee's------Now THAT would be an interesting video.
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on March 28, 2010, 01:58 PM:
Ok................We need to have the women on The View being guided in the wilderness by Bear Gryllis while ManTracker hunts them all down for a muzzel poke to the eye. Commentary to be provided by Keith Olbermann until the local Monster of legend abducts him to a cave with a spring full of pirana. [Big Grin]
Posted by JoeF (Member # 228) on March 28, 2010, 03:05 PM:
I confess, I've watched none of these shows. Not a single episode.

Except for a few rare exceptions, I completely skip hunting shows/videos.

I'll never forget some show that was shown in movie theaters in the early 70's, when I was just really getting started waterfowl hunting. I went with the local waterfowl guru and I thought I would have to knock him out to keep him from trashing the place, he was so disgusted. I remember them dropping dead ducks from airplanes while people fired shotguns in the air at the end of the movie. Scarred me for life! Based on the few hunting shows I've seen, they haven't gotten much better; again, with a few exceptions.
Posted by Leonard (Member # 2) on March 28, 2010, 03:38 PM:
The one that irks me is when they arrow a buck and start following a blood trail. Suspend your disbelief, like they don't know exactly where he dropped, but the camera is on the tracker.....until he sees his quarry, then, there is a shot from the opposite direction, looking over some antlers at the tracker inching towards his trophy. Staged just like a Hollywood epic.

Well, I guess everybody over at PMS eats this shit up? Like Cronk said; I can't watch the whole thing, it's so goddamned phony, it just pisses me off.

Now, what about UNKNOWN? How does he do?

Good hunting. LB

That interview with TA, now that was exciting, informative, and hilarious, with a supprise ending.
Posted by Kokopelli (Member # 633) on March 28, 2010, 03:57 PM:
I've seen a few pretty bad hunting shows. Usually a 'canned' hunt for the hero to show up and take THE BUCK OF A LIFETIME (again this week). You can almost smell the bait.

Then there's the GOOD HIT!!! on a morning hunt. (It looked kinda far back to me, but what do I know??) For some reason, the recovery / hero shots are in the dark?? When the sport goes to lift the head to show us THE BUCK OF A LIFETIME, it's hard not to notice full rigor mortis.

I don't claim to be a deer hunting guru, but these shows seem to be nothing more than self-promo, hunting lodge-promo, product placement staged events. I can't think of a single useful thing that I've learned from watching them........... except that THE 'BUTT OUT' IS A GREAT TOOL THAT BELONGS IN EVERY HUNTER'S PACK!!!! [Eek!]
Posted by Az-Hunter (Member # 17) on March 28, 2010, 04:08 PM:
Im convinced, from close scrutinity of body language,voice and just the look on the faces of these's the kill, that excites them, not the hunt or company or stalk, the gawd damned killpart.....that troubles me for some reason?
Listen to their voice, and notice just how many have an immediate giggle attack or laugh outloud, just a strange reaction to my mind. Ive never hunted with anyone who giggles and laughs after pulling the trigger, unless it was some kind of trick shot at very long distance, but the giggle or laugh relates to their humility of making the shot, nto the death of the animal.
Posted by Rich (Member # 112) on March 28, 2010, 04:19 PM:
"The one that irks me is when they arrow a buck and start following a blood trail."
YES! I watched part of a phony bow hunting show like that a couple of weeks ago. The arrow clearly went right through that buck's PAUNCH. A deer can go a mighty long ways after taking an arrow through the paunch. I should know, because I have been there and done that. This guy finds his deer within 80 yards, dead as a door nail. Really good luck huh?


[ March 28, 2010, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Rich ]
Posted by TOM64 (Member # 561) on March 28, 2010, 08:01 PM:
I've got a big screen TV that plays mostly cartoons for the Grandkids, I watch the internet for entertainment.

Anyway, a few years ago a local did a spot on some bigfoot show. Since he's native American, he told of his ancestors beleifs, took em on a bigfoot hunt, they smelled something that was putrid, saw something off in the distance that turned out to be a cow and payed him well for his day. Ratings is what it's about and nobody wants to see the boring truth...

As for hunting shows, I can't stand em either. I remember when Jimmy Houston got caught shooting his big caged, corn fed buck. Didn't like him anyway. My cousins daughter caught a 13 pound bass on one of his spinnerbaits in Longmire lake (lake record until a few weeks ago). She got invited to one of his boat shop grand openings, we figured she'd get some tackle or something but nope, he gave her his book on how to catch fish.
Posted by Semp (Member # 3074) on March 29, 2010, 09:19 AM:
I saw one episode of MANTRACKER and said "never again". Man vs Wild runs a real close second. Some of the things Bear does (or supposedly does) will get you killed in a real survival situation.
Posted by Aznative (Member # 506) on March 31, 2010, 05:11 PM:
I watch fox which explains my piss ass attitude in life. One full hour of Fox in the morning and you're pissed all day. My wife watchs AM Idol, and I cannot stand that show. I will watch 24 but I'm kinda glad this is the last season. I cannot for sure say which show is the dumbest because I have such a low tolerance. I quickly change channels. I'd rather watch a myth busters or something on the military or history channel than a stupid series.

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